Does Anyone Else Use Esdf?
Join Date: 2003-04-05 Member: 15221Members

<div class="IPBDescription">for movement?</div> i think it is actulyl better than wasd beacuse of its closer to the R(eload) key and i gives more room on the left side of you fingers for other things? Mabey im just wierd, ive got crounch bound to mouse 2, but thats just beucase i tend to crouch alot
j/k <!--emo&:p--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif'><!--endemo-->
I've heard of people using rdfg, his reason was the little nub on the f key made it easeir to locate the keys with out looking.
Crazy non?
Basically I use my right hand with mouse ENTIRELY for movement. Mouse1 forward, Mouse2 back, mouse wheel button is Menu, mouse wheel is weapon selection. That lets my brain dedicate navigation entirely to my right hand. Now my left hand does everything else, and the key config goes back to Wolf3D/Doom with Ctrl being the "fire" key, A/Z jump/duck, S/D strafe left/right, X/C firemode/reload, space use. The only downside to this config is that my pinky is used for firing, and for weapons that are not fully automatic, but that you want to fire as fast as possible, that is sort of hard for pinky finger. But all other keys are well within range of my left hand, and as I can touch type, this "feels" very natural as my left hand is almost on home row. Basically every important key is within one key distance between another.
Anyhoo...I'm sure everybody was really dying to know that...
Crazy non? <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
Ahh me too
Evil geniuses think alike!
ph34r 0ur sk1llz!
Basically I use my right hand with mouse ENTIRELY for movement. Mouse1 forward, Mouse2 back, mouse wheel button is Menu, mouse wheel is weapon selection. That lets my brain dedicate navigation entirely to my right hand. Now my left hand does everything else, and the key config goes back to Wolf3D/Doom with Ctrl being the "fire" key, A/Z jump/duck, S/D strafe left/right, X/C firemode/reload, space use. The only downside to this config is that my pinky is used for firing, and for weapons that are not fully automatic, but that you want to fire as fast as possible, that is sort of hard for pinky finger. But all other keys are well within range of my left hand, and as I can touch type, this "feels" very natural as my left hand is almost on home row. Basically every important key is within one key distance between another.
Anyhoo...I'm sure everybody was really dying to know that... <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
Primative... yes very primative and do well with this outdated style?
Basically I use my right hand with mouse ENTIRELY for movement. Mouse1 forward, Mouse2 back, mouse wheel button is Menu, mouse wheel is weapon selection. That lets my brain dedicate navigation entirely to my right hand. Now my left hand does everything else, and the key config goes back to Wolf3D/Doom with Ctrl being the "fire" key, A/Z jump/duck, S/D strafe left/right, X/C firemode/reload, space use. The only downside to this config is that my pinky is used for firing, and for weapons that are not fully automatic, but that you want to fire as fast as possible, that is sort of hard for pinky finger. But all other keys are well within range of my left hand, and as I can touch type, this "feels" very natural as my left hand is almost on home row. Basically every important key is within one key distance between another.
Anyhoo...I'm sure everybody was really dying to know that... <!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Primative... yes very primative and do well with this outdated style? <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
It's efficient and "ergonomical" for me, and that's what matters. heh "outdated", yeah the science of key binding has really progressed over the years, just look at how much keyboards have changed...feh
but wasd just kinda creeped up on me and a couple weeks back I went holy chit! I'm using wasd and not arrows!
up-forward, down-back, Left and right both strafe, ctrl-ducks, shift and mouse 3-jump
numpad1-walks, enter-use, ]-menu, '-Reload
I have used this basic rig on every fps since Castle Wolfenstein Right hand in mouse with fire and a jump while left handles rough movement wepons changes etc.
Also, the WSAD has tons of buttons around unlike the cursor keys where you have to stretch your pinky to hit ctrl, and shift, and enter.
As for the ESDF controls, what do you use for the 'use' button?
[edit] and I use 1,2,3,4 for the weapons wich is a bit complicated with esdf becuz then I have to bind slot1 to '2' etc, but i cant do this becuz I have "0" "-" "=" binded aswell, so where should i leave those binds :/ [/edit]
Forward: Up arrow
Backward: Down arrow
Sidestep: Left/right arrows
Jump: Ctrl
Duck: / (That's where a good pinky comes in handy)
Fire: Mouse1
Reload: Mouse3 (pushing the wheel in)
Change weapons: Wheelup/wheeldown
Last used weapon: KP_END
Voicecomm: KP_INS
I keep the chat keys the same, because if you're going to be chatting, then you're a sitting duck if someone comes after you, so why bother having them close by?
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your duck jump must be awkward
I use ESDF for movement and JKLI for turning and looking up and down. Space bar is Crouch (cause it is down) and 7 is jump (because it is up). G and H are both fire because I can alternate between them REALLY fast and just SPRAY THE BULLETS!!! I find it very easy to type and talk with other players in game, as my hands are already in the correct position. In fact, that is what I do most of the time (with all the other dead guys) so I feel that this position is probably the most optimal.
In case you want to try it out, here are a few more details.
* Page Up is the reload. I put if far away so that I don't just "click" it whenever I finish shooting. The act of looking down and hunting for the key makes you think, "Do I really want to reload now? I mean, there could be a skulk comin' around this corner in 2 seconds and I am going to be SO **** that I didn't just waste it with the rest of my clip!" The only downside of this method is that it has never actually worked. I always seem to die before I find the key. Practice makes perfect as they say!
*I put the Menu as mouse3 and kept the Weapon Switch as the scroll wheel. It is just so convenient to have them together. If I want to evolve, I reach over and do it. And if I want to switch to a parasite real quick to tag a marine the scroll wheel is within easy reach.
(Just a tip. For some reason the 1,2,3 buttons are bound to the weapon slots, and, as those are so close to my config, I kept accidentaly hitting them while playing. I recommend unbinding them or bind them to taunts so that when you bump them some benefit occurs. That way you won't switch weapons with out checking out the options you have (ie. HMG or Welder) and you can always pick the best weapon for the situation you are in!!)
*Shift is my walk key, so that I can hold it down with my left pinkie or my right pinkie depending on my mood. Sometimes I hold it down with both so that I walk extra slow. I think it also puts you in stealth mode but I don't have any proof of this yet. I will post it up here if my testing is positive.
(This is actually my first "testing" thing I have ever done, but I am real excited about it. I looked up the scientific method in my 7th grade Bio book, and my theory is heavily based on it. Basically I hold down both shift keys and walk around. I count how mant aliens walk by me (total) and then divide that by how many aliens see me and kill me. So far the ratio is 1:1, but I think the new patch will change that a little)
*I HATE those people who crouch all around the map and dance all around the air. I only crouch when it is strategical and so I put the button where it fits as a STRATEGIC action and not as an acrobatic skill to use while trying to stomp on aliens. Num_PgUp is my crouch but I have found Num_6 and Num_PgDn work just as well.
So that is my config. I hope it works out for you if you want to try it. See you online <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->
P.S. - If you are 12 years old or younger, I recommend that you definitely try this bind, as it is a great beginner's config. Also email me when you do and I will give you some tips and my server ip so you can come practice. My address is "".
P.P.S. - I forgot to mention one annoying thing. I have yet to figure out how to unbind the mouse from lookin' around. So if anyone knows how to do that, it really messes me up when I am trying to switch weapons and use the menu. I would duct-tape it to my desk but then I wouldn't be able to move around the menu <!--emo&:(--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='sad.gif'><!--endemo--> I am thinking of investing in a tracking ball. I think that would solve ALL my gaming problems. Tracking balls, however, aren't cheap. I don't have a spare 15 bucks now so if you DO know how to unbind the mouse (and still leave it usable in the menu) PLEASE respond <!--emo&::asrifle::--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='asrifle.gif'><!--endemo-->
Buttons you have under your immediate control:
Thats around 25 buttons you can use, it's so useful. I can jump, duck, turn shoot and talk in a second ;D
Buttons you have under your immediate control:
Thats around 25 buttons you can use, it's so useful. I can jump, duck, turn shoot and talk in a second ;D <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
Only problem with this, besides it being completely weird and creepy, is it won't work on ergo keyboards where theres a space in the middle. And I hope you're still not using those carple tunnel dealing death machines known as non-ergo keyboards ::shudders::
The lonely man running into the wall over and over and over again...
P.S. - If you would like to be enlightened, scroll up and read the long reply. If not... you have been warned... <!--emo&::siege::--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='siege.gif'><!--endemo-->
P.P.S. - Seriously, I like that middle config (yghj) NEVER THOUGHT OF IT!! might give it a try. Who needs cntrl anyway when you have 2 alts...
<!--emo&:0--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='wow.gif'><!--endemo-->
Num8/up -> forward
Num2/down -> backward,
Num4/left -> strafe left
Num6/right -> strafe right
NumDel -> jump
Num0 -> crouch
NumEnter -> use / activate
NumPgUp -> flashlight
NumX -> nextweap
Num/ -> lastweap
and so on. Works wonders. The only time I'll ever have to move my hands is when chatting or if the game has more important keys, which whill then naturally go to the grey Insert, Home etc. key setup as well as regular grey arrow keys. Some might think this makes for an umcomfortable playing position with hands near each other. The solution is simple - I move the keyboard to the left. <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->
Ctrl - Duck
Mouse1 -fire
Mouse2 - the menuethingie <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->
KP_ins - Reload
/ - Use
p - Voice comm
KP 1,4,7- Weps 1, 2, 3 <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->
Normal Move Keys
I have a strange config <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->