Which species will you be?
Join Date: 2002-01-30 Member: 136Members

<div class="IPBDescription">Will you be human? or alien?</div>I've been giving this quite a bit of though, actually, and I'm sure once I actually play this game my opinion will shift to one side as opposed to the other. I've found that in cases where various species are available for play, I chose the the one more suited to swarming tactics, brutal efficiency, and just plain driven to kill.
In Alien vs Predator, I was an Alien.
In StarCraft, I was Zerg.
In Gloom, I was an Arachnid.
Thus, when NS is released, I fully intend to use the Aliens in all of their murderous glory. Which side will you be on?
In Alien vs Predator, I was an Alien.
In StarCraft, I was Zerg.
In Gloom, I was an Arachnid.
Thus, when NS is released, I fully intend to use the Aliens in all of their murderous glory. Which side will you be on?
[EDIT]You know, both teams seems <u>so cool</u> that I'll be playing both. Marine for 31337 team play and aliens for 31337 slaughtering.[/EDIT]
That and commander mode. OBEY OR FACE ALIENS WITHOUT AMMO!
i can totally see monse doing CM with freaky PR style
I can imagine I'll be having lots of fun with the aliens though. <!--emo&:)--><img src="http://www.natural-selection.org/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'><!--endemo-->
I'm all 'Mmmm... tactics' and 'Mmmm.. wall jumping acid blowing teleporting aliens who'll skewer you on their arm'.
But I'm with MonsE, here. It's all about the level 3. Nothing beats the flight, swoop, and just plain awesomeness of this pretty beast. I can just imagine being perched up high above in a room. I see a small group of marines walk out the room into a narrow, enclosed hallway. A few seconds later, I swoop down. I see the one at the back, start shooting all kinds of gunk at the back of his head, and then swipe at it and kill him as I pass. The rest turn around only to see me glide over their heads and past them out of range. /drooooooooool
No one wants to play the level 5 yet? I have one friend (Citixen) who will be all about the level 5. As for me, I'll be playing random, and playing commander whenever I have the chance.
I'm a rabit cs player, so I'm sure it'll take little adaptation from my side, as for the alien, in AvP is wa always the alien, so the level 1 would be perfect for me.
And if you don't fear me? Don't worry. You will.
If I have to chose
Aliens the L4 is so darn nice.
Just Imagine "wallbouncing of a wall splash a marin with a acid sludge and rebounding of the floor cutting his pall in two."
If I feel confident I'll play marines and try to be commander.
I seams very fun, but can I bear the guilt if we lose.
The level 5, well he seems fun but I don't think he'll have many maps to ru naroudn in, mayeb I have the wrong idea 'bout his size, but al lmaps so far , except for a few, are really tight and don't leave much room for the level5, the level 5's roar will be fun *rooooooaaaaaaar*
<!--emo&:D--><img src="http://www.natural-selection.org/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/biggrin.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':D'><!--endemo-->
First off I guess i'll be playing as Marine, since it's the standard lock and load fair. I'll be too scared to play as commander at first incase I don't get to grips with the system straight off, and i'll have to practice off-line with the various aliens before I'm brave enough to play as one on-line. I wouldn't want to let down the team i'm on just because I haven't practised enough.
if I were to play alien... defiently level 4. BIIIG sicles...