Net_sendpacket Error: Noerror

TractorCowTractorCow Join Date: 2003-01-12 Member: 12231Members
<div class="IPBDescription">I'm getting no error!</div> My brother and I have been having trouble recently setting up lan games.

He, being the more powerful computer, would be the server, and I would join up. The problem is that when I click "Lan games" and NS scans the network for games, it crashes HIS computer. o_O The error message it gives is "net_SendPacket error: NOERROR" which is a big fat lie because I know there is an error.

My specs:
Win 2Ksp3
celeron 333mhz
200meg ram
Geeforce4 MX420 (64 meg) running in GL 640x480
realtek compatible network card (from DSE)
I'm also using a strategic commander.
NO eax

His specs:
Celeron 1.7ghz
256 meg ram
Geeforce4 TI4200 (128 meg) open GL 800x600 (i think)
onboard network, and a realtek network card as well (which we tried installing in case it was the onboard lan, which didn't solve the problem).
NO eax

We both reinstalled half-life, natural selection, and patched it all up. We also have installed RCBot, although this has worked well for us in the past. *shrugs*

We uninstalled QoS on his computer. We tried switching between his onboard lan and the PCI lan card. Windows networking works fine, so I suspect the network itself is ok.

Our network, btw, is a 10 metre crossover cable. We don't have a hub or switch (we once tried both joining an internet game on a modem. Did anyone say 1000 ping? *lol*)

Anyway, ns was working on the network until a few weeks ago... but no more.

Has anyone had this problem?? Or even better... does anyone know how to fix this?


  • TractorCowTractorCow Join Date: 2003-01-12 Member: 12231Members
    No, this is hardly the problem... as his server crashes even before I join the game. All I got up to was CLICKING "Lan Game" and his server went to poo.

    I suspect either it is a network configuration problem, or a NS/HL issue.

    My computer works fine, by the way, considering it's only a 333mhz. No offence taken though. ^_^
  • TucoTuco Join Date: 2002-12-21 Member: 11257Members
    Google is your friend.
    Copy&paste from <a href='' target='_blank'>here</a>.

    <i>Ok, I had this exact error on my LAN at home -- two
    computers, both WinXP, and no internet connection
    involved. It was driving me crazy for the longest
    time, until I started to try a few suggestions I've
    read on various boards. My exact problem was this:

    One computer could go to LAN game, and create a server
    -- no problem, the game opened up, and that computer
    player could run around and shoot and get items -- the
    game. But as soon as another computer entered the LAN
    Game screen -- where the server list is -- the serving
    computer crashed to the desktop with the
    "Net_SendPacket ERROR: NO ERROR" message.

    I started playing around with various port settings in
    the game, and I finally realized that the error seemed
    to be IPX/SPX based. So, even though I have no
    internet and am on an 8-port switch network, I
    uninstalled the IPX/SPX protocol on both computers.
    That left ONLY the TCP/IP -- I had already removed the
    QoS packet scheduler. Then, I set both computers to
    automatically receive an IP address, and to
    automatically locate a DNS server, and powered both

    I turned on one computer and let it sit for a few
    minutes after boot-up; then I ran the ipconfig utility
    (from the command prompt) to make sure it had an IP
    address. When it did, I powered up the other one, let
    it sit, and then ran ipconfig to make sure that it,
    too, had an address. When both did, I used the ping
    command to make sure they could see each other. Once
    that was established, everything worked perfectly -- I
    entered Half-Life, started a LAN game, and the other
    computer could join and play without problem.

    From what I've read, this problem is coming to a lot
    of people for a lot of reasons. Hope this helps
    somebody who was in or near the same boat that I was in.</i>
  • TractorCowTractorCow Join Date: 2003-01-12 Member: 12231Members
    omg thank you so much! That is exactly the answer I was hoping for.

    When I get a chance to try it out, I'll come back and tell you how successful I was (or anything different I tried) so that anyone else with this problem could solve it.

    At the moment my computer doesn't get it's address automatically. That could be the issue.

    Cheers again. ^^

    ~ TractorCow
  • TucoTuco Join Date: 2002-12-21 Member: 11257Members
    There's no problem with your IP addresses, doesn't matter if you are using static or dynamic IPs.
    IPX protocol being installed seems to be the problem, either uninstall or add "-noipx" to your NS-shortcut.
  • TractorCowTractorCow Join Date: 2003-01-12 Member: 12231Members
    Thanks... the result of your suggestion is that I got it working again! Yay me!

    Also I do agree... it does seem to be due to having IPX/QoS installed, although I'm not 100% on that. Anyone with those protocols installed should uninstall them.
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