Potential 1.1 Maps

MayhemMayhem Join Date: 2002-11-28 Member: 10128Members
edited February 2003 in Mapping Forum
<div class="IPBDescription">14-16 player - test server</div> Hello,

I got a request last night to playtest ns_trane for Monday Feb 10. I've decided to open up for all the other *potential* maps that need testing before the friday deadline. I'll give my contact info at the bottom. I'd prefer to run 3-8 maps in the rotation, I'll fix up the nomination script so anyone can call for a vote on the nominated maps. If anyones interested I'd like to get this going today. I am however reserving tonight for ns_trane playtests. Also I can host downloads on my web box if you guys don't already have a site for it. I'm probably going to turn direct map downloads off to prevent false lag issues it may cause. Anyways I see theres about 20 submissions for the 1.1 forum post, unfortunatly I can't host that many maps... I'll be taking the first 7 or so ...

Contact me:

AIM: Mayham4

Sorry the redirect for my email wasn't working... If you emailed me earlier please resend it to the above address.. Thanks


  • Sephiroth2kSephiroth2k Join Date: 2002-04-21 Member: 481Members, Constellation
    ooh! where were you a day or two ago?<a href='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/index.php?act=ST&f=4&t=22387' target='_blank'>http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/in...=ST&f=4&t=22387</a>
  • MayhemMayhem Join Date: 2002-11-28 Member: 10128Members
    Ummm, Busy scripting and stuff .....

    kiwi.rh.rit.edu ( is the test servers IP.... It won't have custom map rotation until tonight... Unless people message me today with their maps to be added. NS_TRANE will be in rotation tonight around 11pm EST....
  • HeistHeist Join Date: 2002-11-09 Member: 7922Members
    Hey Dave... I was hoping the site that I upload my map to regularly was going to update it for tonight but I don't think it will get done. I'll have to upload it to your site. Can I get the link to the upload page or do you want me to send it to you over MIRC. If so what channel?

    PS... I tried to email you but I had it sent back twice.
  • HeistHeist Join Date: 2002-11-09 Member: 7922Members
    edited February 2003
    Never mind. The link was updated... everybody visit www.BrandyFire.com and cheer them on for a nice site.

    If anyone wants to download the map they can. I'll warn you all now tho that it is not finished and the ready room is just functional(box with team selects). The layout is done and only about 1/3 of the vent system is done. Most of the lighting is done and most of the structure is done (you will see a few unpolished parts). There aer NO particle systems as of this compile. I'll be adding these over the next week or so.
    There are a few buttons and what not that move in wierd directions.

    I would like some feedback on layout and potential gameplay problems. If anyone sees a few bugs, I have probably caught them already(just haven't fixed them yet) but I wouldn't mind an email outlining them.
    I'd really like to know if anyone thinks this map could become official (v1.1) quality.

    The link is
    <a href='http://www.brandyfire.com/files/NSMaps/ns_trane_pb.zip' target='_blank'>http://www.brandyfire.com/files/NSMaps/ns_trane_pb.zip</a>

    and guess what. I forgot to add the minimap files <!--emo&???--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/confused.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='confused.gif'><!--endemo--> Sorry. I'll put up a link when I get home.

    <edit> No custom sounds yet either.
  • 10RoUNdTOmMYgUN10RoUNdTOmMYgUN Join Date: 2002-05-03 Member: 572Members
    Where can we get the test maps at? Unless I missed it.
  • MayhemMayhem Join Date: 2002-11-28 Member: 10128Members
    edited February 2003
    Currently the server is only running ns_trane... the link is just above your post if you want to download it and the ip for the server is also listed above.

    Heist: I just got done flying around your map with a jetpack. I was stunned how much detail you've put into this map. Your map is really sweet. I can't wait to play it tonight. The pipework is awesome, I hate to think how much point editing you mustve done. Great work on the map bro.. I'm hoping to see good turnout tonight. If nobody submits new maps to me I'll be forced to run trane 24/7 what a shame ...

    NS_TRANE 11pm tonight!
    <a href='http://www.brandyfire.com/files/NSMaps/ns_trane_pb.zip' target='_blank'>http://www.brandyfire.com/files/NSMaps/ns_trane_pb.zip</a>


    <a href='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/index.php?act=ST&f=4&t=22487' target='_blank'>NS_Trane Screenshots</a>
  • Sephiroth2kSephiroth2k Join Date: 2002-04-21 Member: 481Members, Constellation
    yea brandys a cool guy <!--emo&:)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo--> whens playtesting going on?
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