Server op faq/variables/cheat codes
Game Director, Unknown Worlds EntertainmentSan Francisco Join Date: 2002-01-22 Member: 3Super Administrators, NS2 Developer, Subnautica Developer

Common problems:
<b>Secure mode does not seem to be available.</b>
Due to a last minute glitch with VAC, secure mode was disabled until a patch can be made for it.
This is the official home for NS server variables. This is also included in ded-vars.txt in your NS folder.
<b>Good variables to use:</b>
<b>mp_timelimit</b> - Number of minutes to play on each map. After this expires, the map will change to the next level in mapcycle.txt. IMPORTANT: the map will never switch in the middle of the game, it will always allow you to finish your current game first. Default is 60 minutes (2-3 games).
<b>mp_uplink</b> - Set to 0 or 1. When set to 1 (default), then Constellation icons, Dev icons, and other scoreboard icons are displayed next to players' names on the scoreboard.
<b>mp_tournamentmode</b> - Set this to 1 for a tournament mode. Tournament mode doesn't allow late-joining, doesn't allow commander ejecting, enables friendly-fire, and more. Use this for organized matches only. Set to 0 for public servers and your average LAN game.
<b>mp_serverops</b> - This is a semi-colon delimited string of the WON ids for players that run the server. Example: if there are two server ops on your server, with WON ids "123" and "789", then you would set mp_serverops to "123;789". This displays a special server op icon next to these players names when they play on this server. This display is toggled on and off by typing "auth" at the console.
<b>mp_countdowntime</b> - Number of minutes that the countdown to game start will last (indicated by the beeping once players are on both teams). The default is .05, which is 3 seconds.
<b>mp_latejointime</b> - The number of minutes after the game has started that players are allowed to join the team without waiting to respawn. If a player joins a team after this time, they must wait in line to spawn. Default is 1 (60 seconds).
<b>mp_votecasttime</b> - When the first vote to eject a commander is cast, this is the amount of minutes that the other teammates have to vote. If mp_votepercentneeded votes aren't received by this time, the vote fails.
<b>mp_votedowntime</b> - This is the number of minutes that an ejected commander is banned from the command station on this server. This is persistent across new levels and games. For example, if set to 180, then an ejected commander couldn't play commander on this server for 3 hours. If the server crashes or is restarted, all commander bans are lost.
<b>mp_minvotesneeded</b> - This is the minimum number of votes needed to eject the commander. This can be tweaked to prevent abuse by a roving group of llamas.
<b>mp_votepercentneeded</b> - This is the percentage of the team (0-1) that must vote to eject a commander for it to succeed. Additionally, mp_minvotesneeded must be met. For example, if this is set to .5, then half the marine team must vote against the commander within
<b>mp_votecasttime</b> for the commander to be ejected.
<b>ns_eastereggchance</b> - Set this value to x, where 1 in x+1 games will play humorous audio easter eggs in certain situations. Setting to 0 will enable them for all games. Currently this only affects alien audio easter eggs.
<b>mp_limitteams</b> - This is the maximum difference in team sizes that the server allows. It can't be set to a value less then 1. For instance, if it's set to 2 (the default), then players can join a team as long as it wouldn't make that team more then 2 players larger then the other team.
<b>mp_autoconcede</b> - When one team has this many players or more then the other, they automatically win. This is used to prevent team-stacking and painful end-games. It is only active in casual (non-tournament) mode.
<b>mp_team1handicap</b> and <b>mp_team2handicap</b> - When in tournament mode only, reduces the damage done by players on this team. For instance, if team1handicap is set to .8, then team 1 (marines) will only do 80% damage with weapons, turrets, etc. This feature is here so players can play fun organized games even when one side is way better then the other. It is not used in casual play.
<b>Good variables for debugging</b>
<b>mp_networkdebug</b> - Set this to 1 to see every message NS sends. Logging must be enabled. Use this to track overflows or performance. Default is 0.
<b>mp_drawdamage</b> - Set to 1 to see a rising number whenever any player or structure takes damage. Useful for clan practice or reproducing bugs.
<b>mp_drawinvisibleentities</b> - Entities are drawn for commander even when not visible by a team member
<b>mp_assert</b> - Setting to 1 will cause server to halt when an ASSERT is hit instead of bypassing them
<b>mp_networkmeterrate</b> - This can be adjusted (at your own risk) to only send x amount of bytes to each player per second. Could be useful for fixing overflows, but could have dangerous performance ramifications
List of commands for hlds.
<a href='' target='_blank'></a>
Most servers won't need these, but if you are making a demo movie or need to test something, who knows, these could be useful.
- sv_cheats must be 1
- If cheats aren't 1, it will say "unrecognized command", even though it IS a recognized command
- When cheats are enabled, the game will start when there's a player on at least one team. The game will never end.
<b>spawnhive</b> - As an alien, creates a random new hive for your team
<b>killhive</b> - As an alien, destroys a random hive
<b>addcat x</b> - X where is 1-4. Adds a random upgrade category, just like you had built an upgrade chamber (1 is defense, 2 used to be offense, 3 is movement, 4 is sensory)
<b>removecat x</b> - Take a guess.
<b>givepoints (bound to F11 by default)</b> - Gives you some points
<b>killall</b> - Kills all players in the game with your current weapon (won't kill teammates unless FF is on via tournament mode)
<b>invul</b> - Toggles invulnerability for yourself.
<b>startgame</b> - Starts game immediately (untested for awhile)
<b>endgame</b> - Ends the current game (as a victory for team one). You can also type "endgame 1" for the same effect. If you type "endgame 2", it will be a victory for team 2.
<b>tooltip lala</b> - Adds a tooltip named "lala". It will translate this tooltip if found in titles.txt, if possible.
<b>testevent</b> - Plays a "you just got points for killing the enemy event", for testing where the commander can see events (he can't sometimes, when hovering over the void, or inside geometry)
<b>getnumplayers</b> - Reports the current number of human players
<b>startcommandermode</b> - Teleports you near the first command station it finds and starts commander mode. This will sometimes teleport you inside geometry.
<b>stopcommandermode</b> - Drops you out of command mode, useful when your mouse or the logout button stops working
<b>web</b> - Gives you the effects of having just touched one web. Use multiple times to simulate touching multiple webs.
<b>setculldistance x</b> - Used by mappers to find the minimum culling distance needed for commander mode on their maps.
<b>setgamma x</b> - Sets the current env_gamma level, where x is a number from 1.0 to 2.0. This affects all players.
<b>bigdig</b> - All buildings are built instantly, doesn't require manual building
<b>hightech</b> - All research happens nearly instantly
<b>orderself</b> - When commanding and giving orders, this will give the orders to yourself, so you can logout and see how they look on the HUD. There's no way to stop doing this after you've used this cheat.
<b>editps <name></b> - Used to edit a particle system
<b>listps</b> - Lists all particle systems in NS and in the map
<b>buildminimap</b> - Generates a new minimap. Very CPU intensive. Saved in the ns/sprites/minimaps directory.
<b>crash</b> - Causes NS to crash.
<b>assert</b> - Causes NS to assert
<b>run <name></b> - Runs a server-side script. Ignore this until scripting is more in place.
<b>clientrun <name></b> - Runs a client-side script. Ignore this until scripting is more in place.
<b>giveupgrade x</b> - Gives an upgrade. 20-22 are the marine armor upgrades, 23-25 are the marine damage upgrades, 28 is jetpacks, 29 is power armor, 31 is faster reinforcements, 33 is motion-tracking, 26 is siege, 27 is stimpack, 30 is distress beacon
<b>removeupgrade x</b> - Like giveupgrade but removes one.
<b>killcs</b> - Kills all command stations.
<b>attackcs</b> - Does a little damage to one command station
<b>alert</b> - Generates a random alert.
<b>parasite</b> - Parasites self (no damage)
<b>paralyze</b> - Paralyzes self (like level 5 ability)
<b>boxes</b> - Draws boxes around all buildables (not sure if this still works). Effect goes away after a short time.
<b>overflow</b> - Tries to overflow player.
<b>deathmessage <weaponname></b> - Sends test death message to all. Example: "deathmessage machinegun", "deathmessage bitegun"
<b>setskin x</b> - Sets the players skin (0 for white marine, 1 for black marine)
<b>redeem</b> - Makes it easier to test redemption
<b>Secure mode does not seem to be available.</b>
Due to a last minute glitch with VAC, secure mode was disabled until a patch can be made for it.
This is the official home for NS server variables. This is also included in ded-vars.txt in your NS folder.
<b>Good variables to use:</b>
<b>mp_timelimit</b> - Number of minutes to play on each map. After this expires, the map will change to the next level in mapcycle.txt. IMPORTANT: the map will never switch in the middle of the game, it will always allow you to finish your current game first. Default is 60 minutes (2-3 games).
<b>mp_uplink</b> - Set to 0 or 1. When set to 1 (default), then Constellation icons, Dev icons, and other scoreboard icons are displayed next to players' names on the scoreboard.
<b>mp_tournamentmode</b> - Set this to 1 for a tournament mode. Tournament mode doesn't allow late-joining, doesn't allow commander ejecting, enables friendly-fire, and more. Use this for organized matches only. Set to 0 for public servers and your average LAN game.
<b>mp_serverops</b> - This is a semi-colon delimited string of the WON ids for players that run the server. Example: if there are two server ops on your server, with WON ids "123" and "789", then you would set mp_serverops to "123;789". This displays a special server op icon next to these players names when they play on this server. This display is toggled on and off by typing "auth" at the console.
<b>mp_countdowntime</b> - Number of minutes that the countdown to game start will last (indicated by the beeping once players are on both teams). The default is .05, which is 3 seconds.
<b>mp_latejointime</b> - The number of minutes after the game has started that players are allowed to join the team without waiting to respawn. If a player joins a team after this time, they must wait in line to spawn. Default is 1 (60 seconds).
<b>mp_votecasttime</b> - When the first vote to eject a commander is cast, this is the amount of minutes that the other teammates have to vote. If mp_votepercentneeded votes aren't received by this time, the vote fails.
<b>mp_votedowntime</b> - This is the number of minutes that an ejected commander is banned from the command station on this server. This is persistent across new levels and games. For example, if set to 180, then an ejected commander couldn't play commander on this server for 3 hours. If the server crashes or is restarted, all commander bans are lost.
<b>mp_minvotesneeded</b> - This is the minimum number of votes needed to eject the commander. This can be tweaked to prevent abuse by a roving group of llamas.
<b>mp_votepercentneeded</b> - This is the percentage of the team (0-1) that must vote to eject a commander for it to succeed. Additionally, mp_minvotesneeded must be met. For example, if this is set to .5, then half the marine team must vote against the commander within
<b>mp_votecasttime</b> for the commander to be ejected.
<b>ns_eastereggchance</b> - Set this value to x, where 1 in x+1 games will play humorous audio easter eggs in certain situations. Setting to 0 will enable them for all games. Currently this only affects alien audio easter eggs.
<b>mp_limitteams</b> - This is the maximum difference in team sizes that the server allows. It can't be set to a value less then 1. For instance, if it's set to 2 (the default), then players can join a team as long as it wouldn't make that team more then 2 players larger then the other team.
<b>mp_autoconcede</b> - When one team has this many players or more then the other, they automatically win. This is used to prevent team-stacking and painful end-games. It is only active in casual (non-tournament) mode.
<b>mp_team1handicap</b> and <b>mp_team2handicap</b> - When in tournament mode only, reduces the damage done by players on this team. For instance, if team1handicap is set to .8, then team 1 (marines) will only do 80% damage with weapons, turrets, etc. This feature is here so players can play fun organized games even when one side is way better then the other. It is not used in casual play.
<b>Good variables for debugging</b>
<b>mp_networkdebug</b> - Set this to 1 to see every message NS sends. Logging must be enabled. Use this to track overflows or performance. Default is 0.
<b>mp_drawdamage</b> - Set to 1 to see a rising number whenever any player or structure takes damage. Useful for clan practice or reproducing bugs.
<b>mp_drawinvisibleentities</b> - Entities are drawn for commander even when not visible by a team member
<b>mp_assert</b> - Setting to 1 will cause server to halt when an ASSERT is hit instead of bypassing them
<b>mp_networkmeterrate</b> - This can be adjusted (at your own risk) to only send x amount of bytes to each player per second. Could be useful for fixing overflows, but could have dangerous performance ramifications
List of commands for hlds.
<a href='' target='_blank'></a>
Most servers won't need these, but if you are making a demo movie or need to test something, who knows, these could be useful.
- sv_cheats must be 1
- If cheats aren't 1, it will say "unrecognized command", even though it IS a recognized command
- When cheats are enabled, the game will start when there's a player on at least one team. The game will never end.
<b>spawnhive</b> - As an alien, creates a random new hive for your team
<b>killhive</b> - As an alien, destroys a random hive
<b>addcat x</b> - X where is 1-4. Adds a random upgrade category, just like you had built an upgrade chamber (1 is defense, 2 used to be offense, 3 is movement, 4 is sensory)
<b>removecat x</b> - Take a guess.
<b>givepoints (bound to F11 by default)</b> - Gives you some points
<b>killall</b> - Kills all players in the game with your current weapon (won't kill teammates unless FF is on via tournament mode)
<b>invul</b> - Toggles invulnerability for yourself.
<b>startgame</b> - Starts game immediately (untested for awhile)
<b>endgame</b> - Ends the current game (as a victory for team one). You can also type "endgame 1" for the same effect. If you type "endgame 2", it will be a victory for team 2.
<b>tooltip lala</b> - Adds a tooltip named "lala". It will translate this tooltip if found in titles.txt, if possible.
<b>testevent</b> - Plays a "you just got points for killing the enemy event", for testing where the commander can see events (he can't sometimes, when hovering over the void, or inside geometry)
<b>getnumplayers</b> - Reports the current number of human players
<b>startcommandermode</b> - Teleports you near the first command station it finds and starts commander mode. This will sometimes teleport you inside geometry.
<b>stopcommandermode</b> - Drops you out of command mode, useful when your mouse or the logout button stops working
<b>web</b> - Gives you the effects of having just touched one web. Use multiple times to simulate touching multiple webs.
<b>setculldistance x</b> - Used by mappers to find the minimum culling distance needed for commander mode on their maps.
<b>setgamma x</b> - Sets the current env_gamma level, where x is a number from 1.0 to 2.0. This affects all players.
<b>bigdig</b> - All buildings are built instantly, doesn't require manual building
<b>hightech</b> - All research happens nearly instantly
<b>orderself</b> - When commanding and giving orders, this will give the orders to yourself, so you can logout and see how they look on the HUD. There's no way to stop doing this after you've used this cheat.
<b>editps <name></b> - Used to edit a particle system
<b>listps</b> - Lists all particle systems in NS and in the map
<b>buildminimap</b> - Generates a new minimap. Very CPU intensive. Saved in the ns/sprites/minimaps directory.
<b>crash</b> - Causes NS to crash.
<b>assert</b> - Causes NS to assert
<b>run <name></b> - Runs a server-side script. Ignore this until scripting is more in place.
<b>clientrun <name></b> - Runs a client-side script. Ignore this until scripting is more in place.
<b>giveupgrade x</b> - Gives an upgrade. 20-22 are the marine armor upgrades, 23-25 are the marine damage upgrades, 28 is jetpacks, 29 is power armor, 31 is faster reinforcements, 33 is motion-tracking, 26 is siege, 27 is stimpack, 30 is distress beacon
<b>removeupgrade x</b> - Like giveupgrade but removes one.
<b>killcs</b> - Kills all command stations.
<b>attackcs</b> - Does a little damage to one command station
<b>alert</b> - Generates a random alert.
<b>parasite</b> - Parasites self (no damage)
<b>paralyze</b> - Paralyzes self (like level 5 ability)
<b>boxes</b> - Draws boxes around all buildables (not sure if this still works). Effect goes away after a short time.
<b>overflow</b> - Tries to overflow player.
<b>deathmessage <weaponname></b> - Sends test death message to all. Example: "deathmessage machinegun", "deathmessage bitegun"
<b>setskin x</b> - Sets the players skin (0 for white marine, 1 for black marine)
<b>redeem</b> - Makes it easier to test redemption
giveupgrade 38 autospawns all marines with HA, giveupgrade 39 autospawns marines with JP. Use both at same time to autospawn with JP+HA :-)
Isn't there a command to cause the server to use the specified starting res in a certain map. Like on ns_siege005 marines are only supposed to start with 20 res but it uses default and gives em 100.
Faster spawn rates.
Look at your logs.
shotgun is "shotgun"
mines are (i think) "tripmine"
<!--emo&::asrifle::--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='asrifle.gif'><!--endemo--> <!--emo&::skulk::--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='skulk.gif'><!--endemo-->
<a href='' target='_blank'></a>
Or current - goto metamod-x.x/metamod/ents/:
<a href='' target='_blank'></a>
give weapon_welder
Beware - some entities like alienbuildings will crash the server.
Edit: link changed.
startcommandermode will move you to the nearest CC, but will not spawn one.
scuze me while I go maim my friend who told me that <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->
startcommandermode will move you to the nearest CC, but will not spawn one.<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
You can spawn anything cept for RT's and OC's(They work, but will crash once it kills a player since I dont know where the owner is stored and how the owner is stored). You need to set some of the entvars on them tho. Otherwise, Crashola. I done this easily with a entity copier/mover.
(...).<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
You can spawn anything cept for RT's and OC's(They work, but will crash once it kills a player since I dont know where the owner is stored and how the owner is stored). You need to set some of the entvars on them tho. Otherwise, Crashola. I done this easily with a entity copier/mover.<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
It is possible to spawn all marine buildings if you dont activate bigdig.
You can spawn alienbuildings but if they are finish themselfes the server will crash.
If you spawn not used (?) entities like team_medlab, team_webstrand or team_nukeplant the server will instandly crash.
Or you can try to spawn non-ns entities and the server will also crash.
If you want to see somthing nice try: bind x "give scan;give weapon_bilebomb" and press x! <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->
Noclip is universally disabled in HL MP even with cheats on, for some reason, but I think it can be coded back in if Flayra wanted to.
'till then, use RCBot and 'noclip_mode <name>'
EDIT: btw, I can't do "give team_hive" without crashing...
Try getting a jetpack, flying in a big open area and have a key bound to it.
Use "spawnhive"
That's not the same thing. Spawnhive makes a hive in a predetermined spot. give team_hive creates a hive ghost where you are standing.
I guess I'm looking for something like mp_autoteambalance from CS, but it's not there in NS. I'm trying to play against 8 whichbots by myself (and can't manually add them to the alien team since I haven't figured out why Adminmod isn't working, that'll probably be my next question) so I was wondering if there was a variable I could change to allow this? And if possible, a variable for the maximum total number of players a team can have despite team balancing. I've already set autoconcede so it won't effect the unbalanced teams.
That's not the same thing. Spawnhive makes a hive in a predetermined spot. give team_hive creates a hive ghost where you are standing. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
Heh. Not surprised that it causes crashes then. <!--emo&:p--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif'><!--endemo-->
Yes, FF and more. You can create unbalanced teams by filling both sides with bots, then booting the bots off one team. Since Whichbot doesn't do marines, try filling your side with RCBots (if RCBot and Whichbot will play nice together).
Yes, FF and more. You can create unbalanced teams by filling both sides with bots, then booting the bots off one team. Since Whichbot doesn't do marines, try filling your side with RCBots (if RCBot and Whichbot will play nice together). <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
They do, if you are very careful and read all the bot readmes. In short, install WB as normal, using Metamod. Then install RCBot, but keep your current liblist.gam. Lastly, add the "+localinfo mm_gamedll dlls/rcbot.dll" to your shorcut. Viola!
I know in counter-strike its 'mp_autoteambalance'.
I also know that this cvar works using 'mp_limitteams'.
Can someone comment please?