Teasing And Bullying; Your Reaction?
Join Date: 2002-11-01 Member: 2412Awaiting Authorization

<div class="IPBDescription">What you did, what you wish you did</div> This year of school for me is my last, and is starting off very promising; possibly to become my most treasured of both my childhood and teen school years. Sometime during this week though, I got to thinking about my past, and some of the struggles I’ve dealt with, and I just ended up being remembering about some of the darker splotches in my life: bullying and teasing.
When it comes to bullying and teasing, I have been on both sides of the spectrum, though never having reached the extremes on either side.
<span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'><u>Me as a bullied</u></span>
As I already stated, I don’t think I’ve ever been bullied very horribly. I tasted this venom for the first time in grade four, and at the peak dose as well. I actually consider that grade the most scarring year in all of school for a variety of reasons, and this event was just one of them. It actually probably wasn’t too bad, but many incidents in that year warped my mind to despise that era of all my current living years. I encountered my first bully there; don’t know what the deuce I did to face his sadistic wrath, maybe he had a violent fetish with my buckteeth. He wasn’t big or anything even though he was a grade or two ahead of me, was actually pretty short, but probably exceeding my height a tad bit, but he had a friend or two to help attack me. They did a painful tug-of-war on my arms once, and doing the only thing a scrawny grade four wimp could do at the time, I called a play ground supervisor to do me justice, which is basically getting an empty apology from the *****s. I think the worse (or possibly, the best), it got is when they decided to walk parallel to me from the other side of the sidewalk. It was fall at the time, and they decided to chuck acorns at me from the other side of the street while talking me down. I tried to brush it off as best I could by commenting on their poor marksmanship, but after the crosswalk, I let me anger get the better of me, and as he turned to on about his way, I rushed and socked him in the face. He kicked me a couple of times in retaliation, (in both cases of contact, I don’t think either of us really hurt each other, I know I didn’t feel a thing), we walked on; he decided to say some more crap, and I responded with a birdie. That’s as much as I can remember about him, he was the worse of the lot I had to deal with that year; for most others it was just an occasional thing.
- I have to add that in this case that of all the bullies I had to deal with, he was the worse, and even so, I also had the biggest joy dealing with him when I sucker punched him. I’m pretty sure it didn’t hurt, but it just felt exhilarating to get back at him. In fact, my philosophy when it comes to fighting, (which is a near squeak clean record), is that <b>I don’t</b> care about being beaten; I get enough satisfaction drawing blood and making my opponent feel pain. Looking back to this ****** I had to deal with, I’m not sure I regret that punch, even though I’m a quasi-Christian (I’m not going to be a hypocrite and say I am one; there’s a LOT I need to do before I feel worthy enough to use such a title). The “turn the other cheek” teaching has <b>never</b> suited well with me. Heck, even the modern, “bullies just want attention, so don’t give them any” isn’t something I can follow. Why?
<b>“Illegitimi Non Carborundum”</b> <i>- Don’t let the **** grind you down.</i>
The above is VITAL for the success of the two teachings above. If you don’t have it, the above teachings will just not work. I have a weak immune system; sticks, stones, pepper spray, AK-47s, and especially words; they all stick to me and corrode my insides, dwindling confidence, self-esteem, etc. It comes to an end after it takes burns out a huge piece of me, or I decide to take action. Tell me how the deuce am I supposed to ignore a ****** who’s throwing acorns at me? How am I supposed to ignore a ******, whose derriere alone weighs more than me, is obstructing access to my locker? I have enough trouble trying to ignore mere words for bloody sakes. Usually, I think I end up letting myself get corroded <b>in addition</b> to giving the *****s bothering me attention. The main thing holding me back from fighting is I do well enough in school in my subjects, and I don’t want to have some miscreant end up making me get cesspool on my record, (which may be one reason why I didn’t have problem socking that last bully since school was over, and we had already walked quite a distance from school).
My last run in with bullying was back in grade ten, and I think the loser from that period got expelled or something, cause I only had to deal with him for about a quarter of the school year until he disappeared one day. Even though the conflict between him and me are quite distant now, and I honestly don’t care anymore about what happened. Just a small voice in the back of my mind murmurs that I should of “done” something to him. While what damage that he did has now regenerated has healed fully, I’m just a tad annoyed I let him get away with it. Even more infuriating it general unwillingness to stand up in conflicts when someone’s trying to push me, yet at the same time, I have too much trouble trying not to take part in a joust with my dad.
<span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'><u>Me as a bully</u></span>
With the exception of one case, I never actively FIND people to bully excessively. The odd exception I refer to was back in grade three. I guess I was having a bad day, and had an angry look on my face, and I just happened to turn my direction towards a girl, (kindergarten or grade one). Anyways, the girl just freaked out and started to run away, and I couldn’t stop laughing. She was just somehow scared of me, and I got my friends to see this mystical aura that somehow had an effect only on her. Eventually, the girl got her boyfriend to help her, and they would try to pull off Power Ranger transformation sequences to ward me off. <b>NO BLOODY WONDER ATTENTION ATTRACTS BULLIES FOR MORE</b>. I was amused enough just walking within a 2 meter radius of her and watching her freak out. Eventually she overcame the aura, or I got bored, and the fun ended. I really wonder what was going on in her mind the whole time; it might have been a game to her afterwards, though I can’t be sure.
The next case is probably the most serious I came to. One of the recent goals I’ve set out is to be able to work better with people who have mental disabilities. I have no problem with them if they’re quiet or polite; but I can get extremely ticked when they’re disruptive and intentionally annoying. In the case of grade 5, there was a mentally handicapped kid who <b>purposely</b> provoked me by insulting me. He still had the mental capacity to know that what he did was to anger and provoke me, and would continually do so daily. Being that I in turn am handicapped when it comes to brushing off words, and being that in this case, my insulter was weaker than me, I’d go after him and push him around. I still wasn’t going to beat the snot out of him, but I wasn’t going to let the ***** pepper me with his trash talk, so I usually chased him, and he’d rush into the bathroom and lock himself in a stall while he continued his tirade. I on the other hand would wait patiently and ensure that he paid for this with a lunch break spent in a confined space. I do remember that one day, he came out of the stall, and when I approached him, he said he’d stop. The next day, he decided to insult my friends instead, and the cycle continued. I’m not sure how long this lasted for. If he had chosen to stop, I would have done likewise. When summer break came and passed, at the start of the next school year, he tried to start it off <b>again</b>. I told him something roughly along the lines of “give it a ****ing break”, and strangely, I didn’t have to deal with him again. I’m not sure why he decided to stop…
I’d like to think that I’ve changed now, but thinking about it, I may actually still be a bully, and a bully in my own church fellowship as well! Basically our fellowship recently underwent a change, and a new batch of youngsters is now in our group. Unfortunately, a few of the boys in the group are constantly high on sugar and caffeine, and can often be disruptive, ranging from harassing the girls, to making dents in walls coming up with their own version of the WWE. I am currently the oldest, non-leader member in the fellowship, and I feel compelled at times to attempt to force some ounce of discipline in them, one person in particular, though I begin to wonder whether I should even be trying. I am in no way effective in making him less hyper, and I begin to wonder whether he considers me a bully. I’ll ask him about it the next time we meet to see what he feels.
I have a long way to go in how to deal with bullying, although it may already be too late at the stage I’m at. I have to say, I played pretty poorly in the game. Who knows, maybe I’ll have another chance to prove that I have indeed changed. In fact, I can start with my dad; my current record for not arguing back while he continuously rants on about some trivial matter is at around ten minutes. It gets tricky though, because sometimes there’s a long break before he continues on. I think I should be able to last at least thirty minutes…
One thing that has surprised me is that I had thought that these events would haunt me. Surprisingly, I don’t feel that much towards them. I still wish gave a punch here and there, and I’m still not sorry for the blow I gave back in grade four. Maybe it’s just because of the time lapse, or that some sort of attitude overhaul is taking over…
<!--QuoteBegin--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin--><i>“…consider the verbal attacks encountered from day to day. If a person criticizes you or makes an unfair or disparaging remark, you can react in several ways. If you meet resistance with resistance and attack by returning the criticism, conflict naturally develops; you become upset, and nothing is settled. Alternatively, if you retreat from the person’s statement, you become fearful and assume the statement must be accepted; you again become upset, frustrated and hurt… The philosophy of “the Yang among Yin” teaches you how to become acutely aware of what is said, consider its meaning, and act accordingly. You will dismiss the statement if it is false, and learn from it if it is true. Having this understanding, you realize that you are in control of yourself and your own reactions.”</i> - The Tao of Tai-Chi Chuan: Way to Rejuvenation<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Anyone have any experiences to share? If so, did you regret your response to the situation? And if you had to go through it again, what would you have done differently?
When it comes to bullying and teasing, I have been on both sides of the spectrum, though never having reached the extremes on either side.
<span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'><u>Me as a bullied</u></span>
As I already stated, I don’t think I’ve ever been bullied very horribly. I tasted this venom for the first time in grade four, and at the peak dose as well. I actually consider that grade the most scarring year in all of school for a variety of reasons, and this event was just one of them. It actually probably wasn’t too bad, but many incidents in that year warped my mind to despise that era of all my current living years. I encountered my first bully there; don’t know what the deuce I did to face his sadistic wrath, maybe he had a violent fetish with my buckteeth. He wasn’t big or anything even though he was a grade or two ahead of me, was actually pretty short, but probably exceeding my height a tad bit, but he had a friend or two to help attack me. They did a painful tug-of-war on my arms once, and doing the only thing a scrawny grade four wimp could do at the time, I called a play ground supervisor to do me justice, which is basically getting an empty apology from the *****s. I think the worse (or possibly, the best), it got is when they decided to walk parallel to me from the other side of the sidewalk. It was fall at the time, and they decided to chuck acorns at me from the other side of the street while talking me down. I tried to brush it off as best I could by commenting on their poor marksmanship, but after the crosswalk, I let me anger get the better of me, and as he turned to on about his way, I rushed and socked him in the face. He kicked me a couple of times in retaliation, (in both cases of contact, I don’t think either of us really hurt each other, I know I didn’t feel a thing), we walked on; he decided to say some more crap, and I responded with a birdie. That’s as much as I can remember about him, he was the worse of the lot I had to deal with that year; for most others it was just an occasional thing.
- I have to add that in this case that of all the bullies I had to deal with, he was the worse, and even so, I also had the biggest joy dealing with him when I sucker punched him. I’m pretty sure it didn’t hurt, but it just felt exhilarating to get back at him. In fact, my philosophy when it comes to fighting, (which is a near squeak clean record), is that <b>I don’t</b> care about being beaten; I get enough satisfaction drawing blood and making my opponent feel pain. Looking back to this ****** I had to deal with, I’m not sure I regret that punch, even though I’m a quasi-Christian (I’m not going to be a hypocrite and say I am one; there’s a LOT I need to do before I feel worthy enough to use such a title). The “turn the other cheek” teaching has <b>never</b> suited well with me. Heck, even the modern, “bullies just want attention, so don’t give them any” isn’t something I can follow. Why?
<b>“Illegitimi Non Carborundum”</b> <i>- Don’t let the **** grind you down.</i>
The above is VITAL for the success of the two teachings above. If you don’t have it, the above teachings will just not work. I have a weak immune system; sticks, stones, pepper spray, AK-47s, and especially words; they all stick to me and corrode my insides, dwindling confidence, self-esteem, etc. It comes to an end after it takes burns out a huge piece of me, or I decide to take action. Tell me how the deuce am I supposed to ignore a ****** who’s throwing acorns at me? How am I supposed to ignore a ******, whose derriere alone weighs more than me, is obstructing access to my locker? I have enough trouble trying to ignore mere words for bloody sakes. Usually, I think I end up letting myself get corroded <b>in addition</b> to giving the *****s bothering me attention. The main thing holding me back from fighting is I do well enough in school in my subjects, and I don’t want to have some miscreant end up making me get cesspool on my record, (which may be one reason why I didn’t have problem socking that last bully since school was over, and we had already walked quite a distance from school).
My last run in with bullying was back in grade ten, and I think the loser from that period got expelled or something, cause I only had to deal with him for about a quarter of the school year until he disappeared one day. Even though the conflict between him and me are quite distant now, and I honestly don’t care anymore about what happened. Just a small voice in the back of my mind murmurs that I should of “done” something to him. While what damage that he did has now regenerated has healed fully, I’m just a tad annoyed I let him get away with it. Even more infuriating it general unwillingness to stand up in conflicts when someone’s trying to push me, yet at the same time, I have too much trouble trying not to take part in a joust with my dad.
<span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'><u>Me as a bully</u></span>
With the exception of one case, I never actively FIND people to bully excessively. The odd exception I refer to was back in grade three. I guess I was having a bad day, and had an angry look on my face, and I just happened to turn my direction towards a girl, (kindergarten or grade one). Anyways, the girl just freaked out and started to run away, and I couldn’t stop laughing. She was just somehow scared of me, and I got my friends to see this mystical aura that somehow had an effect only on her. Eventually, the girl got her boyfriend to help her, and they would try to pull off Power Ranger transformation sequences to ward me off. <b>NO BLOODY WONDER ATTENTION ATTRACTS BULLIES FOR MORE</b>. I was amused enough just walking within a 2 meter radius of her and watching her freak out. Eventually she overcame the aura, or I got bored, and the fun ended. I really wonder what was going on in her mind the whole time; it might have been a game to her afterwards, though I can’t be sure.
The next case is probably the most serious I came to. One of the recent goals I’ve set out is to be able to work better with people who have mental disabilities. I have no problem with them if they’re quiet or polite; but I can get extremely ticked when they’re disruptive and intentionally annoying. In the case of grade 5, there was a mentally handicapped kid who <b>purposely</b> provoked me by insulting me. He still had the mental capacity to know that what he did was to anger and provoke me, and would continually do so daily. Being that I in turn am handicapped when it comes to brushing off words, and being that in this case, my insulter was weaker than me, I’d go after him and push him around. I still wasn’t going to beat the snot out of him, but I wasn’t going to let the ***** pepper me with his trash talk, so I usually chased him, and he’d rush into the bathroom and lock himself in a stall while he continued his tirade. I on the other hand would wait patiently and ensure that he paid for this with a lunch break spent in a confined space. I do remember that one day, he came out of the stall, and when I approached him, he said he’d stop. The next day, he decided to insult my friends instead, and the cycle continued. I’m not sure how long this lasted for. If he had chosen to stop, I would have done likewise. When summer break came and passed, at the start of the next school year, he tried to start it off <b>again</b>. I told him something roughly along the lines of “give it a ****ing break”, and strangely, I didn’t have to deal with him again. I’m not sure why he decided to stop…
I’d like to think that I’ve changed now, but thinking about it, I may actually still be a bully, and a bully in my own church fellowship as well! Basically our fellowship recently underwent a change, and a new batch of youngsters is now in our group. Unfortunately, a few of the boys in the group are constantly high on sugar and caffeine, and can often be disruptive, ranging from harassing the girls, to making dents in walls coming up with their own version of the WWE. I am currently the oldest, non-leader member in the fellowship, and I feel compelled at times to attempt to force some ounce of discipline in them, one person in particular, though I begin to wonder whether I should even be trying. I am in no way effective in making him less hyper, and I begin to wonder whether he considers me a bully. I’ll ask him about it the next time we meet to see what he feels.
I have a long way to go in how to deal with bullying, although it may already be too late at the stage I’m at. I have to say, I played pretty poorly in the game. Who knows, maybe I’ll have another chance to prove that I have indeed changed. In fact, I can start with my dad; my current record for not arguing back while he continuously rants on about some trivial matter is at around ten minutes. It gets tricky though, because sometimes there’s a long break before he continues on. I think I should be able to last at least thirty minutes…
One thing that has surprised me is that I had thought that these events would haunt me. Surprisingly, I don’t feel that much towards them. I still wish gave a punch here and there, and I’m still not sorry for the blow I gave back in grade four. Maybe it’s just because of the time lapse, or that some sort of attitude overhaul is taking over…
<!--QuoteBegin--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin--><i>“…consider the verbal attacks encountered from day to day. If a person criticizes you or makes an unfair or disparaging remark, you can react in several ways. If you meet resistance with resistance and attack by returning the criticism, conflict naturally develops; you become upset, and nothing is settled. Alternatively, if you retreat from the person’s statement, you become fearful and assume the statement must be accepted; you again become upset, frustrated and hurt… The philosophy of “the Yang among Yin” teaches you how to become acutely aware of what is said, consider its meaning, and act accordingly. You will dismiss the statement if it is false, and learn from it if it is true. Having this understanding, you realize that you are in control of yourself and your own reactions.”</i> - The Tao of Tai-Chi Chuan: Way to Rejuvenation<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Anyone have any experiences to share? If so, did you regret your response to the situation? And if you had to go through it again, what would you have done differently?
1 is a cocaine addict
1 is currently in prison
2 are addicted to speed
2 have young children
1 is locked in a mental hospital
3 serve me my McDonald's
Got my most physical beatings at my Chinese church, of all places.
I'm a published journalist now and I really have no idea what they're all doing. In fact, i haven't really thought of any of them until I opened this thread, honestly. Ha <i>HA</i>.
Even though I still have some wish of giving them some punch back then, I don't really feel that much ill-will against them anymore. Then again, I'm not sure if they'd be continuing the cycle if I met them again or not, and if so, then wounds long having healed would spill out blood again.
Best of luck to all of you.
Anyways, it is childhood, and to me it doesn't matter at all, because during puberty and in junior and high school, the things we do and think mold the man we will later become. The past is done and you can't change it.
but if someone bullies u... best thing is to fight back like break their house windows and ****
He also liked to hang around the deans too so you couldn't do anything to him.
Well one day I caught him out alone. We threw him against the wall (Not like... throwing a pillow, but like they do on Cops) and began beating him.
I saw him all through high school too. I felt sorta bad but I knew he deserved it. Because it irritated the **** out of him and I scared him to death, I'd always follow him around. Once I came at him and gave him a hug, and I swear he probably **** his pants <!--emo&:D--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/biggrin.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->
Some black kid was throwing M&Ms at me in my Sophmore year, I dunno, we were watching some stupid film. Well, this kid is just a total **** to everyone. So I stand up, walk over, grab the bag of M&Ms (It was like... a movie theatre sized bag) and just dump them on his head. He tried to throw me over a table, but I pulled him over on top of me.
And even though I'm not athletic, I can punch. Hard. I'm not very graceful about it, but I know where to hit. Well, this other kid in like... oh... my senior year of high school (He was a Junior or something) was more or less like said annoying kid up there. Well he's talking **** in art class. And he's walking up to the front of the room. He said something, I stand up, and just floor him in one hit <!--emo&:)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo--> Right under the ribs. I just sat down and kept drawing.
And I got away with it all...
Oh and the football team's lineman began picking on me... but somehow, I have no idea how, we became friends. It was wierd...
then we actually got to fighting, in the back of the school bus, and i beat the sh*t out of him, as far as i can recall.
i only remember giving him a bloody nose, which is obviously not hard to do. but i was a scrawny little sh*t, hadn't fought a minute in my life, and he and i talked about it a second time, when i was in, like, 6th grade. and he remembered that i beat him up.
i don't know.. i've never been a bully, but then.. i've never lost a fight.
i'm not bragging, i've been a pacifist for two years. a short time, but i hope to keep things that way.
I'd be pretty cautious of such an approach. If you think that way, make sure you observe how the victim takes it in, because it might just lead to a suicide or a school shooting.
I'd be pretty cautious of such an approach. If you think that way, make sure you observe how the victim takes it in, because it might just lead to a suicide or a school shooting. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
Or Linkin Park record sales!
Actually, one time a kid tried to bully me 2 years ago. He got up in my face, saying all sorts of crap, so I slapped him across the face and he started crying. I have never felt so barbaric in my life.
Every breath you take is a mistake, in my book
Every day you walk the halls over your shoulder you should look
Every minute that passes I spend watching you walk between classes
Every day I get closer to snapping and wasting all your ****.
or short and to the point
Watch who you call a dirty name
A bullet might pay a visit to your brain
Works suprisingly well.
(Fanny, Crawling was actually written about Chester's ex-heroin addiction.)
Every breath you take is a mistake, in my book
Every day you walk the halls over your shoulder you should look
Every minute that passes I spend watching you walk between classes
Every day I get closer to snapping and wasting all your ****.
or short and to the point
Watch who you call a dirty name
A bullet might pay a visit to your brain
Works suprisingly well. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
I think it would be better to try to diffuse a hostile situation with some charm and compassion. At least that's the way I try to approach these things. I suppose creepy poetry is ok also.
Every breath you take is a mistake, in my book
Every day you walk the halls over your shoulder you should look
Every minute that passes I spend watching you walk between classes
Every day I get closer to snapping and wasting all your ****.
or short and to the point
Watch who you call a dirty name
A bullet might pay a visit to your brain
Works suprisingly well. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
It's really fun when they give that to a prinicpal and you are brought in under the threat to cause violence.
If you shoot up a school, in my opinion, you are weaker than those who are picking on you.
If someone is giving you trouble, you should always tell someone like a teacher or a superior.
so anyway, one lunchtime I was walking past where some juniors sit and two of them took up positions on either side of me and began to taunt me.
If I had done anything apart from continuing to walk, I would have dropped them both. The main reason I didn't was that those two kids and the vast majority of their friends who sit there are like touch powder when it comes to starting fights.
2 v 1 I could live with, 22 v 1 wasn't something I wanted to test my luck on. So I kept walking.
The nights following I thought about it a lot, eventually I realised that as I was a competent (to say the least) martial artist, I should be capable of handling such a situation. Since then I have been mentally ready to take on as many as I have to; now my body is playing catch-up so I will be physically ready to take on as many as I have to.
peace <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
don't care about what people think of you
don't sweat the immature stuff - it's ****, it's wrong, and it's pu44y
The kid called me a fat @$$. So I proceeded to make him eat his words. I sat on him for about 10 minutes before the teacher came back in the classroom.
And what do you do, when nobody you actually tell does anything about it, as was the case with me? I took that approach for YEARS. It didn't get me anywhere. Nobody would help. Eventually I stopped talking. Then I ended up snapping, kicking the **** out of someone. That method of action was a lot more effective, really.
Though I suppose it depends on where you're from, your school and teachers, your parent's views, etc.
I've been bullied for as long as I can remember. Physical/verbal, what have you. I've always been skinny and quiet, so I guess I was a prime target for it, just like someone who is overweight is prime target for verbal attacks. Words can have the tendancy to hurt just as much as being hit does to me. I've never really been one to be able to shrug things off, suppose it's because after a while there's too much to shrug off effectively. I dunno, partially my fault I guess.
My brother on the other hand, was bullied, so he would come home and pick on me (hes older and bigger than me). He went and told someone in authority that he was getting picked on, and they slapped the kid on the wrist(basically told him to stop), and that just made the kid pick on him more for telling on him. So, my dad tells my brother to just go ahead and kick the crap out of him (and my dad is not a violent person). So, next time he gets bullied, my bro proceeds to just wallop on this kid. The kid goes and complains to the pricncipal, so the principal decides to take action AGAINST my brother (detention) and lets the kid off scott free. The principal then calls my dad and tells him what happend. My dad went to the school and YELLED at the principal, saying that my brother had no other option, that he was tired of being picked on, and that when he did go and try to get help from the people at the school, it didn't work. Its funny to hear about your dad cussing and screaming at the principal, escpecially when he is a VERY laid back person.
Well, the bullying stopped. I guess sometimes you just have to stand up for yuorself.
*edit* Oh yeah, my bro didn't have to go to detention either <!--emo&:D--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/biggrin.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->
Being skinny, quiet, and the only person in school that liked star trek really did contribute.
Heck, my last name alone was enough for ridicule, not to mention some disproportionate physical features.
For any would be bullies, I was a Prime target.
And so I was, for many many years.
What did I do? Nothing. I built a wall and closed myself in, allowing only my closest friends in (Read; Very Few).
I became a social chameleon, able to change my attitude, actions and even body language to suit whom I was talking to. I still do that today. I never shined through the facade.
In recent times though I have come out of the shell, opened up a bit more. Only on the internet is anyone getting anything near a true representation of my thoughts.
Even so, the damage is done. I have only one true friend, no girl friend, I'm distant with my family.
The words dont hurt because there isnt much there left to hurt.
I still remain an intellectual. I still strive for knowledge. My dreams are unchanged. If I am socially void, so be it, so long as I achieve my dreams.
I became a social chameleon, able to change my attitude, actions and even body language to suit whom I was talking to. I still do that today. I never shined through the facade.
In recent times though I have come out of the shell, opened up a bit more. Only on the internet is anyone getting anything near a true representation of my thoughts.
Even so, the damage is done. I have only one true friend, no girl friend, I'm distant with my family. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
That's practically what I did, myself (hence my saying "I stopped talking"). Aside from the social chameleon part, I just became more and more quiet.
I guess I was bullied because I came from a different part of Denmark that was looked down on (Sønderjylland) as farmers, or I dont know. Anyway, keep it up Chronos <!--emo&:)--><img src='http://www.natural-selection.org/forums/html/emoticons/smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->
"I was defending myself!" liability pwnz. <!--emo&:D--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/biggrin.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->
not exactly fully bullied, but just "makin' me nervous" feeling.
I've always been fat (i hate saying overweight because it ****-foots around the issue), so i've had to put up with a lot of name calling. But name calling don't bother me, because i just stare them out.
Fights and such that i can remember:
My one and only major fight in primary school was with this kid called Ian... I can't remember how it started, but it was something to do with me teasing these girls who had been.... doing something to me. Hell, it might have just been me being a **** and i'm trying to compensate, i don't know. Anyway, we had a fight, blah blah blah we rolled on the ground, i started breaking his foot, he kicked out, we both got up and bang, i knock him on his ****. I remember being proud of that punch. I don't remember being proud of him getting his two older friends to give me a good kicking.
The thing that stands out in my mind though is, about 2 days later, he walks up to me and i think "Not again..." but he starts talking to me, and we end up being pretty good friends.
Nothing major happened really since then... i remeber once i was walking down a dark thing down the side of my school, someone jumped me from behind, grabbed my arms and someone stepped out in front of me and reached into his pocket saying "we're gonna have a little fun". I was very, very scared to say the least, but then the bell went and they looked worried and walked off back to the school. Me, being my usual self went up and started talking friendly to them, and now i'm ok with them too.
Next one, this girl tried to push my in a lake so i cut all my knuckles open on her teeth. That was really funny.
Last major one... this kid called Ben started acting all tough on me and my friends. Running into us, trying to trip us over and the like. I was walking off the field and i saw them walking towards me, i took another route but they blocked me off both ends. I wasn't *too* worried, because up until then i was hoping they were just being a bit silly, not actually mean. Then one rushed me from behind and i remember thinking "hmm" and just standing my ground, and he bounced off me (told you i was big). But, according to them, what i'd actually done was kicked him in the face, so they all ganged up on me and started hitting me, kicking me etc but i just walked off with them doing it. Three of them blocked a door but i just pulled it open (shows how weak they were really) and made it to teachers before anything bad happened.
I can put up with bullies, i accept that they exist. What i <b>can't</b> accept, however, is the fact that i can't hit them. My arms just physicly won't work. Seriously, if i'd been inclined to do so, i could have caused serious damage to all 5 of them, sustaining like, a cut lip in the process. I know they can't hurt me, i've had 5 of them punching me in the face for about 5 minutes without so much as a bruise.
My friends don't understand it... they think i'm a coward. I suppose in a way i am, but i don't mean to let them get away with it. I could literally hold them half way up a wall with my left hand and pummel with my right, but i just can't do it (i know i can because once, a long while ago, i did exactly that to Ben.... he'd lobbed a coke can off my head), and it makes me feel pathetic to get beaten up by a gang of kids 2-3 years younger than myself.
I suppose the trouble is the people they know. The estate i live on isn't exactly Happy Days, people get knifed, shot and stuff a lot, and most of these gangs are the little brothers, sons, friends of the people who do that, and i suppose they feel safe with what they do.
I was name-called by the vast majorityof my year, and completely ignored by the rest, but what really bothered me was the few people (like 4-5) who hated my guts for absolutely no reason. The ones who wouldn't balk at beating the crap out of me (one of them hit me in the groin hard enough to very nearly make me lose conciousness). And throughout all this I never retaliated with physical or verbal abuse (only got in one fight in those 4 years). All the pain and anger I just buried, which was probably the worst thing I could do, because its now become a part of my personality, my being. I find it very easy to snap at people and things.
What I hate most is that they've turned me into someone I never wanted to be. I'm even more shy then I was to begin with, with no confidence at all, to the point were I'm basically scared of life. I don't go out and party, never had a girlfriend, and can't stand the thought of getting a job and meeting new people. This is were most people say "Grow up, thats life" <!--emo&:(--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/sad.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='sad.gif'><!--endemo-->
Wow, longer then I meant it