TWG XII Host Elections
Nothing to see here. Join Date: 2005-01-28 Member: 38754Members, Constellation

<b>Forum Name: Eternaly_Lost</b>
Total Players, 16.
Human x 6
Seer x 2 Changed: Each seer see the other as a wolf, and if both seers seer the same player, both will see that player as a wolf. (Sure to make thing interesting )
Guardian x1 Changed: If successful in a guard, each following one has a reduce change of working, in this order, 100% 75% 50% 25% 12.5% 6.25%, and so on, if there is more then one kill on the player, then it will act on the chart. So if the wolfs and psychopath both target the same person, he has a 75% chance of living if this is the first night, next night, if same thing happens, it would be 12.5% (I think. Would just roll for each) of living
Psychic x 1: Will be told the max number of possible wolfs left, + psychopath. So he would get 5 on the first night
Wolf x 2 + 1 + 1 Changed: Wolfs get two members, pick by me under a random chance. I will flip a coin and if tails, I will random, and if heads I will pick that one. Once both wolfs are given there roles, they can then pick any other person to be a wolf. After this, they can convert any other player, with restrictions, at any time, this conversion will happen during the day, so if at night then the next day, at day, once I get the person the new role pm, unless it would allow the wolfs to win at night. Conversion will be required, if all wolfs team members are dead, or if it would allow them to win once it happens.
Wizard x 1 Changed: He is immune to conversion by the wolfs. He will be seered as a human, if he is not in contact with the wolfs, and as a wolf if he is in contact with them, as of the last day cycle
Psychopath x 1 Changed: He will be seered as a human, to the wizard he is a human, He is immune to conversion, and up to 2 wolfing, picked by the player at the start, there will be restrictions based on the number, but only I and he will know what these restrictions are. His win conditions are known only to him and me, but I can tell you this, He will win if he the last player, or if he is alive during the day with one human, or one wolf.
<b>Forum Name: Isamil</b>
Number of players: 12
Number of wolves:3
Rules: Standard with the following changes
New human special role: Priest
The priest can resurrect one(1) dead person(human or otherwise) during
the night or day. The person will come back to life whenever said day
or night ends. If the priest dies before using his resurrect, it will
be gone forever.
Wolf buffs:
1.If the seer seers a wolf, the wolves will be told which one of them
was seered. They will receive this information when the seer gets his
response from the host. I'm hoping this will cause some more
interesting strategies to unfold since the wolves will have been
warned that someone out there knows about them.
2.The wolves will be told if the psychic dies. For use in faking a
psychic or seer(or just feeling comfy).
3.The guardian can't protect the same person 2 days in a row. He can
protect them every other day.
I'm hoping that giving the wolves some extra information will bring
out a win for them. TWG has been rather unbalanced (11:0 win ratio)
so far, I want a wolf win. Not that humans can't win this. [insert
catchy campaign slogan here]
<b>Forum Name: EMP_Demon</b>
14 players
2 wolf team: 1 random, 1 choice
2 mafia team: 1 random, 1 choice
If either team makes an illegal choice (other team's member) or if both teams choose the same person, both teams will be asked to re-pick.
2 neutral (convert when wolfed/mafia-d, 100% rate): Wizard*, Thief*
Before converting, they show up (and play) as human to seer/angel.
8 humans:
1 Vigilante
1 Seer*
1 Angel
1 Psychic*
1 Guardian*
1 Martyr
1 Walrus*
1 Trickster*
1 Accident Victim*
2 Lovers*
Seer: Recieves info at END of night instead.
Psychic: Recieves info at END of night instead.
Guardian: Consecutive guarding on same person provides penalty to success after the first night.
Wizard: Determines a role a human player has. Wolves, Mafia, and the Walrus before/after conversion are "unreadable".
Walrus: May choose to let the Vigilante kill or not.
Thief: Stops a role's special ability for one night.
Trickster: Swaps two people around, so if Person A and person B get swapped and A gets wolfed, B dies instead.
Accident Victim: Takes the place of another role, but doesn't remember what they are until the third night.
Lovers: May be any two characters that are not on the same team (not including humans). Die when their partner dies.
Order of process:
- "Day Zero", where the first wolf/mafia selects their teammate. Lasts 24 hours, but it will be extended if the wolf/mafia can't decide/keep hitting illegal targets.
- Night One, rest of players get roles, and game proceeds normally.
As in the normal game itself, please <b>bold your votes</b>. So let's all vote and see if anyone takes the lead...
Total Players, 16.
Human x 6
Seer x 2 Changed: Each seer see the other as a wolf, and if both seers seer the same player, both will see that player as a wolf. (Sure to make thing interesting )
Guardian x1 Changed: If successful in a guard, each following one has a reduce change of working, in this order, 100% 75% 50% 25% 12.5% 6.25%, and so on, if there is more then one kill on the player, then it will act on the chart. So if the wolfs and psychopath both target the same person, he has a 75% chance of living if this is the first night, next night, if same thing happens, it would be 12.5% (I think. Would just roll for each) of living
Psychic x 1: Will be told the max number of possible wolfs left, + psychopath. So he would get 5 on the first night
Wolf x 2 + 1 + 1 Changed: Wolfs get two members, pick by me under a random chance. I will flip a coin and if tails, I will random, and if heads I will pick that one. Once both wolfs are given there roles, they can then pick any other person to be a wolf. After this, they can convert any other player, with restrictions, at any time, this conversion will happen during the day, so if at night then the next day, at day, once I get the person the new role pm, unless it would allow the wolfs to win at night. Conversion will be required, if all wolfs team members are dead, or if it would allow them to win once it happens.
Wizard x 1 Changed: He is immune to conversion by the wolfs. He will be seered as a human, if he is not in contact with the wolfs, and as a wolf if he is in contact with them, as of the last day cycle
Psychopath x 1 Changed: He will be seered as a human, to the wizard he is a human, He is immune to conversion, and up to 2 wolfing, picked by the player at the start, there will be restrictions based on the number, but only I and he will know what these restrictions are. His win conditions are known only to him and me, but I can tell you this, He will win if he the last player, or if he is alive during the day with one human, or one wolf.
<b>Forum Name: Isamil</b>
Number of players: 12
Number of wolves:3
Rules: Standard with the following changes
New human special role: Priest
The priest can resurrect one(1) dead person(human or otherwise) during
the night or day. The person will come back to life whenever said day
or night ends. If the priest dies before using his resurrect, it will
be gone forever.
Wolf buffs:
1.If the seer seers a wolf, the wolves will be told which one of them
was seered. They will receive this information when the seer gets his
response from the host. I'm hoping this will cause some more
interesting strategies to unfold since the wolves will have been
warned that someone out there knows about them.
2.The wolves will be told if the psychic dies. For use in faking a
psychic or seer(or just feeling comfy).
3.The guardian can't protect the same person 2 days in a row. He can
protect them every other day.
I'm hoping that giving the wolves some extra information will bring
out a win for them. TWG has been rather unbalanced (11:0 win ratio)
so far, I want a wolf win. Not that humans can't win this. [insert
catchy campaign slogan here]
<b>Forum Name: EMP_Demon</b>
14 players
2 wolf team: 1 random, 1 choice
2 mafia team: 1 random, 1 choice
If either team makes an illegal choice (other team's member) or if both teams choose the same person, both teams will be asked to re-pick.
2 neutral (convert when wolfed/mafia-d, 100% rate): Wizard*, Thief*
Before converting, they show up (and play) as human to seer/angel.
8 humans:
1 Vigilante
1 Seer*
1 Angel
1 Psychic*
1 Guardian*
1 Martyr
1 Walrus*
1 Trickster*
1 Accident Victim*
2 Lovers*
Seer: Recieves info at END of night instead.
Psychic: Recieves info at END of night instead.
Guardian: Consecutive guarding on same person provides penalty to success after the first night.
Wizard: Determines a role a human player has. Wolves, Mafia, and the Walrus before/after conversion are "unreadable".
Walrus: May choose to let the Vigilante kill or not.
Thief: Stops a role's special ability for one night.
Trickster: Swaps two people around, so if Person A and person B get swapped and A gets wolfed, B dies instead.
Accident Victim: Takes the place of another role, but doesn't remember what they are until the third night.
Lovers: May be any two characters that are not on the same team (not including humans). Die when their partner dies.
Order of process:
- "Day Zero", where the first wolf/mafia selects their teammate. Lasts 24 hours, but it will be extended if the wolf/mafia can't decide/keep hitting illegal targets.
- Night One, rest of players get roles, and game proceeds normally.
As in the normal game itself, please <b>bold your votes</b>. So let's all vote and see if anyone takes the lead...
We've haven't had a normal/regular<i>(or anything close, regular as in the games like the first two TWGs played here)</i> game in a while and with the new buffs to wolves and rules that forbid anonymous contacts, it'll be interesting and good for us to play a regular game again.
I like the priest. I'm not sure if I understand correctly, but is it true that the priest's ability can only ever be used once? So after ressurecting ONE person, the priest is just like any other human? If the priest were able to ressurect someone every night, wouldn't that negate the wolf's lynching?
If ressurecting just one person ever makes the role too limited, how about making a delay in the ressurection, so it takes 2 days and 2 nights to ressurect someone.
Does this swap ONLY affect wolfing? or does it also change who is checked, protected, etc?
If the guardian blocked 2 double kills then the person would have a 25% chance of living (on the 3th attempt that is). Is this cumulative across all players? or does each player get their own set of decreasing chances? Also, if the guardian places their protection on the correct person, however they still die (fail their roll), does that still count as a successful guard?
<!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->2.The wolves will be told if the psychic dies. For use in faking a
psychic or seer(or just feeling comfy).<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
They are only told if the psychic dies? or if the seer dies also?
Quick note: If Isamil's is picked, then we have to make sure that the dead don't talk to each other, and that they still stick around and pay attention to what is going on.
for Now I think I am placing my vote with <b>Eternaly_Lost</b>.
EMP's is just to much chaos for my taste.
Isamil's changes are ok, but I really am unsure about them still.
And that leaves me E_Lost. I like the presence of the wizard and psychopath. I also aprove of pitting seer's against each other.
Quick answer to Zor:
The normal way resurrections work is this:
Either it is a 1 shot ability.
It is given to the guardian and they can only do it if the get a correct save
If it can be used again and again, then each night wolves get to camp a body, if it is the right one then they kill the person who comes to resurrect.
If the priest res's the Seer, Guardian, or Seer they come back WITH their powers right? Also, the wolves would know that the Psychic would be res'd in this case as well I would logically assume.
Petco, what do you mean we haven't had anything close to a regular game here? The last game was a fairly standard game. It just had the lovers added, but that didn't have much effect on things.
I don't like the 16 player count for E_Lost's game, I think it will be too hard to fill with active players. I need to think about the other games EMPDemon's game a little more before deciding.
Also, the wolves shouldn't need to be told that the psychic has been resurrected. They would already know who it is from being told that they died.
If the guardian blocked 2 double kills then the person would have a 25% chance of living (on the 3th attempt that is). Is this cumulative across all players? or does each player get their own set of decreasing chances? Also, if the guardian places their protection on the correct person, however they still die (fail their roll), does that still count as a successful guard?
Each player is taken on this by them selfs, and will be reset once the guardian moves his guard to another player.
The reason for the player count is that as the games get smaller, it becomes easy on the seer to find the wolf, by random chance.
Also, 16 is somewhat reasonable on players in the game, I could reduce it by removing a wolf and humans, but I am not sure that would be in the interest of both sides.
EMP, on a clarification of the Trickster:
Does this swap ONLY affect wolfing? or does it also change who is checked, protected, etc?
Anything during the night, so it affects pretty much any role that targets someone during the night (i.e. all of them except Psychic and Walrus)
The last game was supposed to last longer than it did - I'm going to miss out on this game too, stupid dumb move!!
I like your idea that the wolves know if they have been seered. But I doubt it'll change much. It kind of just hurts the humans more than helps the wolves. (but I guess hurting humans is good for the wolves XD)
I like the priest. I'm not sure if I understand correctly, but is it true that the priest's ability can only ever be used once? So after ressurecting ONE person, the priest is just like any other human? If the priest were able to ressurect someone every night, wouldn't that negate the wolf's lynching?
If ressurecting just one person ever makes the role too limited, how about making a delay in the ressurection, so it takes 2 days and 2 nights to ressurect someone.
It's 1 person per game. There's 12 players total, anything higher would be overpowered.
<!--quoteo(post=1613781:date=Mar 12 2007, 09:35 AM:name=Thansal)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Thansal @ Mar 12 2007, 09:35 AM) [snapback]1613781[/snapback]</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->
They are only told if the psychic dies? or if the seer dies also?
Quick note: If Isamil's is picked, then we have to make sure that the dead don't talk to each other, and that they still stick around and pay attention to what is going on.
Just the psychic. I mention the fake seer because without the psychic it's harder to prove you're false.
I know, but I don't think it'll be much of an issue. The dead don't talk to the living after all(I hope)
<!--quoteo(post=1613793:date=Mar 12 2007, 10:25 AM:name=FreakEightyThree)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(FreakEightyThree @ Mar 12 2007, 10:25 AM) [snapback]1613793[/snapback]</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->
If the priest res's the Seer, Guardian, or Seer they come back WITH their powers right? Also, the wolves would know that the Psychic would be res'd in this case as well I would logically assume.
Yes. If the seer/guardian came back they will be able to act as normal as soon as night hits.
Also, all of the dead need to keep paying attention to everything that is happening untill some one has been rezed.
Eternaly_Lost (1) - Thansal
I might just pull mine from the running, but I'll wait until tomorrow morning (24 hours- enough time for everyone to see the games) before I decide.
So your game ends when all the wolfs and the priest are dead, or the humans and the priest?
Cause the last wolf could be lynched, resurrected , and so on, same with last human.
Anyway <b> Eternaly_Lost</b>, I want a chance to see how my game plan will go, and I think we could get enough people to fill 16 slots.
Any less, and I would have to remove roles, as it would be unbalanced.
So your game ends when all the wolfs and the priest are dead, or the humans and the priest?
Cause the last wolf could be lynched, resurrected , and so on, same with last human.
Anyway <b> Eternaly_Lost</b>, I want a chance to see how my game plan will go, and I think we could get enough people to fill 16 slots.
Any less, and I would have to remove roles, as it would be unbalanced.
If the wolves outnumber the humans (which includes the priest) then they aren't going to recover from that, so that win condition doesn't change. I don't see any reason for the game to continue after all the wolves are dead; the humans shouldn't be forced to kill a human before they win.
I have questions, but it's 12:30am, and I need sleep. I'll ask them when I'm coherent, unless I forget them, in which case I won't...
Isamil (5) - Petco, Zor2, Freak83, GrayDuck, EMPDemon
Eternaly_Lost (2) - Thansal, Eternaly_Lost
Isamil (6) - Petco, Zor2, Freak83, GrayDuck, EMPDemon, im lost
Eternaly_Lost (2) - Thansal, Eternaly_Lost
I see no harm in proclaiming <b>Isamil</b> the winner of the host election.
Take it away, Isamil!
However I am still interested.
I at first thought that knowing the psychic was dead/when a wolf was scanned was overpowered, but I will be interested in seeing how it plays out.
eddited as I can't type.
I'm going to make the sign up thread in a bit, but it won't be open until tomorrow. It will also be segmented into blocks of 6, with the latter block opening some hours later.
if Theslan does sign up this time around, things are gona get strange <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin-fix.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":D" border="0" alt="biggrin-fix.gif" />
As a quick reminder, you might wana put something in about the dead should NOT talk to each other this time around, and should continue paying attention to the thread/IRC (unless the rez has been used)
The signup thread is up <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>.