Trust Your Commander

WindelkronWindelkron Join Date: 2002-04-11 Member: 419Members
<div class="IPBDescription">omg</div> Situation: Complete map lockdown except for last enemy hive. Sieges out of range of hive. One heavy at the location. Seven heavies at base yelling.

<b>DON'T YELL AT YOUR COMMANDER.</b> He knows what he is doing. Some fool yelled at me "give us the equipment so we can take out the hive!" I gave them HA, which is the equipment <b>I</b> needed to take out the hive. The soldier does not take out the hive. The commander takes out the hive via the soldier. So do as he tells you!


  • Azrael_38Azrael_38 Join Date: 2003-03-11 Member: 14407Members
    It's a good thing to also trust your marines. If you can play more than a round with the same group of marines, you can find out which marines are good at what. Each marine is different and needs to be treated differently. If you gave me HA, I'd be whining too. I'm not very good with HA, I just find it slow, clumsy and limits me to what I can do. I'd rather have a JP, since I can out maneuver the aliens a hit-and-run instead of just mowing them down face-to-face. I'm not saying this just because I'm a marine in need of a good equipment, I'm also a pretty good commander in need of marines who trust me. I give them what they want, they give me what I want. It's how being commander works.

    Oh, and about your quote: When a Comm recycles a building, they should require a marine to unbuild it.
  • WindelkronWindelkron Join Date: 2002-04-11 Member: 419Members
    edited August 2003
    I just liked the "kaboom" at the end, hehe. That's from some other post on S&I that got promptly locked <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->

    About HA vs JP:
    HA was key to my plan. There were a few lerks in the hive spraying spores like there was no tomorrow. JPs (there were some JPs in the pack) got absolutely massacred within seconds. That's why I needed HA. For some reason they all were yelling at me and running around. It's sad when you can finish a game in 30 seconds but it takes 10 minutes because your guys simply won't cooperate.
  • JaneJane Seriously&#33;? Join Date: 2003-07-01 Member: 17835Members, Constellation
    Yeah I hate it when your comming and everyone is yelling at you for different things. A 1.04 game we had one hive, and three rts locked down; it was caged which I despise for marines anyway. We had full ups, actually everything except HA, but we had a pg to our hive location we were holding and everything. I sent groups of three marines with jp/hmgs to attack the hive (team had 6-7 peeps) and the guys on base (all had hmgs no jps) tried to eject me calling me a noob because I didn't want to waste res on jps for base duty, and I wanted to have more then one person to defend base phase to our sewer hive, since they had fades with full ups. Such sillyness. IMHO. . . I think if you have full ups and groups of peeps attacking the hive the comm probably knows what they're doing, be a good little following directions marine! <!--emo&:p--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif'><!--endemo-->

    --Jane <!--emo&::skulk::--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='skulk.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • MrKNifeyMrKNifey Join Date: 2003-06-25 Member: 17668Members
    It would help a lot more if the commander gave me directions in the first place. Most of the time, he tells me to go somewhere without giving me a waypoint, leaving me to navigate the labriynth of corridors that is ns_lost.

    Oh yeah, I forgot I had a map. /me so stupid.

    Anyway, if I don't recieve SPECIFIC orders after about a minute (such as 'Guard this place' or something) I'm going to wander off to find some things to kill and get res for my team.
  • NecrosisNecrosis The Loquacious Sage Join Date: 2003-08-03 Member: 18828Members, Constellation
    edited August 2003
    Bottom line: SUYF and follow orders. If you think you can do better, start off in the comms chair next game.

    Seen games where people kick the comm, and some chimp jumps in the chair and claims responsibility for the victory that the other comm had coordinated.

    Note carefully - there is a line between yelling and criticism. Asking for a better gun to clean out an OFF nest is good. Yelling for JPs when you've got a phase gate network all over the map is bad.

    edit -

    "Anyway, if I don't recieve SPECIFIC orders after about a minute (such as 'Guard this place' or something) I'm going to wander off to find some things to kill and get res for my team. "

    Wth? So if the comm doesnt have the time to tag on a polite "please stay at the waypoint I just f-ing sent you to" then thats grounds to rambo?

    Good grief.
  • SpazmaticSpazmatic Join Date: 2003-05-10 Member: 16184Members
    Productive criticism, intelligence relays, alternative perspectives, equipment requests for necessary operations, all are good. As a comm, also be prepared to listen to your marines... It goes both ways.

    That said, I had a marine constantly asking for a grenade launcher once, though I never researched advanced armory (long story as to why). Kept telling him that, and he kept asking for one... I think he left base all of twice, and both times it was because I told him there was a grenade launcher where he was going. <!--emo&:p--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • SoberanaSoberana Join Date: 2003-06-25 Member: 17695Members
    Is there a commander? D:

    I just thought some guy was tired and wanted to chill and have some pie in the cc.
    I just respawn at those magic portals and go kill stuff and listen to some orders by my god.
  • Death_by_Tasty_Ham_SandwichDeath_by_Tasty_Ham_Sandwich Join Date: 2003-08-27 Member: 20251Members
    Agreed. 100%. I try and always do what the commander says, request orders, and I don't get any, I defend home until I do. Normally I try to put myself in the commander's shoes, but a lot of otherplayers don't understand that. It also pisses me off when the marines eject you because you don't start off the same way they do, so they think you're a bad comm.

    As for being commander, try to equip your marines if you can spare the resources, but I'd say stuff like research is a tad more important at times. It might be wise to give shotguns to your group of three marines out to secure some res nodes, but whiners don't deserve anything.
    Thanks for listening to my rant.
    <!--emo&::asrifle::--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='asrifle.gif'><!--endemo--> <!--emo&::onos::--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tiny.gif'><!--endemo--> <!--emo&:0--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='wow.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • AvitarAvitar Join Date: 2003-09-11 Member: 20760Members
    <!--QuoteBegin--Soberana+Aug 9 2003, 07:27 AM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> (Soberana @ Aug 9 2003, 07:27 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin--> Is there a commander? D:

    I just thought some guy was tired and wanted to chill and have some pie in the cc.
    I just respawn at those magic portals and go kill stuff and listen to some orders by my god. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
    (There is beer in that chair)

    ...but really I'm with you... Listen to the com when he gives you orders.

    Usually in games where there are a couple leet marines, they already know where to go
    and the rest of the marines follow. As long as you stay grouped up, com lets you build
    organically, and shouldn't need to give you orders.

    IMO the com should just keep an eye on problem points, and build when needed, taking
    care on giving out weapons when neccesarry.

    About 30% of coms often give too many or too few orders.. since they cant judge marines
    ability accuratly. As lond as they dont med spam too much I'm happy though.
  • taboofirestaboofires Join Date: 2002-11-24 Member: 9853Members
    You just can't make this kind of generalizations about following the commander's orders. Sometimes it's the marine that's incompetant, sometimes it's the comm. Naturally, we don't want to think the problem is ourselves.

    Being civil to each other has no dependance on skill or luck, so that's pretty good to throw in to keep things working smoothly. Just a thought.
  • CharonZCharonZ Join Date: 2003-09-17 Member: 20944Members
    Definitively. Usually you need to do what the comm wants, however you might as easily get silly commands (remember once when we got a WP to go to a Dres, which was full ocs and aliens. after we all died the comm repetively sent us there to ge slaughtered, yelling "OMG go to the WP"..)

    however yelling usually won't do any good. one might try some constructive criticism, anything else won't do. sometimes it helps to explain the planned tactics, though.
  • HolzfallerHolzfaller Join Date: 2003-08-31 Member: 20418Members
    I hate it when everyone starts yelling and whining. Most of the time when I am not the comm and some one asks for a shotty or HA/HMG/Weld I look at the res(which no one seems to check) and then say "No" so the comm doesnt even have to bother.

    Why Oh Why does know one look to see If you have the res for want ever their asking for.

    And I really hate when to guys start a flame war in the middle of the game, which of course almost everyone gets dragged into. Man mute is useful.
  • StarludeStarlude Join Date: 2003-09-05 Member: 20576Members
    well when I comm, I talk, and I talk, and I talk, and I TALK.

    I practically have the voicecomm button held down, when I give waypoints, I VERBALLY tell each squad also where they are supposed to be going. If something is under attack, I report it to the marines. I rely MUCH more on my voicecomm experiecened marines, or ones at least that know the map..than on waypoints (so I'm trusting that I hopefully have some .) But I practiaclly hold down the voicecomm, and explain to my team what I am doing as we go along, my strats and workings, what I am doing and you can basically tell where I am by who/what I'm talking to. if I upgrade something, I say so. my finger rarely leaves that voicecomm button, and as a commander I expect equal feedback from my marines. Wall of lame here? tell me please, so I can figure out a new route or give you a guys a GL! What's my current goal? The marines I'm talking to ALWAYS know.

    Here would be a classic example: "This is not a difficult concept, P-A-T-R-O-L the res towers we just took, I can't waste res elecing them if you want upgrades". "horseshoe is under attack, watch out behind you _____________". Yes, stay there ____ I'll drop a phase, everyone else get ready to phase, I'll drop a few shotties to help you guys there." Basically at each part you know where I am, and what I am doing, and have a general idea of what I'm doing at any given moment.

    It has a tednecy to boost moral of your troops if you talk to them, and they understand what you are doing. Feedback is also necessary, while as a comm you see a lot, you can't see what each individual marine sees, and must remeber that certain places on maps are marine deathtraps.
  • CxwfCxwf Join Date: 2003-02-05 Member: 13168Members, Constellation
    I agree that it is very nice as a marine to have a well-defined set of orders backing a plan that the com has actually told you...but remember that whenever you are talking, that reduces the Marine's ability to hear those vital noises that signify approaching aliens. I wouldn't want to have the com's voice in my ear for the entire map.

    I have to admit, though, the really annoying part isn't when a com is talking to you constantly...its when he's arguing with someone constantly. The mix of the two voices both cutting in and out makes it nearly impossible to hear the Aliens.
  • XzilenXzilen Join Date: 2002-12-30 Member: 11642Members, Constellation
    Starlude, I do the same thing
  • oOTOooOTOo Join Date: 2003-04-11 Member: 15401Members
    I don't have got any microphone so i must type every order in sayteam. Easy to understand that this becomes awful when u must give orders to 2 or 3 distinct squads onto the map while aliens become more and more agressive !

    Another problem when i com : "my" best soldiers are usually the ones who are walking through the map, building stuff, repairing, scouting, telling, etc.. and the "bad" ones you know them they stay at base waiting for orders (orders i cant give them, because of lacking time to type, and orders they don't bother anyway) but never executing them when i type some. So : these good soldiers never get the good stuff (HA, hmg) at first because they usually are far away from base and here again i can't type quick enough (while spamming medpacks, controlling buildings, etc) to tell them specifically ("Mr XYZ, come to base to get HA"). So usually it takes time to equip them. And this is my average main reason why i lose a game even with good soldiers and good stuff development (if not excellent alien teamplay thats causes us to lose, of course). That drives me crazy. The same reason again forbid me to tell a guy "You get a welder, so weld this vent !" quick enough before he passes his way to visit the map.

    Ahem... /me going to buy a microphone...
  • r3dsk4r3r3dsk4r3 Join Date: 2003-05-13 Member: 16257Members

    i just got done comming a game..... the most frustrating game i have ever commed. ever. i jumped into the comm chair, and told everyone to go to the double res, so some did. almost the whole team got n00bed, we managed to get ips up. i put a tf in between our two ip's and eleced it, as well as dropping the two res, and elecing the base res. (not all at the same time of course). since their main hive was sewer, i sent 8 people to gen, 1 made it there, one, the rest got lost along the way. the one ('croaker', whom i must commend for not being an idiot) set up the usual tf, pg, and 6000 turrets (acutally, there were only 4). then it started.... i decided to take the vent hive they were building, and set a wp to the bottom of the ramp. one person knew how to weld the fence. then no one would go down the ramp, serisously, these were some pretty yellow rines. we got up a tf after the third try and sieged it, then lamed it up like gen.

    i tried leading them with wp's, but then they complained that i 'keep switching the wp's to the other side'. so i didn't do that anymore.

    then i get i message that a vote has started to eject the commander. why? is it because we have 5 res nodes and 2 hives? that could be.

    this is the sad part, no one could make their way from double res to pumping station. it is literally 50 feet from the base, and no one could make it there.... another vote to eject me.
    after some people made it there we sieged to take out their defenses and then marched in, gl,shotty,hmg,ha, everything. and then people just stand there and look at the hive. i had to order them to shoot the hive. eventually the hive went down and i heard the satisfying chime.... and i got ejected. we had won the game, we had mutilated the aliens, w3/a2/ha and every imaginable gun. and i get ejected.

    the last thing that i saw in the chat what "the comm wasn't doing ****"

    i guess i don't really have a point other than LISTEN TO THE COMMANDER!!!!!!!

    we could have won so much faster had they actually had some respect and done what i told them to do. as for the ejecting, it wasn't the same person.. 3 times i was voted to be ejected, the last time, after we won, it succeeded. kill me now.... <!--emo&::asrifle::--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='asrifle.gif'><!--endemo--> <!--emo&::marine::--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='marine.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • GeronimoGeronimo Join Date: 2002-12-18 Member: 11056Members
    <!--QuoteBegin--Windelkron+Aug 6 2003, 08:52 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> (Windelkron @ Aug 6 2003, 08:52 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin--> Situation: Complete map lockdown except for last enemy hive. Sieges out of range of hive. One heavy at the location. Seven heavies at base yelling.

    <b>DON'T YELL AT YOUR COMMANDER.</b> He knows what he is doing. Some fool yelled at me "give us the equipment so we can take out the hive!" I gave them HA, which is the equipment <b>I</b> needed to take out the hive. The soldier does not take out the hive. The commander takes out the hive via the soldier. So do as he tells you! <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
    what bothers me even more is the people who are "remote comming" ie: the ones that think they can tell you what to do as a comm

    Like "RELOCATE HERE FFS n00bCOMM!!!1!"

    Then you threathen to recycle everything and get ejected
  • Asal_The_UnforgivingAsal_The_Unforgiving Join Date: 2003-03-26 Member: 14903Members
    edited October 2003
    My problem is comms who give NO orders. The ones who LET the marines down on the ground give all the orders, and follow them. THERE IS A REASON THAT THE NAME AT THE TOP HAS "Commander" IN FRONT OF IT! I am REALLY annoyed by that. What I like are comms who look at the people, see what they can do, and learn FAST who can do what. What I REALLY like about a comm is someone who will look at clan tags and keep the clans together, because those people almost ALWAYS perform better as a team. I also LOVE squads. Especcially if you end up with a squad leader, named by the comm himself. Not only does it make you feel better, but it gives the squad something else to do, and takes a lot of work off the commander. If YOU are the squad leader, listen to what's going on. Lead you men where the 'boss' (I like to say that more than's just easier) tells you, and it really helps a lot if your squad leader does some impressive work. It makes the men follow him. Unfortunately, if you have one really good squad leader, and two bad ones, or the other one bad, you end up with one squad, and a bunch of squadless leaders. Not good.

    On another note, and to the people who instantly run out of base yelling "RELOCATE TO DOUBLE RES!"......go find yourself a n00b server. Get off my server, because I happen to like having the team work under one guy. WAIT for him to give orders. WAIT for the plan to be laid out. A little patience works well right at the start.

    Edit: For those of you who do that.....screw you. (I know I shouldn't say that, but they **** me off)
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