For...? I know I should have this mastered by now, but my mind reading is kinda bad. Let us know what you are looking for and we can point you in the right direction.
A high-end home system is usually adequate for a 20-player dedicated server... start it up when you're ready for a few games with a bunch of friends, and then shut it down when you're done.
It dosent have to be 130 dollars- i used to know a really nice place where you could a 14 person server, with wonderful ping for around 54 dollars. Just look around.
Thats going to be a lot more expensive than supporting an already existing server or renting a 12 player server that is sharing a box with other servers. Cant really point him in the right direction though as much of his descision will depend on geographic location.
like 12 players or something.
A high-end home system is usually adequate for a 20-player dedicated server... start it up when you're ready for a few games with a bunch of friends, and then shut it down when you're done.
Thats where I have my server from, price im paying is $130 a month, which includes an entire box.