Advanced Rambo Guide
Join Date: 2002-11-27 Member: 10053Members

DISCLAIMER: Do NOT read the following if you're a new player.
You are Jonny Rambo. You do not exist. If or when you are detected, self destruction must follow. You are splinter cell.
Your goal is simple, to infiltrate stealthily and to destroy any budding threats that may compromise the TSA rights of freedom. You will need two basic equipments. A quick witted mind, and a keen sense of hearing. A headphone is optional but highly recommended. Prerequisites: A firm knowledge of the map itself specifically all the exits and tricks to get to otherwise hard to reach areas.
<b>First mission</b>: The beginning.
Your first objective as you join the marine team is what as called blitzing. To annihilate any hapless eggs that you will surely discover if you patrol the resource towers. In this objective, stealth is optional, parasited rambos isn't recommended but might be to your advantage in some scenarios.. You do not need to crouch walk unless you hear more than 2 skulks because your main objective is to catch the eggs before they gorge and put down a resource tower. If and when you used up all of your ammo, please self destruct. Bind a key to execute the command "kill". Timing is of the essence.
If the blitz failed or you do not spot any aliens, find a nearest resource tower and proceed to knife it down. Preferably a single resource point and not a hive location. You will find that aliens will arrive slower if the location is not a double resource or hive location due to the laziness of the alien menace.
<u>Resource towers </u>
Here are some tips for killing a resource tower. Keep in mind that when blitzing, its quite rare that aliens have any upgrades at that point; all to your advantage. When ever alien players arrives at a location where a marine is attack their structures, they will usually do one of two things:
1)Try to rush you with your pant down while you're still knifing the structure.
Remember aliens relies on the sense of hearing as well as you do. If they arrive at a resource tower thats under attack and they hear the knifing sound, they would think that it would be a easy kill if they go straight for the rambo with full health. But, realizing that aliens also use the sense of hearing you can use that to your advantage. When you hear the "pick pick" sound of the skulk, keep your knife out, keep swinging, but remove yourself about 4 steps from the resource tower preferably somewhere hidden and soon you will see the foolish skulk dive headfirst around the resource tower, while you pull out your lmg and blast the skulk.
2) Survey the location to see how many marines are around and then try to parasite/spit you before charging in.
Aliens that does this is much smarter than the former. What you have to do then is try to kill the resource tower as fast as you can, using all your lmg or pistol bullets if you have to. If you discovered you won't kill the tower before the skulk close in, hit the self destruct key and prepare to bunnyhop.
The most important thing about choosing resource towers to rambo down is to keep an vigilant eye on the exits. If you know the first hive location, always keep your sight closely on the exits that the first hive will be closest to.
The best position to knife a resource tower down is right above it. If there are ledges/slopes high enough for you to jump on the resource tower, then by all means. After getting onto the tower, you have to fine tune your view inside the tower until you can see through the structure while still inside of it. The first place skulk are most likely to strike is right behind the tower. But if they do spot you above the tower, a standard jump from the skulk don't usually place him on the tower itself (however if his bite aims at you it will, so be ready to jump) so it buys a bit of precious time for you to take the tower down.
Slope jumping/strafe jumping is a tricky but useful skill. When slope jumping, try to strafe or walk sideways before you jump. Generally its hard to jump while ascending and decending slopes because you're changing your elevation. If you walk side to side before turning 90 degrees (ascend/decending) and then jump, you can get to places normally it would be impossible getting into. An evidient example of this (I try not to give map specifics away, its more fun discovering yourself) is in NS_caged. In the upper sewer resource tower room. Right above the catwalk where a ladder goes down, there are a series of pipes. You can get on top of the pipes by running on the railings and then before reaching the end, you turn 90 degrees and jump on to the pipes above you facing the other side. If you have a full load of lmg and at least 10 pistal rounds. You can sit on top of that room and gun down a resource tower with plenty of time to self destruct when you see enemnies nearby.
Remember, when your goal is destroying resource towers then you should do it by any means possible. That includes shooting it down from a safe distance. If you're really far away, try to use burstfire. Although I don't recommend shooting towers down from a long distance because when bullets miss it'll take more than one try to get the tower down (it'll take about 250 lmg bullets with weapon 0, by that time the tower should be gone or red, which should be taken down by a pistal).
Gorges makes a very loud audible sound. You might hear it from a room away. If you do, start crouch walking. Remember! it is very hard to kill a gorge alone due to the massive hp they have, but it is very easy if you're close to the gorge because your bullets won't miss that much. A fully loading lmg can kill a gorge easily if it is at foot length. Gorges are timid creatures, but vicious in packs. When you hear them try to find out by hearing if there are more than one. If there is, your best bet is wait for one to leave or just go somewhere else. But if there indeed was only one then you stealthily wait around some corner. Be PATIENT, the gorge might hear you as well but if you wait long enough he might think you left. You either wait till the gorge is right around the corner or you wait till you hear the splush sound of building. At that point you charge the gorge as its building, jumping over any chamber it might have dropped and unload your lmg clip at point blank, the gorge will die. If the gorge is building a resource tower...The common thing gorges do is go round and round the resource tower and use it as a shield. What you need to do is to fake left/right and the charge right/left. Quite often the gorge will run headfirst to you and making it short work. After the gorge dies, try to knife down anything that the gorge have built. If you were seriously injured and hears something else coming, commence self destruct and standby for bunnyhopping.
<u>Offensive Chambers</u>
When you encounter such structures theres only two options. Shoot it down, or run by/go another direction.
Many people might think offensive chambers are near impossible to take down alone with 0/0 upgrades. Don't let them fool you. Through many experiments I've done with the offensive towers I've discovered that the hit box at the tip of the offensive chamber where there are hair like features are larger than it seems. Technically you can kill an offensive chamber without losing health if there are no alien guarding them.
If there is a vertical elevation difference (upper/lower levels, slopes don't really apply obviously), edge from where you can't see the chamber to where you can barely see the tendrils. you can shoot at the air above the hairs/tendrils. Make sure the chamber isn't firing at you (if it is move down more) and make sure the chamber is bleeding. If there is a horizontal difference (corners), edge VERY carefully! You should able to hit the air to the right/left of the chamber if you edge slowly enough without the chamber firing. As before, always make sure the chamber is bleeding before you empty your clip in it. If you do not have 150+ bullets at your disposal, do not take an offensive chamber on. Find another route or strafe run (run in zig zag of course) by. Offensive chambers also have limited range. If the room is large enought get as far back as possible and burst fire on the chamber. If you have some upgrades up and have limited time (trying to finish something you were doing before), find a corner and unload two clips into the ot then reload and charge the ot. If it isn't down yet use your pistal. Offensive chambers are speedbumps. They should never never kill you unless some sort of alien is guarding them or you don't have enought ammo. (Or of course you were low on health and unaware of its exisitance) If you were seriously injured while fighting these structures, please self destruct promptly.
As for running by, there is a few tricks you can deploy that will help you ever so slightly. The offensive chamber has a fairly slow rof (rate of fire). If you want to get 16 extra health when running by one offensive tower, do this. Peek around a corner with the chamber for a split second and then go straight back in cover. As soon as you hear the spikes fire, run out as fast as you can. Do not run straight towards the chamber. Run something like this \ or /. When you pass the chamber alternate directions. If there are more than one offensive chamber you can try to run into the path of another chamber so that the offensive chamber #2 behind offensive chamber #1 will hit the back of offensive chamber #1. When you pass chamber #2 try to use the same thing so that #1 will hit the back of #2. Jumping over a chamber is recommended if there are only one or two chambers. It often disorientate the chamber you jump over for one round, but if there many chambers around, there are more chances that you will get stuck or get blocked by one as you jump over it.
<b>Second Mission:</b> Mid-game.
In between mission one and two you should be slaughtering gorge eggs and knifing resource towers. However during midgame (and this varies game to game) higher life form start arising. This is where a patient rambo is invaluable. Usually when you start seeing lerks around, try to infiltrate yourself into a hive. Remember a commander is of no use to you, and often might get in your way. Find a quiet corner to hide in and wait for a gestating sound. Do not shoot anything that is gestating unless it has been in the form of an egg for more than 4 seconds. If this happens, by all means destroy that egg. Once you destory the egg, no doubt your life might be in danger. What you do is, since they already knew you're there, shoot the hive couple times then run the hell out of there. This will cause other aliens to return to the hive and buy some time for your team. If the aliens is tracking you down, self destruct. Other than hive spots, aliens sometimes might gestate in where they think they're safe, ie a place with several ots. If you find such a location, try to find a spot where ots won't hit you and wait for the right moment. Of course the ots might kill you. You must time your self destruction perfectly so that you kill the egg before you kill yourself.
<u>Higher life forms</u>: Fades
Unless you are blessed with a shotgun (but then again you shouldn't rambo with it. As always, never take anything from commander!), taking fades can be a tough problem. But remembering you are not your average soldier, you must not think to kill your enemies the old fasion way. The is a better way. Instead of charging/chasing the fade when it tries to run away. Try to hide by key locations (again, map knowledge is a must) such as elevators/doorlocks, basically a place where the fade will come by (may it be your base or outpost). When the fade goes by, do not shoot him (assuming the location is somewhat defended), if the place has an elevator, bring the elevator up (ns_nothing, ns_mineshaft). After couple seconds, that fade will blink back to you with somewhat lower health and try to make a clean getaway. That is when you come out and blast him, using your body to block his blink so he will get stuck on you. That is when your teammates will catch up to the fade due to your blockage and hopefully kill the foul beast. If he tries to swipe you? even better, it'll give more times for your teammates to come and destroy him. If the alien notice the elevator is up and he has to press the swith? Try to use your body again to block the switch location. Remember, your life is insignificant, use it to your advantage.
That is all for now Jonny Rambo. Remember suicide is your friend. You do not exist and do not listen to the commander.
<b>Appendix</b>: These are some helpful hints, some obvious, others are not, to help you contribute to the team by not working as a team.
-Fat Cam: One way to take an rt and one oc is to jump behind the rt so the oc cant shoot you and knife it down, then if your good you can take the ot as well.
(an obvious one).
- r3dsk4r3: The 'root' part of the oc is a good place to shoot as well.
(somewhat less obvious, but I failed to mention <!--emo&:p--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif'><!--endemo-->. A perfect example would be huge elevation difference seperated by a ladder. Such as NS_bast. An oc in tram tunnel resource area and as you come down the ladder you can shoot the root without being spiked.)
- r3dsk4r3: The sparking sound made when building actually sounds like: "Hey, i have my head up my a$$, come eat me."
(Indeed, but as a counter measure, a sole building marine can pretend he is building when he hears something, much like the swing of knife, to draw aliens out. For example, when you hear something, stop building and then press the loud "use" command so aliens think you're building. When in reality you're not around the marine structure but ready with your gun.)
-KillaBite: If you knife a rt down so it has only one quarter health (that is to say you've taken down 3/4 of its health), one LMG clip will take down the rest of the RT. So if you believe that more then one skulk is approaching you and your knife, and if you feel that you should finish the job you started pull out the lmg and mow down the rest.
(something practiced by almost all rt hunters, remember every one of your deaths should damper the alien team's ability to expand. Trading your life with any resource towers is well worth.)
-Frosty: oh and wall walkin works well (you do this by geting next to a strati wall and looking slightly toward it and side strafing and go forward at the same time) makes you go faster, and works in vents.
(A not so obvious tip. I should also include that jump running on slopes makes you go faster downwards. Jump walking in sloped vents makes you go faster upwards. It sometimes depends on the size of vent. Another obvious tip about movement speed on ladders: Jump before you go towards a ladder, saves a second to climb up. Jump when you're on a ladder to fall off, very handy for skulk dodging. Pretend you're climbing a ladder than fall off in middle. Skulks who saw you go towards a ladder will try to get to the upper level as well, not realizing you're off the ladder. Also, always crouch when you're on ladders. It makes it harder to hit you and makes the climb silent. Using the jump key while on ladder can be very frustating for skulks. For example, when you have a double ladder in cargobay of ns_origin, when skulks are after you, climb on the ladder and then jump off in the middle to latch-on on the ladder on the other side, then climb up near the middle and repeat. It really ticks the skulks off and if you have a good aim, you can be nearly invincible on the twin ladders.)
You are Jonny Rambo. You do not exist. If or when you are detected, self destruction must follow. You are splinter cell.
Your goal is simple, to infiltrate stealthily and to destroy any budding threats that may compromise the TSA rights of freedom. You will need two basic equipments. A quick witted mind, and a keen sense of hearing. A headphone is optional but highly recommended. Prerequisites: A firm knowledge of the map itself specifically all the exits and tricks to get to otherwise hard to reach areas.
<b>First mission</b>: The beginning.
Your first objective as you join the marine team is what as called blitzing. To annihilate any hapless eggs that you will surely discover if you patrol the resource towers. In this objective, stealth is optional, parasited rambos isn't recommended but might be to your advantage in some scenarios.. You do not need to crouch walk unless you hear more than 2 skulks because your main objective is to catch the eggs before they gorge and put down a resource tower. If and when you used up all of your ammo, please self destruct. Bind a key to execute the command "kill". Timing is of the essence.
If the blitz failed or you do not spot any aliens, find a nearest resource tower and proceed to knife it down. Preferably a single resource point and not a hive location. You will find that aliens will arrive slower if the location is not a double resource or hive location due to the laziness of the alien menace.
<u>Resource towers </u>
Here are some tips for killing a resource tower. Keep in mind that when blitzing, its quite rare that aliens have any upgrades at that point; all to your advantage. When ever alien players arrives at a location where a marine is attack their structures, they will usually do one of two things:
1)Try to rush you with your pant down while you're still knifing the structure.
Remember aliens relies on the sense of hearing as well as you do. If they arrive at a resource tower thats under attack and they hear the knifing sound, they would think that it would be a easy kill if they go straight for the rambo with full health. But, realizing that aliens also use the sense of hearing you can use that to your advantage. When you hear the "pick pick" sound of the skulk, keep your knife out, keep swinging, but remove yourself about 4 steps from the resource tower preferably somewhere hidden and soon you will see the foolish skulk dive headfirst around the resource tower, while you pull out your lmg and blast the skulk.
2) Survey the location to see how many marines are around and then try to parasite/spit you before charging in.
Aliens that does this is much smarter than the former. What you have to do then is try to kill the resource tower as fast as you can, using all your lmg or pistol bullets if you have to. If you discovered you won't kill the tower before the skulk close in, hit the self destruct key and prepare to bunnyhop.
The most important thing about choosing resource towers to rambo down is to keep an vigilant eye on the exits. If you know the first hive location, always keep your sight closely on the exits that the first hive will be closest to.
The best position to knife a resource tower down is right above it. If there are ledges/slopes high enough for you to jump on the resource tower, then by all means. After getting onto the tower, you have to fine tune your view inside the tower until you can see through the structure while still inside of it. The first place skulk are most likely to strike is right behind the tower. But if they do spot you above the tower, a standard jump from the skulk don't usually place him on the tower itself (however if his bite aims at you it will, so be ready to jump) so it buys a bit of precious time for you to take the tower down.
Slope jumping/strafe jumping is a tricky but useful skill. When slope jumping, try to strafe or walk sideways before you jump. Generally its hard to jump while ascending and decending slopes because you're changing your elevation. If you walk side to side before turning 90 degrees (ascend/decending) and then jump, you can get to places normally it would be impossible getting into. An evidient example of this (I try not to give map specifics away, its more fun discovering yourself) is in NS_caged. In the upper sewer resource tower room. Right above the catwalk where a ladder goes down, there are a series of pipes. You can get on top of the pipes by running on the railings and then before reaching the end, you turn 90 degrees and jump on to the pipes above you facing the other side. If you have a full load of lmg and at least 10 pistal rounds. You can sit on top of that room and gun down a resource tower with plenty of time to self destruct when you see enemnies nearby.
Remember, when your goal is destroying resource towers then you should do it by any means possible. That includes shooting it down from a safe distance. If you're really far away, try to use burstfire. Although I don't recommend shooting towers down from a long distance because when bullets miss it'll take more than one try to get the tower down (it'll take about 250 lmg bullets with weapon 0, by that time the tower should be gone or red, which should be taken down by a pistal).
Gorges makes a very loud audible sound. You might hear it from a room away. If you do, start crouch walking. Remember! it is very hard to kill a gorge alone due to the massive hp they have, but it is very easy if you're close to the gorge because your bullets won't miss that much. A fully loading lmg can kill a gorge easily if it is at foot length. Gorges are timid creatures, but vicious in packs. When you hear them try to find out by hearing if there are more than one. If there is, your best bet is wait for one to leave or just go somewhere else. But if there indeed was only one then you stealthily wait around some corner. Be PATIENT, the gorge might hear you as well but if you wait long enough he might think you left. You either wait till the gorge is right around the corner or you wait till you hear the splush sound of building. At that point you charge the gorge as its building, jumping over any chamber it might have dropped and unload your lmg clip at point blank, the gorge will die. If the gorge is building a resource tower...The common thing gorges do is go round and round the resource tower and use it as a shield. What you need to do is to fake left/right and the charge right/left. Quite often the gorge will run headfirst to you and making it short work. After the gorge dies, try to knife down anything that the gorge have built. If you were seriously injured and hears something else coming, commence self destruct and standby for bunnyhopping.
<u>Offensive Chambers</u>
When you encounter such structures theres only two options. Shoot it down, or run by/go another direction.
Many people might think offensive chambers are near impossible to take down alone with 0/0 upgrades. Don't let them fool you. Through many experiments I've done with the offensive towers I've discovered that the hit box at the tip of the offensive chamber where there are hair like features are larger than it seems. Technically you can kill an offensive chamber without losing health if there are no alien guarding them.
If there is a vertical elevation difference (upper/lower levels, slopes don't really apply obviously), edge from where you can't see the chamber to where you can barely see the tendrils. you can shoot at the air above the hairs/tendrils. Make sure the chamber isn't firing at you (if it is move down more) and make sure the chamber is bleeding. If there is a horizontal difference (corners), edge VERY carefully! You should able to hit the air to the right/left of the chamber if you edge slowly enough without the chamber firing. As before, always make sure the chamber is bleeding before you empty your clip in it. If you do not have 150+ bullets at your disposal, do not take an offensive chamber on. Find another route or strafe run (run in zig zag of course) by. Offensive chambers also have limited range. If the room is large enought get as far back as possible and burst fire on the chamber. If you have some upgrades up and have limited time (trying to finish something you were doing before), find a corner and unload two clips into the ot then reload and charge the ot. If it isn't down yet use your pistal. Offensive chambers are speedbumps. They should never never kill you unless some sort of alien is guarding them or you don't have enought ammo. (Or of course you were low on health and unaware of its exisitance) If you were seriously injured while fighting these structures, please self destruct promptly.
As for running by, there is a few tricks you can deploy that will help you ever so slightly. The offensive chamber has a fairly slow rof (rate of fire). If you want to get 16 extra health when running by one offensive tower, do this. Peek around a corner with the chamber for a split second and then go straight back in cover. As soon as you hear the spikes fire, run out as fast as you can. Do not run straight towards the chamber. Run something like this \ or /. When you pass the chamber alternate directions. If there are more than one offensive chamber you can try to run into the path of another chamber so that the offensive chamber #2 behind offensive chamber #1 will hit the back of offensive chamber #1. When you pass chamber #2 try to use the same thing so that #1 will hit the back of #2. Jumping over a chamber is recommended if there are only one or two chambers. It often disorientate the chamber you jump over for one round, but if there many chambers around, there are more chances that you will get stuck or get blocked by one as you jump over it.
<b>Second Mission:</b> Mid-game.
In between mission one and two you should be slaughtering gorge eggs and knifing resource towers. However during midgame (and this varies game to game) higher life form start arising. This is where a patient rambo is invaluable. Usually when you start seeing lerks around, try to infiltrate yourself into a hive. Remember a commander is of no use to you, and often might get in your way. Find a quiet corner to hide in and wait for a gestating sound. Do not shoot anything that is gestating unless it has been in the form of an egg for more than 4 seconds. If this happens, by all means destroy that egg. Once you destory the egg, no doubt your life might be in danger. What you do is, since they already knew you're there, shoot the hive couple times then run the hell out of there. This will cause other aliens to return to the hive and buy some time for your team. If the aliens is tracking you down, self destruct. Other than hive spots, aliens sometimes might gestate in where they think they're safe, ie a place with several ots. If you find such a location, try to find a spot where ots won't hit you and wait for the right moment. Of course the ots might kill you. You must time your self destruction perfectly so that you kill the egg before you kill yourself.
<u>Higher life forms</u>: Fades
Unless you are blessed with a shotgun (but then again you shouldn't rambo with it. As always, never take anything from commander!), taking fades can be a tough problem. But remembering you are not your average soldier, you must not think to kill your enemies the old fasion way. The is a better way. Instead of charging/chasing the fade when it tries to run away. Try to hide by key locations (again, map knowledge is a must) such as elevators/doorlocks, basically a place where the fade will come by (may it be your base or outpost). When the fade goes by, do not shoot him (assuming the location is somewhat defended), if the place has an elevator, bring the elevator up (ns_nothing, ns_mineshaft). After couple seconds, that fade will blink back to you with somewhat lower health and try to make a clean getaway. That is when you come out and blast him, using your body to block his blink so he will get stuck on you. That is when your teammates will catch up to the fade due to your blockage and hopefully kill the foul beast. If he tries to swipe you? even better, it'll give more times for your teammates to come and destroy him. If the alien notice the elevator is up and he has to press the swith? Try to use your body again to block the switch location. Remember, your life is insignificant, use it to your advantage.
That is all for now Jonny Rambo. Remember suicide is your friend. You do not exist and do not listen to the commander.
<b>Appendix</b>: These are some helpful hints, some obvious, others are not, to help you contribute to the team by not working as a team.
-Fat Cam: One way to take an rt and one oc is to jump behind the rt so the oc cant shoot you and knife it down, then if your good you can take the ot as well.
(an obvious one).
- r3dsk4r3: The 'root' part of the oc is a good place to shoot as well.
(somewhat less obvious, but I failed to mention <!--emo&:p--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif'><!--endemo-->. A perfect example would be huge elevation difference seperated by a ladder. Such as NS_bast. An oc in tram tunnel resource area and as you come down the ladder you can shoot the root without being spiked.)
- r3dsk4r3: The sparking sound made when building actually sounds like: "Hey, i have my head up my a$$, come eat me."
(Indeed, but as a counter measure, a sole building marine can pretend he is building when he hears something, much like the swing of knife, to draw aliens out. For example, when you hear something, stop building and then press the loud "use" command so aliens think you're building. When in reality you're not around the marine structure but ready with your gun.)
-KillaBite: If you knife a rt down so it has only one quarter health (that is to say you've taken down 3/4 of its health), one LMG clip will take down the rest of the RT. So if you believe that more then one skulk is approaching you and your knife, and if you feel that you should finish the job you started pull out the lmg and mow down the rest.
(something practiced by almost all rt hunters, remember every one of your deaths should damper the alien team's ability to expand. Trading your life with any resource towers is well worth.)
-Frosty: oh and wall walkin works well (you do this by geting next to a strati wall and looking slightly toward it and side strafing and go forward at the same time) makes you go faster, and works in vents.
(A not so obvious tip. I should also include that jump running on slopes makes you go faster downwards. Jump walking in sloped vents makes you go faster upwards. It sometimes depends on the size of vent. Another obvious tip about movement speed on ladders: Jump before you go towards a ladder, saves a second to climb up. Jump when you're on a ladder to fall off, very handy for skulk dodging. Pretend you're climbing a ladder than fall off in middle. Skulks who saw you go towards a ladder will try to get to the upper level as well, not realizing you're off the ladder. Also, always crouch when you're on ladders. It makes it harder to hit you and makes the climb silent. Using the jump key while on ladder can be very frustating for skulks. For example, when you have a double ladder in cargobay of ns_origin, when skulks are after you, climb on the ladder and then jump off in the middle to latch-on on the ladder on the other side, then climb up near the middle and repeat. It really ticks the skulks off and if you have a good aim, you can be nearly invincible on the twin ladders.)
Anyway I'm not very good at ramboing 'cos I have bad aim.
During the game we were forced to relocate... and we had level 2 weaps... so what i did was simply load up on 250 rounds.... plus my 20 pistol rounds.. i could get 1-2 rt with that amount of ammo... i used my gun.. and 150 rounds would take out a rt.. if not id finish it off quick with pistol
Got 7 rt in 25 min... **** aliens off to no end...
The only point I disagree on is the "self destruct" button. If there's a chance that you can survive an encounter and finish the node, or even kill one of your attackers, it outbalances the risk of alien RFK. Remember that if you gun down just one of the approaching skulks before you die, you've balanced the res. Kill two (plenty possible against unupgraded skulks) and now the marines are profiting.
Otherwise, excellent. <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->
Not really 3 res for marines is insignificant to the 3 res boost an alien can get.
If you knife a rt down so it has only one quarter health (that is to say you've taken down 3/4 of its health), one LMG clip will take down the rest of the RT. So if you believe that more then one skulk is approaching you and your knife, and if you feel that you should finish the job you started pull out the lmg and mow down the rest, promptly suiciding before the skulk rush.
Mostly because that's just cheap.
Personally, I'd like to see using /kill deduct the normal RFK from the alien that used it or from the marine resources pool.
That way you could still use it if you absolutely had to but there'd be incentive to avoid it.
You know.. now that I think about it.. it's off to S&I with that one.
No doubting the effectivness of a good rambo thought. I had one comming on lost and once i realised he was never gonna follow my orders I left him too it and he did a damn fine job of distraction while we took over the map.
<!--emo&::skulk::--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='skulk.gif'><!--endemo--> <!--emo&::skulk::--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='skulk.gif'><!--endemo--> <!--emo&::skulk::--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='skulk.gif'><!--endemo--> <!--emo&::skulk::--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='skulk.gif'><!--endemo--> <!--emo&::skulk::--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='skulk.gif'><!--endemo--> <!--emo&::asrifle::--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='asrifle.gif'><!--endemo--> <!--emo&::onos::--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tiny.gif'><!--endemo--> <-- isn't it great being a marine? XD
yea I used to do that, but if theres 2-4 ocs around it can add up 20-40% each time. It only takes about 8-15 shots to get killed. I only do that now when I have teammates with me. If I'm alone...forget it I'm ganna take 2 3 seconds more so that I won't die or lose too much health. Unless of course there is only one oc there.
i especially like the part on sounds, people die way too much because they weren't paying attention, especially when building.
---TSA Update---
Due to the inner ear of the aliens, the sparking sound made when building actually sounds like: "Hey, i have my head up my a$$, come eat me."
using sound is one of the things that separates good players from n00bs. its there, take advantage of it.
Not really 3 res for marines is insignificant to the 3 res boost an alien can get.<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
That really depends on how the comm is using your res. If that 3 res gives you level 2 weapons, or gives a competent marine a SG, it's every bit as valuable to the marines as the aliens.
<!--QuoteBegin--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->That really depends on how the comm is using your res. If that 3 res gives you level 2 weapons, or gives a competent marine a SG, it's every bit as valuable to the marines as the aliens. <!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
That is well and true, but you're not doing this for only one spawn. You're doing this for the majority of the game. the points will add up.
dcs and mcs are normally placed near the hive, so killing them is very risky
It specifially said do not read this if you're new. Course that will not prevent anything but I hardly believe EVERYONE will read this thread, and causing/influencing all those who read it to,"lead to the detriment of teamplay."
What is teamplay I ask? Well its two or more people working together towards a uniformed goal. Tell me, do everyone have to be together physically when doing teamwork? No, if everyone does their tasks to the fullest and accompolishing the goal, then teamwork is successful.
Should teamwork only based on three four guys hanging around each other? Strategies are the thing that win games. To be creative with your strategy can be helpful sometimes. It doesn't have to be the same all the time. That'll make things dull. Of course, I'm not saying "rambo wins games". I'm merely saying trying different approach to games such as these can put you above the rest. Be innovative.
Even if the whole damn marine team goes out and do this (course someone or something has to defend the ip), what would happen? Well, I think that 0-1 alien resource chamber is actually helpful to the marine team.
Lastly...what do you mean "if you like this sort of thing, then you picked the wrong team"? This sentence makes no sense. To my knowledge, the aliens don't have guns to do "this sort of things."
I guess you don't really appreciate the hints (not to become a rambo specifally, but become a better marine/player) I/we have posted. Maybe those of us that have found these tricks should keep it to ourselves.
Mostly to crippling alien resource flow, or their higher evolutions.
I disagree. Even though everything about the game tells you teamwork = win, sometimes being alone gives you more advantages.
Such as the excessive noise caused by many marines that influence your sense of hearing. As well as alerting an alien the whereabouts of your squad whereas a single marine might able to move undetected (with the help of motion if he is more fortunate). Secondly, having more than one marine around equal carelessness. The marines following a leader would most likely to ignore checking corners because well "hey my teammate walk thru the corridor without dying!". Thirdly, when you have more than 3 marines around, blocking shots, blocking movement becomes a bit of a problem. Try to bunnyhop while 2 of your teammates are doing the same next to you. Try to cover your teammate while your teammate is bunnyhopping...Not quite so easy to pull off.
I would agree with your statement if the condition was 3 or less. But if anything more, it is sometimes more harmful than helpful. Of course if you want raw power, such as taking down a hive, you want as many teammates as you can. But for the smaller missions such as the one I've stated, you don't need that many marines around. Lets just say I don't want 6 marines knifing one alien resource chamber. I want 6 marines knifing 3 or more resource chamber. Its task overloading the alien team.
You'd be surprised when you see a marine team where the whole team goes out and go resource hunting (with a few guarding of course). If a resource position has been taken down 2-3 times after you build it. Tell me, are you ganna put it back up without thinking twice?
1)I think using kill blatantly and repeatedly like that is as bad as many of the exploits, and much more irritating (spelling >.< )
2) I feel that these rambo hints are useful at the start of course, but after that you should only rambo if your a para >.<
this way you can be a pain in the ****, but you wont give away the all important position of your squad ready to seige, and this way it does not negate the teamplay aspect of the game that we all love.
3) the good players tend to shoot the res towers down when they have 1/4 hp left, but the REALLY good players tend to stop knifing and pwn the skulk instead, as this gives you res, they dont get free res, and you still get the res tower. However this is only to be done if you are really good (eg in NZ the team -nz- players tend to do this to me >.< )
However, I still believe this is a great guide to being a real thorn in the kharaa's side, gw