Onos Meatshield

Nathanael_UKNathanael_UK Join Date: 2003-10-18 Member: 21761Members
<div class="IPBDescription">It could work...</div> In NS_Eclipse:

Requires: 10 Aliens, Lot's of Res, 3 Hives

2 Onos (Regen, Adren, SoF)
5 Gorges (Regen, Adren, SoF)
1 Lerk (Regen, Adren, SoF)
2 Fades (Regen, Adren, SoF)

Any extras go Fade

The two Onos sit in the entrance (going towards Horseshoe) and basically their aim is to soak up all the bullet. It's better if you only have one Onos being hit so you have all 5 gorges healing only one Onos. Slowly move across the room until you can get to the railing, the bit facing the CC so that you have a good view of the enemies buildings. The Fades meanwhile are aiming for 2 main objectives:

Armory: To stop the enemies getting ammo
Resource Tower: To stop the enemy dropping ammo

The objective is to make the Marines run out of ammo. Just let the Onos soak up the bullets while being constantly healed and the Lerk is casting Primal and Umbra. Just sit there until the Marine base is wrecked and the Onos is looking slightly perturbed after having soaked up thousands of damage and then go bile bomb everything else.

Yea, I thought of it while I was sleepy.


  • TheChucksterTheChuckster Join Date: 2003-09-20 Member: 21056Members
    By the time we have three hives, the only strategy I'm concerned about is gibbing rines.
  • ShesekShesek Join Date: 2003-06-22 Member: 17617Members
    no offense, but planning these things for three hives is kinda stupid, just get loads of fades and acid the **** out of the marines :/
  • Nathanael_UKNathanael_UK Join Date: 2003-10-18 Member: 21761Members
    One sentence:

    It is more effective

    Anyway, isn't this about tactics?
  • DumbMarineDumbMarine Join Date: 2003-02-16 Member: 13645Members
    edited December 2003
    Tactics need to be efficient and necessary to be feasible. At this level of the game, you are toying with the marines, and you could basically parasite their buildings to death if they took damage from parasites. It'd be less of a tactic and more of a 'Ok, we need to torture the 'rines some more.' Let's make them run out of ammo!'

    BTW, the marines'll just type kill and get a fresh LMG + clip.

    BTW again: It'd be more effective for the onos to just stomp the 'rines while the fades slapped em and the gorges bile bombed.
  • CFN3xusCFN3xus Join Date: 2003-11-23 Member: 23442Members
    yes i will take your umm.. sleepy excuse in consideration but... with three hives... umm... the game is almost over... pretty much yea...
    there is no need to be strategical on all this mish mosh except for marines complaining "stop spawncamping f4!" it just makes a mockery out of the marines while they sit there watching thier res tower die from acid rockets which take about 3 minutes

    yea but you were sleepy... soo good job on the thinking... although a sane man would just rush in there and get it over with
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