A Commander Story.....

P-KhanP-Khan Join Date: 2003-05-27 Member: 16776Members
<div class="IPBDescription">Just wanna know how I went</div> Well, I tried being commander once, and I think it wasn't a total failure. I mean, of course I lost, but there were some damages inflicted to the aliens. Just wanted to know how I went and any hints would be helpfull <!--emo&:)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo--> <!--emo&:)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->

Well, we began the game at ns_nothing, which personaly is one of my favourite maps, but don't know it very well. Once the game started, I went strait to the comm and began deploing an armory and a IP. After that I dropped a couple of mines so the entrance of the base would be all wired and told everyone to stay on defence, except for 2 guys who I sent to look for the hive, since I was gonna do a tech rush. I first made a turret factory and quickly deployed one turret, to help for defence. Then, upgraded my turret facotry, so some siege turrets could be made, and next to the entrence's wall I one of them with an observatory. This made the aliens, who were performing a siege, to back down a bit. Then, I upgraded the armory and began deploying jetpack with HMG to 2 squads, each having 3 guys. One, of course, stayed for defence and for some welding on the damaged structures. I was gonna start to make a 2 base on one of the hive's location, when all of a sudden, 2 Onos appeared outa nothing and began wasting my base. Since I only had one guy, with a welder and a HMG the base was quickly destroyed. I then began depolying like mad another comm chair, IP, armory, everything i could on another area and told all the marines to head there. But the guys wouldn't listen to me and began sieging a hive. They died in less than a minute and we lost.

I wouldn't consider this a complete failure, but i would appreciate some comments on this battle. Thanx.


  • big_fat_c0wbig_fat_c0w Join Date: 2002-12-30 Member: 11595Members
    couple of things:
    1)on nothing always relo to genertor/cargo
    2) get red room or the bridge in viaduct u don't need upgraded armory for that so jp b4 hmg.!!
    3) don't get siege in base!
    4) don't get tf @ base...espically if u have marins gurading it since it costs tons of res
    5) if your base get destroyed build the CC where u have marines.. espicaly as u said u had siege therefore tf and some def

    that's the main stuff i thought about @ least..
  • ForfeitForfeit Join Date: 2003-01-09 Member: 12054Members
    If you are going to do a tech rush, then you have to kill the enemy before he kills you.

    So build only 1 ip and 1 armory. Give some mines to use ON THE GROUND, and tell your team to get RTs.

    After that, start upgrading your armory. It takes a lot of time, so you have to do it before you build an Arms Lab and a Proto lab. After you build a Proto, upgrade jetpack, and use all your money left to do armor and weapons upgrades. Keep building Rts, because the aliens will always kill a few.

    When you have jetpack and hmg, that can take from 5 to 15 minutes, send a few guys to the less defended hive. If they already have 2, and have used webs, then send a group together with welders.

    The problem is if they have fades. Then, if you can, try an HA rush.
  • WelderWelder Join Date: 2003-06-10 Member: 17191Members
    If an onos (or two!) shows up at your base, rest assured your tech rush has failed.

    Building turrets at your main base is a waste of time, resources, and manpower, especially at the beginning of the game.

    By the way, you don't have to send marines out to find the hive, and even pinging them isn't necessary. Just listen for the gurgling sound of the first alien resource tower; that's their hive.
  • Chopper_Dave1Chopper_Dave1 Join Date: 2002-11-01 Member: 2353Members
    Sounds to me that you didn't expand very much.

    Tech rushing in NS is a little different from most other games. Tech rushes in NS involve expansion, and turtling will NEVER net you a win. If you didn't get any resources besides your main base and maybe docking wing, you aren't tech rushing. The aliens, who have spent the entire game securing the resources outside you rbase and getting three hives up, ARE tech rushing.

    That said, relocation to Cargo and Generator is a good way of getting said resources, though extremely tired. I'd wager that every alien team I've played on says "Make sure they don't get Generator, or Cargo." Aliens just expect it, so using those strats are a good place to start and gain more experience, but not a good way to win all the time. A better way to go about doing things, once you have the experience, is to control and block off key points of the map to keep aliens from even going anywher else. For example, setting up and controlling outposts at Ominous Kismet and the Elevator Junction will keep most every alien from ever getting into Power Silo, and if a gorge DOES sneak in there, he'll usually be alone and far from reinforcements (read: easy to kill). And, controlling those two locations gives you rmarines a nice place from which they can assault Viaduct Hive and kill MANY nearby resources.

    As a general rule, the offensive team in NS is the winning team. Keep the aliens on defense. I myself rarely bother securing a hive - it's just too costly and usually ends up in my team buckling down on defense. Instead, just keep the pressure on the aliens and you'll have the benefits of a fast resource flow for the marines and low resource flow for the aliens. That means you can tech up quickly, and by the time they even start thinking about a second hive, you can jetbo in and kill their first. Instead of mining your base, try getting out and mining the map. Instead of building a siege turret in your base to keep aliens from sieging you, 1) make sure they never have enough resources to do so and 2) attack the aliens so that they won't ever have the time to attack you.

    Turrets aren't a bad idea to have in base, even as a starting point, but I would NOT suggest building turrets first without having some awesome skill as a commander, or having extremely skilled marines under your command. Instead, just drop mines, and only mines - they're the only thing you'll need against skulks in the early game, and will allow you to get out of base and attack the aliens. Once skulks start getting carapace and the aliens have two hives, THEN invest in a turret defense sysem.

    BTW, that deployment of a secondary base will never, EVER work. Once aliens have three hives, game over. Your marines were probably better off ramboing, getting themselvess killed, and ending the game.
  • ChurchChurch Meatshield grunt-fodder // Has pre-ordered NS2 Join Date: 2002-12-31 Member: 11646Members, Constellation
    you just need more experience. I remember, many, many months ago when I used to put turret factories in the marine start. Heck, I also remember when I used to tell my marines to secure two hives with phase gates and turrets (and no mines!) You just don't know how to properly do a tech rush in 1.04. You see, the way marines are built in 1.04 is that since they already have the advantage early on in terms of power, and the maximum amount of units on each team always stay the same, the marines can be expansionist/teching-up/rushing the opponent's base all at the same time. Imagine warcraft3 in which all the gold mines can only support one peasant/peon/wisp/acolyte at a time and each mine must be haunted before you can harvest. The good thing is thre's a lot of gold mines. One consequence of this is that in order to tech-up lots, you also HAVE to expand lots, or else you just won't get the money you need in time before your opponent gets their kodo beast/tauren chieftan combo creature (in other words, onos). Jut remember, you don't need that muh early game defense because frankly, skulks with no carapace sucks. Drop mines, and start upgrading to at least level 1 weapon/armor before 4 minutes has pased (becuase by then level 3 carapace will have appeared) and yourmarines should do fine. Try to get jp/hmg within 10 minutes, as usually by the 15 minute mark the 2nd hive is up and running.
  • zeimizeimi Join Date: 2003-04-11 Member: 15407Members
    Well, if your 1st commanding wasn't a total failure, you were at least quite slow in tech rushing. Theoretically the first onos can appear after approximetely 15 minutes 30 seconds of game time passed (1 player goes gorge, no lerks or fades, 3 RTs first then 2 hives, no upgs, other players dying not counted [NSEcoSim]) and well, after 15 minutes the rush should be already in underway.

    Commanding is all about speed. But I'm confident that you will learn to do all little commanding thingies non-stop.
  • NiteowlNiteowl Join Date: 2002-09-04 Member: 1274Members, NS1 Playtester, Contributor
    in general, if you are tech rushing. ONLY tech rush, don't siege up in base.

    and one tfac for one turr is a bad idea.

    what ChopperDave said, offensive, offensive offensive. he has a more nuanced and better view of what to employ. but for me, it just seems you were trying to do too many things with money you had. in SC, if you are going for a Z rush, you don't build a stargate and arbiter's Tribunal etc etc. you are ONE track minded.

    my 2cents.
  • Killer_WhiteKiller_White Join Date: 2003-06-17 Member: 17449Members
    I myself played some <i>ns_nothing</i> today as commander. We won as marines three times straight and I feel pretty confident in the strategy.

    One IP and one Armory part was good, and mining the doors is also a good idea. The turret factory was not though. That bundle of resources should have been used for more mines to mine up the Resources Towers to be secured. If they don' t have cargo, then that is the place to start. There are three resources nodes right near by. Sending out squads of four to secure Resources Towers works great, each with plenty of mines.

    <!--QuoteBegin--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->I myself rarely bother securing a hive - it's just too costly and usually ends up in my team buckling down on defense. Instead, just keep the pressure on the aliens and you'll have the benefits of a fast resource flow for the marines and low resource flow for the aliens.<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    We won three times straight by doing just that. Many resoure towers and mine kills later, phase gates and turrets at the other two hives was a cince. I don't look at it as buckling down, I look at it as giving the aliens something to peck at while you covertly put up a seige. He is right about not giving up on the offense. The best defense is a great offense.

    Now that both hives are secured and you have motion, level 1 armor and level one weapon, the rest should follow in order: Upgrade Armory, Build Prototype Lab, Research Jetpacks, Research Level 2 Weapons, Research Level 3 Weapons, Research Level 2 Armor.

    Once the Armory is upgraded and you have jetpacks, then jp rush the hive. Build a turret factory outside the hive at the same time so if the jps are taken out there is the posibility of a seige.

    In general, don't let the aliens get the 2nd hive up. It's just too much of a loss. It's a Blitzkrieg.

    I also had the advantage of three clan members on team speak, along with more than three other online friends who listen to my orders and are extremely capable. A good commander doesn't think for the team, he thinks about winning while the team thinks for themselves. Gives small squads group objectives, and let them figure out how to do it. And don't ****. That causes mutiny and an ejection.

    I read the manual and started NS right off as commander. I've been perfecting the art for about three months now. I feel I'm pretty good now and get frequent compliments, but only in the past week. It's just minute things that make you a good commander over a fair commander. You learn small tricks, like binding ammo and health packs to buttons along with placement of turret factories and turrets around then and what the keys areas of the map are. You also have to learn to work with people. Compliment people often. They like it and will listen to you a lot more.

    Anyways, good luck next time you comm.
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