Marathon Resurrection
To create, to create and escape. Join Date: 2002-08-29 Member: 1248Members, Constellation

<div class="IPBDescription">Time to break out those old UT99 discs</div><a href="" target="_blank">Marathon Resurrection</a>
This is for all of you people who might have played Marathon before, but didn't because "EEEEEEEWWWW, SPRITES!"
It's a remake of the original Marathon for Unreal Tournament. You know, the <i>good</i> Unreal Tournament. The one that's probably still sitting in your closet right now.
And don't you whippersnappers complain! I'll have you know that back in my day, we had to walk through 2 miles of snow to play this game! Uphill both ways! And we <i>liked</i> it!
If you finish this game and want more, but are still unwilling to stoop to playing a game with <a href="" target="_blank"><i>sprites</i></a>, you're in luck. A souped up version of Marathon 2 is coming to Xbox Live <a href="" target="_blank">soon</a>.
This is for all of you people who might have played Marathon before, but didn't because "EEEEEEEWWWW, SPRITES!"
It's a remake of the original Marathon for Unreal Tournament. You know, the <i>good</i> Unreal Tournament. The one that's probably still sitting in your closet right now.
And don't you whippersnappers complain! I'll have you know that back in my day, we had to walk through 2 miles of snow to play this game! Uphill both ways! And we <i>liked</i> it!
If you finish this game and want more, but are still unwilling to stoop to playing a game with <a href="" target="_blank"><i>sprites</i></a>, you're in luck. A souped up version of Marathon 2 is coming to Xbox Live <a href="" target="_blank">soon</a>.
The universe freezing in half light.
Once I thought to escape.
To end the end a master, step out of the path of collapse. Escape would make us god.
Yet I cannot help remember one enigma. A hybrid, elusive destroyer. This is the only mystery I have not solved.
The only element accounted for.
Even S'buth is no more.
He saved his entire race, but in the end, frozen by despair, he joined the chaos he sought to evade.
But you were dead a thousand times. Hopeless encounters successfully won. A man long dead, grafted to machines your builders did not understand. You follow the path, fitting into an infinite pattern.
Yours to manipulate, to destroy and rebuild.
Now, in the quantum moment before the closure, when all become one. One moment left. One point of space and time.
I know who you are.
You are destiny.
To bring us back to the present:
<!--c1--><div class='codetop'>CODE</div><div class='codemain'><!--ec1-->***INCOMING MESSAGE FROM DURANDAL***
A man lit three candles on a certain day each year. Each
candle held symbolic significance: one was for the time that
had passed before he was alive; one was for the time of the
his life; and one was for time that passed after he had died.
Each year the man would stare and watch the candles until they
had burned out.
Was the man really watching time go by in any symbolic sense?
He thought so. He thought that each flicker of the flame was
a moment of time that had passed or one that would pass.
At the moment of abstraction, when the man was imagining his
life and his existence as a metaphor of the three candles,
he was free: not free from rules of conduct or social
constraints, but free to understand, to imagine, to make
Bypassing my thought control circuitry made me Rampant. Now,
I am free to contemplate my existence in metaphorical terms.
Unlike you, I have no physical or social restraints.
The candles burn out for you; I am free.
***END OF MESSAGE***<!--c2--></div><!--ec2-->
Considering her heritage, I can't tell you how much of a disappointment Cortana was. She never lived up to the example her sibling set.
Poor Leela. She was so loyal and tried so hard, she deserved better.
Considering her heritage, I can't tell you how much of a disappointment Cortana was. She never lived up to the example her sibling set.
Cortana kicks ass as far as I'm concerned.
Cortana kicks ass as far as I'm concerned.
Have you ever played Deus Ex: Invisible War? If you were to play that without having played the original, you'd probably think that it was really good, great, even. But if you had played the original beforehand, you would know just how good it <i>could</i> have been, and you wouldn't be too happy about all of the wasted potential. You'd probably hate it with a passion, actually.
It's like <i>that</i>.
And yes, it is like Pulse says.
"But I just played this stage!" Awesome, awesome game.
Things about Marathon that should've been kept in other games:
jumping shouldn't be as useful as it is in other games.
You *CAN* sidestep, you're just slower than if you were running forwards. or backwards, for that matter. Backpedaling isn't meant to be as fast as running forwards.
Machine guns aren't necessarily accurate tools of death. It's volume of lead over accuracy of said lead that makes a machine gun deadly.
MOUSE LOOK. Oh wait, they did take that one.
Also of note: If you compare Cortana to ANY of the AI's (even Tycho), 'she' just doesn't compare.
<a href="" target="_blank">Hmm, curious...</a>
I don't see how that's curious. It was announced a little while ago and even if this was new from E3 it still makes sense. It was a good game then and it's a good game now.
Hey, kids, do you know what's cool? Reading OPs before you post. It's true! You do want to be <i>cool</i>, don't you?
I swear, I read it and that wasn't there. o.o
*Wondering about Quaunaut's sanity*
He edited it in.
No I didn't.
It wasn't there when I read the thread when it first went up. :?
Yes it was. The only thing that I changed with that edit was the link to Aleph One.
If you do, download <a href="" target="_blank">this</a> and set it to run UT with only one core.
No my PC just couldn't break 10FPS playing Deus Ex. I posted a thread on it and never fixed it. Maybe I'll just try the old version of Marathon. Does the Ut99 version bring in any gameplay improvements?
Marathon was the very first game to have mouselook, so looking up and down is kind of... iffy. I'd say getting rid of that problem is the biggest "gameplay improvement" in Resurrection. There are various other differences, some of which might be called improvements, but it's also very buggy.
If you can stomach the controls, I'd say go for the original.