Need testers for bot i'm writing

hybridxhybridx Join Date: 2007-02-16 Member: 59988Members
edited February 2007 in NS General Discussion
I am writing an alien-only bot for NS classic, as I enjoy the challenge and am currently somewhat dissatisfied with the current bots available. It is in beta v0.1 atm, currently only has support for ns_veil, and is running relatively smoothely. I need a tester or two and a waypointer or two to help me support more levels as I am somewhat lazy and can't really waypoint that well. The bot currently supports all classes, builds stuff with gorge, caps 1 lifeform to each team except skulks, fades blink, lerks fly, skulks bhop, etc. The bot is called "Khabot" (yes, Kharaa bot) for those of you playing at home.

If you are interested by all means PM me.


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