Best Way Attacking With Skulk/fade
Wait, what? Join Date: 2004-01-03 Member: 25012Members, Constellation

<div class="IPBDescription">also best way avoiding skulks as marine</div> If marines got 0 lvl armor how would you attack, jump or evade? Same with fade how do you do? I often looses them and spins around a makes a big deal out of 1 lmg marine.
And how/when do you jump/avoid skulks and fades as marine?
And how/when do you jump/avoid skulks and fades as marine?
As a fade, blink in, attack with swipe, blink out and regen
As a marine, try to keep the skulk as far as possible, run in circles, don't run backwards.
If you overshoot the marine when you attack him, but get one good bite in, it is OK, all you need to do is whip back around and hit him again before he turns around, THEN you can try to circle strafe. Also don't overestimate how close you are too him, you want to be within minimum attack range but not close enough where he dominates your screen entirely and makes you vulnerable.
Ambush. It's what skulks do, and it insures that you get the first attack in, which is vital. Cloaking and Silence are the natural upgrades for ambushers. Remember to pick spots where marines might bypass, cielings etc. Also remember that some spots are blatantly obvious as ones that skulks will chose, marines with a modicum of experience will know these spots and check them, but you can still gain some kills by using these spots at the right times.
If I am approaching a marine and he isn't facing me I get a parasite shot off before biting - the extra bit of damage helps kill in fewer bites.
Also, try ambushing from dark corners, or places marines jump over. If you're attacking, try walking up, or at least making few enough step sounds to be lost to the build sounds. Use darkness to your advantage. Pick your fights (don't be afraid to run)!
Instead, with cloaking hide on the walls, just above marine head height. This helps you in a number of ways
1) If you do get discovered, you can just jump at them and bite, you do not have to fall 10-20 feet to get a hit in.
2) If an unsuspecting marine stand by the wall, you can just walk up to him, bite twice and he is dead. There is almost no chance that he will think of looking on the wall behind him, he will most likely shoot at his feet.
3) How many marines do you see shooting at the walls as they enter a room?
Evading skulks as a marine is more difficult. Jump over/onto railings (jumping onto things in general can help since it puts you above the skulks attack and forces the alien to either climb or jump at you) if they're available to widen the distance, since skulks have trouble climbing them. If you're going to get hit, jump so that when the skulk bites you, the knockback effect propels you away several feet, giving you some space to make the kill. Though, as stated, the best way is to try and not let them get close in the first place.
Evading a fade is more difficult, as they don't have the height disadvantage or disorienting attack of the skulk. Best way to evade a fade is to jump to either side when he comes at you. The fade swipe has a relatively narrow hit area in front of it, so you can sometimes jump aside and cause the fade to miss.
<!--emo&::gorge::--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='pudgy.gif'><!--endemo-->
Instead, with cloaking hide on the walls, just above marine head height. This helps you in a number of ways
How many marines do you see shooting at the walls as they enter a room? <!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
*nod* but also its really fun to wait really high above a doorway with 3 other sulks and press crouch and drop down on top of a lone rine or even a group <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->. Usually when I play i only get capped when rines see me go into the corner of when my head is sticking around.
Parasiting just once will provide no benefit unless the marine has already received some damage. Two is the minimum number that will be of benefit; this is for a marine with level 1 armor. The number of parasites needed to reduce the number of bites required to kill a marine is, of course, dependant on armor level; for level 0 it's 7, for level 1 it's 2, for level 2 it's 5, and for level 3 it's 3.
Parasiting just once will provide no benefit unless the marine has already received some damage. Two is the minimum number that will be of benefit; this is for a marine with level 1 armor. The number of parasites needed to reduce the number of bites required to kill a marine is, of course, dependant on armor level; for level 0 it's 7, for level 1 it's 2, for level 2 it's 5, and for level 3 it's 3. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
ie, Only bother to parasite high armour marines?
If you parasite a 0lvl rine, it is benificial even if you do kill him. Other aliens know where the attack was, and possibly can use this to work out the marine's objectives.
If you do not kill him, then the parasite has an obvious advantage. <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->
IMO, Parsiting before killing is essential. Even if it means binding something to lastinv so you can parasite just before you attack.
It's so fun to try to knife a skulk like that...
If you keep your head and predict a skulks movements, you can often keep dodging at least long enough to reload half way, lol... or at least get in one knife hit.
1.)if your attacking and the victim knows your coming and starts shooting bunny hop and then bite like crazy
2.)if there are more than one "rine" then don't bother cuz you will die for sure.
3.)hide and wait for the footsteps of a rine to come and when you see him go under you drop down then start chomping his kneecaps off.
4.)use leap then switch to bite (recently found out that it really is helpful on scaring the shizznit out of the rine firing at you)
5.)don't be scerred when your hive is under attack.
Ambushes: Usually just find a high traffic room (Power Sub Junction 3 on ns_eclipse or Generator on ns_nothing) and get some DCs there. The majority of pubbers like DCs first so they wont mind you planting 3 of them. Getting carapace and then waiting for marines to show up you wait till they enter the room or are within jumping distance and you lunge out at one marine biting relentlessly. Always remember how many bites it usually takes to kill marines of different levels of armor as this can help your team out knowing what upgrades they have. After getting one kill or sustaining a bit of damage retreat to healing distance of your dcs, but keep on the move.
Instead of planting DCs you could just get regeneration and go to diffrent locations where marine recently died and then wait for some more to arrive as they usually do.
Assaults: Not really attacking the enemies base but when you run into marines when your on the move keep them in site. You dont have to be right on the marine and often you dont want to be touching him as he can hit you with his knife or without really aiming as your pretty much on his gun. Try to keep on his backside so he can't really shoot you. If your in a small hallway use this to yoru advantage by jumping onto the walls and then leaping (not the actual ability leap, though more on that after this) to the other side. This makes it really easy to kill even marines with good aim if you get good enough at it to not mess up.
Leaping: The leap ability i find more usefull as a tool of movement than a combat weapon. You rarley see a leap kill and when you do the killer is usually pretty proud. In any case use this to move across wide hall ways and rooms while taking minimal damage. i often find it usefull to leap past a group of marines and then attack them from behind. This only works with another alien infront of them still and the majority of players will ignore you. The 1 or 2 marines that wont you must go after first but you can get many a kill from behind after this maneuver.
HA: Its pretty easy to kill HA as a skulk 1 on 1. The problem is when their in groups. You need to work with other skulks to take down HA but if you get good enough and are in a dark or tight location you can use your jumping mobility to get and stay behind HA. HA is also slower than light marines so it is easier to stay behind them unless they are good marines. Usually regen and celerity works good on taking down HA as a skulk. The extra speed allows you to stay pretty much ahead of the marine and teh regen heals you when he glancing hits you, and he will always hit you in HA unless he well sucks, the only question is will he hit you with more than one bullet.
Ceilings: never forget you can be on walls and ceilings. its difficult to get used to and to use in combat, but it is an effective way to get in a free bite against most marines. If your on a bright ceiling dont even bother, but if the ceiling is dark then you can use this to get the jump on or retreat from marines. You can even use it just like a wall to jump (well fall) from to throw the marine's aim off.
Flanking: Your team is screaming "INCOMING TO LOCATION-X!". Run your butt of around to come from behind. You might get there after the fight, but if you dont then you get to mop up a bit and "save the day". Great way to get res.
Cloaking vs SoF: Seriously, get SoF. Cloaking is fun sure against noobie rines but against a decent skilled marine he can usually kill 3 skulks if 5 rush at him and they got cloak. If they have dcs or mcs he probably would only get 2. (just an observation and from my own experience. not an ALWAYS thing but it seems to happen more like this than not). What I laugh about now when i get Scent of Fear as a skulk is that people can be yelling inc to x-hive or something (for example powersilo on ns_nothing just 2 days ago) I run by and see 3-4 skulks just sittin there cloaked on the ground around the corner. I can hear building and I see 2 or 3 marines in the hive with sof. I run in and stick close to the building and kill all the marines. when i leave those skulks are still sittin there and I had to yell at em for 30 or 40 seconds for them to go attack the unbuilt tf and rt in the hive location. It is simply amazing how many kills you can get with a "legitimate/legalized wallhack" when you act normal. Added benifits are for when your near and SC and cloaked anyways you can just run around the place and know when marines are around w/o them being parasited. Beats the hell out of Cloak IMO.
Hit and Run: Kinda touched on this before but basically if you hear several marines around and your near a vent just run and bite them try to kill 1 maybe and retreat. on ns_tanith in that vent from Reactor Room (double res) and the hall that goes towards west access RT from Marine Start you can get a good number of kills hitting and running wihtout any upgrades. Also with that vent if you hide there gaurding the way to west access from there and hear building just run out and jump, dont hesitate, just jump in and bite. You'll kill 2 marines garunteed.
Group rushes: Now this just pisses me the F off. Marines are sittin in and begining to lock down a key location and you fuggin team is runnin in 1 at a time and dyin cause of 6 marines. If just 1 of you skulks is any good, doesnt have to be you, just basically mic spam/text spam "wait till all spawn then rush in together". Only 5 of you TOPS in a 12v12 game will do it, but the good skulk will and you will be pretty much garunteed to kill every marine there and then take the location out. Hard to kill 4 hoppin skulks with 5 lmgers when they are biting you while you are pullin away from the building you were . . . building.
Thats pretty much it other than xenocide is best used when your almost dead and you had bitten a lot of marines only 2 times or so. You cant kill a marine with lvl 2 (or maybe just lvl 3) armor at full health with xenocide. But if a lerk is gassing... >:D
DEALIGN WITH FADES/SKULKS: Jump alot. My aim is no worse with my constant jumpin. I dont bhop i just jump randomly as I go down a hall. Allows you to hear the soft padding of feet from a skulk and when they bite sometimes they do miss. Also ducking against fades helps. Circle strafe aroundas he comes at you and shoot at the fades croch area (thats where the hit box is about, not joking) relentlessly. Just ignore all else, skulks, lerks, ocs what ever just shoot that fade there and he'llretreat. At lvl 3 your lmg and pistol clips are allyou need to kill a fade with a little help from anothe rmarine if you just unload all you cant here. Gettin upclose and personal with a fade is good. Get it so yoru touchin him. he cant hit you as well. With skulks just aimfor the head and jump left/right and back and you'll probably kill him.
Oh and never get more than 100 or 150 extra rounds (so teh read out is 50 | 150 tops) if your marine on the armory as skulks and fades can hurt fast and you get weighted down with more ammo. Armory humping = death. Skulks will go after the marines not paying attention for the sure kill usually. For your first load up on the armory jsut get 50 extra rounds (2 "uses") and then go do what your comm wants. Ify ou run otu fast and get 3 or 4 kills (average ns player, not the good ones mind you) get an extra clip. usually you wont need it though as you WILL die too soon. Oh and never underestimate your pistol. Script/moushweel/or just clicking its fast as heck and does more damage per round than your rifle. its also more accurate IMO. Spraying at a group of skulks and maybe killin 1 with the lmg and then switching to your pistol you can get 4 skulk kills easy with a bit of practice.
Hope that helps, god its disorganized but its good info I think. Works for me.
Never seen so many tips at once; and I must say, they're all useful too. The amount of ppl who ambush with Cloaking is unbelievable. SoF is just infinitely better. As for Pharamones... Sheesh. Long live Focus.
OK, armoury humping is death, but are you sure extra ammo wieghs you down? Ie, makes you move slower? How much can a clipe of ammo wiegh? Surely not enough to make a noticeable difference in speed anyway.
Anyway, GJ and keep up the good work. <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->
positive. try it. empty your lmg+pistol completely, run around a bit. fill up completly with lmg+pistol and run around a bit, and you will notice the difference. Dropping the guns also helps you run faster
If you parasite a 0lvl rine, it is benificial even if you do kill him. Other aliens know where the attack was, and possibly can use this to work out the marine's objectives.
If you do not kill him, then the parasite has an obvious advantage. <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->
IMO, Parsiting before killing is essential. Even if it means binding something to lastinv so you can parasite just before you attack.<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
When I said "benefit" in that post I meant it only in terms of reducing the number of attacks needed.
75 points of damage for bite.
Oh yea, that will REALLY reduce the number of bites you need....
Anyways it isnt as good as silence, but hey you can use it with celerity or when you dont have mcs.
75 points of damage for bite.
Oh yea, that will REALLY reduce the number of bites you need....<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
A marine with level 1 armor has, effectively, 167 health. Just two parasites are needed to bring that amount below 150. Similarly, a marine with level 3 armor has, effectively, 250 health. Three parasites will bring that number below 225.
So yes, parasites really do reduce the number of bites needed.
Aliens ph33r me because i ph33r no death, i run in and whack em. Even if i don't kill them, they are usually damage badly.
Oh, and gimme a shotgun and ill kill anything. People underestimate it. And if you have one, NEVER reload it in combat until the clip is empty, a bug makes it freeze up alot of the times, leaving you weaponless.
If you parasite a 0lvl rine, it is benificial even if you do kill him. Other aliens know where the attack was, and possibly can use this to work out the marine's objectives.
If you do not kill him, then the parasite has an obvious advantage. <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->
IMO, Parsiting before killing is essential. Even if it means binding something to lastinv so you can parasite just before you attack.<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
When I said "benefit" in that post I meant it only in terms of reducing the number of attacks needed. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
Nice recovery. <!--emo&:p--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif'><!--endemo-->
And TY Booglesteinsky for the heads-up on weapons. Still, I think I am happy with both guns and a medium walking speed. Dropping my beloved pistol seems a bit mad. I may think twice about taking more pistol ammo though.
(If you take a clip of lmg ammo, switch to pistol, get a clip of pistol ammo, switch to lmg... etc, it will load the lmg faster. That's the only reason I get pistol ammo. <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->)
1.)if your attacking and the victim knows your coming and starts shooting bunny hop and then bite like crazy
2.)if there are more than one "rine" then don't bother cuz you will die for sure.
3.)hide and wait for the footsteps of a rine to come and when you see him go under you drop down then start chomping his kneecaps off.
4.)use leap then switch to bite (recently found out that it really is helpful on scaring the shizznit out of the rine firing at you)
5.)don't be scerred when your hive is under attack. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
<i>1.)if your attacking and the victim knows your coming and starts shooting bunny hop and then bite like crazy</i> - You'd be suprised how important it is to time your bites rather than 'bite like crazy'
<i>2.)if there are more than one "rine" then don't bother cuz you will die for sure.</i> - Depends how you handle it.
<i>3.)hide and wait for the footsteps of a rine to come and when you see him go under you drop down then start chomping his kneecaps off.</i> - 1/5 isn't all that bad <!--emo&:p--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif' /><!--endemo-->
<i>4.)use leap then switch to bite (recently found out that it really is helpful on scaring the shizznit out of the rine firing at you)</i> - Aim leap to the side of them so you don't 'bounce' off them on your first bite selecting bite in mid air getting a bite in hopefully on their left/right side and circle for the last bite.
<i>5.)don't be scerred when your hive is under attack.</i> - Worst comment ever? Your the type of person no-one wants on their team, the ones who do stupid things like biting down res nodes while the whole marine teams blowing the **** out of your hive.