Best Game Ever

foolfool Join Date: 2003-01-18 Member: 12447Members
<div class="IPBDescription">ns_nancy</div> This was the absolute best gam ever.

I was on aliens, and i was gorge. We started at no name and the teams were about 4 or 3. I ran around building a res tower inside port, and then the one outsie no name. I then started the hive at port ant ran down to build at mess hall and get defense outside no name. When theh ive was done i got a movement at port and 2 at no name. Then they srtaed attacking port. I was just getting defense because it didnt seem that bad, so i went over there to build some more defense and they had a siege.

I used the movement to get back to no name, while all my team, which had a few fades, tried to get the siege turret. We didnt get it, so we lost the hive. Even though wel ost the hive we had control of the area. We foughtthem off the hive itself, but they had a siege, phase gate, and turrets very very close. I built up 3 movements total at no name. So now we had two full upgrades with one hive.

Then for a long long time nothing big happened. We were getting smothered. They had two hives and were attacking the third. I had every res in the game except marine spawn and the one inside subspace, and at times the one inside Port. I tried launching a great attack on thier main base. I had so many res i instanyly build 6 offense and about 7 defense chambers right outside thier base. The attacking didnt work, butthe towers remained there for a little while. Then they died

So now, i blocked off the entrances to no name, and had every resource except two. So that wasnt an issue. They still had the stuff outside port and we were just killing them and they were just destroying us. So then, someone pointed out that the siege didnt attack the res tower in port. And that reminded me, in 1.04 you need to scan or see the buildings to shoot them. So then we decided try to build a hive and port, and maybe they wont scan it at all. So i started the hive, and we had it all planned out. Once the hive finished i would get three sensory and they would all go fade.

While the hive was buidling a few lerks, we were all lerks, we had max res and one hive so everyone lerked with no problem. A few lerks destoryed the phase gate at subspace. Then, we all attacked and destoryed thier base there. I instantly ran there and started a hive even though they had about 15 turrets off, waiting for a turret factory. And i got tons of defense over there so no marine could live. And at about that time, the hive finished in port. Everyone on the team except one person and me Faded. I also got three sensories at Subspace.

The fades attacked the siege turret at port, and them, seeing the fades, scanned port and destroyed it. They had no idea. Now, we only had one hive. But, we have all three upgrades and everyone was a fade. We easily took outthier little base and i started the hive again.

Now, they attacked no name. they all loaded up with heacy machine guns, and heavy armor, and shot guns, and grenade launchers, and jetpacks and went to no name. Our fades and my defense got most of them, but they came very very close to killing the hive. I then secured the hive with about 8 defense chambers directly under it, and we ordered an attack on the main base.

Most people were Onos. Since we had every res, we had so much res i never was below 100. I went in and built offesne towers in thier base and healed the onos and fades and we won.

That game was great. We had one hive for more than half the game, and in an instant we turned the tables. That was The Best Game Ever.


  • GeronimoGeronimo Join Date: 2002-12-18 Member: 11056Members
    I remeber comming a game...on caged...

    I relocated the base to sewers and started by sealing of vent. The I got dropped and when I joined again I had to be alien

    Good for me was that I knew al the places where I had defence and where not

    So with the help of a few skulks, I managed to cap every single res point.-..

    it took them a good 30 minutes to siege the ones at vent and sewer
    , and they couldnt gt them, since we had OCs outside siege range...

    However, they had the hives locked down with turrets everywhere...

    I decided to go skulk again ,and since we had defencechambers all over, I could go in , kill a turret and get out.

    When we finnaly got a hole in their defence at vent, we built the hive and 16 defencchambers under it....and the map changed...
  • PeregineDivePeregineDive Join Date: 2002-07-15 Member: 951Members
    edited February 2003
    The marines sound a little... lacking in the thinking department, but sounds like a good game man.

  • moultanomoultano Creator of ns_shiva. Join Date: 2002-12-14 Member: 10806Members, NS1 Playtester, Contributor, Constellation, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Gold, NS2 Community Developer, Pistachionauts
    edited February 2003
    That reminds me of one of the most interesting games ive played recently. We were on ns_nothing. The marine team quickly secured two hives, but in the meantime we had gotten every other node in the map. Resources were incredible. We had three gorges and every one of them could build as much as they wanted. It led to some really unique strategies. To attack their installation at viaduct hive I climbed on top of the walkway and went gorge. I built a wall of lame because For some reason sieges on the ground cant hit anything on the walkway. I dont know why they cant, but I remembered that from a previous game. Their seige was near the edge of the walkway on the ground. In 1.04 the siege splash damage can damage the siege!! I got up on the railing and started dropping offense towers over the edge. The offense towers functioned as grenades! They popped as soon as they hit the ground, provided I timed them so that the siege got them before the turrets. With the help of a few skulks I managed to get their siege down despite their best attempts to weld it.
    We cleared out everything in viaduct only to find that they had a siege in redroom. Then another strategy occured to us. Because of how many more resources we had, it was worth it to start the hive and then wait for the marine commander to waste resources pinging it to death. We were trading 70 for 15 or so and coming out ahead.
    The game ended up taking 2 hours. We finally won after offensive building rebuked a few attacks on our hive, and concentrated rushing took out redroom. (whenever they would try to set up an outpost to siege, the skulks would rush in and a gorge would spam offense towers next to the turret factory.)

    In 1.04 resource domination is possible!

    This was one of the most unique games Ive played. Now my new strat for taking out a siege is to rush in and spam as many offense towers as possible next to it while its turned the other way.

    Edit: btw I got a parasite kill in that game on someone knifing a resource tower <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • GiotGiot Join Date: 2003-01-26 Member: 12795Members
    too many huge posts!!! AHHHH

    anywho, I played a game about 2-3 hours ago where I got about 25 kills in ~20 min as a cloaking onos (funny **** to see 4 rines run past you then charge emm in the back)
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