Keeping The Mind Moving
Join Date: 2003-09-30 Member: 21354Members

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<div class="IPBDescription">how did you occupy your mind?</div> I've recently just gone through a messy break up. And people keep telling me to just keep my mind moving and not dwell on it. Well i'm going about it in quite a few a different ways. And i'm just throwing the question out there. What did all of you do when you were going through something tough. How'd you keep your mind occupied, or didn't you?
"But as the French were to discover, their unprovoked burning of Kiev was remembered. Though it would take nearly 300 years for the Russians to have their revenge, they paid the dead of Kiev back in full. As the palace complex in Paris crumbled to ruin, and the citizens hauled off into slavery, the final remnants of the French army and their people retreated into the mountains. What followed became known as the 100 year seige. Russian forces, annexing the entire French empire, surrounded the final bastion of French resistance and constructed vast fortresses. Any Frenchman who tried to escape was instantly cut down. The other nations of the world did not know why the Russians did not strike the final blow, and some leaders, incorrectly as it turned out, believed this to be an act of mercy.
The Russians though had plans for the last remains of the French. The racial memory of unprovoked war had been too great to overcome. Even as the French leaders pleaded for clemency, Russian scientists worked on producing the end result of their theoretical research, which had first hinted at the awesome power they could now unleash more than 100 years ago. The Russian leaders of the time had decided how to finish the hated French off. In their death, a signal to the entire world would be sent forth.
On March 11th, 1834, 400 years exactly after the burning of Kiev, the people of Free France observed 2 aircraft in the skies above their city. Years earlier, it had been Russian aircraft and armoured vehicles that had laid waste to French armies, and the memory was not lost. People scrambled for underground shelters and cellars, waiting for the inevitable barrage of explosions.
The aircraft though only dropped one object. It fell on a perfect trajectory, aimed directly at the centre of the encircled city. There, a victory arch still stood, built in tribute to those who had razed Kiev. The Russians had chosen their target deliberatly.
A single pulse of light burst into being above the city. Any who saw it were blinded instantly, but they had no time to scream before the air ignited around them. Fire burst into being, fueld by temperatures and power usually only found in the heart of stars. French citizens in bunkers had but a moment before they were incinerated, their very bodies carbonized by the heat. Behind the terrible fire came the shockwave. The giant arch in the city centre had barely begun to turn to ash when the shockwave blasted it apart, fragments tossed into the sky to join the almost endless debris. The fire and pressure swept on, sucking up the ruins of the French city whilst consuming even more. After only 5 seconds, the outer reaches of the city had been reached. The feilds then burned, the palty crops that the French people had starved on for decades incinerated and swept aside. Yet finally, the power died, and all that was left was a giant mushroom cloud, rising high into the sky.
mages of what the Russians called "A scientific experiment" were flashed around the world. National leaders looked in horror at the terrible cloud, and then at the afterimages; the French city gone, the very ground melted to glass, here and there a few bricks. As one, they thought they understood the message. If any of them ever attacked Russia, this was the fate that awaited them.
What none of them could know, even then, was that Russia had been awaiting the outcome of the atomic experiment. Now that it was a success, the path to final victory was laid clear. Even as the leaders of the world tried to come to terms with the images they had seen, Russian tanks were already rolling across their borders. The skies turned black with Russian aircraft, and on the seas, Russia's submarines and carrier fleets launched devestating attacks upon their unprepared opponants. And behind it all, in re-enforced concrete silos around Moscow, the sleek missiles lifted into the sky, engines pushing their nuclear cargo towards their final destination. Because, what the rest of the world didn't understand was that Russia had remembered everything in their past.
When the French had attacked, the world had been silent. No-one had come to Russia's aid. Now, the world would pay the price for that failure. If any of the world's leaders had understood that, they would never share their revelation with anyone. Less than 30 minutes after Russia unleashed it's armies, the capital cities of every non-Russian nation in the world were reduced to radioactive ruin.
And as the Russians would later say, after the final war had been won: <i>Reap what you sow</i>"
As you can see, I can get quite caught up in this kind of thing <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo--> So yeah, that's kinda my answer. I can fill my head with this kind of stuff quite readily. The main problem is stopping thinking so I can bloody well get some sleep <!--emo&:p--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif'><!--endemo-->
This is exactly on target. <a href='' target='_blank'>Clicking Away at Healing Potions</a> It's well written, and very funny.
<!--QuoteBegin--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->I'm telling you, man, computer games are God's apology to man for the whole woman thing. It's like He said, 'I know what I did didn't really work out like it should have, but here, have this to take your mind off it'.<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Then I started dating a girl who's the opposite of my ex in almost every way. Current mood: happier than I've been in years. <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->
i personally work out.. but gaming helps alot too!
might i also recommend reading Tom Clancy? Rainbow 6 is my personal favorite
Yeah, that also helps me fall asleep.
Yeah, that also helps me fall asleep. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
Blasphemy! ah well, cant please everyone ... if you are one of the people who do not have the ability to see how freaking screwed the world is and will not fall asleep before the evil plan is thwarted, just skip to the good parts
i could never skip any part of his book, although i was recommending skipping parts (ugh) to out less-book-liking friends
2. Bang head into wall.
3. Repeat as necessary.
<!--emo&:p--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif'><!--endemo-->
I like to sit down with a good drink, like my old friend Jack or a martini or even a beer. I open a good book and read. I just finished the Lord of the Rings series for the third time a few months ago and I'm starting in on the Wheel of Time series. Between epic series based in a fantasy setting, I like to read philosophy and science books. Not textbooks like in school, but books like <i>The Universe in a Nutshell</i> by Hawking. I'm also a big fan of Hume.
When I'm with friends, it depends on the mood. Sometimes we play some D&D, sometimes we go to a bar and throw some darts and sometimes we just have a good ol' fashioned LAN party.
2) I pray/meditate to God
3) I read
4) I just go outside and run around or experience nature
5) punch a hole in the wall
6) game
I preper number 1 and 6 usually <!--emo&:p--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif'><!--endemo-->
10 ... 9 ... 8 ... 7 ... 6 ... 5 ... 4 ... 3 ... 2 ... 1 ... 0 ... *ding*
your coffee's reheated!
<!--emo&:p--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif'><!--endemo--> before you go to bed, take some visine and look at yourself in a mirror...
I hate women. Well, I hate it when they have you break up with your GF to be with them, cheat on you less then 2 weeks after you break up with GF, don't really explain why except with vague accusations you have feelings for their roommate, and then lie about it when you confront them and ask if they did cheat on you.
Which is why I got back with old GF, and now our sex life is even better then ever! heheheheh.
Heres what else I do:
1. Put on some music and play Freecell, my winning streak without quitting is 23!
2. PLay games, long games (Morrowind is a good one)
3. Clean
4. Cook/Bake, try new recipies and stuff like that (mmmm.....pork chops)
5. Drink. Yes, I am a drunk.
6. Drive
Women are so evil. All I ever do it seems is get played by them. THey say one thing and then BAM!, they rip out your heart. Unfortunately, I feel like I need a women, and added to that the fact that I have social anxiety (and the darn therapy didn't help either, they wouldn't give me pills, behavorial modification didn't help), I drink alot when I go out anymore (I don't drink by myself, but usually if Im with my friends on the weekends I drink way too much) becuase it helps loosen me up and helps me get over my anxiety a little.
*Note* option D is optional if female. If option D comes into play, replace the word "person" with female
*edit* To answer revolutionary's question, the swear word there, is either the noun of urine, or the past tense use of the word.
I also have insomnia, but it is getting better somewhat thankfully. The doctor prescribed me mirtzapine, which is working wonders, but have stopped two weeks ago just to see if I can sleep without it.
It feels like I am tired in the evening and suddenly revived right when I am about to actually sleep. On many ocasions thoughts just flood in, and alas the sleeping problems start again. The curse, or the curse I put on myself has to be conquered sooner or later.
I can't fall asleep until it's 230-3am, at least. If I go to bed before then, I lay awake in bed with my mind racing and I get deep depressing feelings and I wonder what's the point of living and such.
My apache helps to take care of that.
1) Get a regular sleep schedule. This means waking up at the same time (I reccomend 8-8:30 AM, no later than 10) every day, and falling asleep at the same time each night. No later than 12:30 AM, but I really suggest you hit the sack at 12 midnight. If you can't fall asleep in 1 hour, get some Unisom or Tylenol PM and <i>stay in bed</i>. Even if you don't fall asleep with the meds, laying in bed will help reestablish your biological clock. Just read something REALLY boring. Try textbooks - they seriously can and will put you to sleep.
2) No alcohol. Booze interferes with sleep, as do many other drugs. So keep any uneccesary drugs (even over the counter-medications) out of your system.
3) Relax. I know this may seem obvious, but tension makes it harder to fall asleep. Try listening to soft music, taking a bath - whatever helps you relax.
4) Drink the right stuff. Certain teas (such as chamomile) can have a very mild sedative effect on you. A good strong cup of <u>caffene-free</u> chamomile tea has helped me when in the past. Just brew it for 5-10 minutes before drinking it - and add no sugar.
5) Get medical help. If you can't fall asleep for more than 5 nights in a row see a doctor if at all possible. Insomnia that severe deserves serious medical attention.