Invisibility Dome

The_DisposedThe_Disposed Join Date: 2007-05-29 Member: 61052Members
This item is for the marines and its expensive. The com can give it to a marine and he can then drop it where he wants then activate it. It will make a dome that anyone inside can see out but anyone outside will see nothing at all, just an empty area. You can still shoot out the dome to kill aliens and an alien could go into the dome and kill the marines inside, then the alien could destroy the item or he could stay inside the dome and be invisible. Even structures would be invisible inside it but if one was built half out of the dome the aliens would see half the structure. Aliens could still see hidden marines with scent of fear and hear if structures are building inside. It would last about 1 minute and the dome would be a bit bigger than an onos. When you activate the item you cant pick it back up. The aliens could kill the marine carrying the item then destroy it.


  • spawnof2000spawnof2000 Join Date: 2007-09-01 Member: 62111Members
    i can see you have thought this through and im still unsure about it because i think that marines with a mobile cloak would be unbalanced but considering its stationary....well lets just see what other people have to say about it
  • DominingDomining Join Date: 2007-09-27 Member: 62452Members
    I can't see this filling any niche. Stationary cloaks are either worthless or overpowered depending on how you put them in. There is no middle ground for them in FPS games.

    The reason why cloaking isn't removed entirely from ns is because going sc first automatically handicaps your middle game.

    I want cloaking removed entirely because fighting invisible aliens isn't fun at all.
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