[wip] Aliens Pack
Join Date: 2003-05-23 Member: 16646Members

<div class="IPBDescription">Under Heavy Construction...</div> Heads up, my pack is finished. Please, if anyone can host this, I'd be very grateful.
If and when I have hosting I'll be releasing "Aliensounds" v1.0 for your enjoyment. Please examine the files out and in-game and tell me which ones you think would need changing, or what old ns sounds should be replaced with new Aliensounds.
<i>Please note that this is v1.0 and I will be creating a v2.0 as soon as I get feedback from everyone on what should go, what should stay, and what should be added.</i>
If and when I have hosting I'll be releasing "Aliensounds" v1.0 for your enjoyment. Please examine the files out and in-game and tell me which ones you think would need changing, or what old ns sounds should be replaced with new Aliensounds.
<i>Please note that this is v1.0 and I will be creating a v2.0 as soon as I get feedback from everyone on what should go, what should stay, and what should be added.</i>
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Which covers 100% of kharaa Aliens player models and v models.
Which covers 100% of kharaa Aliens player models and v models. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
Please direct me towards your pack, because if I happen to be using anything you've created I've got to cite my sources. I'm unaware of who exactly made the models I've found, as they didn't say.
Ok i admit i put the pulse-rifle sound in there but thats it <!--emo&:p--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/tounge.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif'><!--endemo-->
Gotta love the cheezy pulse rifle sounds <!--emo&:D--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/biggrin.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->
(edit: but by all means, continue, as i have no server/webspace to host anything ever sadly *sigh*)
Edit - as in for marine vox, and maybe all the hud sounds.
I made some models, which has already been released. I wouldnt mind seing an "alice" in there <!--emo&:D--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/biggrin.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo--> Played AvP2 yesterday... the Alice is so sweet!!!
Give us a taste of what u got in the pack so far?
If u need ne help converting old 1.0 models to 2.0 just pm me and im on it <!--emo&:)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->
"because if I happen to be using anything you've created I've got to cite my sources. I'm unaware of who exactly made the models I've found, as they didn't say."
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My model pack comes complete with readme and full credits, every model within it that is NOT my work was included with FULL PERMISSION from all parties concerned.
I, personally, like to be contacted before anyone redistributes ANYTHING I've done, and I believe thats mentioned in my readme..... weak excuses about "can't find a readme" don't really work, since virtually EVERY NS release comes through these forums, or T2K, and that guarantees a readme or a thread devoted to each release.
BTW if you just happen to be using things without permission, I don't think you'll make many friends.
I <b>will</b> ask permission from the certain model makers when the time comes. Don't jump to conclusions, you won't make many friends.
On a lighter note, if anyone could direct me to that site that focused mainly on making AvP2 models and such fpr NS I'd be very grateful. That or a site with that Aliens pack (the black ones).
I <i>should</i> be releasing this as soon as I add/change a few more sounds and models. If and when I do it will be a BETA, only including sounds and models for Aliens, not yet marines. That will be in a later version.
I will ask permission from the certain model makers when the time comes. Don't jump to conclusions, you won't make many friends.
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You better. Second, I'm giving you friendly advice - your only comment was that you'd CITE the creators, not contact them directly. I'm just making you aware that most people like to be CONTACTED if their items are to be redistrubuted, not just cited. I'm not just talking about NS either.
I couldn't give a toss what your opinion is on the matter, because the fact is I made the files, and you're going to have to go through me for permission, sunshine. I make this stuff, I don't NEED friends to give it to me. I don't care if you refuse to include it either, because the beauty of it is that I learned animation and made the v weapons for ME. If other people like it, all the better, but I'll not cry if my pack doesn't catch on.
Quite funny, the idea of a "complete Aliens model/sound set" without alien v weapons.
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I should be releasing this as soon as I add/change a few more sounds and models. If and when I do it will be a BETA, only including sounds and models for Aliens, not yet marines.
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No offence but there must be five packs like that already, at least 3 of which can still be found online, and only one of which could be considered worth the download.
T2K is down at the moment... doesn't mean we llike being kicked for it.
we went through this when commander Kittens made his pack....
he included things without asking first, and when time to release, he had forgotten to ask some people, and well, that didn't turn out well... for this reason, you would not find any file on T2K without a readme (this is being changed becaseu well, it's lame at the moment as i've got twice as much stuff as i "san" host)
and well.... calm it down, some people hold their work, as well... THEIRS, that means you don't have advise to do whatever you want to with it... it only means they will let you use it.
You say you made the stuff for YOURSELF. Well, I made this pack for me. I downloaded everything and added custom sounds to MY game and liked them. So I told everyone I'd be releasing a pack with all new sounds and models. Never did I say that I wasn't going to go ask other people about their models, nor did I say I was claiming any of them for my own work. I had no idea you made the V models all on your own, should I have found this out before your comments, I <b>would</b> have contacted you and asked your permission.
Your attitude of assumtion and accusations really pisses me off, thus you have completely trashed my mood of doing anything for the community. Thanks.
and just take it under this facts.
a model or whatever made by a scond person(in this case not u) is copyrighted (like art on the internet).
So u are not allowed to redistribute anything if u doesnt have the persmission of the creator(s). Which in this case is necrosis.
(good stuff btw very sexy job). And as he says above. I dont think that necrosis has an annoying attitude. He just wants to be asked.
And i can bet if u have asked him nicely before u posted this last post. i bet hw would allow u to pack his stuff.really.
well cya arround
Second, I love it when someone makes a new username just to flame.
forget this let us end this thread
<a href='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/index.php?act=Profile&CODE=03&MID=3930' target='_blank'>I used to be known as HOB</a>
If that was flamming then all of your posts in this thread were flamming also.
If you didn't care you wouldn't have responded. Also you seem rather annoying in your replies, which is probably the reason why you are angering others.
You obviously still do care since you edited it again to add that in there.
Anyhow should anyone actually attempt to make a massive pack of everything, feel free to contact - tho be advised that most custom sites offer all the stuff separately, and its easier to host several small packs as opposed to one hellish 25 meg nightmare.
Edit - since you're editing your replies, I'll just edit mine too. I *still* don't care. And you've not posted since. Who's the fool now?
Just a heads up for something to look for in the near future.
I'll give you a progress chart, so you know when to expect something:
Models: 75%
Sounds: 50%
Sprites: 0% <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
yippie <!--emo&:)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo--> , i hope u get weapon sprites for aliens
Also, I haven't stopped making my pack, I'm just focusing on sounds currently. It will be, to my knowledge, the largest Aliens soundpack released (contains sounds for almost all categories; ambients, doors, buttons, weapons, etc.).
I don't want this thread to turn into a large flame war, my appologies to everyone and the forum itself.
Hence we just reiterate this everytime someone announces a pack of existing models (you'll note I didn't mention it in Swede's thread since AFAIK all his stuff is his own).
While its great that you're doing a soundpack, a lot already exist that you could mash together for your own convenience (contacting people as you go, etc etc). Models already exist, sounds already exist, sprite for the MARINE weapons already exist... the thing thats really lacking is ALIEN weapon sprites...
Yeah thats what I do with my stuff.
/me looks at the fugly "Hell-nos" and would rather his name wasn't on the credits, at the very least
/me then looks at the couple of neato models sitting on his HD he could never release because they borrowed parts from other peoples' models, who never got back to him about permission
Click it and move the slider up a few decibels.
You can also go to "Dynamics" and pick "Light Amplification". This will make the loud sounds a little louder, and quiet sounds a <i>lot</i> louder. It's handy for making things sound "closer."
It's a good idea to equalize all the sounds' volume, so that no one sound stands out too much.