Ha/gorg Race Of Death.

greyfox5greyfox5 Join Date: 2002-02-14 Member: 217Members
During map testing, I will not tell the name, or anything but this, it was the endgame for the marines. There was one LA with a welder, and one HA marine. Guided by our VC, they made it to one hive, and took it down. The HA killed one fade (he had one health) After that poor little LA marine was left alone, and was slaughtered. The HA marine continuited on without welding. He was nearing a hive when he saw a gorg. The gorg jumped into an underwater tunnel leading towards a hive. The HA gave chase. The HA person was screaming over voice comm, "Die!! DIE!!! Fatty!! RAAA!!!!" It was close, the gorg had a big lead on the HA, but the HA was catching up. The gorg started paniking, making evasive manuvers, up, down, left and right. The HA followed. I knew one of them had to be loosing health. The HA was coming near, the gorg was pushing his W key as hard as he could to escape the HA. Blah! The gorg dissapeared!! He died wile underwater. The HA ran out of the water, then died because he fell down an elevator while chasing a fade.


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