Fade Tips

Fat_WangFat_Wang Join Date: 2003-08-31 Member: 20420Members
<div class="IPBDescription">cause i suk</div> previously i asked bout battle gorge and lerk use. now im asking bout fade use. i always drop hive at 50 res or save to go pwnos. i just suk everything at fade.


  • D4rkehD4rkeh Join Date: 2003-08-10 Member: 19372Members, Constellation
    i really have only seen a few guys who are good with fade before acid rocket is avaliable since the only thing a fade can do before that is swipe. i personally gorge most of the game then depending on how well we are doing or how many res i have either go onos, stay gorge and drop oc/dc near the base. there are a few rare times when i will go fade before 3rd hive but i never really live long enough to do any damage cause those public games where i do it the aliens are literally on the losing end and i just try to do as much damage as possible.

    the best tactic with a fade is to get regen/cara then go attack and when you lose most of your health blink away from battle to either find a gorge or a hive to heal then begin the attack again but trust me shotties aren't a fade's best friend while he is fleeing to heal
  • BOBDololBOBDolol Join Date: 2003-10-04 Member: 21431Members
    Fading is easy once you get the hang of it

    blink in, swipe, swipe, jump, look up, blink, look down, blink, swipe, swipe, repeat

    They'll have a hard time hitting you and you'll also be a distraction for your skulk buddies.

    Always try to use blink in combat, I've seen fades that blink ONLY to get in and out of combat and it makes me sick!
  • NecrosisNecrosis The Loquacious Sage Join Date: 2003-08-03 Member: 18828Members, Constellation
    Blink twitchers ahoy.

    Fades current skill is that his head isn't a real target, so you can blinkhop and laugh yourself silly. Apparently hitboxes are all fixed in 3.0, so expect to get hit more. This means you'll have to DODGE more.

    In your favour, two swipes will kill most things, and with the new focus you'll be able to carve up rines nicely.

    Upgradewise you can go with cara or regen. Cara bit handier against shooters, regen not quite so useful. Adren very handy for spam blinking and swiping, also allows fairly good copy of regen if you spam metabolise. Celerity not so hot, very very hard to control a celer fade if you're new to it, and you can end up over compensating for your blinkhop if you're not careful. Silence v good for assassin fades, and as a noob fade you'll be wanting to ambush as much as possible.

    Noob fades should consider practicing on elec rts, then lurking in a vent waiting for marines to pick off. Once you can swipe up a marine from cover, you can move to blinkhopping small groups from vents, and finally move up to fairly straightforward blink assaults without the reliance on vents.

    As a nubby fade, be aware that you may be better off dropping chambers, res, hives, or some other constructive use of 50 res. If the games all but won, go fade and seek out some rts to liberate. By this point marines are lamed up in their start, but you can still snafu the odd rambo who breaks out. You're virtually guaranteed a one-on-one match at this point.

    After that, you should try fading earlier and earlier, until you're a bloody good fade - by this stage it should by 7 minute fading and you should be easily able to get the teams ok on fading early.

    Just bear in mind that although being a good fade is quite an accomplishment, it doesn't give you the right to trash your teams effort by fading wayyyyyyyyyyyy early when you REALLY need a hive <!--emo&:D--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/biggrin.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • Juchel_ZeroJuchel_Zero Join Date: 2003-07-14 Member: 18155Members
    I found that just blinking in, out and somewhere constructively(meaning that marines do not move, try to aim you but can't and you don't get stuck) with backup is very powerfull.

    Ex.: I was a skulk assaulting the double node in ns_veil with fade backup. The fade kept blinking in cercles up in the room distracting them so I just ran next to 2 marines and killed them. Those marines were so busy aiming that fade that I just ran in STRAIGHT line no cover and they just stood there in the middle trying to aim at him. That was pretty funny.
  • ParallaxParallax Join Date: 2002-11-08 Member: 7739Members, Constellation, Reinforced - Supporter
    When you are playing fade, you will want to blink very often and change between blink and swipe. The best way to do this I have found is to bind your "previous weapon"biutton to the right mouse button and to bind the right click menu to another (my middle mouse button). You also want to use that console command that means you don't have to click after selecting a weapon (which makes changing weapons easier). I think it is cl_fastswitch or something, please someone else post it here.

    Anyway, before you go into combat, you press 2 then 1 (which insures that you are currently using swipe and that your previous weapon was blink. When you want to blink, you press your right mouse button, blink, and then in midair you can press your right mouse button again to attack. I have done some brutal mid air kills like this. You will have to perfect this to kill jpers

    You can tell which weapon you are using by the position of your arms (you hold the arms higher in blink mode than swipe mode).

    The best way I find to kill < 4 la lmgs (which is mostly what you will find if you fade early) is to blink in, past them, round behind them, and then blink again up behind one. By the time you stop blinking, they will be reloading and you should be able to kill one. Blink away as soon as your health is < 150. A couple of skilled players with pistols will snipe you dead if you leave much later.

    Hide somewhere until you have healed totally, use meabolise if you have 2 hives to heal faster (ensure that you press 2 then 1 again after otherwise you might use meta when you mean to use slash). I personally find regen and adren to be the best combination, because it is neat to draw fire and I find it easy to kill lone marines without having to use stealth (i.e silence). You will need the adren if you blink alot. That said, you can own a distracted group of marines real easy with silence.

    Fades are great for defending hives, as hives usually have several dc's in them as well as the hive itself. Remember that while you are blinking the dcs are healing you and you are regenerating. I once killed 3 las and 4 hmg ha's in the hive alone (every other alien was dead or hiding) and some more who stepped through the phase. The trick was to blink around while I healed (4 dc's and a hive) and then come in and get close and personal to a reloading hmg. You should have heard the cheering on the voice comm. Woot!

    Never ever stay in combat past the <150hp point. If you are attacking a elec rts (which is all you should be doing unless there is some location under heavy attack) then don't attack it below this point either. Otherwise you will die from a sneaky marine who attacks you as you flee the rts on 100 hps. Have a good place to heal in mind before you attack the rts.

    When blinking, jump, look up slightly and click blink real fast (for only a moment) and then sail through the air normally for ages. This conserves your energy. Remember that before you have 2 hives, a regen fade is the only class that can take out elec rts on its own no problem (after this use bile bomb from gorges and fades).

    Before you take your fading into the feild, start up a game of your own on your own lan server (alone) and type sv_cheats 1. then type givepoints until you have 50 points, buildhive until you have 3 hives and then go fade. Practice blinking around the level until you get motionsick <!--emo&;)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/wink.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='wink.gif'><!--endemo-->

    Remember, the reason you go early fade is to kill the lone marines and to kill the elec rts. Steer clear of shotties until you have practice (I can take them down about 50% of the time if they are escorted. I can kill lone jp shotties if I am careful and run away to heal for a sec every now and then).


    Hit and run and heal and hit from another angle.

    DO NOT come in for the kill until you are sure you can kill it (or hit it) safely. Before then blink around and let them waste their ammo

    Don't ever hold down blink, it uses up energy too quickly. Blink jump insead

    Recharging energy is as important as recharging health. Make sure your energy is full before each encounter.

    And go get some serious ownage!

  • J_D_WJ_D_W Join Date: 2003-05-22 Member: 16598Members
    That command is hud_fastswitch 1
    Just change it in your config file its already in there, just with a "0". Change to "1" (with the speechmarkks)
  • ElusiveLlamaElusiveLlama Join Date: 2003-10-19 Member: 21787Members
    The only real trick to the fade is learning to blink. Blinking up, down, sideways, then backtracking and blinking in all crazy, random directions is a great way to avoid getting shot down. The marines shoot until they reload, then you blink in and introduce their face to your claws before blinking away to heal, only to come back a few seconds later to wreak havoc. Being unpredictable is a very, very good thing when you're a fade...
  • ElusiveLlamaElusiveLlama Join Date: 2003-10-19 Member: 21787Members
    Oh yeah, you can blink again right after your last blink, and in midair too. This means you can blink upwards and turn on a dime to blink directly to the right. Way better than the jp or lerk flying systems, and a ton faster. You can achieve some spectacular air-time on certain custom maps, like stargate...
  • RaVeRaVe Join Date: 2003-06-20 Member: 17538Members
    edited December 2003
    Up against a lone HA, you might have a chance, or have if you have learned the ropes (I did)

    Practically you'll want to make full use of blink. Just don't use it too much or you'll run out of energy before you know it (Unless you took Adrenaline)

    And Blinkhop (Jump - Blink - Jump - Blink) to conserve energy, as well as launch yourself farther (depending on the height of the blink)

    Learn when to run. The Fade isn't a total warrior. It's a Hit and Run creature that when used correctly, can obliterate a squad of marines if done correctly.

    When Acid Rocket is up, don't only use it, as it does much less damage than pre 2.xx. Instead soften them up, hide a bit then Blink in and attempt to kill your desired target.

    If you see an HA train, RUN! You alone cannot take them alone (obviously) Instead, if you have 3 hives, Hit n Run em with ARs to soften them and force them to weld each other, could buy some time for backup to arrive.

    EDIT : If you are confident with your blink, blink above marines in a large room of some sort, then switch to Acid Rocket and fire one. When you land you repeat it.
  • StakhanovStakhanov Join Date: 2003-03-12 Member: 14448Members
    When it comes to hive defense , a fade is much more effective than an onos : the onos has to run away from the attacked hive or die , while the fade can blink around , distract HMGers , and get healed by the hive. Once you have maxed health you can immediately attack the HAs and harrass until they have to retreat to weld each other. At that point , you will take most of the HMG/shotgun hits , letting skulks attack them as well.
  • Juchel_ZeroJuchel_Zero Join Date: 2003-07-14 Member: 18155Members
    One thing you have to know is the limits of your fade(what can you kill, what you can't...), the best engagement spots, vents, escape routes when attacked and knowing when to engage and when to flee.
    Knowing this will ensure you are pretty hard to kil.
  • NecrosisNecrosis The Loquacious Sage Join Date: 2003-08-03 Member: 18828Members, Constellation
    Also consider that if you do nothing more than blink around in front of the rines, you're doing a good job of holding them up and/or wasting their ammo.

    You're usually going so fast that you don't block other aliens too.

    (Sort of like a n00b onos who tries to devour endlessly - he's a brilliant bullet sponge which you can exploit to your advantage)
  • GeronimoGeronimo Join Date: 2002-12-18 Member: 11056Members
    It completely depends on the opposition.

    With skilled rhines, kill one and blink out to heal. If they have SGs, swipe ONCE and blink out. HMGs are the same. On most public games, blink in run around swiping until you run out of energy or hit red HP, blink out. With SGs, try getting out with 100+ hp.

    I recommend celerity and regen, or carapce if they have high tech.
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