Join Date: 2007-01-06 Member: 59463Members

Okay, with approval from im_lost, I'm going to start the game, since no one else seems interested right now (sorry emp). Anyways hopefully well get some more people so signups are open at 17 slots (Slot 1. is reserved for EMP_Demon, since he has prior host rights, unlesshe says he won't be playing) signups open 10:30 PM EST Fri, 09/07.
Please post with timezone as well.
Anyways here's my game plan....
If you've never played before here's the rules and FAQS:
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
1. Emp_Demon CST
2. Eternaly_lost EST
3. Thansal EST
4. locallyunscene EST
5. Caboose MST
6. Xentor EST
7. Soul_Rider ?
8. Theslan PST
9. ??DiscoZombie?? ?
It'll be the same thing as I tried to do last game, with a few mods. Heres the gist....CT vs T (T are the "wolves") takes place in cs_Assault and ce_oil rig, with the Mini Game taking place between both maps. Role in the storyline does not indicate role in game.
Game Size: 15-18 players, perhaps more if there is enough interest. I may cut it down depending on things go during the elections.
Roles: Guardian: Normal, can guard 1 person per night with a 99.9 percent chance of success
Seer: Normal, can look into 1 person per night and see if they are wolf or human.
Psychic: normally, receives a pm each night to know how many wolves are left in the game, does not know who they are though
Wolves: 3-4 wolves, if enough people, 5-6. Normally, can wolf one person each night with a 99.9 percent chance of success.
I'm basing this game off the simplest of rules, no special powers other than what I've mentioned. The premise of the game is a counter terrorist cell has received a special assignment, to recover a stolen top secret weapon. No one knows what this weapon does, but the power of it is so great that in the wrong hands the world could change forever. There is another faction of terrorists that wants this weapon. These people are werewolves. they have managed to infiltrate an unknown number of their agents into this CT team. All this takes place in a world based off the previously mentioned maps.
Mini game:
Located somewhere in one of the rooms there is a bomb that is set to go off. No one except me knows when it will go off, and anyone in that room or one adjacent room will die when it goes off (The adjacent room is decided when the person who plants it tells me what corner they planted it in). When someone finds it, they disarm it, and it becomes theirs. They can then plant the bomb in any room and a 1.5 day (1 day and 1 night, so when its planted during the day, it goes off the next night) timer starts. When two days pass the bomb goes off, unless it is found by someone else, and then the whole thing happens again. Once the bomb goes off, the mini game is done.
Item list:
Shotgun: allows the holder negate the effects of instalynch, and kills last person to vote for them. Instead of going to night immediately, I'll let make the applicable post in the forum and the day will continue.
Body Armor: Prevents from being wolfed for one night
AWP: Allows player to kill one other player, does not count as instalynch, so possible 2 deaths in one day
HE Grenade: If person wolfed at night, random wolf killed, if held by wolf, random human is killed.
Night Vision : Allows player to look into one other player and see if wolf or human (PM use at night)
Superman MOD : Allows person to move about the map to any location, no matter the distance.
Radar : Allows person to know the location of all the items, not what item it is though.
Medpack : Can revive one player does not matter cause of death ( PM use during the night)
Ammunition: Allows person to reuse any item in their inventory a second time (effect does not apply to grenade or ammunition)
Mp5: Allows person to remove one vote from themselves and place it on another person (can only be used once per day) Use is posted in the thread.
Defusal Kit: If bomb goes off and person is in adjacent room, negates the effect of the bomb.
Well thats about it, I won't reveal the map till the game starts. There are only 2 starting points (one for T one for CT). See you all then!!!! Depending on the game size,there may be fewer items, depending on the number of people.
Please post with timezone as well.
Anyways here's my game plan....
If you've never played before here's the rules and FAQS:
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
1. Emp_Demon CST
2. Eternaly_lost EST
3. Thansal EST
4. locallyunscene EST
5. Caboose MST
6. Xentor EST
7. Soul_Rider ?
8. Theslan PST
9. ??DiscoZombie?? ?
It'll be the same thing as I tried to do last game, with a few mods. Heres the gist....CT vs T (T are the "wolves") takes place in cs_Assault and ce_oil rig, with the Mini Game taking place between both maps. Role in the storyline does not indicate role in game.
Game Size: 15-18 players, perhaps more if there is enough interest. I may cut it down depending on things go during the elections.
Roles: Guardian: Normal, can guard 1 person per night with a 99.9 percent chance of success
Seer: Normal, can look into 1 person per night and see if they are wolf or human.
Psychic: normally, receives a pm each night to know how many wolves are left in the game, does not know who they are though
Wolves: 3-4 wolves, if enough people, 5-6. Normally, can wolf one person each night with a 99.9 percent chance of success.
I'm basing this game off the simplest of rules, no special powers other than what I've mentioned. The premise of the game is a counter terrorist cell has received a special assignment, to recover a stolen top secret weapon. No one knows what this weapon does, but the power of it is so great that in the wrong hands the world could change forever. There is another faction of terrorists that wants this weapon. These people are werewolves. they have managed to infiltrate an unknown number of their agents into this CT team. All this takes place in a world based off the previously mentioned maps.
Mini game:
Located somewhere in one of the rooms there is a bomb that is set to go off. No one except me knows when it will go off, and anyone in that room or one adjacent room will die when it goes off (The adjacent room is decided when the person who plants it tells me what corner they planted it in). When someone finds it, they disarm it, and it becomes theirs. They can then plant the bomb in any room and a 1.5 day (1 day and 1 night, so when its planted during the day, it goes off the next night) timer starts. When two days pass the bomb goes off, unless it is found by someone else, and then the whole thing happens again. Once the bomb goes off, the mini game is done.
Item list:
Shotgun: allows the holder negate the effects of instalynch, and kills last person to vote for them. Instead of going to night immediately, I'll let make the applicable post in the forum and the day will continue.
Body Armor: Prevents from being wolfed for one night
AWP: Allows player to kill one other player, does not count as instalynch, so possible 2 deaths in one day
HE Grenade: If person wolfed at night, random wolf killed, if held by wolf, random human is killed.
Night Vision : Allows player to look into one other player and see if wolf or human (PM use at night)
Superman MOD : Allows person to move about the map to any location, no matter the distance.
Radar : Allows person to know the location of all the items, not what item it is though.
Medpack : Can revive one player does not matter cause of death ( PM use during the night)
Ammunition: Allows person to reuse any item in their inventory a second time (effect does not apply to grenade or ammunition)
Mp5: Allows person to remove one vote from themselves and place it on another person (can only be used once per day) Use is posted in the thread.
Defusal Kit: If bomb goes off and person is in adjacent room, negates the effect of the bomb.
Well thats about it, I won't reveal the map till the game starts. There are only 2 starting points (one for T one for CT). See you all then!!!! Depending on the game size,there may be fewer items, depending on the number of people.
Eh, Friday the 7th of September was a while ago, Like 2 months, but anyway I am in. EST.
And you can not be the host and a player...
someone is actually hosting again
/signed (EST)
Newbies are fun. They are usually the ones that end up doing crazy stuff that confuses everyone else.
Oh, PST for me.
.............. *bump*
1) You said there are different starting points for the two teams... That's an information gap between the sides that could be exploited by the humans to find wolves. Will we be able to see each other on the map? How about if we're in the same room?
2) Shotgun: What if an extra person casts a vote before the instalynch is noticed (Simultaneous posts, maybe), so the person has one more vote than needed for the instalynch. What happens?
3) HE Grenade: The description says "if held by wolf, random human is killed"... Is that if the wolf is lynched, or if the wolf just picks it up?
4) Body Armor: Are the wolves told whether their kill was prevented because of a guardian save or body armor? Is anyone else told?
5) Does the bomb go off at the beginning of the night or the end? (Before or after abilities/items/moves)
6) Ammunition: Can the person use the item twice immediately? As in, if I had ammunition and the AWP, could I snipe two people instantly? If I get the ammunition, can I "reuse" an item that I used before I got the ammo? For that matter, can more than one item be used in the same day?
7) Mp5: Is there anything that would stop the voting person from just switching it back as soon as they notice (Assuming it doesn't create an instalynch)? Is the "once per day" thing for everyone (If more than one person has it), or is that just a limitation on the Ammunition? If you voted for me, and I used my MP5 to move that vote to person X, causing an instalynch, and person X has the shotgun, do I die (For moving the last vote) or do you die (For casting the vote that was moved)?
8) I assume you can hold multiple items, but are there duplicates of each item in the map, or just one of each?
9) If there are multiple items in a room, do you get one or all? If you die, do you drop your items or do they disappear?
Sorry to bombard ya like this, but with this many doodads, there are a lot of gray areas and loopholes...
Answer: Its the same way as in Counterstrike, unless you have a line of sight to the person, line of sight being in the room with them, you won't know where anyone else is
2) Shotgun: What if an extra person casts a vote before the instalynch is noticed (Simultaneous posts, maybe), so the person has one more vote than needed for the instalynch. What happens?
Answer: Since the shotgun would have only been able to remove one vote, that still is enough for instalynch, so the instalynch takes precedence in that situation. NOTE: I'm gonna try some thing new (if its already been done let me know) where ANYONE can call the instalynch by making a post and when I review the forum any posts made after that will be disregarded. You call Instalynch by making a post declaring in BOLD CAPITAL letters (<u>must be CAPITAL</u>), "<b>INTSTALYNCH</b>" , and also with the vote tallies, and when I check the server next I'll update the thread. If it isn't in the correct format it won't count as an unbolded vote doesn't count. I'm trying this in an effort to be as fair as possible., so that when instalynch happens, its noted as soon as possible.
3) HE Grenade: The description says "if held by wolf, random human is killed"... Is that if the wolf is lynched, or if the wolf just picks it up?
Answer: Yes if its held by a wolf, and the wolf is instalynched, random human is killed.
4) Body Armor: Are the wolves told whether their kill was prevented because of a guardian save or body armor? Is anyone else told?
Answer: the wolves will not know if the person was saved by guardian or body armor. The only person who will know that they were saved by body armor is the person wearing it.
5) Does the bomb go off at the beginning of the night or the end? (Before or after abilities/items/moves)
Answer: Bomb goes off at the end of the night, you'll know what happened in the day story.
6) Ammunition: Can the person use the item twice immediately? As in, if I had ammunition and the AWP, could I snipe two people instantly? If I get the ammunition, can I "reuse" an item that I used before I got the ammo? For that matter, can more than one item be used in the same day?
Answer: Yes if a person had the AWP and Ammunition, they could effectively kill two people in one day. And yes you can use as many items in your inventory as you want in one day. However, I would highly discourage that unless you have a really good reason.
7) Mp5: Is there anything that would stop the voting person from just switching it back as soon as they notice (Assuming it doesn't create an instalynch)? Is the "once per day" thing for everyone (If more than one person has it), or is that just a limitation on the Ammunition? If you voted for me, and I used my MP5 to move that vote to person X, causing an instalynch, and person X has the shotgun, do I die (For moving the last vote) or do you die (For casting the vote that was moved)?
Answer: Once the Mp5 is used to move a vote, that vote is permanent for the day.
8) I assume you can hold multiple items, but are there duplicates of each item in the map, or just one of each?
Answer: Theres only one of each item.
9) If there are multiple items in a room, do you get one or all? If you die, do you drop your items or do they disappear?
Answer: If there's multiple items in a room, one item is randomly selected for each person in the room. If only one person is in the room, ONE random item will be given to them. The other items stay in place. And if you die, any unused items are dropped. An item is in the game until it is used.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
I hope that answers all of your questions, any more please feel free to ask me.
Well, you covered most of it... Whatever, we'll see how it goes.
I notice these are a bit slow again <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/wow.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":0" border="0" alt="wow.gif" />
The game starts when we have enough people or its obvious that no more people are going to sign up... The last game took almost 3 months for it to start. I'm doing my best to ensure that it doesn't take that long.
Okay. I just don't want to miss it y'know?
You'll get a forum PM when the game is starting up.
Last game (XVI) took just under a month to start (Aug 21-Sept 17), XV took a <i>day</i> (just checked the thread, 9:30 AM-7:50 PM, 10h 20m total), XIV was a month and a half (May 20-Jul 6), which seems to be the longest from the sign-up topics that I can find.
<!--quoteo(post=1660472:date=Nov 13 2007, 01:33 PM:name=im_lost)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(im_lost @ Nov 13 2007, 01:33 PM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=1660472"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->Newbies are fun. They are usually the ones that end up doing crazy stuff that confuses everyone else.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
I haven't actually <i>played</i> since XIII, I can fill in some of that if you want <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin-fix.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":D" border="0" alt="biggrin-fix.gif" />
Honestly, most of the interesting stuff happens in IRC.
Have you tried out using one of the web based IRC clients? (you can get one directly for gamesurge at
I haven't actually <i>played</i> since XIII, I can fill in some of that if you want <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin-fix.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":D" border="0" alt="biggrin-fix.gif" /><!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Was it really only under a month??! wow, it felt like it was a lot longer than that!! And yes, you may fill in the newbie role as you see fit <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tounge.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":p" border="0" alt="tounge.gif" />
You can get by without irc, but its a bit harder, and lie was said, a lot of interesting stuff happens in the channel...
!fold EmpDemon
Sure, I don't think we'll be starting before then.
Oh an nightstalker, you need to update your ability to count.
"[09:36] <@Nightstalker_godmode> yay only 7 more slots left!"
Last time I looked. 17 - 9 = 8, not 7...
Oh an nightstalker, you need to update your ability to count.
"[09:36] <@Nightstalker_godmode> yay only 7 more slots left!"
Last time I looked. 17 - 9 = 8, not 7...<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
I was counting DiscoZombie as well, so my statement is true, 7 slots are definietly open, 1 is a possibility.