The girl i like =(((((



  • TzarconTzarcon Join Date: 2002-02-28 Member: 259Members
    I wont waste time telling you what you should of done, but I will tell you what you should do. You should call her up right now and ask if you can go over to her place to talk to her. If she says no, apologize to her for everything and say that its really important, she'll probably say yes. She propably knows that you're in love with her, but if she doesnt, when you get there, tell her. Tell her how upset you got, but also tell her that you know you shouldnt off. Talk to her about how she feels about your friend, if she says that she loves him, leave it at that, continue to be good friends with her. Once all that is done ask her on a date and just be really nice to her. That should work, do it perfectly and you'll be fine.
  • horror_kidhorror_kid Join Date: 2002-06-14 Member: 765Members
    I haven't read all of the replies, so plz excuse repeats. Honestly man, you are too young to worry yourself about this s##t. This is a semi-typical adolescent dillema. As you grow, you will get f####d over plenty. Eventually you will find someone who is better anyway. Just don't do what I did and throw away the perfect girl twice, just because you take her for granted, one you are with her. Oh yeah and legion huevos is slang for b##ls. In several of the romantic languages the word for eggs is used to mean that in slang.
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