Onos Redeem Vote
Join Date: 2002-11-02 Member: 4424Members

<div class="IPBDescription">Drops Marine or Can't Redeem with Devour</div> The coming patch will limit an Onos from Redeeming while he's devoured a marine (if you devour someone you won't be able to use redemption) ... but it seems like people would rather have him spit the marine out and then redeem (that way the marines can celebrate freeing one of their own) ... which would you favor?
Drop Marine or Can't Redeem?
Cast your vote, this isn't offical ... but I'd like to see what everyone else thinks.
Oh, I'd vote for Drop Marine <!--emo&:)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->
Drop Marine or Can't Redeem?
Cast your vote, this isn't offical ... but I'd like to see what everyone else thinks.
Oh, I'd vote for Drop Marine <!--emo&:)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->
My dislike of redemption and having a team full of redemption onoses who are gimped in comparison to the regen/cara ones is no secret... Honestly I wish it would be replaced with something else.
And since by "freeing" it means "kill the Onos" I think this is a good point <!--emo&:)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->
I mean, I would rather prefer to have a chance to kill that <b>goinfre</b> before he may try to escape and thus freeing my buddy, than just seeing my teamate drop out of nowhere as the Onos redeems.
See: you have double-benefit if the Onos cant redeem while digesting <!--emo&:)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->
Plus, the onos will have to choose carefuly thier power then, and maybe try regeneration or carapace, as said before, since I also prefer regeneration on redemption. <!--emo&;)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/wink.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='wink.gif'><!--endemo-->
Good thing it's gonna be modified, whatever the issue.
a redeem onos then just cant counter HA troops seriously (only with its 1st attack) , when he tries to eat one he shouldnt survive it.
When an onos get redemption he will inevitably try to devour anything he sees and sometimes missing. Also with redemption an onos will run into about 50 turrets go straight into the middle mabye damaging 1 or 2 turrets then getting redeemed. If you get regeneration you can wear down the frontal turrets taking down 1 or 2 turrets in each run, fall back regen and repeat. Until they have few turrets left so that you can take out the turret fac.
I noticed this on nothing. Marines were cornered in cargo with alot of turrets in the front. 2 oni had devour, tried to devour some marines, ran into the hive and got redeemed. I noticed this and got regen and started working on their turrets, and needlees to say they were left with none left after a minute.
Btw regen + celerity as onos = hit and run of note.
Oh and I think he shouldn't be able to redeem, just so I stick to topic <!--emo&:)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->.
Its good for both teams; you get the marines having their team mate back (though slimely, and in need of a medipack) and the alien staying as a onos...
then you can re-equip with JPs + Shotties and pwn the onos... shmo. <!--emo&;)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/wink.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='wink.gif'><!--endemo-->
So right now.. it's just a bunch of people that just like to use the ability because it's cool, or at least it is to me. I just like gobbling a marine, otherwise, gameplay-wise.. it's not that great. Takes two gores for unupgraded non-ha marines to die, three for full upgrade. It takes about five gores to a unupgraded ha marine, and seven(possibly eight) for fully upgraded. Now.. an Onos can easily take out a few marines, if he times his stomp right. (There is too many for one.. stomp has a limited reach, that and it has weird physics.. sometimes it hits jumping marines, sometime's it doesn't.. sometimes it stuns marines lower, and sometimes it doesn't.
Anyway.. no offense to anyone.. but like I said.. Devour is more like a icing on the Onos cake.. (doesn't really help that much in healing terms, either.. by the time you get Onos, there's usually a few D chambers around) And I think marines should be dropped on redemption.
But I would prefer that devour stopped redemption rather than spat the marine back out.
if an onos devours i think that player should have to fight for the right to feed..
stop redemption while the onos is carrying a marine, but give the onos the ability to vomit the marine back up at will? Then the marine would have an opprotunity to run before the onos gored him, and the onos would be able to redeem if he was in trouble..
Devour is not a useless ability though, it's excellent for killing heavies and for carrying a weapon out of base. If the marines are sitting on a hmg that the other players just pick up when the player currently holding it is dead, they have a nice advantage. Stomp the lot, devour the hmg'er, run away. Then just finish digesting him somewhere out of the way and the hmg will drop outside the other players' reach.
My opinion: spit the marine out when redeeming.
An entire upgrade shouldn't be made worthless just because you <b>used one of your attacks</b> on the marine team... jeez.
An entire upgrade shouldn't be made worthless just because you <b>used one of your attacks</b> on the marine team... jeez. <!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
I agree 100% with this post.
If marines still need help winning, why not make the JP useful again instead of continually nerfing aliens?
If you want to nerf redemtion so badly why dont you all just ask em to take it out of the game and replace it with something that would be worth having? If redemtion IS nerfed outa usefullness here are a few other things that should be considered
1: marines stop dropping gear. Doesnt make sense that when an alien dies he losses all 36 to 106 res worth of upgrades but when a marines dies his buddies get to recycle most of the res invested into upgradeing him. On top of that marines pay a much more cost effective one time upgrade cost for all there basic upgrades
2: Makes carapace and regeneration worth something once marines up grade a bit. While you all whinning about devour being a one shot killer you forget to bring up shotty being a 1-2 shot killer aginst Most aliens and the HMG Kills an lev3 carapaced Onos in 38 HITS!!! whats the HMGs RoF agin?? Im thinking that a whole 2 seconds or so of fire from ONE marine.
3:Give the aliens real damage upgrades. Why is does a hive one fade with no up grade take just as long to kill a guy as a hive 3 with full up grades? Come on a Lite marine with upgrades and a 20 res HMG can kill a fade faster then a fade can kill him when they both start in base to base contact. Too top it off IF he dies his buddy can recycle the 20 res HMG by running over it... Wow
Seriosly I just dont understand why ppl are having so hard of a time with marines. I play on 3 differnt pubs and from what I see good marines nearly allways win aginst good aliens when they have a decent com.
I consider myself a "ok" commander and I have a 4 to 1 win ratio aginst aliens.
People keep saying this would make devour useless as you couldn't dissapear back to the hive and live forever like a noob.
It would not make devour useless. You would have to use it like a normal, good onos does. You devour then you get the hell outta there.
Onos gets to choose tactics. Do I eat and stick around, or do I gore and save my skin?
Heck, I can see times when you've taken redeem that you'd like to be able to hang around for longer doing damage (like against that turret plantation when the res is flowing like water). For those occasions, grab a marine for tasty snack/health boost, and go in and do some serious damage, rather than heading in and suddenly finding yourself back at the hive just before that TF goes down.
Plus, more fun for marines and for onos, with screams of "Agh! He's got me guys! He's vulnerable! Save me! Save me!" leading to merry onos chases through the halls.
People who say it'd make devour useless need to play onos against a competent marine team. If they did, they'd see that having it pop the marine out after would really make devour useless -- most redeeming onos don't last more than 6 or 7 seconds against a decent set of marines. On the bright side, I guess it would mean marines would only be seeing the devour screen for a couple seconds at a time.
Personally i think that when a onos eats a heavy they should take longer to digest and it should slow the onos down.
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I agree that Cara and Regen are better for combat on an onos, but after I made this argument against a proponent of REdeeming only onos he said that an onos should avoid combat, and instead only devour individual marines and take out rez nodes. Run into base, devour a rine and redeem. If the marines get it into their heads to go out and kill the onos, redemption usually saves it. His main reason to avoid combat, to quote him: "<i>An onos in combat is only worth about 100 resources, but if it never dies it is worth unlimited resources.</i>".
I like the idea of redeeming Oni leaving the contents of their stomach, because I have never been saved.