How To Win In 1.04

MerciorMercior Join Date: 2002-11-02 Member: 4019Members, Reinforced - Shadow
With the release of 1.04, the option of building phase gates, TF's and sieges is almost useless - Phases go down too fast and sieges cant kill a hive before it is fully contructed without the commander spending stupid amounts of res on scanner sweeps.

So, how do you win on 1.04? This tactic was already starting to show in 1.03 but now that 1.04 is out the only way to secure your win is to do a technology rush. Right from the start of the game keep the aliens on their toes - start with a 3 man rush to their hive (Keep 3 at base for construction & safety) and try to keep them there, as mentioned in another thread - dont bother shooting the hive.. just shoot the aliens as they spawn. keep them pinned. While your marines are harassing aliens at their hive, have a single marine at the other side of the map building res points.

The construction order that works best is IP -> Armory -> Weap Lab -> Lvl 1 Weap upgrades -> 2 / 3 Res towers -> Prototype lab -> Jetpacks -> weap then armor upgrades.

Using the fact that you can infinately hover with jetpacks, send a pack of 4 marines with JP's (and possibly one or two with a HMG depending on how you're doing for res) and have them hover around the hive and blast it - you'll be surprised how fast it goes down with 4 marines shooting at it. Since I upgraded my server to 1.04 thats the best tactic I've found.

Saying this though, I don't like it. I dont want NS to become a game where rounds are just about how fast you can rush each other but unfortunately this is what the game is being pushed towards. Most people are pointing out how byast 1.04 is towards khaara so lets hope Flayra gets it sorted out :/


  • KitfoxKitfox Join Date: 2002-11-25 Member: 9960Members
    One question, i hear this tactic works in can matchs but does it work in pubs?
  • FlatlineUTDFlatlineUTD Join Date: 2002-11-08 Member: 7695Members
    edited January 2003
    The technology rush is immensely powerful in 1.04. The build order you've mentioned is the one I've been seeing the most in clan matches lately.

    Check out this demo of <a href='' target='_blank'>TAU vs RED</a> (courtesy of <a href='' target='_blank'></a>) to see this in action.

    Round two is especially interesting, since RED basically left TAU unchecked and able to cap about 7 nodes. They were able to get HMGs/JPs in no time flat.

    <b>EDIT:</b> Kitfox: The tech rush alone doesn't work in most pub games - you have to couple it with something else in order to be successful. Level 2 weapons/armor with LMGs is extremely useful during the early- to mid-game.
  • MikenolikeMikenolike Join Date: 2002-12-18 Member: 11098Members, Constellation
    Personally I think this is not needed on the larger pub servers, On h2o 30 player server a 1 hour match is commen now, and you always feel like the winning team DESERVED to win. Not just a skulk got lucky and took out 5 guys at once, or a marine accidently stumbled upon your gorge right before he builds the hive.
  • OWAOWA Join Date: 2002-12-22 Member: 11322Members
    phase gates and siege cannons are not "useless" simply because of the few nerfs to them, simply less all powerful. I commanded two games today in which we used sieges and phase gates to control 2 hives and then finished off the last one. Only tech used before the 2 hives were taken was armory upgrades and mines.
  • FlatlineUTDFlatlineUTD Join Date: 2002-11-08 Member: 7695Members
    Phase gates will always be a necessity, regardless of any nerfs they may receive. Unless you want to run out with low ammo and and LMG everytime you leave the base, you're always going to need phase gates for mobility.

    While <b>rushing</b> may not be effective anymore, the transportation they offer throughout the course of the game is invaluable.
  • MerciorMercior Join Date: 2002-11-02 Member: 4019Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    Phases can still be used, personally I get a marine to build a phase just outside the hive while all the others are inside it killing it - the aliens rarely notice it because theyre too busy trying to get your men in the hive itself
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