Moderator Needed

cildencilden Join Date: 2003-03-31 Member: 15090Members
edited March 2003 in General Server Discussion
<div class="IPBDescription">for NS section</div> First of, if you regard this as an ad, please remove it, we don't want to hurt our name.

We need a moderator for the NS section of our forums, you have to know almost everything about NS servers. You can check it out here.... <a href='' target='_blank'></a>.

I hope that, that site will become a popular server administration center where people can get together and talk, also, don't tell me about UA, that place is infested, and really doesn't help people.

Also, tell me if I should delete the BAN thread there.

P.S. Masterswordman volenteered, but that trigger happy **** got his account deleted right away, unfourtunatly I still have to edit the database so it would not say "administrator" by his name.

Just respond to this thread if you want in, we will narrow it down to about 2 people, and then make them moderators, thank you.


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