M41a Aliens Pulse Rifle Release

BlackPantherBlackPanther Join Date: 2002-02-11 Member: 197Members
<div class="IPBDescription">Finally...</div> After months of blood, sweat and other misc substances, it's done.

What's in the .zip:
<span style='color:yellow'>p_model
v_models for marine and heavy
Hud and death sprites

<span style='color:red'><span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'><a href='http://www.tbns.net/blackpanther/m41abeta.zip' target='_blank'>Download this shitnitz!</a></span></span>

Thanks to all who waited for this.
Btw, everyone who made a custom skin is free to re-release the v_models with their skin. I have chosen rifleman's skin only from my personal preference. I urge people to download the other versions some of the skinners here have done.

Well.. im off to army bootcamp for the summer!
Have fun!

P.S.: (If my host goes down, which it will, plz mirror the file to some of the custom NS model sites. Thank you!)


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