Primal Scream



  • BattousaixBattousaix Join Date: 2002-06-25 Member: 822Members
    why an eeeekkkk instead of having a higher pitch roar? <!--emo&:p--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • UCBHi_ThereUCBHi_There Join Date: 2002-10-06 Member: 1450Members
    The <i>really</i> interesting thing about the triggering of other alien screams is that the other aliens can't keep hiding if a lerk in their area screams. This means that Lerks essentially trigger attacks both by letting aliens in the area know to attack now, and also by making them reveal their hiding places.
  • JowerJower Join Date: 2003-02-12 Member: 13448Members
    <!--QuoteBegin--Jink Jink+May 15 2003, 08:17 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> (Jink Jink @ May 15 2003, 08:17 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin--> I can't find the post but someone had the idea to rename the Lerks primal scream to Swack!

    SWACKKKK SSWWWWWACKK! <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
    1. That post is in this thread for crying out loud
    2. It's squawk
    3. It was a joke
  • BogglesteinskyBogglesteinsky Join Date: 2002-12-24 Member: 11488Members
    <i>thats</i> how you spell squawk. thank you jower

    OMG maybe the aleins could get advanced directional speakers so the lerk can make the scream sound like its coming from somewhere its not. then all the marines would start shooting at something that wasnt there !!!11!11one!oneone

    <!--emo&:p--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • twilitebluetwiliteblue bug stalker Join Date: 2003-02-04 Member: 13116Members, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue
    edited May 2003
    Only *if* NS has desert maps.
    A lone marine sentry scans the horizon. The Blue sun sinks from view, leaving a bright blue arc. A cool breeze sweeps through the outpost, sending a few beer cans rolling and stumbling over the rough, stony surface.

    A long, high-pitched scream brutally breaks the serenity. The marine's eyes become widened, and he grips his gun nervously. The other marines, previously sitting in the mess hall are now rushing out, alarmed by the banshee-like war cry.

    The echo died down after several seconds. The preceeding silence only makes the marines more uneasy, as they are now all straining their eyes to see in the rapidly falling night.

    "Look!" the sentry cried and points at the small, flying object he spotted. It is approaching rapidly, with a small sand storm tumbling one hundred or so meters beneath it.

    A bird? A jetpacker? Superwoman?
    Sandstorm? It's not making sense...

    The scream the marines heard moments before is heard again. This time, it is higher pitched, and instead of trailing off, its echo is accompanied by a roar.


    The marine's jaws drop. Slack-jawed, each mouths silently
  • RoobubbaRoobubba Who you gonna call? Join Date: 2003-01-06 Member: 11930Members, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Shadow
    or imagine an entire team of cloaked Oni in the marine base, unnoticed, the lerk flies in squeaking as he goes, then hits the base and

    RRRROOOOOAAARRRRRR (x6) and all the the Oni uncloak and completely rape marine start <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->

    What larks.
  • JowerJower Join Date: 2003-02-12 Member: 13448Members
    Woulden't they have obs in marine start ?
  • Sgt_AponeSgt_Apone Join Date: 2003-03-27 Member: 14934Members
    OK I have mixed feelings about this, as a unit ability ps fits the lerk fine since he's the flying support guy but for the sake of immersion it wont work for me since it seems far-fetched to think a massive Onos or a Fade is going to care much about what mood a tiny Lerk is in. I know Karaa have the whole hive thing going but size matters.
  • Brad_RBrad_R pandas | brad Join Date: 2002-11-12 Member: 8273Members, Constellation
    Primal scream works for the lerk because he is the support unit of NS, especially 1.1...This is a pure support ability, just as his umbra and for the most part spores are. Makes sense to me <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • Sgt_AponeSgt_Apone Join Date: 2003-03-27 Member: 14934Members
    Yeah I know that but from an immersion point of view the Karaa are alien animals that realistically wouldnt have a magic ability to incense a creature about 10 times its own size.
  • Brad_RBrad_R pandas | brad Join Date: 2002-11-12 Member: 8273Members, Constellation
    edited May 2003
    Well, the size doesn't change...and theyre ALIENS. So, how could you know what and what they couldn't do...Plus its not really that far fetched...its like a battle song, etc....something that "pumps" up the other aliens in essence...Just like when you get an adrenaline rush in real life for whatever reason, you can run faster, act stronger, etc...
  • Owl_Force_OmegaOwl_Force_Omega Join Date: 2003-02-26 Member: 14048Members
    I don't see the attachment to having Onos use the ability. Onos is the pure assault class, so why make it have a support ability? The Lerk is the perfect support class, that is its purpose. The sounds can be tweaked, after all, so stop worrying that the little Lerk is going to bellow like a rhino.
  • roachemsroachems Join Date: 2003-04-02 Member: 15148Members
    i hope they make different sounds for the other alien's scream
    (when they scream back)

    for example, the ono's scream should be lounder and deeper than say a skulks.

    yea. my 2cents
  • MEShootHereMEShootHere Join Date: 2002-11-05 Member: 6975Members
    I agree
    It would make it a lot more fun:

    Marines hear a high pitched, whiny, pathetic "Squawk, polly wanna cracker!" and they think "Oooh its just one of them damned parochies.."
    The pathetic, even almost laughable squawk is returned by a hissing sort of yell by the Fade and the bellowing roar of one or two Oni..
    It would almost "autobalance" the ability by forewarning what the incoming squad of aliens is.
    Same reason why I think they should change the "comm sounds" for aliens per race.
    A marine walking a lone corridor suddenly hearing an Onos chuckle..BWAHAHAHAHAHA
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