Does Your Screen Shake With Wep Upgrades
Join Date: 2002-11-22 Member: 9603Awaiting Authorization

Right, weird one this..
Ever since installing 2.0 my screen shakes when i fire the LMG. The cursor moves, the screenshakes, everything. Its not just the sprite as ive tried using custom crosshairs.
I wouldnt be bothered, but ive asked a lot of people and they seem to wonder what im talking about...apparantly for everyone else when firing the LMG the screen doesnt shake, and the crosshair doesnt move...
It gets worse each level of wep upgrades to the point where with lvl3 weapons its like playing one of those old darts games where the crosshair moves randomly and you have to compensate for it manually.
Could you lot tell me if your screen/crosshair shake when firing...or if this is a client problem or something.
Ive tried re-installign everything scratch and running totally default (even with the name nsplayer!) but still the same..
Ever since installing 2.0 my screen shakes when i fire the LMG. The cursor moves, the screenshakes, everything. Its not just the sprite as ive tried using custom crosshairs.
I wouldnt be bothered, but ive asked a lot of people and they seem to wonder what im talking about...apparantly for everyone else when firing the LMG the screen doesnt shake, and the crosshair doesnt move...
It gets worse each level of wep upgrades to the point where with lvl3 weapons its like playing one of those old darts games where the crosshair moves randomly and you have to compensate for it manually.
Could you lot tell me if your screen/crosshair shake when firing...or if this is a client problem or something.
Ive tried re-installign everything scratch and running totally default (even with the name nsplayer!) but still the same..
You don't happen to drink a lot of coffee while playing do you? <!--emo&;)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='wink.gif'><!--endemo-->
Dual AMD system, 1 gig memory
Win XP pro
Weird thing is though, ive tried it on 3 computers round here, it does the same, different cards/specs etc.
The only things that remain the same are the base half-life install (of the generatios cd), the mirror im downloading ns2 from, and my adsl line...
Very very strange..
I may make an avi of it. Its playable, but like in 1.04 the crosshair was totally stationary even when firing, now its now...makes things very hard to hit.
Its like the screenshake we used to get off of bilebombs...the whole screen shakes...but this does it constantly when firing (although not as bad as a bile bomb).
<b><i>There's</i></b> your problem. <!--emo&:p--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif'><!--endemo-->
Ive just tried windows 2000, same thing..
Ive tried a custom weapon model, same thing.
After just testing this, yeah, they do. It's not exactly significant, but from level 0 to 3 it's definately noticeable.
For me, on lvl3, its very noticable (well, in comparison to lvl1 i guess, still nothing in comparison to firing in CS i suppose). I dont understand how people can say they dont have it, if they actaully did have it...surly they would see it.
Im tempted to say everyone gets the "recoil" and some just dont notice....or maybe some people dont get it and some do?
Occasionally there is a bug in NS where your gun animation wont play, but you still fire (no sound etc). When this happens although its annoying as you dont know if your firing or not...your aim is perfect because the crosshair is perfectly still (no recoil), you just track the aliens easily. If some people get this no recoil effect even when firing normally...well, i want it...!!
Im going to get a few people to try it with lvl0 weps, then lvl 3 weps and see if they notice anything. If people still tell me that they have no recoil/crosshair movement i'll look into this further...
(i was even getting to the stage where i considered there may be different versions of the final ns2 install, some where marines had no recoil and some where the game was more "balanced" and they had recoil...)
There is a chance you have got an error on your end, but what you're describing sounds like what's supposed to happen.
I got an idea ... stick to comming teamuk will thank u for it <!--emo&:p--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif'><!--endemo-->
The fact that its barly noticable on lvl0 guns, but very noticable on lvl3 guns made me even less suspicious.
One way to see the difference is to spectate. Fire your gun in game (preferably with lvl2/3 weapons). Take note of the crosshair and screenshake. Then specate. Even for me when i specate a marine firing the crosshair is always perfectly still (no screenshake either). I believe this is what its like for a lot of people.
Sounds more code related anyway. But, yeah my screen does not shake at all. So like I asked earlier, which one is normal, recoil or no recoil?
Anyone got an idea?
hey comeon its not cs, and dont give them any stupid ideas about adding recoil infact .....
if i had my way i wouldent have anything with the word "coil" involved with ns.
Maybe i'll make a fraps avi or something to show the effect, then get one of you lot who say you dont have it to also make an em.
Going to head round a mates tomorrow who says he has no recoil, see if hes just mistaken or if indeed he has it but just isnt half as picky as i am (i.e hasnt noticed it).
I dont think Coil the moderator would appreciate that statement <!--emo&:p--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif'><!--endemo-->
This used to happen with HL a *long* time ago. Crosshair would wander about shakily and yer screen would shake. Can't remember the exact cause now (was over 5 years ago). Was something to do with unsupported stuff for yer gfx card. Have u reinstalled yer gfx card and drivers?
I know what you're saying. I sensed it but I didn't notice it. From my memories, I can see that spec vs actual brings it out, there's a difference that I felt but that I didn't pick up on or notice.
Ok, just noticed does it with everything, not just LMG. I didnt notice before because all other weapons are like 1 press things.
E.g, the skulk bit, on every bite (when it goes "munch") the screen shakes a tiny bit. On every pistol fire it does too. HMG is the same as LMG, there all the time (but then i expected if from the HMG).
The knife doesnt...knife is always perfectly shake free. Clicking when empty (no ammo) doesnt do it either..