Ns Draft League
Join Date: 2003-05-18 Member: 16464Members

While conversing with another NS'er, we were discussing the NS in terms of clan play and decided that the clan base isn't as strong as it could be, number wise. So in an effort to expand and perhaps level the playing field a bit more, we thought it might be worthwhile to introduce a draft type league.
Basically, you enter in the draft, and based on performance, a panel will vote a score between 1-5, five being the best. The scores are then averaged and rounded, giving you a 'value.' For instance, say SHAMPOO goes on one of his many kill streaks and a few of the judges ( dev team, perhaps? ) notes it and he gets three votes of five and one vote of one ( some jerk who got owned ). His point value would be 4 ( 16/4 ). Now each 'team' will be represented by a team leader - someone respected in the community ( or at least infamous ). Each team will have a certain # of points and will then get draft picks ala baseball or basketball.
The point values will act as sort of a salary cap. So someone can't snag several 5 value players and make it unfair. A team leader will have to rely on clever decesion making and organization to truly make his/her team work.
I think this would allow several non clannies an intro and chance to shine in the NS community, as well as prolonging the lifespan of NS as a competetive online game. If you like the idea, then support it, if not, then describe why. If you have suggestions, I'd love to hear them!
Basically, you enter in the draft, and based on performance, a panel will vote a score between 1-5, five being the best. The scores are then averaged and rounded, giving you a 'value.' For instance, say SHAMPOO goes on one of his many kill streaks and a few of the judges ( dev team, perhaps? ) notes it and he gets three votes of five and one vote of one ( some jerk who got owned ). His point value would be 4 ( 16/4 ). Now each 'team' will be represented by a team leader - someone respected in the community ( or at least infamous ). Each team will have a certain # of points and will then get draft picks ala baseball or basketball.
The point values will act as sort of a salary cap. So someone can't snag several 5 value players and make it unfair. A team leader will have to rely on clever decesion making and organization to truly make his/her team work.
I think this would allow several non clannies an intro and chance to shine in the NS community, as well as prolonging the lifespan of NS as a competetive online game. If you like the idea, then support it, if not, then describe why. If you have suggestions, I'd love to hear them!
Hell. freaking. Ya.
P.S. Web Web Web Web Web Web Web
I couldn't agree more. There are several people I'd like a chance to play with if given the chance. Plus a much more level playing field would be alot more interesting.
<!--QuoteBegin--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->It's tiring having the same 5 clans play eachother over and over.<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
If only the the dev team, or anyone would step up and just create montly tournaments with the prize being something silly like purple gorge icons for a month or something it could add quite a bit to the clan scene.
Upon some further discussion, we've come to a few conclusions. If this does happen, and we can draw enough support from the NS community - then we'll do our best to take this one ourselves ( with help from whoever wants ). Basically, skillz and I have set it up this way.
-A basic player sign up, listing your best skill for each side, contact info, and in-team position preference ( leader, coleader ).
-Then, based on the number of applicants we choose team sizes and the number of teams ( we're shooting for 15-20 teams of at least 8 each ).
-Team leaders will then be chose based on 'in-team' preferences and, if that number exceeds the number of teams, leaders will be chosen somewhat randomly ( to prevent huge folleys ).
-There will be a lay period at this point and some 'spotlight' servers will open up in which players can play with team leaders and get their name out. This is so the nonames have a shot at hitting it big early.
-Draft order will be chosen at random.
-Live drafts will be held on IRC, so you can see your fate unfold (exciting!).
-Another lay period.
-NS: Draft season starts.
-Maybe a 30$ buy in tourney, winner take all? Sponsored?
Theres alot left out, but this is all just basics.
The only problem I can see is that some judges will doubtless be harsher than others, which means some players will be rated better or worse based on the judges that day. Hmm...
The only problem I can see is that some judges will doubtless be harsher than others, which means some players will be rated better or worse based on the judges that day. Hmm... <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
We've given up on the judge idea. It'll be up to team leaders to pick right, and a good team doesn't necessarily have 6 all stars. You have to take into account personalities and such, too.
Yes. This would just a little fun league to maybe get to know some more people, and have some great competition. It's almost like a pug league at the begging, but maybe some new clans could form out of this. The winners would have to have great teamwork/skill.
Edit: Regged
Basically, you enter in the draft, and based on performance, a panel will vote a score between 1-5, five being the best. The scores are then averaged and rounded, giving you a 'value.' For instance, say SHAMPOO goes on one of his many kill streaks and a few of the judges ( dev team, perhaps? ) notes it and he gets three votes of five and one vote of one ( some jerk who got owned ). His point value would be 4 ( 16/4 ). Now each 'team' will be represented by a team leader - someone respected in the community ( or at least infamous ). Each team will have a certain # of points and will then get draft picks ala baseball or basketball.
The point values will act as sort of a salary cap. So someone can't snag several 5 value players and make it unfair. A team leader will have to rely on clever decesion making and organization to truly make his/her team work.
I think this would allow several non clannies an intro and chance to shine in the NS community, as well as prolonging the lifespan of NS as a competetive online game. If you like the idea, then support it, if not, then describe why. If you have suggestions, I'd love to hear them! <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
Say that I go play in the noobiest of noob-servers, and play in the afternoon only. I will get 50+ frags EVERY game, so people will have to give me high scores. In the other hand, I could go play on elite servers against people like #.bm and torment, only to get alot less kills, but probably needing alot more skill to do so, without getting points?
How are people going to see who is playing what, when?
As it is now, clangame outcome is not depending on individual skill, more of strategy and teamplay. The best clans differ very little skillwise...
....I like this idea.... ALOT. It would be great to get to know people through this way, seriously, I would gladly give my support and try to get the regs at my server to support this to!!!!
great idea!
What if IRC REFUSES to work for me.... please PM info that I need to know, kthx =)
There needs to be an element of randominess, else this is going to suck hardcore and be no different than everything else.
My suggestion:
Players are assigned randomly on to teams of 8.
Next, if a team feels they have a player who is crap or doesn't fit in well, then they can be voted out by the team(minimum of 5 votes, this is majority), and if they are voted out they are put back into a pool of players and he is sent to another team, and a new player is randomally put into the team that voted out their player.
Simple, effective, and most importantly, interesting.
pm, Incin
idl, in #xen-ns
There needs to be an element of randominess, else this is going to suck hardcore and be no different than everything else.
My suggestion:
Players are assigned randomly on to teams of 8.
Next, if a team feels they have a player who is crap or doesn't fit in well, then they can be voted out by the team(minimum of 5 votes, this is majority), and if they are voted out they are put back into a pool of players and he is sent to another team, and a new player is randomally put into the team that voted out their player.
Simple, effective, and most importantly, interesting. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
Eh, I kinda like the true draft idea better than random.
<img src='http://members.cox.net/dan-brady/endorsed.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image'>
Also what is to stop people from rigging the scoring. i.e. Player A is really should have a score of 5, but deliberately earns a score of 2 so that he can be on a team with another 5 player. So the team would be getting two "5" players, when they should be getting a 2 and a 5.
Mixing the talent to balance it out kind of ruins the game for the people who dedicate enough time to be skilled at it. Maybe more clans should just form up, instead of a draft league.
<i>sign me up !!</i>