Groovy effects
Pixel Punk Join Date: 2002-01-24 Member: 39Members, Retired Developer, NS1 Playtester, Contributor

I'm just loving all the possibilites opened up by the NS specific entities. Why not devote a thread to sharing any specific ideas or effects that we have discovered? Well here it is. I understand that some of you like to keep things under wraps to protect your ideas, so if you don't feel like giving anything away, don't sweat it. Also, these don't have to be ideas/effects unique to the NS entities. I'm sure whatever it is, someone will be interested and find it useful!
To kick things off, I'll describe an effect that I put together last night (I'll post a picture later so it will make better sense). This may not even be an original idea, and there may be more than one way to do what I have done, so no razzing me if that's the case. <!--emo&;)--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=';)'><!--endemo-->
For the electrical arcs in the EM drilling cannon in Bast, I created some env_beams with targets. Although env_beams let you create a little randomness, I wasn't happy with it. Plus, I needed the arcs to illuminate the walls as each arc appeared, and the illumination to disappear when the arc disappeared. So I named each env_beam (and a corresponding light entity) "arc1", "arc2", etc. I then used 2 trigger_randoms (each targetting about half the "arc" names), and set the flags on each to "Start on" and "Toggle". This gives a really nice random striking effect and makes it look as though the arcs are lighting the walls near the strike.
Oh yeah, I forgot to add this. I know I may be describing something that isn't available in the NSTR yet. My apologies, but you can still keep this in mind when the NSTR2 is released!
<!--EDIT|Relic25|Jan. 25 2002,12:33-->
To kick things off, I'll describe an effect that I put together last night (I'll post a picture later so it will make better sense). This may not even be an original idea, and there may be more than one way to do what I have done, so no razzing me if that's the case. <!--emo&;)--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=';)'><!--endemo-->
For the electrical arcs in the EM drilling cannon in Bast, I created some env_beams with targets. Although env_beams let you create a little randomness, I wasn't happy with it. Plus, I needed the arcs to illuminate the walls as each arc appeared, and the illumination to disappear when the arc disappeared. So I named each env_beam (and a corresponding light entity) "arc1", "arc2", etc. I then used 2 trigger_randoms (each targetting about half the "arc" names), and set the flags on each to "Start on" and "Toggle". This gives a really nice random striking effect and makes it look as though the arcs are lighting the walls near the strike.
Oh yeah, I forgot to add this. I know I may be describing something that isn't available in the NSTR yet. My apologies, but you can still keep this in mind when the NSTR2 is released!
<!--EDIT|Relic25|Jan. 25 2002,12:33-->
Ok, I don't know if this effect is feasable, but it's one I've been having for a while now...
Instead of doors... Forcefields... Particle Forcefields.. (now you're all saying "You can do that with an animating texture!" but wait...)
See, the 'effect' part of it would be where you have four generators, one at each edge of the doorway (if it's rectangular. If it's hexagonal, or what have you, it's alterable as needed.)
Sooo..when you step up to the door, the generators shut off, and it looks like the forcefield sort of 'dies', opening like an iris.
And I'm planning on using it in -my- map people.... *leashes Bob to the idea to protect it*
<!--EDIT|Moleculor|Jan. 25 2002,11:36-->
One light set to bright blue, toggleable.
One particle system, with a split second lifetime, that spits out blue spark sprites in a burst.
One trigger random that targets a multimanager for turning both on, and then turning them off after a split second.
The result is a random burst of sparks, accompanied by a flash of light. It's perfect for broken machinery and electronics. It also looks far better than the env_spark entity, especially if you want to emulate a welding effect with some machinery.
For welding you can add an extra touch. Have the sparks last until they collide. A colliding spark generates a new particle system which is just a single particle of the same appearance that flies upwards in a random direction (only a small amount) before landing and colliding again. When it collides it generates another system which is a single particle that doesn't move, and simply fades out over its 2 second lifespan.
The result is sparks that bounce off the floor before finally resting and cooling off into nothingness. If the sparks were really hot you could set their lifetime to 5-8 seconds, and add in another system with the same name as the resting spark. This extra system would just be a little bit of smoke rising upwards, so that the hot bit of metal looks like it's smoking. Essentially the colliding spark would generate two systems instead of one (The cooling spark and the rising smoke) because they'd both have the same name.
here's a way that i found to create nice looking explosion effects. place a custom particle system where you want the explosion to occur and try these settings:
System starts: Off
Fade In: Off
Fade Out: On
Particle source: Point
Max # of particles: 1
Particles / sec: 1000
Sprite size: 10
Scale sprite over lifetime: 25 to 30
System lifetime: 1 second, higher if you want a slower burst
System starting velocity: 0 for all fields
Pick a round sprite for a shockwave or a radial sprite with some noise or spikes coming out of it for explosions. Have a trigger fire the particle system at whatever time you want the explosion to occur. This effect generates one sprite that expands SMOOTHLY over the lifetime you desire. A real short lifetime makes the burst faster. you can also add a light entity with a bright orange/yellow color that is toggled on as the explosion occurs.
it looks really nice in-game!
Actually it doesn't. If the original burst of sparks shoots out 10 particles, then the sum of particles in all the system would be 30, at the most. You'd usually have much fewer particles, like 10-20, because they're not always colliding at generating at the same time.
Particle system lag is mostly caused by numerous particles, or excessive layers of transparencies.
Btw, when you use the term "lag", that refers to network traffic, not performance in general. I realize people use the term for other things, but it's not really correct.
Using particle systems to manage all these collisions and stuff shouldn't cause any (network) lag, as most of it happens on the client. So when do I get to see such cool things?
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Anyway, I may make a map to test some l33t particle effects in soon. Watch this space!
I had an idea on how to create billowing steam, ie, steam that floats gently down and billows out when it hits the ground.
It's really quite simple - you just have the steam float gently downwards, and make it so that when it collides with the ground, it generates a new particle which moves in a random direction on the X/Y plane, and gently fades away.
If you want to make it even more detailed, you could have 4 initial particle systems which cover top left, top right, bottom right, and bottom left particles (when looking from a birds-eye view), and then have 4 aditional partile systems to create on collision which follow the same directions but with no Z factor. This would prevent particles from moving in one direction, and then suddenly switching course when they hit the ground.
I don't see an attachment in your post, Relic.
(That is if it fits with what your trying to do that is)
Like this.
Trigger ARC4 fires arc named ARC1, light named ARC1, and trigger named ARC2.
ARC2Trigger fires ARC2 stuff and a trigger named AR3... or something like that... or maybe the next one in line would have to be one smaller... where ARC4 fires ARC1, ARC1 and ARC1. ARC1 fires ARC2 ARC2 and ARC2. Or something like that. Delays are possible, right?
This <i>should</i> cast a area of light on the wall along side the beam.
If I'm wrong about this, <b>please</b> let me know, because this would open a lot of possibilities for a lot of mappers besides myself!
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<!--EDIT|Moleculor|Jan. 26 2002,18:21-->
The only other way i can think of is to make some sort of thin func_wall with high transparency and a texture that, when placed infront of the shaft walls, would look as if they are lit.
Making the texture switchable to something totally seethrough you can trigger the func_wall same time you trigger the i think ive confused myself <!--emo&???--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt='???'><!--endemo--> <!--emo&???--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt='???'><!--endemo-->
anyhow this is a <i>very</i> rough way of doing it and will probably look lame....ahh well
[edit] just had a thourght, you could use the func_wall_toggle instead of having a switching texture
Uncritical: Hey, now that might just work! If I use thin, additive brush entities (func_doors maybe) the env_beam ends should follow the center origins. I'll give it a try in a test map and see how it flies. In any case, it should make a really neat effect, and even if I can't use it, someone else could. Thanks for sharing your ideas!
<!--EDIT|Relic25|Jan. 26 2002,19:35-->
There is 1 info_target as a common start for all 5 beams.
There are 2 trigger_randoms to randomly toggle the env_beam/light sets.
You could make an iris opening effect by having a LOT (About 12) curved func_rotating arranged so that when they are in thier starting position thier tips touch (See pic).
This would be possible if you were desperate but very tedious.
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