Ns.amx Plugin
Join Date: 2002-11-10 Member: 8104Members

Ok.. Tcquest78 has written a plugin that does some cool stuff.. you need amx to use this plugin..
plugin features:
anonymous tsay
welcome message
timed motd messages
vote_slay (name)
<b>tsay syntax:</b>
in the console type
tsay (message) 'this will message to all with senders name
tsayy (message) 'this will send a message to all anonymously
in the say:
say:@ (message) ' same as tsay in console
say:@@ (message) 'same as tsayy in console
<b>Welcome and timed motd syntax:</b>
amx_welcome_hudmsg: CVar that holds welcome message.
You can use %hostname% / %name% to put in the server
name or the client name. Welcome is only displayed to
the client, not everyone.
amx_motd < message >: Command to add a new MOTD to the
cycle. Only text allowed, because we can't set color
or XY coordinates. More than one are allowed and are
cycled through
amx_motdtime: CVar that holds the amount in time in
between MOTD's.
amx_welcome_hudmsg defaults to Welcome %name% to
ex. Welcome Tcquest78 to D&S Server
To change this stuff:
Everything should go into admin.cfg.
So, if you wanted to cycle through "hello" and "hello
again!" every 5 minutes, add the following:
amx_motd hello
amx_motd hello again
amx_motdtime 5
To make the MOTD message "Enjoy your stay at
%hostname%, %name%", add the following:
amx_welcome_hudmsg "Enjoy your stay at %hostname%,
Notice: amx_motd does not require quotes, while amx_welcome_hudmsg does!
<b>Vote_slay syntax:</b>
say:vote_slay (name)
Note: this can only be ran every three mins. This can be changed with
amx_voteslay_delay (seconds)
The vote_slay command only works on your teammates and is only voted on by your teammates. This is good for getting rid of those extra gorges and bad CC's.
ok.. there is some other stuff written in the plugin .. but the above is the only thing that works so far. I will be placing other plugins that are NS compatible in this post soon. Let me know if you have any problems. In the works is a statsme kinda thing .. that will tell you your attacker and who you attacked on your death.
I'll keep you posted
plugin features:
anonymous tsay
welcome message
timed motd messages
vote_slay (name)
<b>tsay syntax:</b>
in the console type
tsay (message) 'this will message to all with senders name
tsayy (message) 'this will send a message to all anonymously
in the say:
say:@ (message) ' same as tsay in console
say:@@ (message) 'same as tsayy in console
<b>Welcome and timed motd syntax:</b>
amx_welcome_hudmsg: CVar that holds welcome message.
You can use %hostname% / %name% to put in the server
name or the client name. Welcome is only displayed to
the client, not everyone.
amx_motd < message >: Command to add a new MOTD to the
cycle. Only text allowed, because we can't set color
or XY coordinates. More than one are allowed and are
cycled through
amx_motdtime: CVar that holds the amount in time in
between MOTD's.
amx_welcome_hudmsg defaults to Welcome %name% to
ex. Welcome Tcquest78 to D&S Server
To change this stuff:
Everything should go into admin.cfg.
So, if you wanted to cycle through "hello" and "hello
again!" every 5 minutes, add the following:
amx_motd hello
amx_motd hello again
amx_motdtime 5
To make the MOTD message "Enjoy your stay at
%hostname%, %name%", add the following:
amx_welcome_hudmsg "Enjoy your stay at %hostname%,
Notice: amx_motd does not require quotes, while amx_welcome_hudmsg does!
<b>Vote_slay syntax:</b>
say:vote_slay (name)
Note: this can only be ran every three mins. This can be changed with
amx_voteslay_delay (seconds)
The vote_slay command only works on your teammates and is only voted on by your teammates. This is good for getting rid of those extra gorges and bad CC's.
ok.. there is some other stuff written in the plugin .. but the above is the only thing that works so far. I will be placing other plugins that are NS compatible in this post soon. Let me know if you have any problems. In the works is a statsme kinda thing .. that will tell you your attacker and who you attacked on your death.
I'll keep you posted
EDIT: please look at new post for all the attachments
<!--emo&;)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/wink.gif' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='wink.gif'><!--endemo-->
you know who i am <!--emo&:D--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/biggrin.gif' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->
gw been a bit down lately and even the alpha testers or coding and working more than playing
so the crowds been a bit low
NS is my fall back mod <!--emo&:D--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/biggrin.gif' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->
Here's the new updated one that includes priv msgs
the syntax is the same the only difference is now when you send a priv msg
you type it a little different
@ (message) 'sends a msg to everyone
@(name) (message) 'send a msg to only that person
!!notice the space after the first command!!
the same goes for all the other @@, tsay and tsayy
!!!!! Wait.. not quite working yet on the priv msg's.. will update when fixed!!!!!!
if its on leave it
if its off change it display the messages then change it back
<!--emo&:0--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/wow.gif' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='wow.gif'><!--endemo-->
just an idea
if its on leave it
if its off change it display the messages then change it back
<!--emo&:0--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/wow.gif' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='wow.gif'><!--endemo-->
just an idea<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Its impossible to get a clients value for a cvar.
then just be a mean admin and overwrite it
It checks to see if they have moved every X minutes, then will put up a message asking them to move withing the next 15 seconds. If they don't move,
they are kicked with a message.
you an change the time for how often it check by using:
amx_afkdelay (seconds)
BTW admins are immune to this.
ok.. there was a problem with that plugin.. find my new post for all the lastest plugins
You made sure the commander is also immune to being kicked from not moving? <!--emo&:p--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/tounge.gif' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='tounge.gif'><!--endemo--> <!--emo&:D--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/biggrin.gif' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->
Just to give you an idea this is a list of most of the amx plugins
Afk: checks for afker's.. cvars for how often .. and how many ppl on the server before it starts checking
ns_team: amx_alien/amx_marine(Both server and client cmds). This SHOULD work with 1.03, it'll reconnect
them and store their stuff into an array. Right now, it's not too complicated, and if you try to change
more than 33 people in between map changes and they all don't reconnect, the plugin won't work and wierd
stuff will happen. It's safe to use as long as you don't switch too many people though, and I'll fix this
problem in a bit.
ns_say: This contains all of the 'chat' commands, without the tsays. Like, amx_say, amx_chat, and
amx_psay. I put this in a different plugin because I don't think many people want this one.
ns_tsay: This contains all the tsay-using plugins, like MOTD, WelcomeMsg, and the tsays. I removed
logging to log files, but it still logs normal tsays to consoles (It does NOT log the MOTD and WelcomeMsg
tsays to consoles). Private tsays. I also added '@#<id>' for using id instead of the name. So,
you can 'say @[@][#id][name] < message >', or tsay[y] [@][#id][name] < message >.
ns_vote: This has the vote_slay command. I also added a console vote_slay command, so people that get
confused won't be left out. I'm planning on also adding vote_alien and vote_marine for when there are
no admins around.
motd: Clanmod/Statme like motd that you can use cvars in.
modified rockthevote plugin: allow clients to call it with cvars to specifiy how often and percent needed to pass.
Most of these work flawlessly just a couple of wrinkles left in one or two..
Planned plugins include:
modifed rockthevote plugin with popup menu
/listplayers plugin
on death modified statsme like message showing attackers and attackees.
if you have any suggestions or questions please let us know.
Tcquest is the master coder.. and I'm using my *cough* awesome *cough* server to beta test and
tweak all the great amx NS plugins he is coding!
Or for those, like me....converted from AM.
here is the file that dog can't seem to keep posted.
<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
I must say, woot! a convert!
How do you like it where the greener grass is? <!--emo&:D--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/biggrin.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->
What got you to switch anyway?
Can you tell me how to remove the vote_slay or make it only accessible to a particular level of admin? I'm worried about pub abuse of it....I'll use the gorge kick plug for aliens, and let the coded commkick work for rines....
L 02/16/2003 - 18:49:04: FATAL ERROR (shutting down): SZ_GetSpace: Tried to write to an uninitialized sizebuf_t: ???
Use with caution!
it wouldn't be incompatible, if people would port code ****....
<b>EDIT:</b> ...? apparently "more" was filtered by the obscenity filter....eh??