Chamber Strength
Join Date: 2003-01-22 Member: 12584Members

<div class="IPBDescription">movements got the shaft</div> anyone who has played <span style='color:green'>1.0x </span>knows that the <span style='color:green'>chamber order was always defence-movement-sensory</span>. no one ever deviated from this short of accident, noob behavior or llamaism. <span style='color:green'>why? because the chambers built first has abilities that are distinctly better than the next.</span>
in <span style='color:green'>2.0</span> so far, i feel that <span style='color:green'>defence and sensories are balanced quite well. why? because they both give a FREE PASSIVE ability that is USEFUL for keeping your team alive</span>. movements on the other hand, teleports you to the farthest hive <!--emo&???--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='confused.gif'><!--endemo--> . <span style='color:green'>building defence and sensories all over the map helps you assert control over those areas because they give your units AND strutures a combat edge. no one will go gorge and build movements all over the map because they plain suck wastewater. all you need is 1 movement at each hive. 3 at the most.</span>
<span style='color:green'>i almost always see movement last</span>. if sensories go first then its almost always movements last cause you need that defence to deal with teched up marines. if defence went first then movements might come second but still rarely. <span style='color:green'>the root of the problem is that the passive area of effect of the defence and sensories are useful enough that you don't need to spend 2 res to upgrade to recieve a good benefit of that chamber. this is especially important for skulks because they still die rather quickly. with the new very very slow res system for aliens now, its just not worth spending 2 res to upgrade everytime you die like you did in 1.0x, especially now that the res is so slow.</span>
i've played games where <span style='color:green'>movements went first and it was a disaster </span>because first of all there is no passive combat bonus and secondly <span style='color:green'>everyone spent their res on celerity and had no res to transform into higher lifeforms.</span>
i think the solution to balance the chambers so that they're all viable first (given the new resource system preventing regular skulk upgrades) is to <span style='color:green'>replace the movement passive ability to something more useful</span>. i remember reading in the beta forums of movements that gave adrenaline to aliens and faster atatck speed for offence chambers. something along those lines need to be brought back. i think that the most important beneficiaries of chamber abilities are the skulks, and that adrenaline is quite useless for them. i<span style='color:green'> suggest that the movement teleport be replaced with celerity for nearby aliens and increased attack speed for offence chambers. this way, all chambers give good passive abilities to both lifeforms and structures.</span> since movements can't be spammed across the map like sensories because they're not cloaked, i suggest that the area of effect of the celerity be quite large as well.
i know that this is quite a long read, so i highlighted some points i wanted to get across the most in <span style='color:green'>green</span>.
thx for reading. i'd like to see some movement improvements in a 2.0x patch so lets hear some more ideas! <!--emo&::nerdy::--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='nerd.gif'><!--endemo-->
in <span style='color:green'>2.0</span> so far, i feel that <span style='color:green'>defence and sensories are balanced quite well. why? because they both give a FREE PASSIVE ability that is USEFUL for keeping your team alive</span>. movements on the other hand, teleports you to the farthest hive <!--emo&???--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='confused.gif'><!--endemo--> . <span style='color:green'>building defence and sensories all over the map helps you assert control over those areas because they give your units AND strutures a combat edge. no one will go gorge and build movements all over the map because they plain suck wastewater. all you need is 1 movement at each hive. 3 at the most.</span>
<span style='color:green'>i almost always see movement last</span>. if sensories go first then its almost always movements last cause you need that defence to deal with teched up marines. if defence went first then movements might come second but still rarely. <span style='color:green'>the root of the problem is that the passive area of effect of the defence and sensories are useful enough that you don't need to spend 2 res to upgrade to recieve a good benefit of that chamber. this is especially important for skulks because they still die rather quickly. with the new very very slow res system for aliens now, its just not worth spending 2 res to upgrade everytime you die like you did in 1.0x, especially now that the res is so slow.</span>
i've played games where <span style='color:green'>movements went first and it was a disaster </span>because first of all there is no passive combat bonus and secondly <span style='color:green'>everyone spent their res on celerity and had no res to transform into higher lifeforms.</span>
i think the solution to balance the chambers so that they're all viable first (given the new resource system preventing regular skulk upgrades) is to <span style='color:green'>replace the movement passive ability to something more useful</span>. i remember reading in the beta forums of movements that gave adrenaline to aliens and faster atatck speed for offence chambers. something along those lines need to be brought back. i think that the most important beneficiaries of chamber abilities are the skulks, and that adrenaline is quite useless for them. i<span style='color:green'> suggest that the movement teleport be replaced with celerity for nearby aliens and increased attack speed for offence chambers. this way, all chambers give good passive abilities to both lifeforms and structures.</span> since movements can't be spammed across the map like sensories because they're not cloaked, i suggest that the area of effect of the celerity be quite large as well.
i know that this is quite a long read, so i highlighted some points i wanted to get across the most in <span style='color:green'>green</span>.
thx for reading. i'd like to see some movement improvements in a 2.0x patch so lets hear some more ideas! <!--emo&::nerdy::--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='nerd.gif'><!--endemo-->
(2) You seem to be missing the point of movs, somewhat.
-(a) silence and celerity are <i>very</i> useful early-game abilities
-(b) the adrenaline boost from well-placed MCs is incredibly useful - a gorge wants to BB a base - if he drops two MCs, he can bilebomb <i>constantly</i> with no need to regenerate energy.
-© the improved RoF MCs give to OCs makes a little chamber pod into a Ninja Pod of Dewm™
1) like i said their passive ability (teleport to farthest hive) sucks in comparision to FREE REGEN and FREE CLOAK
2) free adrenaline was taken out sometime in beta
Nope its still there, try it, youll love it, and the order consistantly now (unless the alien team wants a drawn out game) is MC DC SC.
Celerity really is needed for onos, especially the onos who like redemption, otherwise they cant even get a devour without redeeming.
Silence can actually win a game, seen it many times.
2) it'll take you ages to go onos if you spent 2 res to upgrade to silence celerity every life. you'd have to kill a marine each life just to break even and you won't kill a marine with each life. upgrading skulks = lose
Sometimes i fade, and the celerity means i dont die before taking out a guy.
about the upgrades... upgrade silence kill a few guys, silence payed for and more res for your precious thing that is big and nasty, but dies fast and redeemes faster, as you didnt help your team out, and went straight to onos i wouldnt umbra u and would hope the gorges wouldnt heal u in the attack either.
U must be an imposter!
Sometimes i fade, and the celerity means i dont die before taking out a guy.
about the upgrades... upgrade silence kill a few guys, silence payed for and more res for your precious thing that is big and nasty, but dies fast and redeemes faster, as you didnt help your team out, and went straight to onos i wouldnt umbra u and would hope the gorges wouldnt heal u in the attack either. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
once motion is up your silence effectiveness is also much reduced. and secondly, i do very well as an unupgraded skulk thank you, and i notice that a team that went movement first spends a hella lot more res and dies a hella lot more. you dont' need adrenaline to be able to spam umbra either. umbra lasts 3 seconds or so and dont' stack. you dont' need to pump it out like mad. as for your remarks about not helping the guy that goes onos first? i hope never to be on your team cause you're obviously a selfish sh*t
In 2.0 movement first is the same.
Its nothing for publics but the best chpice with ppl that know the game.
It is however obvious who is stuck to his own mind and shall not budge, the only chamber that is really not very good, is infact sensory, it is the easiest to counter, and only one upgrade has proven to be any good. People chose from all three of the MC and DC upgrades, as they are all very useful, people now dont use cloak much and take SoF as it gives the single alien the benefit of what the 1.0x sensory chamber used to give the entire team, esentially parasiting every marine in range as it shows them as motion tracking would, I wasnt a fan of 1.0 sensory but the 1.0 chamber > the 2.0 chamber in benefits to the offence of the team, as now, altho later a gorge can get a chamber close to base and have cloaked aliens running about in there, it is primarily a defencive structure, in which case id chose DC over it, as the OCs and the Hive live longer with DCs about and the effect isnt overruled by a sensor sweep of the area, DC helps in defence and offence, MC also helps vastly in defence and offence, sensory sadly doesnt have what it takes still and is therefore (not in public games where the game lasts 2+ hours) comes at hive 3 for many people.
you're wasting your energy. spore does not stack umbra does not stack. the dev team can verify this. i believe spores DO stack if the spores came from DIFFERENT lerks. ie, your own spores dont' stack with each other
Both movement and sens chambers have a equal benefit on skulks. Silence means that marines can't use their ears to track skulks, cloak means that marines can't use their eyes.
In the mid game is where the really question of movement/sens first is put. If you have sens chambers you can cloak your buildings and any people on guard duty. Thus increasing the power of your defenders. However, if you instead get movement chambers, you will increase the power of your attackers. Gorges next to movements can bile bomb much faster. Onos with adren or cel can attack more often or do more damage. However, movements also have a defensive bonus, the ability to spawn at any hive, even a building one (that is under attack).
As a final note, I have been seen people in this thread make comments like
"Upgraded skulks with celerity or silence allows the skulk to get 3-4 kills per death"
"upgraded skulks = lose"
I just wanted to say that these kinds of statements arn't good statements to use in a debate, since they are based on opinion, not fact. In NS there is a variable to everything called "skill". Comments like this only tend to encourage more opinions passed off as facts, which is not a good thing.
I wondered whether it was worth plopping an MC down next to your OCs to increase the firing rate, as opposed to just getting an extra OC. Sadly, I never got a chance to find out. I really liked the idea of MCs increasing the hive spawn rate, that seemed a highly useful ability. Marines can always outspawn aliens if necessary (and sometimes I see four or five IPs in those ridiculously long endgames).
You (or the people you play with) seem to be thinking in terms of 1.04 still. Y'all need to get away from that.
(oh, and I'm a killing machine with a silenced skulk. it's not a useless upgrade - it just might not suit your playing style)