marine descriptors

hazyginhazygin Join Date: 2007-04-27 Member: 60735Members
edited August 2007 in Ideas and Suggestions
<div class="IPBDescription">Individual rine stats/self preferences visible to com</div>An commander should know how well individual troops are from the start, and what roles they bet fulfill. this can be done with some kind of tracked ranking system, or descriptors made visible as a option. this will help make more balanced survivable squads if the team is to split. what you guys think? 2 much server jam?

[edit: just had a quick idea: as a side menu tree of 'units'/players by dynamic organization; players tend to cluster, and these clusters change in a fight, players hardly ever follow the teams you assign them into, so to over come this you can simple add some code to compare the distance between players, when a thresh hold is reached they are automatically formed into a cell any one else is then compared to the distance of the outer most members of the cell, or the average position of the cell/mob. this system allows to commander to assess the level of team support, and also makes it easier to select and command these cells then before] - i ll post some pesdo code + pics l8r if any one is interested in the idea


  • hazyginhazygin Join Date: 2007-04-27 Member: 60735Members
    lol looks like some one bet me to the idea <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tounge.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":p" border="0" alt="tounge.gif" />

    <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

    essentially I am thinking some thing similar to a QT clustering algorithm applied to the positions of the individual players, to sort them into squads. think it can be made more efficient in this case if and only if you can prove for any arrangement of clusters starting with any member of the cluster then working to the next closest member which has not being counted already you can cycle the entire cluster. In that case you can assign every one in the same loop.

    once that's done you can run a hierarchical interface over it, or work out the cluster center and put a flag in game at the location ^^, make the cluster into a selectable object, and target -> ie you can order some one to join/follow, etc...
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