Ns: Movie
Join Date: 2002-11-03 Member: 6110Members, Constellation

<div class="IPBDescription">Natural Selection.. in a movie ?</div> I was thinking.. how come Natural-Selection doesnt have its own movie.. im not talkin like.. HAM Demos or something.. im talkin a real hard movie..
What im saying is.. how about a ingame movie.. drama type.. planned out.. storyline and all.. if you wanna see what im talking about.. check out
<a href='http://www.csbanana.com/csb.csb/militia2/' target='_blank'>http://www.csbanana.com/csb.csb/militia2/</a>
its about a ingame movie using role play/drama/plot etc. for a IN-GAME movie on militia for cs.. i thought it was kinda cool and figured id see if we could pull together one for NS
If anyone thinks they could help in the creation of something like this.. contact me at
AIM - kekek3k3
MSN - awpticaL@hotmail.com
IRC - #nsmovie.east.gamesnet
Ill try to pull together a team and get something going.. if cs militia2 movie go some much popularity.. what about NS ??.. just a thought.. maybe this would be really good.. i mean NS could have so much more drama and action in it then cs could handle in its lifetime.. Of course this will take lots of time and effort.. Militia2 took about 6 months to create if i remember correctly.. so i figured i would try to pull together a team and get some ideas going so we can get some creation going when 3.0 is released..
So if you think you could help in some way.. contact me somehow.. and try to get in the channel if possible.. this could be real successful, or a complete failure.. lets see what happens :o
A natural-selection movie.. waht ?
( If this has allready been brung up.. i could slap myself..... <!--emo&???--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/confused.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='confused.gif'><!--endemo--> )
pz, tri
What im saying is.. how about a ingame movie.. drama type.. planned out.. storyline and all.. if you wanna see what im talking about.. check out
<a href='http://www.csbanana.com/csb.csb/militia2/' target='_blank'>http://www.csbanana.com/csb.csb/militia2/</a>
its about a ingame movie using role play/drama/plot etc. for a IN-GAME movie on militia for cs.. i thought it was kinda cool and figured id see if we could pull together one for NS
If anyone thinks they could help in the creation of something like this.. contact me at
AIM - kekek3k3
MSN - awpticaL@hotmail.com
IRC - #nsmovie.east.gamesnet
Ill try to pull together a team and get something going.. if cs militia2 movie go some much popularity.. what about NS ??.. just a thought.. maybe this would be really good.. i mean NS could have so much more drama and action in it then cs could handle in its lifetime.. Of course this will take lots of time and effort.. Militia2 took about 6 months to create if i remember correctly.. so i figured i would try to pull together a team and get some ideas going so we can get some creation going when 3.0 is released..
So if you think you could help in some way.. contact me somehow.. and try to get in the channel if possible.. this could be real successful, or a complete failure.. lets see what happens :o
A natural-selection movie.. waht ?
( If this has allready been brung up.. i could slap myself..... <!--emo&???--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/confused.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='confused.gif'><!--endemo--> )
pz, tri
35 views and no replies.... <!--emo&::asrifle::--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/asrifle.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='asrifle.gif'><!--endemo-->
<!--emo&:angry:--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/mad.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='mad.gif'><!--endemo--> <!--emo&:angry:--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/mad.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='mad.gif'><!--endemo--> <!--emo&:angry:--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/mad.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='mad.gif'><!--endemo-->
Anything would help people.. even if you cant help with the project itself.. a few idlers and supporters never hurt.. the only thing that will bring more people.. is more people.. and your gonna need more people to make this successful <!--emo&???--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/confused.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='confused.gif'><!--endemo-->
Anyway, i'll idle for you guys and help out if i can <!--emo&;)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/wink.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='wink.gif'><!--endemo-->. gl hf
Two marines standing next to a wall
Marine1: "Did you hear that?"
Marine2: "Nah, relax, the TSA scouts said this area was clear"
Zoom out to see a skulk on the wall above them.
Zoom in to the skulk
Skulk drops down. Camera doesn't move though
<Screams and gunfire>
<Commander on the headset> Team 3? RESPOND! TEAM 3?!
<skulk laughs>
we are working on setting up our forums, and a webpage for this project.
As soon as we are set with them, we'll post em!!
I hope to see all you there helpin out with ideas and suggestions....
until then...
<!--emo&::asrifle::--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/asrifle.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='asrifle.gif'><!--endemo-->
A way smaller spaceship about 25 m long moves towards the BH.
Inside, a commander tells his marines, "Ok team, you know what to do. As Marines of the TSA, we need to do this fast and efficent. As soon as we arrive on BH, we spread out, check for any survivors and direct BH back to Earth". Surronding him is about 20 Light Armor Marines.
10 Minutes pass and the smaller spaceship is very close to BH.
2 LAs with helmets and jetpacks are chatting.
LA 1 : So that's the Behemoth?
LA 2 : Yup, gorgeous isn't it?
LA 1 : Apparently, several months ago, Earth lost all contact with the BH.
LA 2 : Any chance of a Kharaa Invasion?
LA 1 : Apparently not, the ship is far too powerful. It comes with onboard weapons, dozens of nuclear missiles, hundreds of Vulcan Cannons and more.
As they speak halfway, a huge turret at BH suddenly aims at their spaceship.
Commander : What the.....
The Turret fires a single sonic cannon at the spaceship, dealing a direct hit. Half of the spaceship explodes, sending all the people flying out screaming. Only those that had helmets and jet packs could survive. Half a minute later, the entire spaceship explodes.
LA 1 and LA 2 use their jetpack and propelled themselves to BH. As they arrive, they pull open a hatch and jumps in. As the hatch is sealed, they both take off their helmets, revealing a handsome blond and a tough looking guy with a beard. The Blond is Jack while the Toughie is Mike.
Jack : Oh god..........everyone died! EVERYONE!!! WE ARE LEFT ALONE HERE!
Mike : Shut up, the TSA trained us for situations like this, now what we have to do is to look for survivors and try to get back to Earth.
As they comfort each other, they open the door only to arrive at an enormous hanger far bigger than their ex-spaceship. It is very dark and they unknowingly walk past a half eaten hand with blood.
As they find the switch for lights and on it, another door opens and 2 other marines row out.
Its a girl and guy. The girl is Sophie and the guy is Jeff.
Everyone comforts each other and try to salvage the situation. Unknown to them, an enormous Onos 5 metres high uncloaks behind them.
As Jeff slowly backs away and looks up, trying to gaze at the entire hanger, a drop of saliva drips on his head.
"Huh?" Jeff begins but before he even finishes his sentences, the Onos chomps on him and lift him into the air.
Everyone hears a loud muffed scream and as they turn around, they see the biggest Onos they have ever see. 5 Metres high and 8 Metres long, the Onos swings its head so hard, it flungs Jeff 30 metres away, as he smash into a wall, he falls down, revealing rows of teeth bite marks. Jeff never got up again.
The giant Onos lets out a (jurassic-park-T-Rex-type)roar and charges at everyone. Everyone runs out of the way as the Onos tramples the smaller crates and its very might was unstoppable.
As Mike run, the Onos charge after him. "MIKE!!! BEHIND YOU!" Sophie screams. Mike jumped away, just at the right moment as the Onos rams into several 8 metres tall metal crates, smashing them completely.
The Onos now turns and face Sophie, blood dripping down its jaws, almost smiling.
"Oh my god....." Sophie mutters and she froze as the Onos charges at her.
"SOPHIE!!!" Jack screams.
Just at the right moment, Mike leaps and grabs Sophie just as the Onos charge past them.......toward Jack.
Jack jumped away, in time to avoid getting rammed but the Onos mighty body slams into him and he flew away, hitting a crate and falling unconscious.
As Sophie opens an emergency lift, Mike runs towards Jack. The Onos now stomps as it makes its way to Jacks body.
"DIE BEAST!" Sophie shouts as she unloads her entire LMG clip into the Onos head. It has no effect.
Mike pulled Jacks body away just in time as the Onos jaws slam shut on mid air. The Onos let out a roar of rage as Mike slumped Jack onto his shoulder and jumped into the lift. The lift door closed just in time as Sophie and Mike prayed to god while the Onos rams the door open. Luckily, the lift goes up and they are safe.
I can see this happening already <!--emo&:D--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/biggrin.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->
*HMG is dropped*
*Last procedes to wipe out 50 million skulks*
*chick smooches last for such superb aim*
ohhh ya, this movie is gonna OWN
And i haven't heard anything about pre-selection being cancelled, so i assume it's still going on. Not too sure though.
Anyway, if you do decide to go ahead with this, i wish ya luck and i'll help out if i can.
But with NS movie i mean a REAL movie, not a bunch of HLtv footages cut and pasted together.
That scene with the aliens taking over a huge cruiser and then using it to kaboom the Dropship is a good example of my idea of "movie".
Here's another scene i imagined, it's meant to be funny for the macabre-loving spectators.
A rine is running down a scarcely-illuminated corridor (imagine the one near Sub-Junction RT in ns_eclipse...but more scary!), short-winded and sweated, constantly muttering "oh god oh god oh god oh god".....holding his wounded leg with one hand, while an LMG without the clip hangs loosely from the other.
He looks back every now and then, and faint sounds of gunfire, screams and animal roars can be heard.
The rine starts running faster, hopping on the wounded leg like some sort of sprinting zombie.
Finally the rine reaches a different-looking room, more illuminated and apparently clear.
He stops, breathes deep, leans against a wall and slowly slides seated on the ground.
(he is now seated on the ground with his back against the wall)
Suddendly he hears "chuckle chuckle chuckle!" and raises his LMG....but in doing so he realizes it's dry.
He frantically reloads it, dropping the clip twice and constantly muttering "come on come on come on!!!!"
Finally he has a loaded gun in his hands and points it towards the corridor. RIVERS of sweat on his face, breathing faster than a rabid dog, while a small pool of blood has formed around his wounded leg.
Nothing happens.
After a while of silence, the rine finally relaxes, smiles, puts his gun on the ground and reaches for a pocket under his armor.
He pulls out a packet of "Lucky Strike", half-stained in blood and pressed hard.
He lits one.
He inhales deep. (the camera is now close-up on his face and torso)
In the fraction of a second that follows, an UNCONCEIVABLE lifeform: a horrible cross between a crocodile and a dog (in short: a Skulk) drops from above and rips off his head with HORRIBLE ease.
The beheaded rine stays motionless for a couple of seconds.
Then smoke comes out of his windpipe.
Then he slides sideways on the ground with a loud *splat*
Seconds later, the Skulk crawls down the wall to the floor, the cigarette in his mouth.
Skulk : "Chuckle Chuckle Chuckle!!!"
- RD
Is going to be a 1-2 hour long movie about NS.
<a href='http://www.gworxpictures.com/' target='_blank'>PreSelection by Gworx Pictures</a>
Is going to be a 10-15min or so, short film made in Machinima, with CG and in game footage.
hehe, oh well.. still try and make this work out..
#nsmovie <- chill, hang, help, and support
Right now im still looking for a team to help with it.. anyone with any good exp. that thinks they can help.. contact.. and even if you cant and want to support.. idle our chan!
aim - kekek3k3
msn - awpticaL@hotmail.com
irc - #nsmovie.east.gamesnet
PS is being released under the gworx pictures title, family_god didn't do the movie. Larson and i worked on it