Share Your Best Ns Moments!
Sunny Domination Join Date: 2002-12-11 Member: 10647Members, Constellation, Reinforced - Silver

<div class="IPBDescription">...what makes NS...NS...</div> Share your best NS moments, the ones that made NS for you, here's mine:
Game on Hera, 2.01, hold 2-3 hives.
I drop from the vent hole in Data Core Delta, and spy a Marine gaurding an elect'd res tower in holoroom.
I switched to leap, and in the time to takes to say <i>oh snap!</i>, I leapt over to him, switched to bite, killed him, then got killed by the node.
Man, it was a rush <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->
Game on Hera, 2.01, hold 2-3 hives.
I drop from the vent hole in Data Core Delta, and spy a Marine gaurding an elect'd res tower in holoroom.
I switched to leap, and in the time to takes to say <i>oh snap!</i>, I leapt over to him, switched to bite, killed him, then got killed by the node.
Man, it was a rush <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->
Nah... hmm I'd have to say when I went fade and chose silence for a change and chewed through an entire group of marines one at a time, following them. I don't think they ever turned around <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->
Another time would have to be when, again as a fade, I attacked a bunch of heavies head on, blinking from wall to wall like Nightcrawler in X2 <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->
No-one really knew what to do, you got your first encounter with an onos (your whole team never saw that), everyone went gorge and we always got senso because of how cool cloaking seemed.
Oh, and it was scary when you heard the clicks of a skulk's footsteps because you don't know the maps.
*it was possiblecuz a lerk had shot spores*
Okay, this wasn't with the same skulk, I died in between, but it was within the same 2 minute period. They were attacking the hive and were far too pre-occupied with an onos to notice that cloaked, silenced skulk <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->
It was on hera and we had locked horns a number of times throughout the game; he with his shotty, me with my Fu.
Then late in the game the comm gave him a jetpack and I got leap.
At one point I chased him all the way from ventilation to holoroom. When he got to holoroom he hid in a corner up on the ceiling over the nodes.
I, coming from upper processing, leapt across to where he was sitting (flying over a shotty blast on my way); I landed right in front of him, took a chomp out and then purely by instinct circled around to his right. <b>Just as he blasted where I had been standing mere moments earlier</b>. I got the last chomp in and killed him.
oh and another time i cybered with 2 ppl on an empty serverm, lost my eGinity to those mystery men/women
DLing 2.0
Second best?
DLing 1.04
My next best NS moment?
DLing 2.1
All of a sudden several skulks and 1 lerk came up the ladder trying to take down our base, and I was frantically firing at them, emptying clip after clip into them and welding whenever it was necessary. I got spored, bitten and parasited, but the comm did a really good job keeping me alive. At one point we were nearly overrun and the comm kept spamming med packs and tried to keep me morally alive via voice comm, and the other marines couldn´t help me either because they were trying to take over maintenance (I THINK it was maintenance, engine was allready captured and feedwater seemed to be their starting hive). Then, much to my relief, HA was researched and I was the first one to get it.
Then I was granted a short break and quickly built a phase gate, most of the marines came to receive their HA and HMG/Shottie, and a split second after the last one left a new wave of skulks came up the ladder, including 2 fades and a fatteh who was trying to web me. Ironically enough, I survived that also and even got welded by the comm. He went back into the cc and I approached the elevator to check the area below me, only to stare at the face of a mad onos. I freaked out and ran backwards, only to be webbed and the last thing I heard was a chuckle, then I found myself inside it´s stomach.
I don´t exactly know what happened after that, but the comm actually spawned a HMG and HA, got out of the chair and began shooting the onos that seemed to be trying to destroy our structures. I couldn´t see what was happening, but all of a sudden the onos fell down the elevator shaft and died, and I hurried back to the base where the comm allready spawned 2 health packs. It didn´t take long until we won the game after that, and once again I was the unsung hero. <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->
Meb musta been on that vet team
That and the time a bunch of random pubbers beat a fully stacked team of X/0 on their home server.
OOOH, and the time we smoked a fully stacked DoGS team on their home server and got banned!
me on aliens, no less that 5 complete hive trades
us ending up with all three
the final push into marine start
placing 8 ocs / 8 dcs on the elevator and sending them up to the base
finally breaking through the turret farm
laughing when the commander actually makes father than 2m from the chair
(by the end we all had pings at least 200-300 more than original)
He was completely off-gaurd, couldn't believe a skulk got to him without him even realising what happend. Glorious moment <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->
Other moment, not so glorious, but enjoyable was when me as a gorge and a lerk held off least 5 marines without OC or DC's around...good ol' healspray and spikes...the lerk lured I ambushed. Amazing how annoyed some marines get when they get spored - ignore everthing trying to gun down that crazy bat <!--emo&:p--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif'><!--endemo-->
And won.
<!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->
On an entirely different game in Bast, it was... I'd say about 6 or 7 on each team. CWAG was commanding. Liku, myself, and several other LM regulars (Sorry this was a long time ago...) against the alien team. On a map that hates marines. Didn't sound good.
We got off to a rocky start. Our defender had to practically shove the skulks back in the vent with a plunger while keeping the base shiney and new. The usual push-pull syndrome. We did manage to take about half the res nodes in the map for a decent amount of time, giving us a fairly stable resource base. The aliens never did actually attempt to take atmospheric processing at all. Good for us.
The best part of this is that we didn't really need CWAG. He dropped us buildings and ordinance, keeps us in shape, and gives us the heads-up on what's going on, but we'd form our own squads without a word, and move out to places we knew we should be.
First thing we did was move to main aft and plunge into engine room and lock that sucker up ASAP. Again, more fighting. We actually managed, thanks to CWAGs obsessive demand for perfection in marines (As in: I didn't even need to call for a medpack when one would plop on my head right on time), manage to sustain very low losses, meaning onos would take slightly longer to show up.
We suited up in HA and dispensed with HMGS (I recall I died and spawned late to the party. I screamed, in global chat, 'COMMIE, GIMMIE THE BIGGEST MOTHER-F***ING GUN YOU CAN!!!' and he's like 'OKAY!!!' and proceedes to litter the ground with an assortment of weapons <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->
Anyway, we somehow ended up in the vents right outside tramtunnel/feedwater foyer. And there's an onos. Liku managed to fall out (Or get sucked out, doesn't matter) and was gored to death. I began sniping at the onos, but to get a better angle, I creeped forward.
*PLOP* I fall out of the vent. Two feet in front of a nasty-**** onos, right next to Liku's dead body. I'm in the slowest possible configuration in this game.
The onos stomps and I nimbly jump it. Diving to the side, I open up into the big-ol-****. I hear a 'WHOMCH' as he tries to eat me. I begin backing up, watching my ammo count dwindle down. 'WHOMCH' again. A miss. 'WHACK WHACK' he tries to gore me. 60 bullets. 50 bullets. 40 bullets. 30 bullets. 20 bullets. 15 bullets left, and the onos hits the dirt, and I'm completely unharmed. Hyped on adreneline, I begin screaming at the onos <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo--> "Yeah! How you like that! Die freaking die already!" (He got **** and left. I felt sorta bad, but man, I deserved it)
Their onos down. We're on the prowl. It was just mop-up after that.
Well there was the time I was a HA+shotty marine in biodome hive.
I think their ENTIRE TEAM must have been there, because as soon as I entered they just converged on me. Some idiot sent the elevator back up so there was me all alone with my shotty against 8 skulks.
How do I know it was 8 skulks?
Every shot was a kill.
It was beautiful.
#1: Superskulk: 6 - Marines: 0
This happened I believe on ns_nancy in 1.04, when the skulk was a lot weaker. I Was just about to go into messhall when I heard marine footsteps incoming, and at the exact time the mp3 player switched to the track:
Juno reactor vs Don Davis - Burly brawl.
*cue scene of superskulk completely anihilating 6 marines in time with music ^^*
#2: Woops, what happened to reality?
This was from a game in NS combat. I just, kinda slipped out of reality into the game...I was leaping and biting like it was second nature.. It seemed I just wouldn't die, but many of the marines did ^^
#3: Eclipse command solo defence:
Went to eclipse as a vannilla skulk, to check on it. I saw three marines there, building a turret factory... So I took to the walls, onto the ceiling, receiving a hail of incoming fire - I then jumped off the ceiling onto the first marine who promptly was eaten, jumped to the next, then the next, using the resource tower as cover.. By the time it was over I was chewing on the turret factor.
At this time I was at 50 HP or so, fairly damaged from the previous fight , the turret factory was now almost dead.. But 2 marines came, and expecting to die I just ran around the walls and trying to kill them... and which I did...
2 more marines came, the turret factory now gone, and the resource node being chewed into the red.. They also died, but by this time I was running out of hitpoints... I manged to Kill one of the marines, killing the resnode, and dying just as it was destroyed.
#4 blahman's old server in 2.0..
^^ 10v10 can make for some interesting teams, and eating... The marine team seemed comprised mainly of fastfood. Superskulk's apatite was most satisfied.
#5 ARG RUN!!! ONOS!!
Just to prove I don't play aliens all the time, I was marine (olo!!) this time. I was I think in holoroom, I spotted an onos, and not having any ammo, I ran, shouting "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" in voicecomm and chat. Onos running speed is equal to the marine running speed, so one slip up and I was onos food. I managed to get into ventilation, the onos right on my heels, when I slipped on a ladder and was eaten in midair.. It was one of the funniest moments I have had in NS. Everyone laughed too.
I broke the cloaking, and - naturally - introduced him to my bowels.
<3 LB