Some achievements not working properly
Finland Join Date: 2017-01-20 Member: 226999Members

So there are five achievements I've filled the requirements for without getting them. I have got all other achievements, some of them before filling the requirements for the locked achievements and others after filling the requirements for some of the locked achievements (not all, since two of them are the last two). Is this a more common issue or only happening to me and can I fix it?
A list of the achievements I've completed without receiving the achievement (spoilers):
I did check these from the wiki, but only after I had finished the game and was wondering what five things could there possibly be that I haven't done. Turns out I had done all of them.
A list of the achievements I've completed without receiving the achievement (spoilers):
- Personal Propulsion
construct a seamoth - Ordered the Prawn
Build a Prawn suit - Follow the Lost River
Find the Disease Research Facility - Leave Only Time Capsules
Create and deploy a time capsule - Go Among the Stars
Launch the neptune rocket
I did check these from the wiki, but only after I had finished the game and was wondering what five things could there possibly be that I haven't done. Turns out I had done all of them.
Personal Propulsion and Ordered the Prawn should work when you build another Prawn and Seamoth. Follow the Lost River might be a problem if it requires a certain terminal. You can create a new game, then type the following to get it. Which is why I saved before going into an Alien Base for the first time.
item rebreather
item highcapacitytank
goto lostriverbase
Save the game, exit the game, then load the save of the new character.
I have completed game on survival and didint get 3 achievements.
The complete neptune one and launch it!
Send the time capsule
and hatching the cuddlefish
i did build the rocket and fill my timecapsule with stuff and picture and my cuddlefish was happily swimming in its alien tank thingy ^^
why no achievements
I believe for the Cuddlefish achievement you need to put the Cuddlefish outside. Do this by catching it in the alien containment and putting it in your inventory. Then go outside the base and drop it. You might need to play with it once or twice to get the achievement to work. Also make sure you haven't used any cheats in the play session.
For the other two achievements, I don't know. They didn't work for me either.
Yeah, as I said the game probably only checks for whether the conditions have been filled or not whenever you load the save, but since the rocket launch isn't saved the conditions are never filled when loading the game
edit: now it gave me the PRAWN and seamoth achievements immediately. Weird, every single other achievement has been given only the next time I played. Maybe they've changed it? Will try launching the rocket for the third time (and submitting the capsule for the second)
Wouldn't work since you need to name the capsule to progress in the game. Could be possible that your capsule has to be picked by the devs to get the achievement.
Thermal activity, Go Among the Stars, Leave Only Time Capsules
Go Among the Stars and Leave Only Time Capsules appears to be bugged.
I just skipped the disease reasearch lab entirely, drove my cyclops right past it since you don't need it. So unsure if that one still fires or not even after steam restarts
I enabled beta for the game, it downloaded 250MB of data, when I finished the game with beta patches installed I got the achievements. When I say enabled beta, I mean in the properties of the game in the steam library.
For the rocket achievements, I think that YOU CAN'T USE CONSOLE COMMANDS IN THE ENTIRE GAME!