Can Ne1 Make A Model For Me?

blind_manblind_man Join Date: 2003-10-24 Member: 21908Members
<div class="IPBDescription">halo model for fade?</div> a model of fade as the elite on halo?


  • Lucid_MelodyLucid_Melody Join Date: 2003-02-20 Member: 13772Members
    <a href='' target='_blank'></a>
    <a href='' target='_blank'></a>

    I have provided 2 pictures of an Elite, because the poster neglected to. If you want more, click <a href='' target='_blank'>Here</a>.
  • NecrosisNecrosis The Loquacious Sage Join Date: 2003-08-03 Member: 18828Members, Constellation
    There's a covenant elite model for JKII.

    Someone with a bit of wit could email the modeller and ask for permission to convert to HL.
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