Code [15]

CAACAA Join Date: 2003-02-03 Member: 13056Members
<div class="IPBDescription">Your system has been modified?</div> Ok..i recently downloaded Hlamp and it seemed to work fine...Then i tried to join numerous TFC servers..
"I would be just stuck in game with ppl running by me with "Your system has been modified. Remove the modification to play on this server. Code [15]"


  • CAACAA Join Date: 2003-02-03 Member: 13056Members
    wow....anyways i press "enter by accident and it posted it early...ANYways!. ....................that was about 2 weeks ago an NS was working perfect...about 10 mins ago i tried about 7 servers ..all with the same damn error as TFC <<<code [15]>>>. WOww>........OH a last ditch effort, i deleted ALL my HL files, includin Hlamp, and NS....i reinstalled it all and the same damn CODE [15] comes up....OH by the way CStrike works perfectly!///...Does anyone know how i can play my favourite mod ever again?........... <!--emo&:(--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='sad.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • Phant0mxPhant0mx Join Date: 2002-12-05 Member: 10496Members
    edited February 2003
    Did you un-install HL or did you just delete all of the Mod folders?

    If you didn't un-install then you probably should. I hope you're on a fast internet connection, to get your HL updated again...

    If you DID un-install, and it still doesn't work then I don't know what to do...
  • mstrmstr Join Date: 2003-02-13 Member: 13507Members
    edited February 2003
    You have Cheating-Death running. It probably detects HLAmp as a cheat.
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