Unusual Ping Issues

slothyslothy Join Date: 2002-12-11 Member: 10658Members
<div class="IPBDescription">Any Help Please?</div> Hello, I'm having problems with my ping spiking ingame ns... and it started doing it right after i reformated... and iv had the same problem a while ago, but after re-reformating it was fixed. So im curiouse if anyone has any ideas why this may be happening. I know its not my cable.. as my speeds are normal.. and when im pinging a server through hlsw or anything of that sort... its perfectly normal.. but spikes when i connect and play. The spiking usualy happens in actual battles and what not... when a lot is happening on my screen, so im starting to believe it is perhaps somthing to do with the way im reformating... or a certian driver. What i think it may be, is when i reformat XP.. this time i choose NSFA (or what ever it is) with XP.. rather then FAT. Could this perhaps cause an issue like this.. or is it perhaps somthing different.

all suggestions are greatly appreciated!


  • restyresty Join Date: 2003-01-23 Member: 12651Members
    are you sure it's the ping?, and not just a performance drop?

    I cant imagine the cause being the switch to NTFS, win xp should feel more at home on that filesystem then FAT32/FAT. Is there excessive HD activity on the spikes?
  • slothyslothy Join Date: 2002-12-11 Member: 10658Members
    not that im aware of.... Somthing else thati have discovered is that when this happens.. the ping only spikes up on tab menu (scores sheet thingie) but on netgraph it doesnt show to be spiking.. but i can tell ingame that it is infact spiking. So im prity sure this is somthing internal with my comp... and not my cable.
  • InsanityInsanity Join Date: 2002-11-15 Member: 8660Members
    I've recently had this problem too, and it's not related to my internet connection.
    If I can run Warcraft 3 and UT2k3 with decent performance, I wouldn't expect a half-life mod's graphics exceed what my machine can handle, but still it happens.
    I guess I'll stay gorge/builder marine for the time being.
  • slothyslothy Join Date: 2002-12-11 Member: 10658Members
    well.. another thing that i noticed is that when i lag spike.. my choke on net_graph goes up to like 80's and 90's, yet the ping on the net_graph stays normal. And my netgraph is constantly at 20 when not even doing anything, which is odd (usualy 0). any suggestions on what i could do?

    BTW... im running xp with a 1.4 ghz proc and radeon 9000.
  • VadakillVadakill The Almighty BSO Join Date: 2002-04-02 Member: 373Members, NS1 Playtester
    Try lowering your rates in half-life console, type the following in the console when you get into the game:

    fps_max 100
    cl_updaterate 22
    cl_cmdrate 22
    rate 5000

    I don't know if that will help or not but that's what I used to use when I was on dialup. I haven't changed those settings when I got cable and it seems to work fine for me.
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