Ha Starcraft Marine, Version 2.0

TresthTresth Join Date: 2002-11-03 Member: 5602Members, Constellation
<div class="IPBDescription">Last step : animations</div> Ok, this is basically the same as marine 1.1. Except it's scaled to the HA size and the evil hole has been terminated.
The model has still got the skinmesh on, but it's fully Half-Life compatible and can be viewed ingame.

Wilkins' skin(s) is almost done, and will post here the marine.bmp and visor.bmp asap, so you can replace them on the model.

So, here comes the big stuff. This baby needs a skeleton, and needs it bad.
I could do it myself, but I can't get it's skeleton to fit my model without distorting it to death.
I could also make my own skeleton using character studio (and my own animations) but that would take ages :/
So if anyone would please take his time and give that model some motion ;D
Quality plz!


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