Saving isn't working...

GordeloxGordelox Join Date: 2017-06-05 Member: 230962Members
I give up, been playing for days, battling countless bugs, problems and crashes. Now, when I save my game, it's a flip of a coin as to whether it is actually saving or not. Sometimes it "saves" for a few seconds, sometimes for a few minutes. Either way about half the time I quit and come back it just hadn't saved and I'm back at an old state.

I'm done. I don't want to troubleshoot, I don't want to fuck around with anything, I don't want to play anymore. Not until it's a completely working game. I just figured I'd let you guys know the issue, figure it out and fix it, if you can, and let me know when the game comes out of early access. As of right now, spending about as much time working around issues as playing the game isn't something I can bring myself to do anymore.

PS. I had quit and reloaded because the Cyclops I made didn't have a Cyclops Modification Fabricator, assumingly reloading would have forced it to load the Fabricator in, but I will never know, and frankly at this point, don't care either.


  • WeaselTon69WeaselTon69 Join Date: 2017-04-21 Member: 229818Members
    edited June 2017
    If the saving sign in the top left is still there wait. If you pause the game and wait it will save. This has happened to me multiple times since I to play on Xbox One. So if you let it sit paused for around 5 - 10 minutes it should work. Also if you save multiple times it works I always save twice just to be safe.
  • ShotoutShotout Join Date: 2016-12-04 Member: 224576Members
    Back on XB1 I Put My XB1S away, I'll wait 4 Scorpio.

    Ok, about the Cyclops Fabber, I think that the fabber is still the old one until the 'Silent Running'
    update is realeased, but I may be wrong.

    Oh, BTW reloading SN doesn't work, for me anyway, when the corrupt saves began after the 'Infected'
    update, I reinstalled SN about 10 to 15 times on different consoles, and deleted all of the XBLive (XBL) saves.
    That's when my 'unable to sync data' problem started, so don't delete your XBL saves.

    Here's my rant on the sync problem.
    I haven't played SN on this XB for about 2 months and I still can't sync with XBL.
    I asked an XB 'helper (facilitator?)' on XB Chat about the sync problem about 2-3 months ago.
    Finding help on the XB forum is nigh impossible. But the helper thought that the sync problem was the
    publishers fault. I agree, but the Devs have other dragons to slay.
  • elfcrisiselfcrisis Join Date: 2017-05-13 Member: 230466Members
    I've found that the longer I go between saves, the longer the save action takes. I have had a couple of times where I've waited ~20 minutes and the save never finished, but this is pretty rare and I had done a /lot/ of stuff between saves. I think this has happened three times, and two of those times the save got corrupted when I exited the game. Once, I was able to recover it but the second time I couldn't and had to start over.

    And yeah, the fabricator on XB1 is the old version that you have to build yourself. Took me forever to figure out that that's how you get the Cyclops upgrades pre-Silent Running. x.x
  • SeidZergSeidZerg Brazil Join Date: 2017-07-11 Member: 231764Members
    Gordelox wrote: »
    Sometimes it "saves" for a few seconds, sometimes for a few minutes. Either way about half the time I quit and come back it just hadn't saved and I'm back at an old state.

    Same for me, on XBOX One version. I'm at the Inactive Lava Zone, 600m from the Castle, it was the last valid save for me.
    My game loading is now about 215 seconds ... I can load, I can play but it wont save again.

    Every time when I save my game, I hold my char still (not paused), but I will try the tip of WeaselTon69 about to save and pause the game during the process.

    I will bring news about this soon, if it works or not.

  • SeidZergSeidZerg Brazil Join Date: 2017-07-11 Member: 231764Members
    edited July 2017
    SeidZerg wrote: »
    I will bring news about this soon, if it works or not.

    Well ... it works!

    I have saved twice, looking closely for different plants (to distinc the screenshot of save on menu) ... for the second time it saved and it's ok for now.

    Save two or three times consecutively ... and if the save will be long, pause the game during the process and DONT CLOSE THE GAME until the messagem "Saving..." disappear!

    I don't know why ... but ... if you open the game, load, save and close ... I wasnt able to get to the main menu again, the menu will be "Loading..." forever. I closed the game and opened again, the xbox dashboard said: The game took to much time to open" and doesnt work. Turn off your xbox one holding your hand in front of the X light on console for 5 seconds ... xone will turn off and clear the console cache. Wait more than 10 seconds and turn it on ... you have Subnautica working again!

    And now I will explore the lava castle for the 4th time. lol
  • Echelon11Echelon11 Houston Join Date: 2021-06-08 Member: 271158Members
    I played Below Zero on Xbox yesterday for five hours made so much progress that when I saved and gave the time to actually save then it quit to get off the game thinking everything was OK for the next day I get on to none of my progress being saved at all I am so furious and depressed I know the game is relatively new which is why I gave to save feature an extra couple of minutes after hitting it so that it could actually save before I get it off amount of progress I made in the five hours was amazing and I now have a migraine just thinking about how I lost all of it
  • Echelon11Echelon11 Houston Join Date: 2021-06-08 Member: 271158Members
    Echelon11 wrote: »
    I played Below Zero on Xbox yesterday for five hours made so much progress that when I saved and gave the time to actually save then it quit to get off the game thinking everything was OK for the next day I get on to none of my progress being saved at all I am so furious and depressed I know the game is relatively new which is why I gave to save feature an extra couple of minutes after hitting it so that it could actually save before I get it off amount of progress I made in the five hours was amazing and I now have a migraine just thinking about how I lost all of it

    It Has happened multiple times and I’m just really tired of having to redo everything I did over and over again
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