If ns was....

TimmyTimmy Join Date: 2002-05-17 Member: 627Members
<div class="IPBDescription">A cs clone!</div>I recently read the ReadyRoom un-official NS FAQ.

"It would be cool if we could rescue hostages and buy weapons and all the aliens wore ski masks, wouldn't it? - Riiiiiiight. No offense, but we feel that one's been done. And then copied. And then modified. And then spindled, mutilated, and defaced. Truth be told, no one will ever write a game like CS that can top CS. I should know because (/me rips off rubber mask) I AM GOOSEMAN! AHAHAHAHA! FOOLED YOU! GET OUT THERE AND BUY CONDITION ZERO NOW!!!"

I came up with this skin:
<img src="http://totalwarfare.oktagone.net/cs.gif" border="0">


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