Fish are Friends, Not food- Challenge!
Canada, ON Join Date: 2015-05-28 Member: 204993Members

Hello everyone!
Today I have started a new challenge that came to my head for added fun in Subnautica. I have started a hardcore world where I intend to not eat a single fish at all. Thankfully this is all possible due to the farming update! I so far have survived on nothing but the two nutrient blocks, some creepvine and an odd jellyplant when I find one. I am not far into the game, I only just got a seamoth and have a small base, but I plan on heading to the island now to get the farming equipment to grow what I need to survive. I really encourage trying this challenge out if you want to have a different experience with Subnautica, it has been very fun so far! So I hope some people try this out!
Remember; fish are friends, not food!
Today I have started a new challenge that came to my head for added fun in Subnautica. I have started a hardcore world where I intend to not eat a single fish at all. Thankfully this is all possible due to the farming update! I so far have survived on nothing but the two nutrient blocks, some creepvine and an odd jellyplant when I find one. I am not far into the game, I only just got a seamoth and have a small base, but I plan on heading to the island now to get the farming equipment to grow what I need to survive. I really encourage trying this challenge out if you want to have a different experience with Subnautica, it has been very fun so far! So I hope some people try this out!
Remember; fish are friends, not food!
ComicalSkate achievement unlocked - Fish are friends, not food!
Nemo/Marlin = Holefish
Dory = Peeper
Bruce = Sand Shark
Crush = Gasopod
Mr. Ray = Rabbit Ray
Whale = Reefback
I look at it from thelse two points.
1. In my survival game after HBO I pretty much ate up all the fish in the first creep vine forest I came across. Bad idea. The Stalkers disappeared. I had to look elsewhere for Stalker toothies.
2. Eat up all the fish where you plant your main base. The one called home, and you have zip fauna to look at, and enjoy from your windows.
Of course now you do have to find the farming trays fragments in order to farm those in your bases heh. But i do love this challenge
And yet your crops grow nearly overnight. Not that I MIND, since I need that food, just sayin'.
Obviously future space voodoo!
You start with food blocks and some water. You need a scanner, a habitat builder, some titanium and an entirely doable free swim to the floating island to "solve" this "challenge" forever well before your food blocks run out.
It isn't actually a challenge, it's readily solvable with minimal effort, it's just happy fun imaginary tell yourself a fake story time while you mess about deliberately not solving it and needlessly building bases and sea moths instead of securing your easy food supply despite that supposedly being the whole point of your challenge.
The thing is WORDS mean things. The word "Challenge" does not mean "an increasingly long and unspecified series of completely arbitrary things I just decided at the last minute to do for no reason", it's a test or a competitive contest.
If your test is "do not eat fish" the solution is "get to the floating island pronto". If your response to someone suggesting that solution is "nuh uh I just now decided it's cheating if you don't first build a base and a sea moth!" then you are just shifting goal posts until they match what you are doing anyway... and that's not very challenging, not for you at least.
Maybe you just need to stop calling what you are doing "Challenging" and start calling it "telling a story about what I just randomly decided to do anyway for no reason".
Dude, we got your point, i think its time for you to move on. Like @ComicalSkate i like to give myself little challenges as well. I also like to roleplay too, sometimes. Not all the time but sometimes i do. I like this ''eat no fish'' challenge like many others and i often roleplay that my protagonist has no freakin clue that this island even exist so i often dont go there as well until later in the game. Early game you can very possibly survive without the fruits found on the island. Theres Creepvines, Jelly plants and the few nutrient blocks that allows you to live .... it makes the game artificially harder than just going straight for the fruits, granted, but if some peoples want to roleplay it like that why would it be wrong for them to play the game their way? In my opinion challenges are just that, make something ''easy'' artificially harder to see if you could do it differently and survive
Im not flaming you or anything, just pointing out my (and many other's) opinion.
Well said! That is what I was trying to say in one long post, but you managed to convey it in one sentence! Thank you for your addition to this discussion! It is very much appreciated!
Now lets end this! :P
You're very welcome
Oh god, yes!
I'm gonna miss the tender fish flesh in my diet, though...
Edit: Might get a bit hard with water, or did the escape pod had 2x 50 drinks?