Different ideas of foreign gamer.

ArlingArling Russia Join Date: 2015-05-21 Member: 204727Members
First: New system of resource gathering.
Для начала я напишу на русском языке, т.к. он для меня родной, кроме того, есть шанс, что в команде есть русские разработчики и они заглядывают на форум.
Идея в целом достаточно проста. Однако она будет больше подходить данной игре, т.к. игра ориентирована на изучение, исследование и познание мира в большей степени. Выживание в этом чудном инопланетном мире-океане лишь мелкая "физическая необходимость". Однако всю эту систему портит один страшный элемент (вообще их два, по моему мнению, но я не стану рассказывать про второй - тем более что он характерен всем выживастикам за исключением предтечи - Minecraft). И этот элемент - добыча ресурсов. Говорить о том, что она просто феерически примитивна, скучна и убивает весь геймплей я не буду. Это и так очевидно. Сейчас 90% карты не задействовано вообще просто потому, что там нет ресурсов, необходимых для переработки. Там нет титана, кварца, лития, НИЧЕГО. Кроме рыб и песка, конечно. Вот например плавучий остров. Он просто бесполезен! Он красив. Но зачем мне туда возвращаться вновь и вновь? Я за 2 дня неторопливого геймплея сделал себе Seamoth и Cyclop и побывал, пожалуй, во ВСЕХ местах. Аврора, плавучий остров, пещеры, и т.д. А зачем? ЧТобы сказать WOW! и больше никогда не возвращаться туда. А когда я побывал во всех местах - мне стало тупо нечего делать в игре. Теперь я жду новые элементы для своей базы, которую никак толком нельзя использовать, каждый день посещаю Trello, но в игру не захожу. Причина - "за чем мне туда возвращаться?"

Окей. Это было большое вступление, цель которого - объяснить предпосылку моей идеи.
Суть идеи можно охарактеризовать рядом пунктов:
1) найди новое(доплыви)
2) добудь новое(инструментом)
3) изучи новое(каким-то универсальным "изучательным оборудованием". Я бы рекомендовал центрифугу)
4) извлеки ресурс (титан, силикаты, кварц, алмазы - все это можно найти в обычном песчаннике и песке. Просто у всех них разное процентное содержание. Например в песке - много силикатов, пригодных для создания стекол.)
5) собери нужные ресурсы в одном месте(Строитель, Конструктор, Фабрикатор)
6) Используй ресурсы!

Наглядный пример:

1)Текущая механика: чтобы сделать стекло нам надо найти 3 куска кварца и запихнуть их в фабрикатор(Вы серьезно? из трех растущих на песке кристаллов похожих на соль Мы Делаем стекло?)

2)Моя механика: чтобы сделать стекло нам нужно копнуть песка, отнести его в анализатор массы, где в течение какого то времени будут выделены ресурсы с самым большим процентом содержания - например песок биома Safe Shallow богат силикатами, титаном, медью. Отлично! после обработки в анализаторе мы можем извлечь необходимый нам материал(например силикаты) и поместив его в фабрикатор превратить в чудесное стекло(новый ресурс, необходимый для других крафтов)! Переносить ресурсы можно например в специальных капсулах(типа батареек), 3 такие капсулы лежит в хранилище Лайфпода. Дополнительные капсулы надо крафтить самостоятельно.

Таким образом я предлагаю избавиться от этих магических кусков "чистого титана" в камне песчанника и волшебных кусков чистой меди. КАЖДЫЙ объект в игре обладает процентным содержанием тех или иных ресурсов. Соответственно это подтолкнет игрока не просто болтаться по миру и делать скриншоты, а "делать пробы грунта", "изучать фауну и флору", вести себя как настоящий исследователь! Отправиться на дно морское не просто ради "WOW!", но и за тем, чтобы ИЗУЧИТЬ это место. Собрать пробы грунта. Поймать пару местных обитателей. Собрать пару растений. Замерить температуру. И да, элементы обшивки авроры будут чрезвычайно богаты на ресурсы, что поднимет их ценность и заставит игрока еще больше путешествовать по миру.

And now i'll suffer for 3-4 hours, translating all this text in english... Sorry for blood from your eyes...
The idea is easy for understanding. But it would be more appropriate for subnautica, because this game is oriented on exploring, discovering of this wonderful waterworld. Survive in this place is only "physical requirement". However, there is one awful element(actually, 2 elements, but i shall not tell about the second, besides, in my opinion, only minecraft not have this problem). This element is - obtaining resources. To say that it Incredible primitive, boring and kills all the gameplay I will not. This is so obvious. For now 90% of the map is not used at all just because not any resources there. Except the fish and sand, of course. There is not titanium, quartz, lithium, NOTHING! For 2 days of leisurely gameplay i created Seamoth and Cyclops and explore all places of the Map. Aurora, Floating Island, Caves, etc. And for what? For "WOW!" and 2 screenshots... And i'll never come back in this places, just because they are USELESS! For now i not come back to the game. I check "Development tracker", wait new stuff for seabase, new monsters, but not come back to the game. Because "for what?"

OK. This is great introducing, the purpose of which - to explain the premise of my idea.
The idea can be described by a number of points:
1) find "the new" (by swimming)
2) obtain "the new" (by digging/chipping/hunting/harvesting)
3) study "the new" (by some special Equipment for the study. I recommend centrifuge)
4) extract the explored resourses (titanium, silicate, quartz, diamond, etc - there is all this thing in sand(stone)&rock&water&Aurora's Elements&flora&fauna&etc. For example there is much silicate for the glassmaking in sand)
5) collect needed resourses together in #builder, #constructor, #fabricator, etc
6) USE!

Object lesson:
1) Present mechanic: for creating 1 glass you needs to collect 3 quartz cristal and use it on the fabricator, or builder, or constructor. (Orly? GLASS from the QUARTZ? You can use tons of SAND, But You can't Create stupid window, because your fabricator can make GLASS ONLY FROM QUARTZ... Besides, we can make the SILICONE/WAT?/ from this magical quartz)
2) My Mechanic: you dig some sand under the lifepod, place this sand into the "mass analyzer", explore, that sand in this area/biome is rich by the titanium(11%), silicium (69%), copper(5%), impurities(15%), extract this 69% silicium, and place into the fabricator. Press the button "Glass" and "Fabricate", and await our Glass (the new resource, using for creating tools, which requires this glass in recipe). For transporting resources from analyzer to the fabricator you can use special capsules, 3 of them you'll obtain at the beginning of the game, others - craft/find.

So I propose to get rid of those magical pieces of "pure titanium" in sandstone and magical pieces of pure copper. ANY objects in game has different percents of different resources. Accordingly, this will encourage players not just hang out around the world and take screenshots, but "do soil samples," "study the fauna and flora", to behave like a true explorer! Go to the bottom of the sea is not just for the sake of "WOW!", But also in order to explore this place. Collect soil samples. Catch a couple of local residents. Collect a couple of plants. Measure the temperature. And yes, the plating elements of Aurora are extremely rich in resources that will raise their value and make the player even more to travel the world. And to hug with leviathan reaper also ^_^.


  • BugzapperBugzapper Australia Join Date: 2015-03-06 Member: 201744Members
    @ Arling: I agree absolutely.

    In the real world, it's possible to extract minerals directly from seawater. Naturally, it's a costly and complex process.
    It's still far easier to mine the resource nodules directly and harvest organic products such as Creep Vine and Coral Plates.

    However, this story is set in The Future, isn't it? We have access to Fabricators (See also: Replicator, Nano-Lathe, Meldgen Free Producer, etc.)

    How hard would it be to pipe seawater directly into a Fabricator to be used as a raw material? - Remember, this is The Future.

    Surely, plumbers haven't gone extinct yet. :)

    To keep things balanced, this game mechanic would ensure a slow but steady supply of various materials, mainly because the Fabricator would have to process an enormous amount of seawater to obtain usable quantities of the rarer metals. You want an ingot of pure titanium? Start the pump and play Sudoku for one in-game day/night cycle.

    That's fine by me. Added bonus: All the fresh, drinkable water anyone could possibly need.

  • ArlingArling Russia Join Date: 2015-05-21 Member: 204727Members
    Bugzapper wrote: »
    To keep things balanced, this game mechanic would ensure a slow but steady supply of various materials, mainly because the Fabricator would have to process an enormous amount of seawater to obtain usable quantities of the rarer metals. You want an ingot of pure titanium? Start the pump and play Sudoku for one in-game day/night cycle.

    That's fine by me. Added bonus: All the fresh, drinkable water anyone could possibly need.

    i don't think, anyone will agree wait so long for so little result, and don't think that water will be used like source of resources. Mostly such thing will cause instability of gameplay - for now you have much resources and you can develop rough activity, and after few time you are spend all resource again, and can only wait. It's not cool in my opinion. May be special elements of base (like plantations of such resource extractors) could work in this way, but this system must be very expensive and will cause real usefulness only in postgame, when players will have massive base, and will needs tons of resources for postgame buildings or multiplayer. For now it would be better to sit into the Seamoth, take some capsules and go to the expedition into the abyss.

    не думаю что кто-нибудь согласится ждать так долго для столь малого результата, и не думаю, что вода будет использоваться как источник ресурсов. В целом подобная штука вызовет нестабильность геймплея - сейчас у тебя есть много ресурсов и ты можешь развить бурную деятельность, а спустя некоторое время ты снова истратил все ресурсы и можешь только ждать. Возможно специальные элементы базы (как плантации подобных ресурсных извлекателей) могут работать таким образом, но эта система должна быть очень дорогой и будет показывать реальную пользу только в постгейме, когда у игроков уже будет большая база и потребуется тонны ресурсов для постгейм-построек или мультиплеера. На данный момент было бы лучше сесть в Seamoth, взять несколько капсул и отправиться в экспедицию в бездну.
  • ArlingArling Russia Join Date: 2015-05-21 Member: 204727Members
    edited June 2015
    Second: Two new buildings - building for oxygen gathering and non-lethal turret.
    Sorry for bumping post, but i had made few idea-models for the subnautica^_^
    CAUTION! BIG SIZE OF THE PICTURES. And there is not any textures - pure modelling.
    1) System for restore the oxygen at the base. Contain 2 models, connected by the hose.
    • Raft with 2 antennas for pointing of the base(instead of beacons or placeable station inside of base), 4 weak solar panels(4 upgrades for the raft), windmill to measure wind speed and compressor, wich sucks air into the base
    • big room with 4 doors and central rebreather system. It Needs the energy for working. Has 2 buttons(release/return raft), and screen with distances till the surface, length(released/possible) of the Hose(optional, maybe?), energy use and receiving cubic meters of air per second, of course.

    2) non-lethal Turret, which create pulse of water, which will work like REpulsion cannon, but it's need time for the charge. It will work and shoot really slow, and will take very much energy. We Can use this turret for protecting base against the Sea Emperor. Could be crafted in two variants - gorizontal and vertical. Each turret is the vessel inherently(you need to control it by your self). There are 9 turbines in the corpus. They rotates constantly and suck water into the receiver for shoot, and one turbine in the barrel, which will rotate only while shooting and charging.

    Small animation on my page "Вконтакте":

  • SunseahlSunseahl Join Date: 2015-06-09 Member: 205358Members
    Bugzapper wrote: »
    Surely, plumbers haven't gone extinct yet. :)

    Of course not.... how do you think your base drains when you patch all the leaks? YOU are the plumber, now continue picking those mushrooms.... and avoid the Bloop-err I mean Reapers

  • ArlingArling Russia Join Date: 2015-05-21 Member: 204727Members
    edited June 2015
    Third: Another system of small vehicle(Seamoth and glider) controle.
    The problem is Seamoth has huge glass cockpit, but if you want to look around - it will spin in direction of view. Problem of glider looks the same, but it this case you can rotate this heavy metal construction so easy, that it feel like an airblobber.
    Would be better, if vehicles will save it's Line of sight while you do not press anything, but rotate your "head". You can seat in the Seamoth and look up, down, left, on your left leg or anything. And when you will press forward button - vehicle will move forward/back/left/right/up down, and will enough slowly rotate its nose to the line of your sight. Same system with seaglide. You can look around, but this small heavy thing will look forward. Left/right/up/down-buttons will be disabled(we have another reason for creating of seamoth), you can swim only forward/backward, and glider will slowly rotate his nose to the line of your sight. I think it will be enough interesting, and will feel better...

    Yep, i decided to update this post from time to time and not spam in another posts by my bad knowledge of english. It would be better for those, who hate me - you can just avoid this topic. And will be better for me - i can place all my ideas here, and slowly try to make my english better... for 0.000001 percent.... If much people will tell me shut up - so be it.
    Fourth: Cyclop's fathometer.
    Everyone knows, that if you use LMB while driving of the cyclop - it will makes a sound. I know, that soon or later developers would add working system of echo-sounder. That is why i thought, and decided to propose idea of realisation of it. In my opinion, It would be cool, if after such sound you will see the "upper and down edge of the blast wave". I mean - expanding circles ( two light grey circles appear and begin to expand at the highest and lowest point of the Cyclop in horizontal planes) which show you upper and down sides of fathometration. All objects, including fish will be highlighted for 1-2 seconds when the edge of the wave will touch them. And, of course, it will transfer this information into the onboard map. It means, that you will be able to make map only when you will create the cyclop. Also It will help you with maneuvering in close space because you will know the upper and low point of the ship. Now manoeuvring is agony - needs to make small movements and check each of them to prevent smashing into the walls or small rocks/stalactites...
  • Saffron_bakerSaffron_baker Sweden Join Date: 2015-06-09 Member: 205352Members
    I aggre but don't ve so (Negative)
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