Science Experiment For Gamers



  • nicegamenicegame Join Date: 2002-11-05 Member: 7009Members
    I like this topic. I have a couple stories of my own to add.
    Someone was saying how you can heat up glass then put it into cold water and make it explode. Well, when i was a kid, my best friend and I were in this huge old barn. And we were up in the hay loft. There was a bunch of old sheets of glass about 4'x4' stacked in a corner.
    We made a small fire out of some hay(in a hay loft remember, so yes, we were stupid) and started throwing the sheets of glass onto the fire. One after another they would explode as we urinated on them. It was quite fun.

    After we tired ourselves of this,we peed all over the fire and stomped it out, then walked back home to my house.
    My mom was taking my friend back home and i was riding with them.
    As we drove by the old barn my mom noticed a bunch of smoke coming out of the barn. So she got out and ran down towards it to investigate. As soon as she got out of the car, me and my friend just looked at each other and were like "OH **** MAN!" My mom came back like 10 minutes later and said it was on fire and she had called the fire department from the owners house.
    The fire department showed up about 20 minutes later( living way out in the country, we didnt have a local fire dep. so it took awhile)
    And this part of the story is where it gets good for me. One of the teachers i had at school, who was always mean to me and alot of kids didnt like, was a volunteer fire fighter. During the fire, when they were up in the hay loft battling the flames the floor collpased under him and he fell thru! lol!
    He broke his leg in 2 places.
    I feel bad about it now that ive aged and matured somewhat. And the best part of it all, we never got caught for it tee hee. And yes i am probaly dumb for talking about it here, but it was almost 15 yrs ago.

    And then my friends and I got guns.
    I got a .223 savage rilfe with swivel bipod and a nice 300$ scope.
    We would take spray paint cans and tape the nozzle down. Then, light the stream of paint and run off. Then, we would sight it in from a couple hundred yards away and blast it. Made a pretty decent sized fireball, not anything spectacular like a pipe bomb, but a nice fireball.

    Fire rules.
  • ARS0N1STARS0N1ST Join Date: 2003-01-25 Member: 12705Members, Constellation
    This post made me sign up...I just had to say if you guys do this you better run out and buy and bicycle helment becuase your obviously suffering from down syndrome.

    <!--emo&::gorge::--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='pudgy.gif'><!--endemo--> wh0r3in it up as always

    Ill eventually make that my sig oh well

    just too lazy
  • DubersDubers Pet Shop Boy Edinburgh, UK Join Date: 2002-07-25 Member: 998Members
    It's great to see that the future generations of our race are taking up mature and resposible hobbys as to futher educate themseves for adult life.

    Keep up the good work chaps.
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