Subnautica: Below Zero Seaworthy Update - Subnautica

SystemSystem Join Date: 2013-01-29 Member: 182599Members, Super Administrators, Reinforced - Diamond
imageSubnautica: Below Zero Seaworthy Update - Subnautica

The final Early Access update has arrived for Subnautica: Below Zero. Discover the all-new Crashed Ship story, tons of bug fixes, fully integrated soundtrack, gamepad and rumble support and much...

Read the full story here



  • DaSavageOne588DaSavageOne588 United States of America Join Date: 2019-07-17 Member: 253782Members
    Hooray!! I’m so happy! I’ve been waiting two years for this, and now we’re only three months away! Congratulations on finishing the game! You guys are awesome. I just wanted to ask, will there be a digital preorder available on consoles? Thank you so much for your hard work on both games.
  • Mallen106Mallen106 Join Date: 2021-02-26 Member: 267925Members
    I'm so glad you guys are finally almost done! I was amazed with Subnautica 4 years ago and I've been waiting in the beta of Below Zero until it came out too afraid to start a save until all the updates were done, and it looks so good I cannot wait to play it! Huge thanks to the team behind the game for everything you do, we love you!
  • virtualdonvirtualdon Join Date: 2019-11-22 Member: 255783Members, Super Administrators, Forum Admins, Confirm Email, Subnautica Developer
    Hooray!! I’m so happy! I’ve been waiting two years for this, and now we’re only three months away! Congratulations on finishing the game! You guys are awesome. I just wanted to ask, will there be a digital preorder available on consoles? Thank you so much for your hard work on both games.

    There will be digital pre-orders coming (hopefully) soon!

    And thank you all for the support. We're excited to bring the final release to everyone.
  • ncheungncheung Join Date: 2020-08-06 Member: 263057Members
    Will the final version of Zero Below feature multi language as in Subnautica? I confess that I just didn't buy the early access version because it doesn't have a Brazilian Portuguese language.
  • DaSavageOne588DaSavageOne588 United States of America Join Date: 2019-07-17 Member: 253782Members
    virtualdon wrote: »

    There will be digital pre-orders coming (hopefully) soon!

    And thank you all for the support. We're excited to bring the final release to everyone.

    Great! Thanks for the answer and your hard work!
  • RatruleRatrule Join Date: 2020-12-30 Member: 266457Members
    Will there be hard copy versions for ps4?
  • SkysterSkyster Join Date: 2020-11-15 Member: 265476Members
    can u add cloud saves and achievements to epic games
  • PhioPhio Join Date: 2020-12-14 Member: 266056Members
    Congratulations Unknownworlds Team! Great Job. Looking forward to playing this Gem! To avoid misunderstanding, there is no Reset of the Save Games anymore? Can I start with my EA Game now?

    So excited!

  • KyzarvsKyzarvs UK Join Date: 2019-08-08 Member: 254142Members
    Skyster wrote: »
    can u add cloud saves and achievements to epic games

    This - having scratched my survival game itch with Valheim recently, not being able to easily skip between my laptop while 'working' and home PC will be a real backward-step pita. Might get more work done though...
  • PhioPhio Join Date: 2020-12-14 Member: 266056Members
    edited February 2021
    I think you can use Nvidia Now for "Cloud Savegames" ?
  • XaneTempestXaneTempest Join Date: 2021-02-26 Member: 267952Members
    All this good work, but nothing done about that horrific PDA voice. Rather underwhelmed with that.

    I even came here and made an account just so I could post my feedback away from the steam pages because it's not clear how the feedback there is being viewed (seeing as there's plenty of folks furious with this abhorrent PDA voice and no apparent reply from UW).
  • BolerroBolerro United States Join Date: 2017-09-23 Member: 233192Members
    Something is broken since update. Massive storage thrashing causing overheat on the C drive. Please fix before peoples storage devices die from this update.
  • stiingyastiingya Join Date: 2021-02-27 Member: 267970Members
    My nephews game lost everything in his inventory, all his beacons are gone, and then even when I convinced him to just "make lemonade" and keep playing the game is only terrain... NOTHING else is loading in which makes the game pretty unplayable and pointless. He loads at 300 meters with no more O2 tank so he dies before he can surface. Then re-spawns back at the crash and again NOTHING loads, so his character starts freezing because there are none of those heat plants or medpacks/peppers, etc. Plus it's night so he got lost and died before getting to the water the first couple of times.

    I uninstalled and then reinstalled. Qmods are still in the folder but they don't load. He still has all his blueprints, etc. But since NOTHING loads he can't get any resources anyway so he just quit the game.

    He's crushed.This was now his favorite game over fortnite, draws leviathans and prawn suits constantly, ordered custom "knitted" plushy sea dragons and reapers off of Etsy. All he wants to do is have me watch him play.

    Now he never wants to play it again. Sad...

    Hopefully the "update" will get some updates and he'll be able to play again.
  • CaptainFearlessCaptainFearless CO, US Join Date: 2016-12-14 Member: 224941Members
  • ComodoreComodore Join Date: 2021-02-28 Member: 268001Members
    February 27
    I have some opinion on your post. I am constantly and regularly backing up folder with saves. I advise you to come with similar strategy. Extreme ownership does not work only in your work but also in your life. :) Have better days
  • ComodoreComodore Join Date: 2021-02-28 Member: 268001Members
    February 26
    I see your post. I have strange issue with sound and I wonder if it is related. When I play subnautica below zero after this update I get some strange noise that starts interfereing with normal subnautica audio. I wonder if it is related.
  • PhontexPhontex Buena Vista Colorado Join Date: 2020-01-29 Member: 257498Members
    Yay! At long last.
  • riverlwolfplaysriverlwolfplays Planet 4546B Join Date: 2021-03-01 Member: 268026Members
    Is this the final game update or one of more to come I'm just curious
  • GeneticusGeneticus Las Vegas Join Date: 2021-03-04 Member: 268101Members
    Silly "new account" rules say I have to comment on something before I can submit bugs so, this.
  • jordanbunch95jordanbunch95 Peterborough Join Date: 2021-03-02 Member: 268051Members

    Phio wrote: »
    Congratulations Unknownworlds Team! Great Job. Looking forward to playing this Gem! To avoid misunderstanding, there is no Reset of the Save Games anymore? Can I start with my EA Game now?

    So excited!


    I would like to know the answer to this too if possible? I have the early access copy from Epic Games and wondered if I could start the game now and not lose my save data when they update it to add the ending?

    Any responses appreciated!

  • Predaror2109Predaror2109 austria Join Date: 2021-03-07 Member: 268137Members
    i will not by below zero is big mistake from the team to remove cyclop that seatruck is not good for me was verry nice the subnautica but below zero... good luck have fun to all i wait for subnautica 3 maybe it will somebody from the team read the sad coments from so many players not only in the officiale site ;)
  • EvilmincerEvilmincer USA Join Date: 2020-05-01 Member: 260563Members
    edited March 2021
    I have always enjoyed these kinds of games.
    However, even though it is DEV MODE... There are a lot of nasty bugs out there.
    Please watch this video to see what I am talking about.
    time marked it so you don't have to see the whole video.

    This happens at least 4 times out of the 7 restarts.

  • SkyHiRiderSkyHiRider Join Date: 2021-03-07 Member: 268156Members
    Good update, but can the seamonkeys keep giving you stuff after you build Al-an a body?

    I really like them and have built a small seamonkey farm next to my base that I venture into when I need a few resources.

    Would really dislike having to get rid of these fun critters.

    Or make the ones you hatch always bring you stuff.
  • RicaSoaresRicaSoares Marco de Canaveses Join Date: 2021-03-03 Member: 268073Members
    edited March 2021
    Good afternoon, I would like Unknown to give us the opportunity to build the two large rooms, one of which would have the current name (large room) and the second would have the following name (double room), because Marguerit has both rooms and I also wanted to ask that all seatruck modules be without light, when they are not connected to seatruck, especially the storage module.
    Thanks for listening
  • MillionthMillionth Join Date: 2021-03-17 Member: 268345Members
    I've held off since 2019 when I bought it. I *almost* literally can't wait for the full release. OG cemented itself as one of my favorite games of all time, I'm hoping BZ can tread the same waters.

    Great job and congrats to everyone at Unknown Worlds!
  • RitaMarinerRitaMariner Missouri Join Date: 2018-12-21 Member: 246577Members
    I never did get the Seaworthy Update, on Steam, or if I did, it was removed and I was tossed back to earlier version. I have 1400+ hours in Below Zero, so far. Played it through to the end, what there is of it anyways, several times. My favorite part is still the Base Building, but that can still use some improvement. Some items I cannot place in the rooms for some reason, like the coffee machine. I can put it in one habitat, but not another one. weird. The Koppa Mining Site is NOT finished in my opinion. it needs, habitats for an office, break room, resource storage, power generation, spare parts. and a PDA that tells why ALTERRA left the planet. The site also needs drillable LEAD! Since lead has become important, in this game, we need more than usual. I also dislike the Sea Truck. Nice idea, bad design. We spend most of our time poking around, exploring. The Sea Truck is ill-suited for that task. It is clumsy, get caught on EVERYTHING and damaged by plants! As for Margeriet, she needs a Cyclops. other wise, how does she get herself and Preston from her underwater base to the greenhouse? Prawn suit won't do it, Preston would drown before making it. Plus she would have had access to the blueprints to make one, we don't. So it would be a unique one off vehicle, in the game.
  • RitaMarinerRitaMariner Missouri Join Date: 2018-12-21 Member: 246577Members
    I have close to 1500 hours played in Below Zero now, so I can say what with some experience, what Below Zero is missing and should be considered added to the game. 1. Koppa Mining Site, is a major facility, yet there are no habitats for an office, break room, resource storage, parts storage and power generation. A base that big would need a nuclear reactor, the thermal reactors won't cut it. There should also be a PDA, in the site, telling players, WHY, Alterra bugged out and left everything. 2. Margereit needs a Cyclops, she would be the only one with the blueprints to build one and it would be what she uses to take herself and the Snow Stalker Preston, from her base, to the greenhouse and back. The PRAWN suit won't do it. If she had a Sea Truck, she has no Moon Pool to park it in. 3. Have Sea Truck upgrades found in more than 2 Sea Monkey Nests each. 4. Please have more than 2 of some of the creature eggs available to find. 5. Add a new module, to the Sea Truck, a Scanner Module. You walk back, set it to scan for an item, and as you either drive around, or just sit in one spot, it will search for said item. Module would have max range of 300m and need it's own power cels. No fabricator on board, it's just a scanner. 6. Adjust the Prawn Suit Storage Modules. Currently they cost 3 titanium and a lithium to make and hold 6 items. Not a good return on cost. I ask the cost go down to, 2 titanium and a lithium and size up to 9 items. 7. Storage Module, I suggest the large lockers be widen 1 row of slots, each. I think they are 3 wide now, that would make them 4 wide. length is fine. Rest of the lockers and bench, are fine.
  • KyzarvsKyzarvs UK Join Date: 2019-08-08 Member: 254142Members
    2. Margereit needs a Cyclops, she would be the only one with the blueprints to build one and it would be what she uses to take herself and the Snow Stalker Preston, from her base, to the greenhouse and back. The PRAWN suit won't do it. If she had a Sea Truck, she has no Moon Pool to park it in.
    3. Have Sea Truck upgrades found in more than 2 Sea Monkey Nests each.

    Marge has a moonpool though? She could swap them over or have a second. Though I like the idea she has her own 'clops - just as long as I don't have to drive one.

    Totally agree on the Sea Truck upgrades - it's a total PITA looking for the second afterburner or horsepower upgrades in a really pretty, but very tight and maze-like biome.

    And more Lead early-game would be fab. Yes it's easy with a Prawn, but before I've built one I already have kyanite, more diamonds than a Kardashian and enough rubies to make a tower - some more lead wouldn't go amiss. Thanks for making the spiral plants a bit easier to find.

  • rooooooproooooop Join Date: 2021-04-19 Member: 269271Members
    edited April 2021
    I gotta say, I loved both games but below zero is just not as good. I think they had an iffy idea of where they wanted the game to go and just kinda fumbled it hopefully they recover from below zeros flaws in the future. Most of the areas are much more bland and uninteresting than the original. Artic spires needs to just be completely reworked or scrapped. The ice worm is just a buggy weird mess that breaks immersion. The new voice actor doesnt fit the vibe at all. The alien in your head could have been interesting but wasn't and only really served to dilute the subnautica vibe.. The snowfox is janky and terrible. The sea truck is a worse moth. So all in all no good vehicles in this game. This game needed to be more than subnautica not less, and every change I can think of has been a mistake. It's not a bad game but it also is not a worthy successor to subnautica. I wish they had spent 2 or so more years working on fleshing the game out but I get that the games industry is hell

  • RitaMarinerRitaMariner Missouri Join Date: 2018-12-21 Member: 246577Members
    It appears my copy of Below Zero is corrupted. Nothing I have tried seems to be able to fix it. Examples: I go to the bow section of Mercury 2 and it's already been accessed by me, in a previous game. It will not load a fresh bow section. Also all the Sea Monkey nests, in the Lilypad Crevice, are empty! Since in a prior game, I scanned all the fragments. Why when I uninstall, delete all Below Zero files, from my PC. Reinstall the game, it's still corrupted? I have no Sea Truck upgrades. or Ultra-High Capacity Air Tank.
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