The Reason I Never Finish A Map
Revelation 22:17 Join Date: 2003-06-20 Member: 17532Members, Reinforced - Shadow

<div class="IPBDescription">Bad Surface Extents</div> OK, this is really beginning to anger me. It must be something I am doing wrong, because every map I start eventually gets the Bad Surface Extents error. For me this error is fatal, there is nothing I can do to fix it except strip my entire level of it's textures and scaling and alignment. I am about 65% done with Ns_Scout and I'm getting this error. I REALLY DO NOT WANT TO HAVE TO STRIP DOWN ALL MY TEXTURES.
I have started so many projects that have got this error, it's unbelievable. Please can someone help me? I'll send you a .map file if you need it, I don't care, I'm desperate.
Or maybe someone who knows how to program could write an app that scans map files for misaligned or too small/large textures on a face.
I have checked the errors dialog, no errors. I have tried exporting with VHE and then HLFix, I have tried numerous different compile params, I still get this error.
Please for the love of Gorge help me.
P.S. I know all about this error, so no need to post a link to an errors index.
~ DarkATi
I have started so many projects that have got this error, it's unbelievable. Please can someone help me? I'll send you a .map file if you need it, I don't care, I'm desperate.
Or maybe someone who knows how to program could write an app that scans map files for misaligned or too small/large textures on a face.
I have checked the errors dialog, no errors. I have tried exporting with VHE and then HLFix, I have tried numerous different compile params, I still get this error.
Please for the love of Gorge help me.
P.S. I know all about this error, so no need to post a link to an errors index.
~ DarkATi
That happens a lot when you use the clipping tool <!--emo&:p--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif'><!--endemo-->
Edit: I never used the method above, because I could go crazy re-aligning textures, but, if you know where the brush can be, just look around and search uberstretched textures (even between walls, or on faces that are going to be culled by CSG...), select them, and then check "World".
That happens a lot when you use the clipping tool <!--emo&:p--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif'><!--endemo-->
Edit: I never used the method above, because I could go crazy re-aligning textures, but, if you know where the brush can be, just look around and search uberstretched textures (even between walls, or on faces that are going to be culled by CSG...), select them, and then check "World". <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
I've already tried that. Doesn't fix it. Good advice though Mend, thanks anyway, it has fixed BSE for me before but alas, this time I seem to be up a certain creek with no paddle.
~ DarkATi
How many strangely-angled brushes do you have? That is most likely where this error is coming from, try checking/changing the textures on all your brushes that don't have faces at 90 degrees to each other.
BSE isn't a compiling error. It's an HL error.
However, here is my log from my latest compile:
hlcsg v2.5.3 rel Custom Build 1.7p12 (Oct 7 2003)
Zoner's Half-Life Compilation Tools -- Custom Build
Based on code modifications by Sean 'Zoner' Cavanaugh
Based on Valve's version, modified with permission.
Submit detailed bug reports to (
----- BEGIN hlcsg -----
Command line: "J:\Program Files\XP-Cagey's Compile Tools\hlcsg.exe"-wadautodetect -hullfile "J:\Program Files\SIERRA\Half-Life\ns\nshulls.txt"-wadinclude ns.wad -wadinclude ns2.wad -wadinclude NS_CA_Infested.wad -wadinclude ns_scout.wad -wadinclude liquids.wad -wadinclude halflife.wad "J:\Program Files\SIERRA\Half-Life\ns\maps\"
Loading hull definitions from 'J:\Program Files\SIERRA\Half-Life\ns\nshulls.txt'
Entering J:\Program Files\SIERRA\Half-Life\ns\maps\
Current hlcsg Settings
Name | Setting | Default
threads [ 1 ] [ Varies ]
verbose [ off ] [ off ]
log [ on ] [ on ]
developer [ 0 ] [ 0 ]
chart [ off ] [ off ]
estimate [ off ] [ off ]
max texture memory [ 4194304 ] [ 4194304 ]
max lighting memory [ 6291456 ] [ 6291456 ]
priority [ Normal ] [ Normal ]
noclip [ off ] [ off ]
null texture stripping[ on ] [ on ]
clipnode economy mode [ on ] [ on ]
clip hull type [ legacy ] [ legacy ]
onlyents [ off ] [ off ]
wadtextures [ on ] [ on ]
skyclip [ on ] [ on ]
hullfile [ J:\Program Files\SIERRA\Half-Life\ns\nshulls.txt ] [ None ]
nullfile [ None ] [ None ]
min surface area [ 0.500 ] [ 0.500 ]
brush union threshold [ 0.000 ] [ 0.000 ]
Using mapfile wad configuration
Wadfiles not in use by the map will be excluded
Wadinclude list :
154 brushes (totalling 933 sides) discarded from clipping hulls
(15.16 seconds)
(0.00 seconds)
(5.78 seconds)
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture ORIGIN not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture TRIM_YELLGREY01 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture GENERIC108A not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture NULL not found!
Are you sure you included zhlt.wad in your wadpath list?
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture FIFTSFILE2B not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture C_BOOTH_VENT not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture FLOOR_GRATE not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture LIGHT_PANEL05OF not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture NOS_CAB1 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture NOS_DINGPIPE not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture NOS_SLATS not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture +0~LIGHT6A not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture WALL_ROCK13 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture VENT2 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture NOS_INDBOARD not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture +0~NOS_IND1 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture WALL_GREYORG01 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture C3A2SIGN23 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture STRIP_CABLES not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture CEILING_PANEL3 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture {GRATE3A not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture WALL_ROCK06 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture WALL_PANEL16 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture LIGHT_YG02ON not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture WALLSTRIP not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture NOS_DETAIL8 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture R25_MECH2 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture TECKWALL17-BIG not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture WALL_ROCKINFST1 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture TECKWALL08 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture BLACK not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture FLR_YELLGREY03 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture R25_DETAIL not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture WALL_YELLGREY01 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture {WALLHOLE not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture WALL_GREYRDGE01 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture WALL_ROCK09 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture CA_ALIENLABFLOO not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture COMP_SCREEN2 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture CA_ALIENTRAM not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture CA_ALIEN_WALL1S not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture WALL_ROCKINFST4 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture WALL_GREYINFES3 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture LIGHT_STRIP3 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture FLATBED_ENGINE not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture ALIEN_FLOOR not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture COMP_SCREENS01 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture WALL_ROCKINFST2 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture ALIEN_DINGPIPE not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture WALL_ROCKINFST5 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture C3A2SIGN44 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture COMP_SCREENS02 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture WALL_ROCKINFST3 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture MISC_DOORTRACK not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture WALL_YELLGREY06 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture NOS_DETAIL3 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture NOS_DETAIL2 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture WALL_ROCK12 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture LIGHT_YG03BLUE not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture SIGN88 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture R25_PIPEWALL3 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture WALL_PANEL03 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture DOOR_YELLGREY05 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture WALL_PANEL06 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture CEILING_PANEL1 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture MISC_CRATE01 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture MISC_GLASS02 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture LIGHT_YG03RED not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture SIGN41 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture FLOOR_DIAMONDS not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture SKY not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture C3A2SIGN19 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture R25_GRATE2 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture {GRATESTEP3 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture MISC_PIPES06 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture WALL_PANEL11 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture NOS_TRIM1 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture CLIP not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture NOS_DETAIL7 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture COMP_MONITORS not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture WALL_PANEL14 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture NOS_VENT not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture +0~R25MONITOR not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture R25_STRUT2 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture DOOR_BIOMECH01 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture WALL_PANEL05 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture WALL_GREYORG03 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture NOS_AIRLK1 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture ~LAB1_COMP3E not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture NOS_WINDOW not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture HERA_LIGHT1 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture +1~NOS_IND1 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture NOS_GRATE2 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture WALL_PANELSB not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture COMP_BIOMECH03 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture WALL_PANEL09 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture GLASS-A not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture WALL_PANEL08 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture WALL_ROCK02 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture COMP_BIOMECH02 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture FLR_GREYGRATE1 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture TECKFLOOR01-BIG not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture TECKFLOOR04 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture R25_YELLOW1 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture LAD_YELLGREY not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture NEWCOMP_02 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture CA_ALIENHORIZDO not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture FLR_YG03WARN1 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture COMP_LIGHTS not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture C3A2SIGN50 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture STRIPES2 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture DOOR_HORIZ6 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture TECK02 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture MISC_PIPES04 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture NOS_MOTOR1 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture NOS_TRAM1 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture WALL_ROCK14 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture C3A2SIGN49 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture PIPES_1 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture WALL_ROCK03 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture COMP_SCREEN1 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture NEWCOMP_01 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture R25_LIGHT3 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture MISC_GLASS05 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture {TECKWALL01-BIG not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture MATT_ISSAND1 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture {WIRES_2 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture GLASS not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture COMP_PANEL2 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture {WIRES_1 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture +0FIFTSSTCH4 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture COMP_SCREENS03 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture {NSGRATE2 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture {WIRES_1-B not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture NEWCAT not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture {WIRES_3 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture TRIM_DARK not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture {LAD_YELLGREY not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture !WATER2B not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture MISC_GLASS04 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture WALL_GREYINFES1 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture ALIENWL3 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture {ALIEN_ALPHA2 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture FLR_YELLGREY04 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture FLR_YELLGREY02 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture C3A2SIGN45 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture PANEL2 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture !RWATER3 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture MISC_ELEVATOR1 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture SCOUT_LOGO not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture FX_SCREENS01 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture !RWATER3 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture !WATER2B not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture +0FIFTSSTCH4 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture +0~LIGHT6A not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture +0~NOS_IND1 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture +0~R25MONITOR not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture +1~NOS_IND1 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture ALIENWL3 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture ALIEN_DINGPIPE not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture ALIEN_FLOOR not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture BLACK not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture C3A2SIGN19 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture C3A2SIGN23 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture C3A2SIGN44 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture C3A2SIGN45 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture C3A2SIGN49 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture C3A2SIGN50 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture CA_ALIENHORIZDO not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture CA_ALIENLABFLOO not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture CA_ALIENTRAM not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture CA_ALIEN_WALL1S not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture CEILING_PANEL1 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture CEILING_PANEL3 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture CLIP not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture COMP_BIOMECH02 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture COMP_BIOMECH03 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture COMP_LIGHTS not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture COMP_MONITORS not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture COMP_PANEL2 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture COMP_SCREEN1 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture COMP_SCREEN2 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture COMP_SCREENS01 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture COMP_SCREENS02 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture COMP_SCREENS03 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture C_BOOTH_VENT not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture DOOR_BIOMECH01 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture DOOR_HORIZ6 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture DOOR_YELLGREY05 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture FIFTSFILE2B not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture FLATBED_ENGINE not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture FLOOR_DIAMONDS not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture FLOOR_GRATE not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture FLR_GREYGRATE1 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture FLR_YELLGREY02 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture FLR_YELLGREY03 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture FLR_YELLGREY04 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture FLR_YG03WARN1 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture FX_SCREENS01 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture GENERIC108A not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture GLASS not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture GLASS-A not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture HERA_LIGHT1 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture LAD_YELLGREY not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture LIGHT_PANEL05OF not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture LIGHT_STRIP3 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture LIGHT_YG02ON not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture LIGHT_YG03BLUE not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture LIGHT_YG03RED not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture MATT_ISSAND1 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture MISC_CRATE01 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture MISC_DOORTRACK not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture MISC_ELEVATOR1 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture MISC_GLASS02 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture MISC_GLASS04 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture MISC_GLASS05 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture MISC_PIPES04 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture MISC_PIPES06 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture NEWCAT not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture NEWCOMP_01 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture NEWCOMP_02 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture NOS_AIRLK1 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture NOS_CAB1 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture NOS_DETAIL2 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture NOS_DETAIL3 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture NOS_DETAIL7 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture NOS_DETAIL8 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture NOS_DINGPIPE not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture NOS_GRATE2 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture NOS_INDBOARD not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture NOS_MOTOR1 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture NOS_SLATS not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture NOS_TRAM1 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture NOS_TRIM1 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture NOS_VENT not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture NOS_WINDOW not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture NULL not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture ORIGIN not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture PANEL2 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture PIPES_1 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture R25_DETAIL not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture R25_GRATE2 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture R25_LIGHT3 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture R25_MECH2 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture R25_PIPEWALL3 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture R25_STRUT2 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture R25_YELLOW1 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture SCOUT_LOGO not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture SIGN41 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture SIGN88 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture SKY not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture STRIPES2 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture STRIP_CABLES not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture TECK02 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture TECKFLOOR01-BIG not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture TECKFLOOR04 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture TECKWALL08 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture TECKWALL17-BIG not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture TRIM_DARK not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture TRIM_YELLGREY01 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture VENT2 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture WALLSTRIP not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture WALL_GREYINFES1 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture WALL_GREYINFES3 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture WALL_GREYORG01 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture WALL_GREYORG03 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture WALL_GREYRDGE01 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture WALL_PANEL03 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture WALL_PANEL05 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture WALL_PANEL06 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture WALL_PANEL08 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture WALL_PANEL09 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture WALL_PANEL11 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture WALL_PANEL14 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture WALL_PANEL16 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture WALL_PANELSB not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture WALL_ROCK02 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture WALL_ROCK03 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture WALL_ROCK06 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture WALL_ROCK09 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture WALL_ROCK12 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture WALL_ROCK13 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture WALL_ROCK14 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture WALL_ROCKINFST1 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture WALL_ROCKINFST2 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture WALL_ROCKINFST3 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture WALL_ROCKINFST4 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture WALL_ROCKINFST5 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture WALL_YELLGREY01 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture WALL_YELLGREY06 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture {ALIEN_ALPHA2 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture {GRATE3A not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture {GRATESTEP3 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture {LAD_YELLGREY not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture {NSGRATE2 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture {TECKWALL01-BIG not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture {WALLHOLE not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture {WIRES_1 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture {WIRES_1-B not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture {WIRES_2 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture {WIRES_3 not found!
Warning: ::LoadLump() texture ~LAB1_COMP3E not found!
Texture usage is at 0.00 mb (of 4.00 mb MAX)
21.94 seconds elapsed
----- END hlcsg -----
hlbsp v2.5.3 rel Custom Build 1.7p12 (Oct 7 2003)
Zoner's Half-Life Compilation Tools -- Custom Build
Based on code modifications by Sean 'Zoner' Cavanaugh
Based on Valve's version, modified with permission.
Submit detailed bug reports to (
----- BEGIN hlbsp -----
Command line: "J:\Program Files\XP-Cagey's Compile Tools\hlbsp.exe""J:\Program Files\SIERRA\Half-Life\ns\maps\"
Current hlbsp Settings
Name | Setting | Default
threads [ 1 ] [ Varies ]
verbose [ off ] [ off ]
log [ on ] [ on ]
developer [ 0 ] [ 0 ]
chart [ off ] [ off ]
estimate [ off ] [ off ]
max texture memory [ 4194304 ] [ 4194304 ]
priority [ Normal ] [ Normal ]
noclip [ off ] [ off ]
nofill [ off ] [ off ]
null tex. stripping [ on ] [ on ]
notjunc [ off ] [ off ]
subdivide size [ 240 ] [ 240 ] (Min 64) (Max 512)
max node size [ 1024 ] [ 1024 ] (Min 64) (Max 4096)
BSP generation successful, writing portal file 'J:\Program Files\SIERRA\Half-Life\ns\maps\ns_scout.prt'
13.86 seconds elapsed
----- END hlbsp -----
hlvis v2.5.3 rel Custom Build 1.7p12 (Oct 7 2003)
Zoner's Half-Life Compilation Tools -- Custom Build
Based on code modifications by Sean 'Zoner' Cavanaugh
Based on Valve's version, modified with permission.
Submit detailed bug reports to (
----- BEGIN hlvis -----
Command line: "J:\Program Files\XP-Cagey's Compile Tools\hlvis.exe"-fast "J:\Program Files\SIERRA\Half-Life\ns\maps\"
2049 portalleafs
6590 numportals
-= Current hlvis Settings =-
Name | Setting | Default
threads [ 1 ] [ Varies ]
verbose [ off ] [ off ]
log [ on ] [ on ]
developer [ 0 ] [ 0 ]
chart [ off ] [ off ]
estimate [ off ] [ off ]
max texture memory [ 4194304 ] [ 4194304 ]
max vis distance [ 0 ] [ 0 ]
priority [ Normal ] [ Normal ]
fast vis [ on ] [ off ]
full vis [ off ] [ off ]
(15.66 seconds)
Warning: Leaf portals saw into leaf
Problem at portal between leaves 2010 and 2009:
(-3403.000 -1921.000 457.000)
(-3403.109 -1921.000 397.453)
(-3395.380 -1816.000 348.299)
(-3395.379 -1816.000 348.613)
Warning: Leaf portals saw into leaf
Problem at portal between leaves 2018 and 2022:
(-3352.151 -2151.000 527.518)
(-3186.378 -1926.941 527.801)
(-3104.101 -1816.000 527.801)
(-3076.000 -1816.000 507.677)
(-3076.000 -2165.424 322.098)
(-3352.151 -2165.905 519.602)
average leafs visible: 559
g_visdatasize:215218 compressed from 526593
15.97 seconds elapsed
----- END hlvis -----
hlrad v2.5.3 rel Custom Build 1.7p12 (Oct 7 2003)
Zoner's Half-Life Compilation Tools -- Custom Build
Based on code modifications by Sean 'Zoner' Cavanaugh
Based on Valve's version, modified with permission.
Submit detailed bug reports to (
----- BEGIN hlrad -----
Command line: "J:\Program Files\XP-Cagey's Compile Tools\hlrad.exe"-lights "J:\Program Files\SIERRA\Half-Life\ns\maps\ns_scout.rad""J:\Program Files\SIERRA\Half-Life\ns\maps\"
-= Current hlrad Settings =-
Name | Setting | Default
threads [ 1 ] [ Varies ]
verbose [ off ] [ off ]
log [ on ] [ on ]
developer [ 0 ] [ 0 ]
chart [ off ] [ off ]
estimate [ off ] [ off ]
max texture memory [ 4194304 ] [ 4194304 ]
max lighting memory [ 6291456 ] [ 6291456 ]
priority [ Normal ] [ Normal ]
vismatrix algorithm [ Original ] [ Original ]
oversampling (-extra)[ off ] [ off ]
bounces [ 1 ] [ 1 ]
ambient light [ 0.000 0.000 0.000 ] [ 0.000 0.000 0.000 ]
maximum light [ 255.000 ] [ 256.000 ]
circus mode [ off ] [ off ]
smoothing threshold [ 50.000 ] [ 50.000 ]
direct threshold [ 25.000 ] [ 25.000 ]
direct light scale [ 2.000 ] [ 2.000 ]
coring threshold [ 1.000 ] [ 1.000 ]
patch interpolation [ on ] [ on ]
texscale [ on ] [ on ]
patch subdividing [ on ] [ on ]
chop value [ 64.000 ] [ 64.000 ]
texchop value [ 32.000 ] [ 32.000 ]
global fade [ 1.000 ] [ 1.000 ]
global falloff [ 2 ] [ 2 ]
global light scale [ 1.000 1.000 1.000 ] [ 1.000 1.000 1.000 ]
global gamma [ 0.500 0.500 0.500 ] [ 0.500 0.500 0.500 ]
global light scale [ 1.000 ] [ 1.000 ]
global sky diffusion [ 1.000 ] [ 1.000 ]
opaque entities [ on ] [ on ]
sky lighting fix [ on ] [ on ]
incremental [ off ] [ off ]
dump [ off ] [ off ]
colour jitter [ 0.0 0.0 0.0 ] [ 0.0 0.0 0.0 ]
monochromatic jitter [ 0.0 0.0 0.0 ] [ 0.0 0.0 0.0 ]
softlight hack [ 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ] [ 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ]
diffuse hack [ on ] [ on ]
spotlight points [ on ] [ on ]
custom shadows with bounce light
[ off ] [ off ]
rgb transfers [ off ] [ off ]
[Reading texlights from 'lights.rad']
[100 texlights parsed from 'lights.rad']
[Reading texlights from 'J:\Program Files\SIERRA\Half-Life\ns\maps\ns_scout.rad']
Warning: Overriding 'comp_lights' from 'lights.rad' with 'J:\Program Files\SIERRA\Half-Life\ns\maps\ns_scout.rad'!
Warning: Overriding 'hera_light1' from 'lights.rad' with 'J:\Program Files\SIERRA\Half-Life\ns\maps\ns_scout.rad'!
Warning: Overriding 'teck02' from 'lights.rad' with 'J:\Program Files\SIERRA\Half-Life\ns\maps\ns_scout.rad'!
[18 texlights parsed from 'J:\Program Files\SIERRA\Half-Life\ns\maps\ns_scout.rad']
[Reading texlights from 'J:\Program Files\SIERRA\Half-Life\ns\maps\ns_scout.rad']
Warning: Duplication of texlight '+0~nos_ind1' in file 'J:\Program Files\SIERRA\Half-Life\ns\maps\ns_scout.rad'!
Warning: Duplication of texlight '+0~r25monitor' in file 'J:\Program Files\SIERRA\Half-Life\ns\maps\ns_scout.rad'!
Warning: Duplication of texlight 'c3a2sign44' in file 'J:\Program Files\SIERRA\Half-Life\ns\maps\ns_scout.rad'!
Warning: Duplication of texlight 'comp_lights' in file 'J:\Program Files\SIERRA\Half-Life\ns\maps\ns_scout.rad'!
Warning: Duplication of texlight 'comp_monitors' in file 'J:\Program Files\SIERRA\Half-Life\ns\maps\ns_scout.rad'!
Warning: Duplication of texlight 'comp_panel2' in file 'J:\Program Files\SIERRA\Half-Life\ns\maps\ns_scout.rad'!
Warning: Duplication of texlight 'comp_screens01' in file 'J:\Program Files\SIERRA\Half-Life\ns\maps\ns_scout.rad'!
Warning: Duplication of texlight 'comp_screens02' in file 'J:\Program Files\SIERRA\Half-Life\ns\maps\ns_scout.rad'!
Warning: Duplication of texlight 'comp_screen2' in file 'J:\Program Files\SIERRA\Half-Life\ns\maps\ns_scout.rad'!
Warning: Duplication of texlight 'fx_screens01' in file 'J:\Program Files\SIERRA\Half-Life\ns\maps\ns_scout.rad'!
Warning: Duplication of texlight 'hera_light1' in file 'J:\Program Files\SIERRA\Half-Life\ns\maps\ns_scout.rad'!
Warning: Duplication of texlight 'teck02' in file 'J:\Program Files\SIERRA\Half-Life\ns\maps\ns_scout.rad'!
Warning: Duplication of texlight 'light_panel05of' in file 'J:\Program Files\SIERRA\Half-Life\ns\maps\ns_scout.rad'!
Warning: Duplication of texlight 'light_yg02on' in file 'J:\Program Files\SIERRA\Half-Life\ns\maps\ns_scout.rad'!
Warning: Duplication of texlight 'light_yg03blue' in file 'J:\Program Files\SIERRA\Half-Life\ns\maps\ns_scout.rad'!
Warning: Duplication of texlight 'newcomp_02' in file 'J:\Program Files\SIERRA\Half-Life\ns\maps\ns_scout.rad'!
Warning: Duplication of texlight 'nos_airlk1' in file 'J:\Program Files\SIERRA\Half-Life\ns\maps\ns_scout.rad'!
Warning: Duplication of texlight 'nos_warning' in file 'J:\Program Files\SIERRA\Half-Life\ns\maps\ns_scout.rad'!
[18 texlights parsed from 'J:\Program Files\SIERRA\Half-Life\ns\maps\ns_scout.rad']
10419 faces
Create Patches : 45753 base patches
36 opaque faces
458613 square feet [66040316.00 square inches]
31 direct lights
(89.77 seconds)
visibility matrix : 124.8 megs
(633.98 seconds)
(384.75 seconds)
(39.28 seconds)
Transfer Lists : 32889258 : 32.89M transfers
Indices : 19861076 : 18.94M bytes
Data : 131557032 : 125.46M bytes
Warning: Too many light styles on a face(623.750000,1427.989990,-36.807495)
(18.70 seconds)
(16.58 seconds)
1186.05 seconds elapsed [19m 46s]
----- END hlrad -----
~ DarkATi
<!--QuoteBegin--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->
Warning: Leaf portals saw into leaf
Problem at portal between leaves 2010 and 2009:
(-3403.000 -1921.000 457.000)
Warning: Leaf portals saw into leaf
Problem at portal between leaves 2018 and 2022:
(-3352.151 -2151.000 527.518)
<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
These two errors alone are enough to cause your map to not run. This is a fairly common error, look around and I bet you'll find lots of threads, links, etc. on how to fix it. In fact, some n00b posted a thread about it in this forum a little while ago...
<!--QuoteBegin--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture ORIGIN not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture TRIM_YELLGREY01 not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture GENERIC108A not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture NULL not found!
Are you sure you included zhlt.wad in your wadpath list?
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture FIFTSFILE2B not found!
Warning: ::FindTexture() texture C_BOOTH_VENT not found!
<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
The compiler can't find your textures. This could also be causing problems.
<!--QuoteBegin--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->-wadinclude ns.wad -wadinclude ns2.wad -wadinclude NS_CA_Infested.wad -wadinclude ns_scout.wad -wadinclude liquids.wad -wadinclude halflife.wad<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Ns.wad, ns2.wad, liquids.wad and halflife.wad don't need to be included! They come with HL/NS. Including them is pointless and will make your .BSP file fricking <i>huge</i>.
<b>Warning: Too many light styles on a face(623.750000,1427.989990,-36.807495)</b>
But I'd look for that...
simply your brushwork.
work with clean brushes. <b>allways</b> copy/paste clipped brushes to prevent errors with the faces. sinceI make it this way, I never got the texture-alignment error.
check for errors after some complex vertex manipulation work. use this tool with care!
dont make the map TOO complex. weird angles and crazy brushwork will slow the engine down and possibly will make the gameplay bad. skulks cant climb on brushes that are in a special angle to each other.
last I have to say, that I never got SUCH A HUGE LIST OF ERRORS with one compile-try. not even when I first compiled a map <!--emo&:p--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif'><!--endemo-->