[Spoilers] Completing Original Subnautica
Calgary Join Date: 2017-03-20 Member: 229061Members

[ Lots of spoilers here for original Subnautica. ]
During the early access of Subnautica, I was fairly active playing the game and posting here. I'd often end up restarting a new game as significant new releases came out.
I've playing 18 games of Subnautica but barely gotten to exploring the Lost River and below, necessary to finishing the game.
I'd like to complete Subnautica so I can thoroughly move onto Subnautica Below Zero. (Just started my first game of SBZ today; wow, looking good....) So, last Wednesday, I started game 19.
Have just made the Cyclops, but still have a fair amount to do before going to the Deep Grand Reef, like kitting out the Cyclops and going to the Aurora. I have a major base in the Kelp Forest just north of the Grand Reef. I think I have all the blueprints except the Stillsuit and the PRAWN Suit, as well as having crafted what I can except the Torpedo mod for the Seamoth and the Torpedo Arm for my future PRAWN Suit.
From what I've learned so far, I think I can handle the game events in the deeps. However, there are a few issues I'm concerned about, especially as they interact together.
In past games, I've had run-ins with most of the above-LR beasties. The Jellyshroom Crabsnakes I avoided and drove off even before getting the Reinforced Dive Suit. Currently I think Warpers aren't quite aggressive, but when I was grabbing the last Cyclops fragment one warped in some beastie that attacked me as I got back to the Seamoth and beat-feet out of there. I HATE HATE HATE Bonesharks as there's always more than one, but I deal. Ampeels I avoid. I mostly avoid Reaper Leviathans and even been successful at that with the Ghost Leviathans.
After clearing those tasks I've done before, I'm looking at going into the Deep Grand Reef. That means damn Crabsquids, who I've dodged. And all the beasties below that. And Warpers will get more aggressive. All in tighter spaces than above.
Any tips on what works well against the beasties down in the deeps?
There's a lot of options and I'd like to avoid carrying more tools than I really need. And have a better idea how tough the vehicles are now and what weapons to use and importantly NOT use.
I've seen past articles suggesting how to handle the LR and below, including Cyclops-free runs, but I'm not sure how this is with the current Subnautica version. I'm also not aware how hard it is to navigate this area, especially considering hostile life there, as I've not done it myself.
Can anyone share current information on navigating on the LR and below as it is now?
Best entrances for initial exploration, common access, and other info, etc.
I know I will be setting up some bases down there. At least a major one in the LR Tree Cove. I can also set up mini-bases (Moonpool+MPR or even smaller) elsewhere. And I can even set up Exterior Growbeds with a Creepvine with Seeds as a beacon, a Brain Coral for oxygen, and Bulb Bushes for food and drink (which could save me if my vehicle gets destroyed and I have to work my way back to a base or the surface).
Anyone have current info on their LR-and-below base experiences?
During the early access of Subnautica, I was fairly active playing the game and posting here. I'd often end up restarting a new game as significant new releases came out.
I've playing 18 games of Subnautica but barely gotten to exploring the Lost River and below, necessary to finishing the game.
I'd like to complete Subnautica so I can thoroughly move onto Subnautica Below Zero. (Just started my first game of SBZ today; wow, looking good....) So, last Wednesday, I started game 19.
Have just made the Cyclops, but still have a fair amount to do before going to the Deep Grand Reef, like kitting out the Cyclops and going to the Aurora. I have a major base in the Kelp Forest just north of the Grand Reef. I think I have all the blueprints except the Stillsuit and the PRAWN Suit, as well as having crafted what I can except the Torpedo mod for the Seamoth and the Torpedo Arm for my future PRAWN Suit.
From what I've learned so far, I think I can handle the game events in the deeps. However, there are a few issues I'm concerned about, especially as they interact together.
- Dealing with the hostile beasties (and how tough the vehicles are now).
- Navigating the Lost River and below.
- Where to set up deep bases.
In past games, I've had run-ins with most of the above-LR beasties. The Jellyshroom Crabsnakes I avoided and drove off even before getting the Reinforced Dive Suit. Currently I think Warpers aren't quite aggressive, but when I was grabbing the last Cyclops fragment one warped in some beastie that attacked me as I got back to the Seamoth and beat-feet out of there. I HATE HATE HATE Bonesharks as there's always more than one, but I deal. Ampeels I avoid. I mostly avoid Reaper Leviathans and even been successful at that with the Ghost Leviathans.
After clearing those tasks I've done before, I'm looking at going into the Deep Grand Reef. That means damn Crabsquids, who I've dodged. And all the beasties below that. And Warpers will get more aggressive. All in tighter spaces than above.
Any tips on what works well against the beasties down in the deeps?
There's a lot of options and I'd like to avoid carrying more tools than I really need. And have a better idea how tough the vehicles are now and what weapons to use and importantly NOT use.
I've seen past articles suggesting how to handle the LR and below, including Cyclops-free runs, but I'm not sure how this is with the current Subnautica version. I'm also not aware how hard it is to navigate this area, especially considering hostile life there, as I've not done it myself.
Can anyone share current information on navigating on the LR and below as it is now?
Best entrances for initial exploration, common access, and other info, etc.
I know I will be setting up some bases down there. At least a major one in the LR Tree Cove. I can also set up mini-bases (Moonpool+MPR or even smaller) elsewhere. And I can even set up Exterior Growbeds with a Creepvine with Seeds as a beacon, a Brain Coral for oxygen, and Bulb Bushes for food and drink (which could save me if my vehicle gets destroyed and I have to work my way back to a base or the surface).
Anyone have current info on their LR-and-below base experiences?
One Run i played only with the cyclops as my Homebase, when you think at all, it is no Problem.
A other Run i played the late game with 3 bases in LR and 2 Bases in the LZ and 1 Base in the last zone.
A Lot of maps can you find here!
So you use the Habitat Builder to start making structures without the materials, so you just leave the outline. That's a cool idea!
As well, with the Pathfinding Tool, if you just happen to press 'F' with it equiped, all the marks are gone. I think it's more for the smaller twistier caves.
I know others have used lots of Beacons. I could put in a Exterior Growbed (perhaps needing a Foundation if there's no place flat enough) with a Creepvine with Seeds as a beacon light and Brain Coral for oxygen (10 or 14 inventory spots each); maybe later add Bulb Bushes for food.
How risky is the LR and below for the Cyclops? How far can you safely take it before switching to the PRAWN Suit?
I'm planning for a major base in the LR Tree Cove, at least 2 other mini-bases elsewhere, maybe a chain of Exterior Growbeds as well for emergencies.
I remember that page from before and I'd checked it out to get all the updated maps. They're going to be a major assistance.
There's also this page with a dynamic adjustable map (which also can show Below Zero).
I've also heard in the LR to as much as possible stay away from the green salt river, staying high to avoid the River Prowlers.
From what I've read, there's 3 "juvenile" Ghost Leviathans in the LR, 1 in each major arm. So the north BKZ arms is better for sneaking past the GL.... I imagine it's not too difficult there for either the Seamoth or the PRAWN Suit.
How hard is it to take the Cyclops down the 3 entrances to the LR and from there to the Tree Cove? Also the Cyclops in the ILR?
What's the best vehicle for the first LR run? I have a fully kitted out Seamoth, so I could use that and aim to get to the Tree Cove and set up a mini-base (Moonpool with a MPR with a Nuclear Reactor) and expand it on later runs. Then exit via the north arm to the north BKZ. And lay Beacons at the turns....
Then I could do a return run back into the north BKZ entrance to my base in my Cyclops hauling the PRAWN....
- Yes, its so much easy and Better to see the big blue color item, sure you can make beacons but for me was this the simply way
As well, with the Pathfinding Tool, if you just happen to press 'F' with it equiped, all the marks are gone. I think it's more for the smaller twistier caves.
- Yes i think , and i use it only in small caves
How risky is the LR and below for the Cyclops? How far can you safely take it before switching to the PRAWN Suit?
- i have no cyclops destroy, but some time it was so close;) I used all Moduls and Updates for the Cyclops and the prawn and enough itemes of all and everything. When you think you Don't need it ! You need it! And i test my skills on the cyclops(near the reefbacks) before i Start my Run in the deep.
For the cyclops are 2 entry to go easy for me in the LR, one in the Grand reef ( my Favorit) and on in the koosh Zone. But i think the other goes well too.
And for energy i used only the thermal plant. There are enough heat and gysirs. And no Service for running
And Don't forgett to enjoy the Amazing Trip to the deep and secrets of 4546B
I think, some picture is Better for understanding
This is one of my Savegame(Hardcore) on a Standard Ps4 with an Samsung ssd as a Systemssd
Or how to use the cyclops right
And why the Seatruck to small is.
I don't understand what you mean by "(in)Spind".
I do kit out the Cyclops, but I do it differently and not so much. Otherwise it'll be too many hours before I can use it.
I put 32 Wall Lockers on the forward lower deck along with a Fabricator, while still having access to the 5 builtin 3x6 lockers. I put a Medkit Fabricator and 2 Wall Lockers in the forward airlock.
I put a Battery Charger, a Radio, another Medkit Fabricator, and 14 Wall Lockers on the Bridge along with 8 plant pots: 4 with Marblemelons (which is twice as many as I need), a Chinese Potato plant, 2 Bulbo Trees, and a Lantern Tree. I also put a Command Chair on the Bridge so I can sit down and stop using Food and Thirst while I look up things on the PDA.
I've added 10 Floor Lockers in between the Launch Bay hatch and the Decoy Launcher in 2 Locker Libraries (accessed from the side) of 5. I put 2 Wall Lockers left and right of the Launch Bay mod console. I put 2 Wall Lockers in the upper Engine Room left and right by the Powercell banks to hold spares.
And I've added in a bunch of space Fire Extinguishers spread out in pairs in Wall Lockers that have a title starting with "FIRE".
Still restocking materials, then I'll be shifting some of them to the Cyclops. Also still have more distant runs I'll be doing in the Seamoth. First time I usually take out the Cyclops is my journey to the Aurora.
Ah, but I think the Seatruck is the superior design. It's modular. Give it a module, about 3 times the size of the current ones, that can have Interior Modules added and it'll be approaching what the Cyclops is and still be smaller.
My Favorit to finish the game, in this save game. Was to play it done with out an back dive to surface and without an death (Hardcore= permdeath ) or to building a fix Base in the deeper sea ( midgame and Endgame) Yes it is possible, but it is so much to think before, about this Trip to be sussesfull. But so much fun and scare
I just arrange some of the port-side Wall Lockers so I can still open them. I've added 53 Wall Lockers and 10 Floor Lockers for a total of 2070 extra inventory spaces, but I'm not wasting those 90 builtin spaces. Total 2160 spaces.
Of course, your Cyclops has many more spaces. But the time to fit it out, gather the mats, then kit it out...that's going to be long. Be a shame if a Sea Dragon looked at it funny.
I'm not really planning another game after this one, as this one will be long enough.
And I don't think I'd go hardcore. I'm getting better, but even in this game, I missed getting oxygen and died once. As well, forgot spare water on a long wreck run and almost died of thirst coming back. Only saved myself by going for my first mini-base under Lifepod 5, as I always leave food and drink in all places. The Thirst meter was a round dot at the time I drank, so it was really close. And I'd likely die more often without the 10s and 30s warnings when I'm shallow diving, as I really get into the swimout and just instinctively respond to the warning.
Anyhoo, in my game, I still have a number of runs both gathering and resource before I start the game advancing (Sunbeam incident, Mountain Isle, and Aurora). Have most of the addon lockers as well as plants, food, and drink on the Cyclops but still need the mats to load on it. Also need to make up prefab base kits for the DGR, LR, etc.
May also do some weapon testing against Warpers and Crabsquids in the GR.
Triggered the Sunbeam event and cleared the Mountain Island of its Purple Tablets and the Quarantine Enforcement Platform of its Ion Cubes. Used an Ion Cube to activate the Mountain Island teleport gate to the Floating Island.
Cleared and repaired the Aurora; got the message with the Captain's Cabin code right after getting back to the Cyclops, allowing a quick 2nd swimout to finish there. Also visited the 3 Alien Sanctuaries (one under a Reaper Leviathan, another under a Ghost Leviathan I never saw, even on sonar) and got their Ion Cubes.
Was greatly helped at points by some of Youtuber Landis' Zero Point guides:
Returned to my main base just north of the Grand Reef. Even with some recharging with the Seamoth's Solar Charger (maybe about the equivalent of 8 Powercells) and the Cyclops Engine Efficiency Module, I drained 8 of the 18 spare Powercells I had.
Considering the Cyclops had a poor operation UI (need to keep swapping in and out of camera views, lack of info in the camera views, sonar information blocked by the console, etc.) and manuevers like a drunk whale, I'm looking forward to finding the Seatruck in my Subnautica Below Zero game and trying it out.
Back at my base, I crafted the PRAWN suit.
I'm now further along in this Subnautica game, my 19th, than I'd even been. This is the first time I've gotten all the surface Purple Tablets and cleared the QEP and the Sanctuaries.
Next up: practice with the PRAWN, then the Deep Grand Reef, its Degassis base (Crabsquids >:( ), and then the Lost River.
But first, some screenshots of bases and my Cyclops....
Lifepod 5 & initial mini base
Main 5-biome base
Cyclops mobile base
Base testing: Lost River Moonpool+MPR design
Base testing: MPR mini base
Base testing: X Compartment mini base
Base testing: I Glass Compartment mini base
Base testing: L Glass Compartment mini base
If I could give you an advice: please make sure to stockpile batteries for your Cyclops operations - In the deepest levels, the worst enemy of the cyclops is not the baddies, it's running out of energy.
I have to use 12 x energycells for my boattrip.and than i use the cyclops thermal plant with ioncells(absolut late game)
Just prior to this, I'd gone in my Seamoth on a gathering run to the Mountain Isle. Got shaken by a Reaper Leviathan. Then I did a gathering run to the Dunes for Ruby. Got shaken by a Reaper Leviathan.
Going through the Lost River, never got close to anything more dangerous than some Blood Crawlers. Did have run-ins with a Crabsquid in the Deep Grand Reef at the Degassi Base. On the Lost River, saw a River Prowler at mid range. Never saw a Ghost Leviathan (I knew which walls to hug), but likely heard them.
And I'm frickin' tense with visceral fear. I worry that it'll be like the Mighty Jingles and Alien: Isolation. He could only play the game up to a point, then he couldn't go on.
I'm worried this might be too much for me. Starting to wonder about switching to Hello Kitty Online.
I have 12 spare Powercells on the Cyclops. May up that before taking it down.
I have a better feel for the Lost River now. Been to the Laboratory Cache, the one opened by the Orange Tablet. And I've seen the Tree Cove. I have an idea where I'm going to set up bases down there (Moonpool+MPR in the Tree Cove, an MPR+Dual Scanner Room at the crossroads). I have a bunch of them prefab on my Cyclops. Have to pack up the big one planned for the Tree Cove, as it's deployed near my main base for testing.
I do worry the game is getting close to my fear limit. However, I'm also planning things out. I'm thinking I won't be bring the Cyclops back, so it's a one-way trip to the Tree Cove; don't know if I'll take it deeper. The Seamoth will stay at my main surface base. I currently have a lot of materials mostly on the Cyclops. I'll likely return some of them to my main base. I've built the first 2 parts of the Neptune Escape Rocket, but there's 3 more to go, I think.
Even without a PRAWN Suit, I picked up 3 pieces of Nickle and using the Propulsion Cannon, managed to fish out 3 pieces of Crystalline Sulphur. Will have to figure out what I'm going to use them for.
Doesn't fit. Vertical cave shaft is too narrow. I found 2 caves. 1 dead ends. The other comes up from the Lost River. It's where I exitted with my Seamoth. But the cave that goes down, the vertical part is too small for the Cyclops.
Looks like it's time to switch to the SW Blood Kelp Zone. That one I know a Cyclops can get down, as I watched videos by Landis where he used it. I also went forward from there with my Seamoth and I think I can get the Cyclops through without attracting the attention of the Ghost Leviathan.
Already almost used up a Powercell. Good thing I've got 22 spares.
There may be another cave there, but I already came back south. Back at the NW Blood Kelp Zone, I was attacked by a what I think was a Boneshark; dumped a Decoy, and turned on Silent Running. Forgot about it and had almost used up a 2nd Powercell. Stopped at my main base to recharge them and drop off some mats the PRAWN harvested. Calling it a night. Will try again tomorrow.
Crept through the chamber with the Ghost Leviathan but never saw it. Did run Silent Running while I was there.
When I got to the Lost River crossroads, I deployed a prepackaged MPR+Scanner Room x2 base with a Water Filtration Machine, powered by 2 Thermal Plants (need 2 to prevent brownouts).
Moved on to the Tree Cove and deployed a prepackaged Moonpool+MPR+Scanner Room base there.
All told, getting to the Tree Cove consumed the power in 10.25 Powercells. That's with the Cyclops Engine Efficiency Module. I had 22 spare Powercells, so I was still comfortably off. I didn't have any major issues with wildlife, so that's the low side of power consumption.
I have Powercell Chargers in both bases to recharge them, although I don't expect to ever take the Cyclop out of the Tree Cove.
Lava Larva were a nuisance from time to time. Had a minor runin with a Lava Lizard at range, from which I disengaged. Never saw the Sea Dragon. (I think he's on the east side of the Alien Power Plant; I was on the west side.)
And Warpers. Bloody Warpers. Even seeing them and trying to avoid them, got into several fights. I preferred them being close, as they just attacked and damaged the PRAWN suit. I used the Drill Arm on them and they left. I fixed the PRAWN, got in, and moved on.
But several times I was warped out of the PRAWN. Didn't always avoid the attack from the Warper afterwards. Was glad I had two Medkits with me and wish I'd brought 3 or 4. But other times I dodged after the warp and got back into the PRAWN.
Worked my way back up the ILZ Corridor after getting my Kyanite and some more Crystaline Sulphur and Nickel. Eventually got back to base. Now I have all the mods. Still have to finish the facility here in the LR. Then the ILR and the ALR.
The creepiness and dread tension is getting to me. If I could rid the game of one beastie, it would be Warpers. They make everything harder. I've not died to them, but because of them I think I'd never play a Hardcore game as there would be too much risk of losing it all so late in the game.
I just want to work through this game to the end. It's an experience, but so much of that is now harsh.
I'm a hair short of rage quitting and just giving up on Subnautica.
EDIT: I persevered and completed the DRF. Going back, I stayed low and even went into the green river to avoid the blasted Warpers.
Next up: Alien Thermal Plant. Warpers *and* a Sea Dragon. With Lava Lizards and Lava Larva to spice.
Wondering whether to take my Cyclops down. It's a mobile base chock full of kit. Would likely only take it to just inside the ILR, no where near the Sea Dragon. Otherwise it's just the PRAWN suit, same as the Kyanite gathering run. Either way, will likely build a small base in the ILR from one of the remaining prefabs on the Cyclops. Mostly following Steam user Bort's guide here, except I brought the Cyclops:
There is practically no danger in the game. The feeling of challenge arises from the outstanding immersion and tension convened through the game.
Regarding warpers, just try to keep moving while it's around and it won't bother you much.
Sea dragons are the chillest of dudes. As long as you don't ram them with the cyclops it's all cool. At most they get curious and spit some fireballs, nothing to worry about. If they get too close just turn on silent running and keep moving.
Park the Cyclops near the bottom and they ignore it.
Most annoying thing are the larvas.
I strongly suggest you drop the guides if you can.
While I agree it can become very tense and scary, the best thing about Subnautica is experiencing the game first hand on your own. It is a game about discovery and exploring, filled with moments that are pure awe. Don't let a guide spoil those.
I've just spent a lot of time in the Lost River, which I've never explored before this game. That's because the threats are hard to judge and the best ways to deal with them are not easy to figure out. I was very creeped out on that first run in the Seamoth through the Lost River. I thought I might have to give up on Subnautica. I rose above that issue, but that doesn't change the impact of other issues.
I'm at over 800 hours playing Subnautica, with 18 previous games of various length from the prerelease, but I've never finished it. I'm still in awe of parts of it, but some other things are irritating if not frustrating. I want to move as smoothly as possible through the rest of the game. And doing that means I need some outside intelligence and examples to help me minimize those irritations and frustrations.
The big ones that get me are the hostile beasties. I know the surface ones and at times still find the Reaper Leviathans, the Crabsquids, the Ampeels, and the Bonesharks challenging.
And. I. Hate. Warpers. They've come close to killing me more than anything else. That's with being cautious and wearing the Reinforced Dive Suit. Too many fights that go far too poorly. I still haven't got the best feel for the best weapon to use against them. Best is just disengage, get back into the PRAWN, and get out, but that's not always possible. And I can't take too many bits of alternate kit, because I take more weapons means I can't take other things. And it's not easy to switch between too many weapons.
As for the Sea Dragon. Well, I hope they're mostly mellow. There's also the Lava Lizards and the Lava Larva and the blasted WARPERS to worry about at the same time.
I really feel some of the irritants are just wrong. For example, the Neptune Escape Rocket. Why when the blueprints are transmitted to the player are they not all unlocked so the player can see what they need. I went ahead and built the platform and the gantry and I knew what I would need for the boosters. I imagine a player in my position, who knows they need Nickle for the boosters, getting that on their journey deep through that part of the game. Imagine they got through all that, built the boosters, and now see they need Crystalline Sulphur for the fuel reserve. Oops, they have none. Back to the Lost River?
Not for about half the players at that point, which is a massive failure to launch. Global rates for the "Optimal Health" achievement is 12.4%. For "Go Among the Stars", it's 6.7%. 46% of players who get to the point of being ready for the rocket never finish it.
The Wiki doesn't even have the ingredients. I have a Cyclop chock full of stuff, so I'd likely avoid this just by returning the Cyclops to the surface. But I also did the research and will be sure to have the right materials.
I'm current at over 8 days play time in this game, with about 6 days of that pre-Lost River, stuff I'm very familiar with. I just get caught up in the game. Gathering swimouts are still fun.
But I'd like to clean up 4546B, launch that rocket, and move on to Subnautica Below Zero.
I have a MPR+Water+2xScanner base at the Lost River crossroads and a Moonpool+MPR+Water+Alien Containment base in the Tree Cove. I've been down to the ILR and have gotten enough Kyanite for my mods and what I know is the 2nd Blue Tablet I will have to craft. Built all the mods. Finished everything above the ILR.
I've decided to take only my PRAWN suit down to the ILR and below. I know I will get a warp gate back up to the QEP from the ATP and later a gate up to the Mountain Isle from the PCF.
So I've decided to take my Cyclops back up to the surface and park it at the Moutain Isle or even in the QEP. There's even some fumaroles in the area that would power it.
I've mostly followed the ideas in this article by Steam user Bort, except he plays to just use the PRAWN to the Lost River and below on one run.
I think I will still bring a cut-down MPR base in the PRAWN and my storage to deploy in the ATP. Already have it prefab on the Cyclops, just have to pick what parts to take. For the PCF, I will likely put together a quickie MPR base powered by a Nuclear Reactor; the Cyclops has enough parts with some assembly. Alternately, I could just use the Cyclops at a distance.
So, following this plan, I'd leave the PRAWN suit kitted out at the Moonpool base in the LR Tree Cove. Take the Cyclops back up to the Mountain Isle. Then get back...?
I have prefab kits for Exterior Growbeds with 1 Brain Coral, 1 Creepvine with Seeds, and 4 Bulb Trees. I placed a line of them, 6 total with Beacons, from the Tree Cove entrance along the safe side of the north branch of the Lost River and up to the cave mouth I exitted with the Seamoth way back, confirming it to be a LR entrance.
And I found an adjacent cave mouth more vertical right beside it. Is this a way out for my Cyclops? Don't know. I know I should be able to exit the NE entrance, as others have taken Cyclops down it. I'd have to creep past the Ghost Leviathan there. Haven't seen one before, so I should do that.
Decided to try to take the Cyclops out the north branch of the Lost River, which I'm very familiar with. No problem with the Ghost Leviathan. And discovered yet a third exit cave, straight forward at a slightly lower depth. Surfaced, then drove to the QEP and parked the Cyclops in its Moonpool.
Swam on the surface until I was over the NW Blood Kelp entrance to the Lost River, then dove with the Seaglide and followed my Beacons with their Brain Coral platforms back down the LR north branch to the crossroads and then to my Tree Cove base.
Drank a little water and replaced that from the WFM. Recharged the small use on the Seaglide's battery. About to take the PRAWN down to the ILR via the ILR Corridor to the ATP.
A few times, I saw them turn towards me. Having a good amount of ceiling, I avoided by jumping over them moving to a spot beyond their reaction range, keeping an eye out that I didn't run into another Warper or a Lava Lizard.
For the lava zones, I've switched back to a Survival Knife, as I've heard the Thermoblade doesn't work on the lava beasties. Certainly the original blade has a more brutal effect on Lava Larva, drawing yellow blood, which I had to clear off of the PRAWN several times. As I was running it with its Thermo Reactor upgrade, it was almost fully charged the whole time.
Once I exitted the ILR Corridor, I moved in towards the centre inclined about 45degrees left. Finally saw the Lava Castle and started ascending. That's when the Sea Dragon got a bit interested. I kept moving and finally saw the northernmost cave entrance, marker with Precursor framing.
Once in the caves, I got lost and always ended up back where I started. Looked at a video of Landis using the entrance I did and finally figured out the turns to get to the centre.
Finally, the Alien Thermal Plant. Thoroughly explored it, collecting Ion Cubes, reading all the terminal data, getting the Ion Battery and Powercell blueprints, and scanning and taking the Blue Tablet. Went gathering free small Kyanite off the lava walls as well as a couple of Crystalline Sulphur. Then used an Ion Cube to turn on the teleporter to the QEP, where my Cyclops was parked.
At the Cyclops, I crafted another Blue Tablet and a number of Ion Batteries, as well as two Ion Powercells for the PRAWN suit. Stored the rest of the materials I'd picked up along the way. Adjusted the load of the PRAWN for my return to the ATP and the last advance, down to the ALZ and the PCF.
Went back with them to the Mountain Isle gate on the outside of the QEP. Got some Enzyme 42 and cured meself.
I wanted to be careful, so I parked my PRAWN Suit on the gate platform, then swam to the nearby QEP Moonpool to get the Cyclops. Moved it out and positioned it over the PRAWN Suit about to pick it up.
Well, of course, things were going far too smoothly.
Sammy the Safety Reaper didn't think my manuever was sufficiently safe and objected to it. Violently.
Damage. Fires.
Well, Proper Preparation Prevents Piss Poor Performance. Besides the stock 2 Fire Extinguisher, I had 24 more in lockers around the ship.
And I had a Cyclops Fire Suppression System upgrade too.
Dropped a decoy. Hit Silent Running. Triggered the Fire Suppression System. Got out of there on all ahead slow.
Was back at my main 5-Biome Base before I realised I'd forgotten to disable the QEP. Ah, go back in a bit.
First, prepped the remaining components to make the 3 stages of the Neptune Rocket. Went out and built the rocket.
Then, back to Mountain Isle and the QEP. Shut down the QEP.
(About here, make my last save. And later found out that screenshots aren't saved unless a save game is made after the screenshots. Oh, well.... It is almost understandable. Too bad they never let players know about it. One, final, IRRITANT! >:( )
Back to my main base. Got ready to make sure I had everything I wanted to take with me.
And a Time Capsule: Silver, Wiring Kit, Ruby, Marblemelon Seed, Gel Sack, and a Blue Tablet.
Went to my Cuddlefish and said goodbye.
Then to the rocket. Powered on all systems. Readied the Time Capsule. Wrote a nice message.
It's been a wild ride, Subnautica. Don't know if I'll ever play you again. You're really good. But also in some places, well, you really portray well how tense it would be in these situations.
858 hours, of which just under 214 hours I spent on this last game #19.
We'll always have the Aurora Diner.
My message and screenshot.
Well, technically, I only died once during this Survival game; ran out of oxygen I think, can't remember the details, and I reloaded my last save. But I came close to dying many other times; once almost of thirst (Thirst meter was a little round blue ball...pays to leave water and food at old bases and Lifepod 5, which saved me), once or twice to the Warpers. Other times weren't as close but could have gone bad.
I've thought of how I could more efficiently run a game, at least the pre-LR parts, where I took about 156 hours out of the about 214 hours game #19 lasted. LR and after, about 58 hours, could likely get a speedup too. I also know that I wouldn't have to stockpile as much as I did in this last game, because most of it went unused, which would reduce hours overall. Considering the current Hardcore speedrun does it in something just under an hour and a half, I'd say there's a lot of room for improvement.
I'd like to say I could get through a Hardcore game, but I would really really hate it if I screwed up in the ILR or ALR and died, wiping out days of play. And one thing that helped propel me to finish Subnautica was wanting to play Subnautica Below Zero and contribute to its development as I did to Subnautica as an Early Access player; there's enough different between the two games, I didn't want to be playing both at the same time.
And there's other games I'd like to play too. I've been thinking that over and the list is long. Subnautica's had over 800 hours of play and even more hours on these forums from me. Time for other games to get the attention.
Hardcore runs are very fun. And you rarely die in the dangerous places, for those are the times when your guard is up.
I totally get it.
What starts me are Reapers and the map limits with open waters.
Just hearing a Reaper screaming is enough to get me on edge, even though I know they are harmless and am more than used to deal with them in several settings, from vehicles to swimming unarmed.
And I find Ghost Leviathans to be super beautiful. Love strafing around them on a seamoth. However the crater edge makes me extremely uncomfortable, and that's the setting where these Levis spook me. Even when they aren't present it gets to me.
In my opinion there aren't really major threats in this game. The best way to deal with fauna is simply to ignore most of it and get out of the way of the really dangerous/aggressive ones. Danger comes from within, getting confident and over-extending a dive or trip simply to go without oxygen/water is the most common way to die in my experience.
I usually ignore them. But in a pinch any strike will make them teleport away and buy you a few seconds of peace. Knife, Stasis shot even running them over with a seamoth works. Just be careful not to get hit and don't stay in their range longer than necessary. They usually guard entrances, so if you go past them quickly they don't usually bother you inside of whatever you are exploring.
Spoiler hint ahead:
And I don't care much about achievements in this game. When I finished it the achiev system was bugged and I didn't get the rocket achiev. And a large share of the playerbase went through this same experience.
I did, however, do several challenges of my own. Vegetarian run, carnivore run, no seamoth run, no prawn run, no vehicles run, and so on... I don't usually follow through with the final grind.
Lastly, loved your pod screenshot.