Longest Round?
Join Date: 2003-01-26 Member: 12755Members

<div class="IPBDescription">had a birthday while playing a game?</div> I was playing on a server, 1 round, on Tanith, for 2 hours. I think thats about my record, although I may have had longer at unearthly hours and not noticed.
I'm betting someone needed a catheter with theirs, so come on, how long is your record?
I'm betting someone needed a catheter with theirs, so come on, how long is your record?
Those were some great games. <!--emo&:D--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/biggrin.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->
Slowly, over time they got enough res to get some upgrades, and we didn't think we'd be able to hold 'em back any longer... Our gorge had put up enough res towers that we were all permanently at 33 (gorge at 100). We had D chambers EVERYWHERE on the map, making us hard to kill. We had one gorge go to ventilation hive, and one go to data core. We got them both to put up a hive at the exact same time. The comm noticed one, so he kept pinging that one. Little did he know the other one was being built too.
We all waited for one hive to finish, and we couldn't believe, but we actually had one hive go up (it lasted about 15 secs). We got all our movement chambers up, and got an entire team of fades + 1 gorge. We then started assaulting them, but the marines had turtled in, and it was hard to clear them out. We were stuck at this stalemate for a loooong time. Slowly, over time, the marines would get lucky and nail a fade, and when we were down to 2 fades left, we did the 'ol hive trick again. This time, the gorges did it while we were attacking, so the comm would be busy keeping marines alive.
This time, we got fades again, and finished off the marines. But it took a long time, and shows that you should never give up. Early on, we debated hitting F4... after 2 hours of playing, the admin put up a vote "Do you think this is a stalemate?". All the aliens voted yes, the marines voted no <!--emo&:p--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/tounge.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif'><!--endemo-->
Sure, if the marines had been better at watching hives, they would have won easily. But then it wouldn'T have even been a challenge for either team.
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First, to address this quote. Not the lame route. The smart route. First, you let them take up that position. Second it is very smart for the marines, if they can pull it off, to relocate to a hive. Preferably one that forces the aliens to travel long distances. Again, not lame. Any tactic that works in this game cannot be considered lame unless it is the use of an exploit.
Second, On my server when the marines do get a hive locked down (usually via a relocation) then the games tend to take at least 3 hours. Many times we have gotten 2 hives and had to fight like heck for a long time because we got the second hive while the entire alien team was going fade. I like thouse games because by then it is the team that uses the best strategy and teamwork that wins.
If the marines successfully make it to processing and drop a siege down, that's the end of the game (usually). The only reason we won was because we had highly skilled skulks, and the marine team wasn't the greatest.
This is the location they were in (screenshot from the end of the game). In the end, I think we tried to build over 12 hives... All got sieged down (except the last one after we killed them all) from that one location.
<img src='http://www.cs.dal.ca/~mla/bestgameever.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image'>
and why is yer resources count green?
From normal playing, I think I got one just under 3 hours, lotsa hive trading.
anyway, in the last two hours of the game we finally won.
i attribute the game length to skill on both sides, it seemed like no matter what , all but one person on both sides of the conflict would die, and the other teams turret/ochamber would get the last one ( I had a VERY good offensive gorge on with me as well)
awesome game. we all quit and went to sleep...
<!--emo&:p--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/tounge.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif'><!--endemo-->
That was also the game when I learned the value of munching res towers - if I hadn't been keeping them low we would have been overrun by ha/jp/hmgs.
You fat <!--emo&::gorge::--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/pudgy.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='pudgy.gif'><!--endemo--> ****. <img src='http://masterswordman.home.attbi.com/3.gif' border='0' alt='user posted image'>
<!--emo&;)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/wink.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='wink.gif'><!--endemo-->
You sure this really happened or were you dreaming and "thought" it happened? <!--emo&:)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->
Ill just shut up now. Im beginning to froth at the mouth and rant.......
That's why I refuse to gorge now - I'm so tired of "OMG DON'T BUILD OCS YOU N00B WE NEED A HIVE!!11dsxc" and any number of other dumbasseries a gorge has to put up with. I even got threatened with a ban once for not following the admin's idea of the proper build order.
Anyhow I went gorge and build as many defence chambers as possible under the hive until I maxed out on how many could be built. Now by this time the marines had tech'ed up and were coming for the viaduct hive with heavy armour and HMG's! So I told all my team to defend the hive at all costs and that by sitting on top of the walk way above our last hive they would be healed instantly by the hive and defence chambers below.
So there we were, lerks and skulks defending the hive when the HA marines came from the right hand side (generator) and let rip with thier HMG's. Whilst they were doing serious damage we were bieng healed almost instantly by the defence/hive combo below and we were doing the best to both strafe and return fire with lerk spikes. 1 lerk did get killed in the process but that was because he strayed a little to far forward. When the marines ran out of ammo or were damaged enough they would return around the corner for ammo/weld/health although any skulk that decided to run at them couldnt even get withing knifing distance. After a few mins they decided to move on us so they all came around corner and went for us. 5 HA marines v 5 lerks and 2 skulks.... This was gonna get messy! To cut a long story short we chewed them to pieces as soon as they got on top of usalthough 2 lerks and 1 skulk died in the proccess. A few hundred resource points wasted for the marines.... <!--emo&:p--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/tounge.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif'><!--endemo--> From time to time after that the commander would send 2 or 3 heavy marine guys our way but we dispatched them easily in the same manner as described above! Doing this we held them off for about an hour and some of the marines were calling us cheaters. Even the marine commander was shouting obscenities our way and roughly 2 hours into the game he upped and left the server and this left the marines slightly disorganised.
Then we made the decision that we had to take back a hive and that hive had to be power silo as it was an easier target than the generator hive so we all concetrated on eating the turret factory in the silo hive! The periodic waves of marines heading for the viaduct hive dissapeared as they all made an effort to defend the power silo hive. After an hour of trying and failing one of our team said over team chat 'IVE KILLED THE PHASEGATE AT GEN HIVE' so we raced there as soon as we could and managed to kill the turret factory just as a gruop of l3 ight marines came around the corner and killed most of us except for this one lucky skulk who chewed all 3 of them.
Anythow we managed to build the gen hive and get fades who then attacked the power silo hive. A few HA guys with HMG's were defending power silo and were doing a pretty good job.
To cut this long story short it took we took power silo back after 2 hours or so bu tthe marines got the genrator hive back anothe rhour or so of fighting and we got all three hives... within 10 mins of getting the last hive we killed thier base by eveolving to onos and won the game...
Some people BS just because "they" have to have the longest game out of everyone else. <!--emo&???--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/confused.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='confused.gif'><!--endemo--> Thats why late int he thread is whe you get the poeple who claim "eight hours" without proof. I predict someone will come up with 8 1/2 or 9 hours next justt o beet the last claim.
It was one of them pendulum games, the advantage constantly swung from one side to the other, marines occupied Archiving, we took DCD and VC3, Rines sieged DCD, we took Arch, Rines Sieged VC3, we raped their spawn, the game went endlessly like this.
Eventually, I decided to have lunch. A full hour of lunch later, I rejoin the server. And yet, that WoL looked familiar, that turret farm was placed exactly like it was before. It was the same damn game. Eventually, we had the rines holed up in their spawn once more.
In a rather large climax, a JP marine managed to decimate two of our hives as we destroyed their base utterly. He'd gotten the third hive, the deathcount started, 3 gorges started up the hives in all three locations, our boys were waiting for him when he tried to take him down.
Best game for a while...
That's why I refuse to gorge now - I'm so tired of "OMG DON'T BUILD OCS YOU N00B WE NEED A HIVE!!11dsxc" and any number of other dumbasseries a gorge has to put up with. I even got threatened with a ban once for not following the admin's idea of the proper build order.
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I think it was actually because you lot are all H4xorzing n00bs ffs tbh!!!!!12
(mention how quick you stomped us, and I'll cry - I'm the only member of tbZ to play NS regularly, you know.)
Anyway, when I joined, the aliens had control of the Generator and Ventilation hives, but both had marines outside trying to seige them at the exact same time. I had no res, so I just kept doing suicide rushes as a skulk to Stability monitoring and eating a marine or 2, but mostly getting torn apart by the wall of turrets they had there. After a few mins. a couple more people came to help and we managed to kill the marines and eat the seige and turrets. Just as this happened though, the seige in the Shipping tunnel outside the vent hive was just becoming active, so we managed to rush it as a team and after I'm guessing 1/2 an hour, we killed the heavies and lights guarding it and got it back.
At this point we made it our mission to kill as many marine res towers as we could to try and cut the flow of heavies. After doing that while simultaneously attacking the sewer (which they controlled) we saw less and less heavies for the rest of the game. After an hour after I had joined, after the gen and vent hives were secure, we still only had about 2 fades, so we kept doing skulk rushes on the sewer unti we finally got it secured. The marines then took it back since they had a mini base in the vestibule. The sewer hive was constantly changing hands all for the rest of the game.
I had finally gone fade during this time and with redemption I only managed to die twice as a fade. After pushing for the sewer hive for who knows how long, and also fending off a lone jp + welder marine at one hive then later a 3 HA/HMG rush. we saw that we were in a stalemate over the sewer and had to do something. One guy sugested that we all meet at Gen and do a massive fade rush on the main base. The plan worked and we caught the marines completely off guard, though I missed about half the battle due to redemption.
After totally wiping out the main spawn, we discovered that the marines had set up a base in the pumping station, so after clearing out vestibule, we still couldn't get the sewer hive up. As a matter of fact, we never did put the sewre hive up except once while I was there, and it got destroyed in about 30 seconds after we got it. The rest of thh game consisted of us keeping pressure on and gradually destroying the base in pumping station peice by peice until we finally took it out and hunted down the 4 marines that had gotten away.
Heh, right after that we played a game on Eclipse where the marines got owned by the aliens <!--emo&:p--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/tounge.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif'><!--endemo-->
I was playing alien on ns_hera, and we were successfully containing the marines in base (we thought) until someone spotted a cc in processing (the old double seige spot) right outside our hive (delta). By the time we skulks got there, they had 2 spawns up and were on the defensive. Thanks to some quality marine shooting, they were able to hold us back until the whole team had respawned there. Then, it was just a matter of outspawning us. They kept engaging the skulks who spawned, and while we were busy, they set up a seige and some base defenses.
A good strat, and I didn't begrudge them using it. As it happened, our gorge (who had been sitting in archiving the whole time) finally had enough for a hive and set it building. Delta went down, and we fled to archiving while the gorge set up defenses.
Wouldn't you know, the marines got to archiving before even half our team had respawned, and they had a phase and tf up before we knew it. Enter seige. This was, maybe, 15 minutes into the game. We expected it would all be over soon. Not so.
They didn't ping the hive. Ever.
They just built up the room outside with turrets. And more turrets. And an armory, and a backup tf, and seiges and turrets. But they didn't scan it. Nor did they come in with ha, jps, or anything else. They just sat there. They weren't teching, since they had full upgrades and jp/ha already (we'd seen them both earlier, and a marine mentioned they had full upgrades). So what were they doing, you ask? Beats me. We spend two and a half hours unsuccessfully group-rushing their position, rushing processing, I even snuck out to vent hive and put it up once, only to have it seiged back down.
Finally, after three hours, the marines started <i>building turrets into the hive</i>. Slowly. Dear god, by the end we were praying for death. It was really inexcusable.
Marines, I make this plea to you all -- if you're gonna win, do it <i>sometime</i>. It doesn't even have to be fast, just do it before the heat death of the universe.
In mid december, on a saturday night. On Nancy.
You can all call bs on this, the only evidence is my clan mates. But if you won't trust an answer why ask?
We were all lanning at my house, and joined my friends server at about 930 pm. We spawned in Subspace Array, to a fully relocated marine base, with a 6-6 game raging around us. Aliens had four fades in SShive when I joined and we managed to drive them off. Webs, walls and skulks had us pinned in every inch of the map, but they couldn't get in. After maybe 2 hours it was down to my lan party and 3 aliens. So 3-3. I ended up taking comm and starting upgrades...yes we had 0 upgrades for anything. One res node. And a resource rich alien army. Luckily they expected us to roll over and die. 3 hours later we had full upgrades, 3 ha/hmgs and the fades decided to get in that vent above the hive itself and drop acid rockets constantly. We moved our base out from under the vent and start marching out. We, after 6 trips, amde it as far as Auxillary command, outside port engine and started to set up siege before the last wave of fades took us out and finaly rolled us up. At 4 in the morning we called it quits.
Since, anytime I see a comm chair in Subspace array I f4.